public void Test_Int_Size_Constructor_Negative_Throws(int size) { Assert.Throws <System.ArgumentException>(() => { voxelDataVolume = new VoxelDataVolume(size, Allocator.Temp); }); }
private void TestSetGetVoxelData(Func <float> function, float newVoxelData) { voxelDataVolume = new VoxelDataVolume <float>(5, Allocator.Temp); float actualVoxelData = function(); Assert.IsTrue(AreVoxelDatasSame(newVoxelData, actualVoxelData), $"Expected {newVoxelData}, actual was {actualVoxelData}"); }
public void Test_Voxel_Datas_Are_Initialized_To_0() { voxelDataVolume = new VoxelDataVolume(5, Allocator.Temp); for (int i = 0; i < voxelDataVolume.Length; i++) { Assert.AreEqual(0, voxelDataVolume.GetVoxelData(i)); } }
public void Test_SetGetVoxelData_Int3([Random(0, 1f, 5)] float newVoxelData, [Random(0, 4, 3)] int x, [Random(0, 4, 3)] int y, [Random(0, 4, 3)] int z) { voxelDataVolume = new VoxelDataVolume(5, Allocator.Temp); voxelDataVolume.SetVoxelData(newVoxelData, new int3(x, y, z)); float actualVoxelData = voxelDataVolume.GetVoxelData(new int3(x, y, z)); Assert.IsTrue(AreVoxelDatasSame(newVoxelData, actualVoxelData), $"Expected {newVoxelData}, actual was {actualVoxelData}"); }
public void Test_SetGetVoxelData_Index([Random(0, 1f, 5)] float newVoxelData, [Random(0, 5 * 5 * 5 - 1, 5)] int index) { voxelDataVolume = new VoxelDataVolume(5, Allocator.Temp); voxelDataVolume.SetVoxelData(newVoxelData, index); float actualVoxelData = voxelDataVolume.GetVoxelData(index); Assert.IsTrue(AreVoxelDatasSame(newVoxelData, actualVoxelData), $"Expected {newVoxelData}, actual was {actualVoxelData}"); }
public void Test_IncreaseVoxelData_Index(float increaseAmount, float originalVoxelData, float expectedVoxelData) { voxelDataVolume = new VoxelDataVolume(5, Allocator.Temp); int index = 36; // Just some arbitrary index to set the voxel data at voxelDataVolume.SetVoxelData(originalVoxelData, index); voxelDataVolume.IncreaseVoxelData(increaseAmount, index); float actualVoxelData = voxelDataVolume.GetVoxelData(index); Assert.IsTrue(AreVoxelDatasSame(expectedVoxelData, actualVoxelData), $"Expected {expectedVoxelData}, actual was {actualVoxelData}"); }
/// <summary> /// Gets the voxel data of a custom volume in the world /// </summary> /// <param name="worldSpaceQuery">The world-space volume to get the voxel data for</param> /// <param name="allocator">How the new voxel data array should be allocated</param> /// <returns>The voxel data array inside the bounds</returns> public VoxelDataVolume <T> GetVoxelDataCustom(BoundsInt worldSpaceQuery, Allocator allocator) { VoxelDataVolume <T> voxelDataArray = new VoxelDataVolume <T>(worldSpaceQuery.CalculateVolume(), allocator); ForEachVoxelDataArrayInQuery(worldSpaceQuery, (chunkCoordinate, voxelDataChunk) => { ForEachVoxelDataInQueryInChunk(worldSpaceQuery, chunkCoordinate, voxelDataChunk, (voxelDataWorldPosition, voxelDataLocalPosition, voxelDataIndex, voxelData) => { voxelDataArray.SetVoxelData(voxelData, voxelDataWorldPosition - worldSpaceQuery.min.ToInt3()); }); }); return(voxelDataArray); }
/// <summary> /// Gets a cube-shaped volume of voxel data from <paramref name="voxelDataArray"/>. The size of the cube is 1 unit. /// </summary> /// <param name="voxelDataArray">The voxel data array to get the voxel data from</param> /// <param name="localPosition">The origin of the cube</param> /// <returns>A cube-shaped volume of voxel data. The size of the cube is 1 unit.</returns> public static VoxelCorners <T> GetVoxelDataUnitCube <T>(this VoxelDataVolume <T> voxelDataArray, int3 localPosition) where T : struct { VoxelCorners <T> voxelDataCorners = new VoxelCorners <T>(); for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { int3 voxelCorner = localPosition + LookupTables.CubeCorners[i]; if (voxelDataArray.TryGetVoxelData(voxelCorner, out T voxelData)) { voxelDataCorners[i] = voxelData; } } return(voxelDataCorners); }
/// <summary> /// Gets a cube-shaped volume of voxel data from <paramref name="voxelDataVolume"/>. The size of the cube is 1 unit. /// </summary> /// <param name="voxelDataVolume">The voxel data volume to get the voxel data from</param> /// <param name="localPosition">The origin of the cube</param> /// <returns>A cube-shaped volume of voxel data. The size of the cube is 1 unit.</returns> public static VoxelCorners <float> GetVoxelDataUnitCube(this VoxelDataVolume voxelDataVolume, int3 localPosition) { VoxelCorners <float> voxelDataCorners = new VoxelCorners <float>(); for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { int3 voxelCorner = localPosition + LookupTables.CubeCorners[i]; if (voxelDataVolume.TryGetVoxelData(voxelCorner.x, voxelCorner.y, voxelCorner.z, out float voxelData)) { voxelDataCorners[i] = voxelData; } } return(voxelDataCorners); }
/// <summary> /// Sets the chunk data of the chunk at <paramref name="chunkCoordinate"/> without checking if data already exists at <paramref name="chunkCoordinate"/> /// </summary> /// <param name="chunkCoordinate">The coordinate of the chunk</param> /// <param name="newData">The data to set the chunk's data to</param> /// <param name="dataExistsAtCoordinate">Does data already exist at <paramref name="chunkCoordinate"/></param> public virtual void SetDataChunkUnchecked(int3 chunkCoordinate, VoxelDataVolume <T> newData, bool dataExistsAtCoordinate) { if (dataExistsAtCoordinate) { _chunks[chunkCoordinate].CopyFrom(newData); newData.Dispose(); } else { _chunks.Add(chunkCoordinate, newData); } if (VoxelWorld.ChunkStore.TryGetDataChunk(chunkCoordinate, out ChunkProperties chunkProperties)) { chunkProperties.HasChanges = true; } }
/// <summary> /// Sets the voxel data for a volume in the world /// </summary> /// <param name="voxelDataArray">The new voxel data array</param> /// <param name="originPosition">The world position of the origin where the voxel data should be set</param> public void SetVoxelDataCustom(VoxelDataVolume <T> voxelDataArray, int3 originPosition) { BoundsInt worldSpaceQuery = new BoundsInt(originPosition.ToVectorInt(), (voxelDataArray.Size - new int3(1, 1, 1)).ToVectorInt()); ForEachVoxelDataArrayInQuery(worldSpaceQuery, (chunkCoordinate, voxelDataChunk) => { ForEachVoxelDataInQueryInChunk(worldSpaceQuery, chunkCoordinate, voxelDataChunk, (voxelDataWorldPosition, voxelDataLocalPosition, voxelDataIndex, voxelData) => { voxelDataChunk.SetVoxelData(voxelData, voxelDataWorldPosition - chunkCoordinate * VoxelWorld.WorldSettings.ChunkSize); }); if (VoxelWorld.ChunkStore.TryGetDataChunk(chunkCoordinate, out ChunkProperties chunkProperties)) { chunkProperties.HasChanges = true; } }); }
/// <summary> /// Sets the chunk data of the chunk at <paramref name="chunkCoordinate"/> /// </summary> /// <param name="chunkCoordinate">The coordinate of the chunk</param> /// <param name="newData">The data to set the chunk's data to</param> public virtual void SetDataChunk(int3 chunkCoordinate, VoxelDataVolume <T> newData) { bool dataExistsAtCoordinate = DoesChunkExistAtCoordinate(chunkCoordinate); SetDataChunkUnchecked(chunkCoordinate, newData, dataExistsAtCoordinate); }
public void Test_Default_Constructor_IsNotCreated() { voxelDataVolume = new VoxelDataVolume(); Assert.AreEqual(false, voxelDataVolume.IsCreated); }
public void Test_Xyz_Constructor_Length(int width, int height, int depth) { voxelDataVolume = new VoxelDataVolume(width, height, depth, Allocator.Temp); Assert.AreEqual(width * height * depth, voxelDataVolume.Length); }
public void Test_Xyz_Constructor_IsCreated(int width, int height, int depth) { voxelDataVolume = new VoxelDataVolume(width, height, depth, Allocator.Temp); Assert.AreEqual(true, voxelDataVolume.IsCreated); }
public void Test_Int_Size_Constructor_Size(int size) { voxelDataVolume = new VoxelDataVolume(size, Allocator.Temp); Assert.AreEqual(new int3(size, size, size), voxelDataVolume.Size); }
public void Test_Xyz_Constructor_Height(int width, int height, int depth) { voxelDataVolume = new VoxelDataVolume(width, height, depth, Allocator.Temp); Assert.AreEqual(height, voxelDataVolume.Height); }
/// <summary> /// Loops through each voxel data point that is contained in <paramref name="dataChunk"/> AND in <paramref name="worldSpaceQuery"/>, and performs <paramref name="function"/> on it /// </summary> /// <param name="worldSpaceQuery">The query that determines whether or not a voxel data point is contained.</param> /// <param name="chunkCoordinate">The coordinate of <paramref name="dataChunk"/></param> /// <param name="dataChunk">The voxel datas of the chunk</param> /// <param name="function">The function that will be performed on each voxel data point. The arguments are as follows: 1) The world space position of the voxel data point, 2) The chunk space position of the voxel data point, 3) The index of the voxel data point inside of <paramref name="dataChunk"/>, 4) The value of the voxel data</param> public void ForEachVoxelDataInQueryInChunk(BoundsInt worldSpaceQuery, int3 chunkCoordinate, VoxelDataVolume <T> dataChunk, Action <int3, int3, int, T> function) { int3 chunkBoundsSize = VoxelWorld.WorldSettings.ChunkSize; int3 chunkWorldSpaceOrigin = chunkCoordinate * VoxelWorld.WorldSettings.ChunkSize; BoundsInt chunkWorldSpaceBounds = new BoundsInt(chunkWorldSpaceOrigin.ToVectorInt(), chunkBoundsSize.ToVectorInt()); BoundsInt intersectionVolume = IntersectionUtilities.GetIntersectionVolume(worldSpaceQuery, chunkWorldSpaceBounds); int3 intersectionVolumeMin = intersectionVolume.min.ToInt3(); int3 intersectionVolumeMax = intersectionVolume.max.ToInt3(); for (int voxelDataWorldPositionX = intersectionVolumeMin.x; voxelDataWorldPositionX <= intersectionVolumeMax.x; voxelDataWorldPositionX++) { for (int voxelDataWorldPositionY = intersectionVolumeMin.y; voxelDataWorldPositionY <= intersectionVolumeMax.y; voxelDataWorldPositionY++) { for (int voxelDataWorldPositionZ = intersectionVolumeMin.z; voxelDataWorldPositionZ <= intersectionVolumeMax.z; voxelDataWorldPositionZ++) { int3 voxelDataWorldPosition = new int3(voxelDataWorldPositionX, voxelDataWorldPositionY, voxelDataWorldPositionZ); int3 voxelDataLocalPosition = voxelDataWorldPosition - chunkWorldSpaceOrigin; int voxelDataIndex = IndexUtilities.XyzToIndex(voxelDataLocalPosition, chunkBoundsSize.x + 1, chunkBoundsSize.y + 1); if (dataChunk.TryGetVoxelData(voxelDataIndex, out T voxelData)) { function(voxelDataWorldPosition, voxelDataLocalPosition, voxelDataIndex, voxelData); } } } } }
/// <inheritdoc/> public override void GenerateDataForChunkUnchecked(int3 chunkCoordinate) { VoxelDataVolume <T> data = new VoxelDataVolume <T>(VoxelWorld.WorldSettings.ChunkSize + 1, Allocator.Persistent); GenerateDataForChunkUnchecked(chunkCoordinate, data); }
public void Test_Xyz_Constructor_Depth(int width, int height, int depth) { voxelDataVolume = new VoxelDataVolume <float>(width, height, depth, Allocator.Temp); Assert.AreEqual(depth, voxelDataVolume.Depth); }