Example #1
        public int GetDataTipText(TextSpan[] pSpan, out string pbstrText)
            if (!_wpfTextView.TextBuffer.ContentType.IsOfType(PythonCoreConstants.ContentType))
                pbstrText = null;

            if (pSpan.Length != 1)
                throw new ArgumentException("Array parameter should contain exactly one TextSpan", "pSpan");

            // Adjust the span to expression boundaries.

            var snapshot = _wpfTextView.TextSnapshot;
            var start    = LineAndColumnNumberToSnapshotPoint(snapshot, pSpan[0].iStartLine, pSpan[0].iStartIndex);
            var end      = LineAndColumnNumberToSnapshotPoint(snapshot, pSpan[0].iEndLine, pSpan[0].iEndIndex);

            // If this is a zero-length span (which it usually is, unless there's selection), adjust it
            // to cover one char to the right, since an empty span at the beginning of the expression does
            // not count as belonging to that expression;
            if (start == end && start.Position != snapshot.Length)
                end += 1;

            var    snapshotSpan = new SnapshotSpan(start, end);
            var    trackingSpan = snapshot.CreateTrackingSpan(snapshotSpan.Span, SpanTrackingMode.EdgeExclusive);
            var    rep          = new ReverseExpressionParser(snapshot, _wpfTextView.TextBuffer, trackingSpan);
            var    exprSpan     = rep.GetExpressionRange(forCompletion: false);
            string expr         = null;

            if (exprSpan != null)
                SnapshotPointToLineAndColumnNumber(exprSpan.Value.Start, out pSpan[0].iStartLine, out pSpan[0].iStartIndex);
                SnapshotPointToLineAndColumnNumber(exprSpan.Value.End, out pSpan[0].iEndLine, out pSpan[0].iEndIndex);
                expr = VsProjectAnalyzer.ExpressionForDataTipAsync(
                // If it's not an expression, suppress the tip.
                pbstrText = null;

            return(_debugger.GetDataTipValue(_vsTextLines, pSpan, expr, out pbstrText));