public static async Task Main() { Console.WriteLine("Starting VulnerabilityTracker"); var check = new VulnerabilityCheck(); check.AddSource(DependencyManagerTypes.NuGet, new OssIndexVulnerabilitySource("")); var vulnerabilities = (await check.ExecuteAsync("Flurl.Http.Xml", "1.5.0")) .ToList(); if (vulnerabilities.Any()) { foreach (var vulnerability in vulnerabilities) { Console.WriteLine($"Vulnerability: {vulnerability.Title}"); } } else { Console.WriteLine("No vulnerabilities found"); } Console.WriteLine("Press Enter to exit"); Console.ReadLine(); }
public static void PrivescChecks(Type[] checks) { bool isHighIntegrity = IsHighIntegrity(); bool isLocalAdmin = IsLocalAdmin(); bool shouldQuit = false; if (isHighIntegrity) { Console.WriteLine("\r\n[*] Already in high integrity, no need to privesc!"); shouldQuit = true; } else if (!isHighIntegrity && isLocalAdmin) { Console.WriteLine("\r\n[*] In medium integrity but user is a local administrator- UAC can be bypassed."); shouldQuit = true; } // if already admin we can quit without running all checks if (shouldQuit) { if (!auditMode) { Console.WriteLine("\r\n[*] Quitting now, re-run with \"audit\" argument to run checks anyway (audit mode)."); return; } else { // except if auditMode has explictly been asked Console.WriteLine($"\r\n[*] Audit mode: running an additional {checks.Length} check(s)."); if (isHighIntegrity) { Console.WriteLine("[*] Note: Running audit mode in high integrity will yield a large number of false positives."); } } } List<VulnerabilityCheck> vulnerableChecks = new List<VulnerabilityCheck>(); Mutex mtx = new Mutex(); List<Thread> runningThreads = new List<Thread>(); foreach(Type t in checks) { Thread vulnThread = new Thread(() => { try { VulnerabilityCheck c = (VulnerabilityCheck)Activator.CreateInstance(t); if (c.IsVulnerable()) { mtx.WaitOne(); vulnerableChecks.Add(c); mtx.ReleaseMutex(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("[X] Unhandled exception in {0}: {1}", t.Name, ex.Message); } }); vulnThread.Start(); runningThreads.Add(vulnThread); } foreach(Thread t in runningThreads) { t.Join(); } if (vulnerableChecks.Count == 0) { Console.WriteLine($"\r\n[-] Not vulnerable to any of the {checks.Length} checked modules."); } else { foreach(VulnerabilityCheck c in vulnerableChecks) { Console.WriteLine($"\r\n=== {c.Name()} ==="); foreach(string s in c.Details()) { Console.WriteLine($"\t{s}"); } Console.WriteLine(); } } }
public VulnerabilityCheckShould() { _check = new VulnerabilityCheck(); }