private VsaEngine CreateAndInitEngine(CompilerParameters options, string[] sourceFiles, string outputFile, TextWriter output) { VsaEngine engine = new VsaEngine(true); VsaSite site = new VsaSite(output); engine.InitVsaEngine("JSCodeGenerator://Microsoft.JScript.Vsa.VsaEngine", site); // Ensure that all options are valid; throw a CmdLineException otherwise this.ValidateOptions(options, engine); // Set options on the engine (equivalent of cmdline args in out-of-proc scenario) engine.GenerateDebugInfo = options.IncludeDebugInformation; engine.SetOption("referenceLoaderAPI", "LoadFile"); engine.SetOption("fast", true); engine.SetOption("print", false); engine.SetOption("VersionSafe", false); engine.SetOption("output", options.OutputAssembly); if (options.GenerateExecutable) { engine.SetOption("PEFileKind", PEFileKinds.ConsoleApplication); } else { engine.SetOption("PEFileKind", PEFileKinds.Dll); } site.treatWarningsAsErrors = options.TreatWarningsAsErrors; engine.SetOption("warnaserror", options.TreatWarningsAsErrors); site.warningLevel = options.WarningLevel; engine.SetOption("WarningLevel", options.WarningLevel); bool stdLibAdded = false; foreach (string assemblyName in options.ReferencedAssemblies) { if (String.Compare(Path.GetFileName(assemblyName), "mscorlib.dll", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) { stdLibAdded = true; } this.AddAssemblyReference(engine, assemblyName); } if (!stdLibAdded) { this.AddAssemblyReference(engine, "mscorlib.dll"); } // Parse any additional compiler options StringCollection compilerOptions = this.SplitCmdLineArguments(options.CompilerOptions); this.ParseCompilerOptions(engine, compilerOptions, output, options.GenerateExecutable); // Add the source files to the engine (as IVsaCodeItems) for (int j = 0; j < sourceFiles.Length; j++) { this.AddSourceFile(engine, sourceFiles[j]); } return(engine); }
private VsaEngine CreateAndInitEngine(CompilerParameters options, string[] sourceFiles, string outputFile, TextWriter output) { VsaEngine engine = new VsaEngine(true); VsaSite site = new VsaSite(output); engine.InitVsaEngine("JSCodeGenerator://Microsoft.JScript.Vsa.VsaEngine", site); this.ValidateOptions(options, engine); engine.GenerateDebugInfo = options.IncludeDebugInformation; engine.SetOption("referenceLoaderAPI", "LoadFile"); engine.SetOption("fast", true); engine.SetOption("print", false); engine.SetOption("VersionSafe", false); engine.SetOption("output", options.OutputAssembly); if (options.GenerateExecutable) { engine.SetOption("PEFileKind", PEFileKinds.ConsoleApplication); } else { engine.SetOption("PEFileKind", PEFileKinds.Dll); } site.treatWarningsAsErrors = options.TreatWarningsAsErrors; engine.SetOption("warnaserror", options.TreatWarningsAsErrors); site.warningLevel = options.WarningLevel; engine.SetOption("WarningLevel", options.WarningLevel); if ((options.Win32Resource != null) && (options.Win32Resource.Length > 0)) { engine.SetOption("win32resource", options.Win32Resource); } bool flag = false; foreach (string str in options.ReferencedAssemblies) { if (string.Compare(Path.GetFileName(str), "mscorlib.dll", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) { flag = true; } this.AddAssemblyReference(engine, str); } if (!flag) { this.AddAssemblyReference(engine, "mscorlib.dll"); } StringCollection args = this.SplitCmdLineArguments(options.CompilerOptions); this.ParseCompilerOptions(engine, args, output, options.GenerateExecutable); for (int i = 0; i < sourceFiles.Length; i++) { this.AddSourceFile(engine, sourceFiles[i]); } return(engine); }
public virtual void SetOption(string name, object value) { if (engine.Closed) { throw new VsaException(VsaError.EngineClosed); } else if (engine.Busy) { throw new VsaException(VsaError.EngineBusy); } else if (engine.Running) { throw new VsaException(VsaError.EngineRunning); } engine.SetOption(name, value); }
// // Entry point // private static void Main(string [] args) { if (args.Length < 1) { Usage(); Environment.Exit(0); } MainDriver(args); VsaEngine engine = new VsaEngine(); engine.InitVsaEngine("mjs:com.mono-project", new MonoEngineSite()); foreach (string asm in references) { IVsaReferenceItem item = (IVsaReferenceItem)engine.Items.CreateItem(asm, VsaItemType.Reference, VsaItemFlag.None); item.AssemblyName = asm; } string asm_name = String.Empty; foreach (Assembly assembly in assemblies) { asm_name = assembly.GetName().FullName; IVsaReferenceItem item = (IVsaReferenceItem)engine.Items.CreateItem(asm_name, VsaItemType.Reference, VsaItemFlag.None); item.AssemblyName = asm_name; } foreach (string file in files) { IVsaCodeItem item = (IVsaCodeItem)engine.Items.CreateItem(file, VsaItemType.Code, VsaItemFlag.None); item.SourceText = GetCodeFromFile(file); } engine.SetOption("debug", want_debugging_support); engine.SetOption("link_path", link_paths); engine.SetOption("first_source", first_source); engine.SetOption("assemblies", assemblies); engine.SetOption("out", output_file); if (warning_level != -1) { engine.SetOption("WarningLevel", warning_level); } engine.Compile(); }
private void ParseCompilerOptions(VsaEngine engine, StringCollection args, TextWriter output, bool generateExe) { // Process compiler options and return command line fragment to complete the partial debug command line // that was formed by examining the CompilerParameters structure only. string libpath = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("LIB"); bool generateWinExe = false; Hashtable defines = new Hashtable(10); Hashtable resources = new Hashtable(10); Hashtable resourceFiles = new Hashtable(10); bool targetSpecified = false; StringBuilder fullCmdLine = null; if (this.debugCommandLine != null) { fullCmdLine = new StringBuilder(this.debugCommandLine); } // if '/' separates dir, use '-' as switch string cmdLineSwitch = Path.DirectorySeparatorChar == '/' ? "-" : "/"; for (int i = 0, n = args.Count; i < n; i++) { object argument; string option; string arg = args[i]; if (arg == null || arg.Length == 0) { continue; } if (arg[0] == '@') { throw new CmdLineException(CmdLineError.InvalidForCompilerOptions, "@<filename>", engine.ErrorCultureInfo); } // slash ('/') character is a valid filename character on UNIX, so we can't use it as a switch if ('-' != arg[0] && ('/' != arg[0] || Path.DirectorySeparatorChar == '/')) { break; } option = arg.Substring(1); if (option.Length > 0) { switch (option[0]) { case '?': throw new CmdLineException(CmdLineError.InvalidForCompilerOptions, "/?", engine.ErrorCultureInfo); case 'a': case 'A': argument = CmdLineOptionParser.IsBooleanOption(option, "autoref"); if (argument != null) { engine.SetOption("autoref", argument); if (fullCmdLine != null) { fullCmdLine.Append(arg); fullCmdLine.Append(" "); } continue; } break; case 'c': case 'C': argument = CmdLineOptionParser.IsArgumentOption(option, "codepage"); if (argument != null) { throw new CmdLineException(CmdLineError.InvalidForCompilerOptions, "/codepage:<id>", engine.ErrorCultureInfo); } break; case 'd': case 'D': argument = CmdLineOptionParser.IsBooleanOption(option, "debug"); if (argument != null) { engine.GenerateDebugInfo = (bool)argument; if (fullCmdLine != null) { fullCmdLine.Append(arg); fullCmdLine.Append(" "); } continue; } argument = CmdLineOptionParser.IsArgumentOption(option, "d", "define"); if (argument != null) { this.GetAllDefines((string)argument, defines, engine); if (fullCmdLine != null) { fullCmdLine.Append(cmdLineSwitch + "d:\""); fullCmdLine.Append((string)argument); fullCmdLine.Append("\" "); } continue; } break; case 'f': case 'F': argument = CmdLineOptionParser.IsBooleanOption(option, "fast"); if (argument != null) { engine.SetOption("fast", argument); if (fullCmdLine != null) { fullCmdLine.Append(arg); fullCmdLine.Append(" "); } continue; } break; case 'l': case 'L': argument = CmdLineOptionParser.IsArgumentOption(option, "lcid"); if (argument != null) { if (((string)argument).Length == 0) { throw new CmdLineException(CmdLineError.NoLocaleID, arg, engine.ErrorCultureInfo); } try { engine.LCID = Int32.Parse((string)argument, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } catch { throw new CmdLineException(CmdLineError.InvalidLocaleID, (string)argument, engine.ErrorCultureInfo); } continue; } argument = CmdLineOptionParser.IsArgumentOption(option, "lib"); if (argument != null) { string newPaths = (string)argument; if (newPaths.Length == 0) { throw new CmdLineException(CmdLineError.MissingLibArgument, engine.ErrorCultureInfo); } newPaths = newPaths.Replace(',', Path.PathSeparator); libpath = newPaths + Path.PathSeparator + libpath; if (fullCmdLine != null) { fullCmdLine.Append(cmdLineSwitch + "lib:\""); fullCmdLine.Append((string)argument); fullCmdLine.Append("\" "); } continue; } argument = CmdLineOptionParser.IsArgumentOption(option, "linkres", "linkresource"); if (argument != null) { try { ResInfo resinfo = new ResInfo((string)argument, true /* isLinked */); this.AddResourceFile(resinfo, resources, resourceFiles, engine); } catch (CmdLineException) { throw; } catch { throw new CmdLineException(CmdLineError.ManagedResourceNotFound, engine.ErrorCultureInfo); } continue; } break; case 'n': case 'N': argument = CmdLineOptionParser.IsBooleanOption(option, "nologo"); if (argument != null) { throw new CmdLineException(CmdLineError.InvalidForCompilerOptions, "/nologo[+|-]", engine.ErrorCultureInfo); } argument = CmdLineOptionParser.IsBooleanOption(option, "nostdlib"); if (argument != null) { throw new CmdLineException(CmdLineError.InvalidForCompilerOptions, "/nostdlib[+|-]", engine.ErrorCultureInfo); } break; case 'o': case 'O': argument = CmdLineOptionParser.IsArgumentOption(option, "out"); if (argument != null) { throw new CmdLineException(CmdLineError.InvalidForCompilerOptions, "/out:<filename>", engine.ErrorCultureInfo); } break; case 'p': case 'P': argument = CmdLineOptionParser.IsBooleanOption(option, "print"); if (argument != null) { engine.SetOption("print", argument); if (fullCmdLine != null) { fullCmdLine.Append(arg); fullCmdLine.Append(" "); } continue; } argument = CmdLineOptionParser.IsArgumentOption(option, "platform"); if (argument != null) { string platform = (string)argument; PortableExecutableKinds PEKindFlags; ImageFileMachine PEMachineArchitecture; if (String.Compare(platform, "x86", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) { PEKindFlags = PortableExecutableKinds.ILOnly | PortableExecutableKinds.Required32Bit; PEMachineArchitecture = ImageFileMachine.I386; } else if (String.Compare(platform, "Itanium", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) { PEKindFlags = PortableExecutableKinds.ILOnly | PortableExecutableKinds.PE32Plus; PEMachineArchitecture = ImageFileMachine.IA64; } else if (String.Compare(platform, "x64", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) { PEKindFlags = PortableExecutableKinds.ILOnly | PortableExecutableKinds.PE32Plus; PEMachineArchitecture = ImageFileMachine.AMD64; } else if (String.Compare(platform, "anycpu", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) { PEKindFlags = PortableExecutableKinds.ILOnly; PEMachineArchitecture = ImageFileMachine.I386; } else { throw new CmdLineException(CmdLineError.InvalidPlatform, (string)argument, engine.ErrorCultureInfo); } engine.SetOption("PortableExecutableKind", PEKindFlags); engine.SetOption("ImageFileMachine", PEMachineArchitecture); if (fullCmdLine != null) { fullCmdLine.Append(arg); fullCmdLine.Append(" "); } continue; } break; case 'r': case 'R': argument = CmdLineOptionParser.IsArgumentOption(option, "r", "reference"); if (argument != null) { throw new CmdLineException(CmdLineError.InvalidForCompilerOptions, "/r[eference]:<file list>", engine.ErrorCultureInfo); } argument = CmdLineOptionParser.IsArgumentOption(option, "res", "resource"); if (argument != null) { try { ResInfo resinfo = new ResInfo((string)argument, false /* isLinked */); this.AddResourceFile(resinfo, resources, resourceFiles, engine); } catch (CmdLineException) { throw; } catch { throw new CmdLineException(CmdLineError.ManagedResourceNotFound, engine.ErrorCultureInfo); } continue; } break; case 't': case 'T': argument = CmdLineOptionParser.IsArgumentOption(option, "t", "target"); if (argument != null) { if (String.Compare((string)argument, "exe", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) { if (!generateExe) { throw new CmdLineException(CmdLineError.IncompatibleTargets, arg, engine.ErrorCultureInfo); } if (targetSpecified) { throw new CmdLineException(CmdLineError.MultipleTargets, engine.ErrorCultureInfo); } // no change -- /t:exe is the default when GenerateExecutable is true targetSpecified = true; continue; } if (String.Compare((string)argument, "winexe", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) { if (!generateExe) { throw new CmdLineException(CmdLineError.IncompatibleTargets, arg, engine.ErrorCultureInfo); } if (targetSpecified) { throw new CmdLineException(CmdLineError.MultipleTargets, engine.ErrorCultureInfo); } engine.SetOption("PEFileKind", PEFileKinds.WindowApplication); generateWinExe = true; targetSpecified = true; continue; } if (String.Compare((string)argument, "library", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) { if (generateExe) { throw new CmdLineException(CmdLineError.IncompatibleTargets, engine.ErrorCultureInfo); } if (targetSpecified) { throw new CmdLineException(CmdLineError.MultipleTargets, engine.ErrorCultureInfo); } // no change -- /t:library is the default when GenerateExecutable is false targetSpecified = true; continue; } throw new CmdLineException(CmdLineError.InvalidTarget, (string)argument, engine.ErrorCultureInfo); } break; case 'u': case 'U': argument = CmdLineOptionParser.IsArgumentOption(option, "utf8output"); if (argument != null) { throw new CmdLineException(CmdLineError.InvalidForCompilerOptions, "/utf8output[+|-]", engine.ErrorCultureInfo); } break; case 'v': case 'V': argument = CmdLineOptionParser.IsBooleanOption(option, "VersionSafe"); if (argument != null) { engine.SetOption("VersionSafe", argument); if (fullCmdLine != null) { fullCmdLine.Append(arg); fullCmdLine.Append(" "); } continue; } break; case 'w': case 'W': argument = CmdLineOptionParser.IsArgumentOption(option, "w", "warn"); if (argument != null) { if (((string)argument).Length == 0) { throw new CmdLineException(CmdLineError.NoWarningLevel, arg, engine.ErrorCultureInfo); } if (((string)argument).Length == 1) { if (fullCmdLine != null) { fullCmdLine.Append(arg); fullCmdLine.Append(" "); } switch (((string)argument)[0]) { case '0': engine.SetOption("WarningLevel", (object)0); continue; case '1': engine.SetOption("WarningLevel", (object)1); continue; case '2': engine.SetOption("WarningLevel", (object)2); continue; case '3': engine.SetOption("WarningLevel", (object)3); continue; case '4': engine.SetOption("WarningLevel", (object)4); continue; } } throw new CmdLineException(CmdLineError.InvalidWarningLevel, arg, engine.ErrorCultureInfo); } argument = CmdLineOptionParser.IsBooleanOption(option, "warnaserror"); if (argument != null) { engine.SetOption("warnaserror", argument); if (fullCmdLine != null) { fullCmdLine.Append(arg); fullCmdLine.Append(" "); } continue; } break; default: break; } } throw new CmdLineException(CmdLineError.UnknownOption, arg, engine.ErrorCultureInfo); } if (fullCmdLine != null) { // append target type to debug command line if (generateExe) { if (generateWinExe) { fullCmdLine.Append(cmdLineSwitch + "t:winexe "); } else { fullCmdLine.Append(cmdLineSwitch + "t:exe "); } } else { fullCmdLine.Append(cmdLineSwitch + "t:library "); } this.debugCommandLine = fullCmdLine.ToString(); } // set options on engine that were possibly built from multiple arguments engine.SetOption("libpath", libpath); engine.SetOption("defines", defines); }
private void ParseCompilerOptions(VsaEngine engine, StringCollection args, TextWriter output, bool generateExe) { string environmentVariable = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("LIB"); bool flag = false; Hashtable defines = new Hashtable(10); Hashtable resources = new Hashtable(10); Hashtable resourceFiles = new Hashtable(10); bool flag2 = false; StringBuilder builder = null; if (this.debugCommandLine != null) { builder = new StringBuilder(this.debugCommandLine); } string str2 = (Path.DirectorySeparatorChar == '/') ? "-" : "/"; int num = 0; int count = args.Count; while (num < count) { object obj2; string str4 = args[num]; if ((str4 == null) || (str4.Length == 0)) { goto Label_09C7; } if (str4[0] == '@') { throw new CmdLineException(CmdLineError.InvalidForCompilerOptions, "@<filename>", engine.ErrorCultureInfo); } if (('-' != str4[0]) && (('/' != str4[0]) || (Path.DirectorySeparatorChar == '/'))) { break; } string option = str4.Substring(1); if (option.Length > 0) { switch (option[0]) { case '?': throw new CmdLineException(CmdLineError.InvalidForCompilerOptions, "/?", engine.ErrorCultureInfo); case 'A': case 'a': goto Label_01DE; case 'C': case 'c': goto Label_0223; case 'D': case 'd': goto Label_024E; case 'F': case 'f': goto Label_02F5; case 'L': case 'l': goto Label_033A; case 'N': case 'n': goto Label_0488; case 'O': case 'o': goto Label_04DB; case 'P': case 'p': goto Label_0506; case 'R': case 'r': goto Label_0631; case 'T': case 't': goto Label_06AD; case 'U': case 'u': goto Label_07C8; case 'V': case 'v': goto Label_07F3; case 'W': case 'w': goto Label_0838; } } goto Label_09B4; Label_01DE: obj2 = CmdLineOptionParser.IsBooleanOption(option, "autoref"); if (obj2 == null) { goto Label_09B4; } engine.SetOption("autoref", obj2); if (builder != null) { builder.Append(str4); builder.Append(" "); } goto Label_09C7; Label_0223: if (CmdLineOptionParser.IsArgumentOption(option, "codepage") == null) { goto Label_09B4; } throw new CmdLineException(CmdLineError.InvalidForCompilerOptions, "/codepage:<id>", engine.ErrorCultureInfo); Label_024E: obj2 = CmdLineOptionParser.IsBooleanOption(option, "debug"); if (obj2 != null) { engine.GenerateDebugInfo = (bool)obj2; if (builder != null) { builder.Append(str4); builder.Append(" "); } } else { obj2 = CmdLineOptionParser.IsArgumentOption(option, "d", "define"); if (obj2 == null) { goto Label_09B4; } this.GetAllDefines((string)obj2, defines, engine); if (builder != null) { builder.Append(str2 + "d:\""); builder.Append((string)obj2); builder.Append("\" "); } } goto Label_09C7; Label_02F5: obj2 = CmdLineOptionParser.IsBooleanOption(option, "fast"); if (obj2 == null) { goto Label_09B4; } engine.SetOption("fast", obj2); if (builder != null) { builder.Append(str4); builder.Append(" "); } goto Label_09C7; Label_033A: obj2 = CmdLineOptionParser.IsArgumentOption(option, "lcid"); if (obj2 != null) { if (((string)obj2).Length == 0) { throw new CmdLineException(CmdLineError.NoLocaleID, str4, engine.ErrorCultureInfo); } try { engine.LCID = int.Parse((string)obj2, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); goto Label_09C7; } catch { throw new CmdLineException(CmdLineError.InvalidLocaleID, (string)obj2, engine.ErrorCultureInfo); } } obj2 = CmdLineOptionParser.IsArgumentOption(option, "lib"); if (obj2 != null) { string str5 = (string)obj2; if (str5.Length == 0) { throw new CmdLineException(CmdLineError.MissingLibArgument, engine.ErrorCultureInfo); } environmentVariable = str5.Replace(',', Path.PathSeparator) + Path.PathSeparator + environmentVariable; if (builder != null) { builder.Append(str2 + "lib:\""); builder.Append((string)obj2); builder.Append("\" "); } goto Label_09C7; } obj2 = CmdLineOptionParser.IsArgumentOption(option, "linkres", "linkresource"); if (obj2 == null) { goto Label_09B4; } try { ResInfo resinfo = new ResInfo((string)obj2, true); this.AddResourceFile(resinfo, resources, resourceFiles, engine); goto Label_09C7; } catch (CmdLineException) { throw; } catch { throw new CmdLineException(CmdLineError.ManagedResourceNotFound, engine.ErrorCultureInfo); } Label_0488: if (CmdLineOptionParser.IsBooleanOption(option, "nologo") != null) { throw new CmdLineException(CmdLineError.InvalidForCompilerOptions, "/nologo[+|-]", engine.ErrorCultureInfo); } if (CmdLineOptionParser.IsBooleanOption(option, "nostdlib") == null) { goto Label_09B4; } throw new CmdLineException(CmdLineError.InvalidForCompilerOptions, "/nostdlib[+|-]", engine.ErrorCultureInfo); Label_04DB: if (CmdLineOptionParser.IsArgumentOption(option, "out") == null) { goto Label_09B4; } throw new CmdLineException(CmdLineError.InvalidForCompilerOptions, "/out:<filename>", engine.ErrorCultureInfo); Label_0506: obj2 = CmdLineOptionParser.IsBooleanOption(option, "print"); if (obj2 != null) { engine.SetOption("print", obj2); if (builder != null) { builder.Append(str4); builder.Append(" "); } } else { PortableExecutableKinds iLOnly; ImageFileMachine machine; obj2 = CmdLineOptionParser.IsArgumentOption(option, "platform"); if (obj2 == null) { goto Label_09B4; } string strA = (string)obj2; if (string.Compare(strA, "x86", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) { iLOnly = PortableExecutableKinds.Required32Bit | PortableExecutableKinds.ILOnly; machine = ImageFileMachine.I386; } else if (string.Compare(strA, "Itanium", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) { iLOnly = PortableExecutableKinds.PE32Plus | PortableExecutableKinds.ILOnly; machine = ImageFileMachine.IA64; } else if (string.Compare(strA, "x64", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) { iLOnly = PortableExecutableKinds.PE32Plus | PortableExecutableKinds.ILOnly; machine = ImageFileMachine.AMD64; } else { if (string.Compare(strA, "anycpu", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) != 0) { throw new CmdLineException(CmdLineError.InvalidPlatform, (string)obj2, engine.ErrorCultureInfo); } iLOnly = PortableExecutableKinds.ILOnly; machine = ImageFileMachine.I386; } engine.SetOption("PortableExecutableKind", iLOnly); engine.SetOption("ImageFileMachine", machine); if (builder != null) { builder.Append(str4); builder.Append(" "); } } goto Label_09C7; Label_0631: if (CmdLineOptionParser.IsArgumentOption(option, "r", "reference") != null) { throw new CmdLineException(CmdLineError.InvalidForCompilerOptions, "/r[eference]:<file list>", engine.ErrorCultureInfo); } obj2 = CmdLineOptionParser.IsArgumentOption(option, "res", "resource"); if (obj2 == null) { goto Label_09B4; } try { ResInfo info2 = new ResInfo((string)obj2, false); this.AddResourceFile(info2, resources, resourceFiles, engine); goto Label_09C7; } catch (CmdLineException) { throw; } catch { throw new CmdLineException(CmdLineError.ManagedResourceNotFound, engine.ErrorCultureInfo); } Label_06AD: obj2 = CmdLineOptionParser.IsArgumentOption(option, "t", "target"); if (obj2 == null) { goto Label_09B4; } if (string.Compare((string)obj2, "exe", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) { if (!generateExe) { throw new CmdLineException(CmdLineError.IncompatibleTargets, str4, engine.ErrorCultureInfo); } if (flag2) { throw new CmdLineException(CmdLineError.MultipleTargets, engine.ErrorCultureInfo); } flag2 = true; } else if (string.Compare((string)obj2, "winexe", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) { if (!generateExe) { throw new CmdLineException(CmdLineError.IncompatibleTargets, str4, engine.ErrorCultureInfo); } if (flag2) { throw new CmdLineException(CmdLineError.MultipleTargets, engine.ErrorCultureInfo); } engine.SetOption("PEFileKind", PEFileKinds.WindowApplication); flag = true; flag2 = true; } else { if (string.Compare((string)obj2, "library", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) != 0) { throw new CmdLineException(CmdLineError.InvalidTarget, (string)obj2, engine.ErrorCultureInfo); } if (generateExe) { throw new CmdLineException(CmdLineError.IncompatibleTargets, engine.ErrorCultureInfo); } if (flag2) { throw new CmdLineException(CmdLineError.MultipleTargets, engine.ErrorCultureInfo); } flag2 = true; } goto Label_09C7; Label_07C8: if (CmdLineOptionParser.IsArgumentOption(option, "utf8output") == null) { goto Label_09B4; } throw new CmdLineException(CmdLineError.InvalidForCompilerOptions, "/utf8output[+|-]", engine.ErrorCultureInfo); Label_07F3: obj2 = CmdLineOptionParser.IsBooleanOption(option, "VersionSafe"); if (obj2 == null) { goto Label_09B4; } engine.SetOption("VersionSafe", obj2); if (builder != null) { builder.Append(str4); builder.Append(" "); } goto Label_09C7; Label_0838: obj2 = CmdLineOptionParser.IsArgumentOption(option, "w", "warn"); if (obj2 != null) { if (((string)obj2).Length == 0) { throw new CmdLineException(CmdLineError.NoWarningLevel, str4, engine.ErrorCultureInfo); } if (((string)obj2).Length == 1) { if (builder != null) { builder.Append(str4); builder.Append(" "); } switch (((string)obj2)[0]) { case '0': engine.SetOption("WarningLevel", 0); goto Label_09C7; case '1': engine.SetOption("WarningLevel", 1); goto Label_09C7; case '2': engine.SetOption("WarningLevel", 2); goto Label_09C7; case '3': engine.SetOption("WarningLevel", 3); goto Label_09C7; case '4': engine.SetOption("WarningLevel", 4); goto Label_09C7; } } throw new CmdLineException(CmdLineError.InvalidWarningLevel, str4, engine.ErrorCultureInfo); } obj2 = CmdLineOptionParser.IsBooleanOption(option, "warnaserror"); if (obj2 != null) { engine.SetOption("warnaserror", obj2); if (builder != null) { builder.Append(str4); builder.Append(" "); } goto Label_09C7; } if (CmdLineOptionParser.IsArgumentOption(option, "win32res") != null) { throw new CmdLineException(CmdLineError.InvalidForCompilerOptions, "/win32res:<filename>", engine.ErrorCultureInfo); } Label_09B4: throw new CmdLineException(CmdLineError.UnknownOption, str4, engine.ErrorCultureInfo); Label_09C7: num++; } if (builder != null) { if (generateExe) { if (flag) { builder.Append(str2 + "t:winexe "); } else { builder.Append(str2 + "t:exe "); } } else { builder.Append(str2 + "t:library "); } this.debugCommandLine = builder.ToString(); } engine.SetOption("libpath", environmentVariable); engine.SetOption("defines", defines); }