Example #1
        public override void LoadContent()
            InputManager.LockMouseToCenter = true;
            game.IsMouseVisible = false;

            VoxelRenderer.Init( Game );

            cameraPosition = new Vector3( 25, 50, 150 );
            chunk = Voxelizer.CreateChunk( 0.5f );
            marker = new SpherePrimitive( 8, 16 );
Example #2
    void Start()
        //Random.seed = Random.Range (0, 65000);
        m_surfaceSeed = Random.Range (0, 65000);
        //Make 2 perlin noise objects, one is used for the surface and the other for the caves
        m_surfacePerlin = new PerlinNoise(m_surfaceSeed);
        m_voronoi = new VoronoiNoise(m_surfaceSeed);
        GameObject.Find ("SaveTracker").GetComponent<SaveSceneComponent>().save.m_surfaceSeed = m_surfaceSeed;
        player = GameObject.FindWithTag ("Player").transform;

        //	PerlinNoise  m_cavePerlin = new PerlinNoise(m_caveSeed);

        //Set some varibles for the marching cubes plugin
        MarchingCubes.SetWindingOrder(2, 1, 0);

        //create a array to hold the voxel chunks

        m_voxelChunk  = new VoxelChunk[m_chunksX,m_chunksY,m_chunksZ];

        //The offset is used to centre the terrain on the x and z axis. For the Y axis
        //you can have a certain amount of chunks above the y=0 and the rest will be below
        Vector3 offset = new Vector3(m_chunksX*m_voxelWidth*-0.5f, -(m_chunksY-m_chunksAbove0)*m_voxelHeight, m_chunksZ*m_voxelLength*-0.5f);

        for(int x = 0; x < m_chunksX; x++)
            for(int y = 0; y < m_chunksY; y++)
                for(int z = 0; z < m_chunksZ; z++)
                    //The position of the voxel chunk
                    Vector3 pos = new Vector3(x*m_voxelWidth, y*m_voxelHeight, z*m_voxelLength);
                    //Create the voxel object
                    m_voxelChunk[x,y,z] = new VoxelChunk(pos+offset, m_voxelWidth, m_voxelHeight, m_voxelLength, m_surfaceLevel);
                    //Create the voxel data
                    m_voxelChunk[x,y,z].CreateVoxels(m_surfacePerlin, m_voronoi);//, m_cavePerlin);
                    //Smooth the voxels, is optional but I think it looks nicer
                //	m_voxelChunk[x,y,z].SmoothVoxels();
                    //Create the normals. This will create smoothed normal.
                    //This is optional and if not called the unsmoothed mesh normals will be used
                //	m_voxelChunk[x,y,z].CalculateNormals();
                    //Creates the mesh form voxel data using the marching cubes plugin and creates the mesh collider

        currentX = m_chunksX * m_voxelWidth;
        currentZ = m_chunksZ * m_voxelLength;
Example #3
    public void CalculateChunkMesh()                           // Iterates over all blocks to only add visible faces to the model
        List <Vector3Int> airBlocks = new List <Vector3Int>(); // All emtpy blocks in the chunk

        // Store all block of air
        for (int x = 0; x < 16; x++)
            for (int y = 0; y < 16; y++)
                for (int z = 0; z < 16; z++)
                    if (chunkBlocks[x, y, z] == 0)
                        airBlocks.Add(new Vector3Int(x, y, z));

        ModelBuilder modelBuilder = new ModelBuilder();


        foreach (Vector3Int v in airBlocks)
            // Check the neighbours of the air, a block can only be seen if has air next to one side
            // Valid() will return true if the block is still inside of the chunk
            if (Valid(v + new Vector3Int(1, 0, 0)) && chunkBlocks[v.x + 1, v.y, v.z] != 0)
                modelBuilder.AddLeftFace(v + new Vector3Int(1, 0, 0), chunkBlocks[v.x + 1, v.y, v.z]); // If the block right to the air is solid a left face has to be created
            if (Valid(v + new Vector3Int(-1, 0, 0)) && chunkBlocks[v.x - 1, v.y, v.z] != 0)
                modelBuilder.AddRightFace(v + new Vector3Int(-1, 0, 0), chunkBlocks[v.x - 1, v.y, v.z]);
            if (Valid(v + new Vector3Int(0, 0, 1)) && chunkBlocks[v.x, v.y, v.z + 1] != 0)
                modelBuilder.AddFrontFace(v + new Vector3Int(0, 0, 1), chunkBlocks[v.x, v.y, v.z + 1]);
            if (Valid(v + new Vector3Int(0, 0, -1)) && chunkBlocks[v.x, v.y, v.z - 1] != 0)
                modelBuilder.AddBackFace(v + new Vector3Int(0, 0, -1), chunkBlocks[v.x, v.y, v.z - 1]);
            if (Valid(v + new Vector3Int(0, 1, 0)) && chunkBlocks[v.x, v.y + 1, v.z] != 0)
                modelBuilder.AddBottomFace(v + new Vector3Int(0, 1, 0), chunkBlocks[v.x, v.y + 1, v.z]);
            if (Valid(v + new Vector3Int(0, -1, 0)) && chunkBlocks[v.x, v.y - 1, v.z] != 0)
                modelBuilder.AddTopFace(v + new Vector3Int(0, -1, 0), chunkBlocks[v.x, v.y - 1, v.z]);

        // The outer blocks need to be checked extra, because they might be hidden by another chunk
        if (world.ChunkLoaded(Mathf.FloorToInt(start.x / 16) + "." + (Mathf.FloorToInt(start.z / 16) - 1)))
            VoxelChunk chunk = world.GetChunk(Mathf.FloorToInt(start.x / 16) + "." + (Mathf.FloorToInt(start.z / 16) - 1)); // The chunk next to this chunk
            for (int x = 0; x < 16; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < 16; y++)
                    if (chunk.chunkBlocks[x, y, 15] == 0 && chunkBlocks[x, y, 0] != 0) // If the block is not of type air and also not covered by the other chunk, a face has to be created
                        modelBuilder.AddFrontFace(new Vector3(x, y, 0), chunkBlocks[x, y, 0]);
        // The same as the code above, only for another side
        if (world.ChunkLoaded(Mathf.FloorToInt(start.x / 16) + "." + (Mathf.FloorToInt(start.z / 16) + 1)))
            VoxelChunk chunk = world.GetChunk(Mathf.FloorToInt(start.x / 16) + "." + (Mathf.FloorToInt(start.z / 16) + 1));
            for (int x = 0; x < 16; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < 16; y++)
                    if (chunk.chunkBlocks[x, y, 0] == 0 && chunkBlocks[x, y, 15] != 0)
                        modelBuilder.AddBackFace(new Vector3(x, y, 15), chunkBlocks[x, y, 15]);
        // The same as the code above, only for another side
        if (world.ChunkLoaded((Mathf.FloorToInt(start.x / 16) - 1) + "." + Mathf.FloorToInt(start.z / 16)))
            VoxelChunk chunk = world.GetChunk((Mathf.FloorToInt(start.x / 16) - 1) + "." + Mathf.FloorToInt(start.z / 16));
            for (int z = 0; z < 16; z++)
                for (int y = 0; y < 16; y++)
                    if (chunk.chunkBlocks[15, y, z] == 0 && chunkBlocks[0, y, z] != 0)
                        modelBuilder.AddLeftFace(new Vector3(0, y, z), chunkBlocks[0, y, z]);
        // The same as the code above, only for another side
        if (world.ChunkLoaded((Mathf.FloorToInt(start.x / 16) + 1) + "." + Mathf.FloorToInt(start.z / 16)))
            VoxelChunk chunk = world.GetChunk((Mathf.FloorToInt(start.x / 16) + 1) + "." + Mathf.FloorToInt(start.z / 16));
            for (int z = 0; z < 16; z++)
                for (int y = 0; y < 16; y++)
                    if (chunk.chunkBlocks[0, y, z] == 0 && chunkBlocks[15, y, z] != 0)
                        modelBuilder.AddRightFace(new Vector3(15, y, z), chunkBlocks[15, y, z]);

        // Recreate the mesh
        chunkMesh = new Mesh();
        // Set all vertices, triangles and uvs
        chunkMesh.vertices  = modelBuilder.GetModel().vertices.ToArray();
        chunkMesh.triangles = modelBuilder.GetModel().triangles.ToArray();
        chunkMesh.uv        = modelBuilder.GetModel().uv.ToArray();

        // Add a collider if there is none
        MeshCollider collider;

        if (chunkObject.GetComponent <MeshCollider>() == null)
            collider = (MeshCollider)chunkObject.AddComponent(typeof(MeshCollider));
            collider = chunkObject.GetComponent <MeshCollider>();

        collider.sharedMesh = chunkMesh; // Set the mesh
        chunkMesh.RecalculateNormals();  // Recalculate the normals to avoid lightning problems


        calculatedMesh = true; // The mesh is calculated and can be used by other chunks to check if this chunk covers any of their blocks
Example #4
        public static GeometricPrimitive CreateFromChunk(VoxelChunk Chunk, WorldManager World)

            var sliceStack = new List <RawPrimitive>();
            var sliceCache = new SliceCache();

            int maxViewingLevel  = World.Renderer.PersistentSettings.MaxViewingLevel;
            var terrainTileSheet = new TerrainTileSheet(512, 512, 32, 32);

            for (var localY = 0; localY < maxViewingLevel - Chunk.Origin.Y && localY < VoxelConstants.ChunkSizeY; ++localY)
                RawPrimitive sliceGeometry = null;

                lock (Chunk.Data.SliceCache)
                    var cachedSlice = Chunk.Data.SliceCache[localY];

                    if (cachedSlice != null)
                        sliceStack.Add(cachedSlice); // Todo: Get rid of the raw primitive / geometric primitive bullshit entirely

                        if (GameSettings.Current.GrassMotes)


                    sliceGeometry = new RawPrimitive();

                    Chunk.Data.SliceCache[localY] = sliceGeometry;

                if (GameSettings.Current.CalculateRamps)
                    PrecomputeVoxelSlopesSlice(World.ChunkManager, Chunk, localY);

                if (GameSettings.Current.GrassMotes)

                GenerateSliceGeometry(sliceGeometry, Chunk, localY, terrainTileSheet, World, sliceCache);


            var chunkGeo = RawPrimitive.Concat(sliceStack);

            var r = new GeometricPrimitive();

            r.Vertices    = chunkGeo.Vertices;
            r.VertexCount = chunkGeo.VertexCount;
            r.Indexes     = chunkGeo.Indexes.Select(c => (ushort)c).ToArray();
            r.IndexCount  = chunkGeo.IndexCount;

Example #5
    void ResizeGrid(int newGridWidth, int newGridHeight, int newGridDepth)
        // DEBUG:
        // Debug.Log ("- Resizing grid: from (" + gridWidth + ", " + gridHeight + ", " + gridDepth + ") to (" + newGridWidth + ", " + newGridHeight + ", " + newGridDepth + ")");

        VoxelChunk[] newGrid = new VoxelChunk[newGridHeight * newGridDepth * newGridWidth];
        int i = 0;
        for (int y = 0; y < gridHeight; y++) {
            int y1 = y * newGridDepth * newGridWidth;
            for (int z = 0; z < gridDepth; z++) {
                int z1 = z * newGridWidth;
                for (int x = 0; x < gridWidth; x++) {
                    newGrid [y1 + z1 + x] = grid [i++];
        gridWidth = newGridWidth;
        gridHeight = newGridHeight;
        gridDepth = newGridDepth;
        grid = null;
        grid = newGrid;
        private void GetChunk(ref Vector3I coord, out VoxelChunk chunk, MyStorageDataTypeFlags required)
            using (m_cacheLock.AcquireExclusiveUsing())
                if (!m_cachedChunks.TryGetValue(coord, out chunk))
                    chunk = new VoxelChunk(coord);

                    var rangeStart = coord << VoxelChunk.SizeBits;
                    var rangeEnd = ((coord + 1) << VoxelChunk.SizeBits) - 1;

                    if (required != 0)
                        using (m_storageLock.AcquireSharedUsing())
                            ReadDatForChunk(chunk, required);

                    m_cachedChunks.Add(coord, chunk);

                    var bb = new BoundingBox(rangeStart, rangeEnd);

                    chunk.TreeProxy = m_cacheMap.AddProxy(ref bb, chunk, 0);
                else if ((chunk.Cached & required) != required)
                    using (m_storageLock.AcquireSharedUsing())
                        ReadDatForChunk(chunk, required & ~chunk.Cached);

 public bool isGridBlock(VoxelChunk chunk, int voxelIndex)
     return(IsGridChuck(chunk) && IsRootVoxel(voxelIndex));
 /// <summary>
 /// Update a specific voxel (Called from world update thread)
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Tick">Current tick number</param>
 /// <param name="LocalPosition">Voxel position in chunk</param>
 /// <param name="Voxel">Voxel object in question</param>
 /// <param name="Chunk">Chunk the voxel belongs to</param>
 /// <returns>Has there been any changes</returns>
 public abstract bool UpdateVoxel(uint Tick, Point LocalPosition, VoxelInstance Voxel, VoxelChunk Chunk);
 public bool GetChunk(Vector3 position, out VoxelChunk chunk, bool forceCreation = false)
     FastMath.FloorToInt(position.X / CHUNK_SIZE, position.Y / CHUNK_SIZE, position.Z / CHUNK_SIZE, out int chunkX, out int chunkY, out int chunkZ);
     return(GetChunkFast(chunkX, chunkY, chunkZ, out chunk, forceCreation));
Example #10
 public bool Execute(VoxelChunk chunk, int x, int y, int z)
     return _executeCallback (chunk, x, y, z);
 void OnEnable()
     _target = (VoxelChunk)target;
             if (_target.data != null) {
                     newDataString = GetStringFromData (_target.width, _target.height, _target.depth, _target.data);
             } else {
                     newDataString = "";
Example #12
        static void Build( ref VoxelChunk res, int tianglesNum )
            for( int i = 0; i < tianglesNum; i++ )
                //res.AddIndex( res.VertexCount + 0 );
                //res.AddIndex( res.VertexCount + 1 );
                //res.AddIndex( res.VertexCount + 2 );

                Vector3 normal = Vector3.Cross( _triangles[ i ].P[ 1 ] - _triangles[ i ].P[ 0 ], _triangles[ i ].P[ 2 ] - _triangles[ i ].P[ 0 ] );

                res.AddVertex( _triangles[ i ].P[ 0 ], normal );
                res.AddVertex( _triangles[ i ].P[ 1 ], normal );
                res.AddVertex( _triangles[ i ].P[ 2 ], normal );
Example #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Remove and create new triangles in bounding box. Very Slow!
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="graphicsDevice"></param>
        /// <param name="isolevel"></param>
        /// <param name="primitive"></param>
        /// <param name="box"></param>
        public static void ReProcess( GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice, double isolevel, ref VoxelChunk primitive, BoundingBox box )
            //primitive.Remove( box );
            primitive.RemoveBorderCubes( box );

            int triNum = 0;
            int minx = (int)box.Minimum.X;
            int miny = (int)box.Minimum.Y;
            int minz = (int)box.Minimum.Z;
            int maxx = (int)box.Maximum.X;
            int maxy = (int)box.Maximum.Y;
            int maxz = (int)box.Maximum.Z;
            for( int i = minx; i < maxx; i++ )
                for( int j = miny; j < maxy; j++ )
                    for( int k = minz; k < maxz; k++ )
                        triNum = Polygonise( i, j, k, isolevel );
                        if( triNum > 0 )
                            primitive.borderCubes.Add( new Vector3( i, j, k ) );
                            Build( ref primitive, triNum );

            //if( primitive.VertexCount == 0 )
            //	primitive.isDrawable = false;
            //	primitive.InitializePrimitive( graphicsDevice );
Example #14
        public static void Process( GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice, double isolevel, ref VoxelChunk primitive )
            int triNum = 0;
            for( int i = 0; i < _size; i++ )
                for( int j = 0; j < _size; j++ )
                    for( int k = 0; k < _size; k++ )
                        triNum = Polygonise( i, j, k, isolevel );
                        if( triNum > 0 )
                            //primitive.borderCubes.Add(new Vector3(i,j,k));
                            Build( ref primitive, triNum );
            //if (primitive.VertexCount == 0) primitive.isDrawable = false;
            //else primitive.InitializePrimitive(graphicsDevice);

            primitive.NeedRecalculation = false;
Example #15
 public static VoxelChunk Process( GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice, double isolevel )
     var res = new VoxelChunk();
     Process( graphicsDevice, isolevel, ref res );
     return res;
Example #16
 /// <summary>
 /// Paints the terrain inside the chunk defined by its central "position"
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns><c>true</c>, if terrain was painted, <c>false</c> otherwise.</returns>
 /// <param name="position">Central position of the chunk.</param>
 public override bool PaintChunk(VoxelChunk chunk)
    Stack <Vector3> Dijkstra(Vector3 start, Vector3 end, VoxelChunk vc)
        Stack <Vector3> waypoints = new Stack <Vector3>();
        List <Vector3>  l         = new List <Vector3>();

        disDictionary = new Dictionary <Vector3, int>();
        Dictionary <Vector3, Vector3> visitedParent = new Dictionary <Vector3, Vector3>();
        bool    found   = false;
        Vector3 current = start;
        int     newDist;

        disDictionary[start] = 0;

        if (vc.isTraversable(current))

        while (l.Count > 0 && !found)
            int minDistance = disDictionary[l[0]];
            current = l[0];
            for (int i = 0; i < l.Count; i++)
                if (minDistance > disDictionary[l[i]])
                    current     = l[i];
                    minDistance = vc.GetDistanceCost(l[i]);


            if (current != end)
                List <Vector3> neighbourList = new List <Vector3>();
                neighbourList.Add(current + new Vector3(1, 0, 0));
                neighbourList.Add(current + new Vector3(-1, 0, 0));
                neighbourList.Add(current + new Vector3(0, 0, 1));
                neighbourList.Add(current + new Vector3(0, 0, -1));
                foreach (Vector3 n in neighbourList)
                    if (n.x >= 0 && n.x < vc.GetChunkSize() && n.z >= 0 && n.z < vc.GetChunkSize() &&
                        newDist = disDictionary[current] + vc.GetDistanceCost(n);

                        if (!visitedParent.ContainsKey(n) || newDist < disDictionary[n])
                            disDictionary[n] = newDist;
                            visitedParent[n] = current;
                found = true;
        if (found)
            Debug.Log("The path cost is: " + disDictionary[current]);
            while (current != start)
                waypoints.Push(current + offset);
                current = visitedParent[current];
            waypoints.Push(start + offset);
Example #18
        private void CreateTree(Vector3 position, ModelSettings tree, int rotation)
            if (tree == null)

            Vector3 pos = new Vector3();

            VoxelChunk lastChunk    = null;
            int        modelOneYRow = tree.SizeZ * tree.SizeX;
            int        modelOneZRow = tree.SizeX;
            int        halfSizeX    = tree.SizeX / 2;
            int        halfSizeZ    = tree.SizeZ / 2;

            for (int b = 0; b < tree.Bits.Length; b++)
                int bitIndex = tree.Bits[b].VoxelIndex;
                int py       = bitIndex / modelOneYRow;
                int remy     = bitIndex - py * modelOneYRow;
                int pz       = remy / modelOneZRow;
                int px       = remy - pz * modelOneZRow;

                // Random rotation
                int tmp;
                switch (rotation)
                case 0:
                    tmp = px;
                    px  = halfSizeZ - pz;
                    pz  = tmp - halfSizeX;

                case 1:
                    tmp = px;
                    px  = pz - halfSizeZ;
                    pz  = tmp - halfSizeX;

                case 2:
                    tmp = px;
                    px  = pz - halfSizeZ;
                    pz  = halfSizeX - tmp;

                    px -= halfSizeX;
                    pz -= halfSizeZ;

                pos.X = position.X + tree.OffsetX + px;
                pos.Y = position.Y + tree.OffsetY + py;
                pos.Z = position.Z + tree.OffsetZ + pz;

                if (GetVoxelIndex(pos, out VoxelChunk chunk, out int voxelIndex))
                    if (chunk.Voxels[voxelIndex].Color != 0)
                        chunk.Voxels[voxelIndex].Color = tree.Bits[b].Color.ColorToUInt();
                        if (py == 0)
                            if (voxelIndex >= ONE_Y_ROW)
                                if (chunk.Voxels[voxelIndex - ONE_Y_ROW].Color != 0)
                                    chunk.Voxels[voxelIndex - ONE_Y_ROW].Color = tree.Bits[b].Color.ColorToUInt();
                                VoxelChunk bottom = chunk.Bottom;
                                if (bottom != null)
                                    int bottomIndex = voxelIndex + (CHUNK_SIZE - 1) * ONE_Y_ROW;
                                    if (bottom.Voxels[bottomIndex].Color != 0)
                                        chunk.Voxels[bottomIndex].Color = tree.Bits[b].Color.ColorToUInt();

                                        if (!mTreeChunkRefreshRequests.Contains(bottom))
                        if (chunk != lastChunk)
                            lastChunk = chunk;
                            if (!mTreeChunkRefreshRequests.Contains(chunk))
Example #19
        public void PaintChunk(VoxelChunk chunk)
            Vector3 position = chunk.Position;

            if (position.Y + TerrainEnvironment.CHUNK_HALF_SIZE < MinHeight)

            int bedrockRow = -1;

            if (position.Y < MinHeight + TerrainEnvironment.CHUNK_HALF_SIZE)
                bedrockRow = (int)(MinHeight - (position.Y - TerrainEnvironment.CHUNK_HALF_SIZE) + 1) * ONE_Y_ROW - 1;

            position.X -= TerrainEnvironment.CHUNK_HALF_SIZE;
            position.Y -= TerrainEnvironment.CHUNK_HALF_SIZE;
            position.Z -= TerrainEnvironment.CHUNK_HALF_SIZE;
            Vector3 pos        = new Vector3();
            int     waterLevel = WaterLevel > 0 ? WaterLevel : -1;

            Voxel[] voxels = chunk.Voxels;
            TerrainEnvironment.Instance.GetHeightMapInfo(position.X, position.Z, mHeightChunkData);
            int shiftAmount = (int)MathF.Log(TerrainEnvironment.CHUNK_SIZE, 2);

            for (int arrayIndex = 0; arrayIndex < TerrainEnvironment.CHUNK_SIZE * TerrainEnvironment.CHUNK_SIZE; arrayIndex++)
                float groundLevel  = mHeightChunkData[arrayIndex].GroundLevel;
                float surfaceLevel = waterLevel > groundLevel ? waterLevel : groundLevel;
                if (surfaceLevel < pos.Y)

                BiomeSettings biome = mHeightChunkData[arrayIndex].Biome;
                if (biome == null)
                    biome = TerrainEnvironment.Instance.WorldTerrainData.DefaultBiome;
                    if (biome == null)

                int y = (int)(surfaceLevel - position.Y);
                if (y >= TerrainEnvironment.CHUNK_SIZE)
                    y = TerrainEnvironment.CHUNK_SIZE - 1;

                pos.Y = position.Y + y;
                pos.X = position.X + (arrayIndex & (TerrainEnvironment.CHUNK_SIZE - 1));
                pos.Z = position.Z + (arrayIndex >> shiftAmount);

                int voxelIndex = y * ONE_Y_ROW + arrayIndex;
                if (voxelIndex < 0)
                if (pos.Y > groundLevel)
                    while (pos.Y > groundLevel && voxelIndex >= 0)
                        voxels[voxelIndex].Color = WaterColor.ColorToUInt();
                        voxelIndex -= ONE_Y_ROW;
                else if (pos.Y == groundLevel)
                    voxels[voxelIndex].Color = 0;

                    if (voxels[voxelIndex].Color == 0)
                        if (pos.Y == waterLevel)
                            voxels[voxelIndex].Color = ShoreColor.ColorToUInt();
                            voxels[voxelIndex].Color = biome.VoxelTop.ColorToUInt();
                            if (pos.Y > waterLevel)
                                float rdn = WorldRandom.GetValue(pos);
                                if (biome.TreeDensity > 0 && rdn < biome.TreeDensity && biome.Trees.Length > 0)
                                    TerrainEnvironment.Instance.RequestTreeCreation(chunk, pos, TerrainEnvironment.Instance.GetTree(biome.Trees, rdn / biome.TreeDensity));
                                else if (biome.VegetationDensity > 0 && rdn < biome.VegetationDensity && biome.Vegetation.Length > 0)
                                    if (voxelIndex >= (TerrainEnvironment.CHUNK_SIZE - 1) * ONE_Y_ROW)
                                        TerrainEnvironment.Instance.RequestVegetationCreation(chunk.Top, voxelIndex - ONE_Y_ROW * (TerrainEnvironment.CHUNK_SIZE - 1), TerrainEnvironment.Instance.GetVegetation(biome, rdn / biome.VegetationDensity));
                                        voxels[voxelIndex + ONE_Y_ROW].Color = TerrainEnvironment.Instance.GetVegetation(biome, rdn / biome.VegetationDensity).ColorToUInt();

                        voxelIndex -= ONE_Y_ROW;

                biome.BiomeGeneration = mGeneration;

                while (voxelIndex >= 0 && voxels[voxelIndex].Color == 0 && pos.Y <= waterLevel)
                    voxels[voxelIndex].Color = WaterColor.ColorToUInt();
                    voxelIndex -= ONE_Y_ROW;

                for (; voxelIndex > bedrockRow; voxelIndex -= ONE_Y_ROW, pos.Y--)
                    if (voxels[voxelIndex].Color == 0)
                        voxels[voxelIndex].Color = biome.VoxelDirt.ColorToUInt();
                    else if (voxels[voxelIndex].Color == 0 && pos.Y <= waterLevel)
                    {                     // hole under water level -> fill with water
                        voxels[voxelIndex].Color = WaterColor.ColorToUInt();
                if (bedrockRow >= 0 && voxelIndex >= 0)
                    voxels[voxelIndex].Color = BedrockColor.ColorToUInt();
 private void UpdateChunk(VoxelChunk chunk)
     chunk.threadReady = true;
Example #21
    private void FindSurfaceEdgesAndVertices(VoxelChunk chunk, EdgeSet edgeSet, List <Vector3> vertices, List <Vector3> normals, Dictionary <Vector3Int, int> blockVertexMap)
        for (int x = 0; x < VoxelChunk.CHUNK_SIZE; x += 1)
            for (int y = 0; y < VoxelChunk.CHUNK_SIZE; y += 1)
                for (int z = 0; z < VoxelChunk.CHUNK_SIZE; z += 1)
                    Vector3Int p0 = new Vector3Int(x, y, z);
                    Voxel      v0 = chunk.VoxelAtPosition(p0);

                    Vector3 vertex = Vector3.zero;
                    Vector3 normal = Vector3.zero;
                    int     numIntersectingEdges = 0;
                    foreach (EdgeOffset offset in EdgeOffsets)
                        // P1 & P2 represent the actual edge
                        Vector3Int p1 = p0 + offset.p1;
                        Vector3Int p2 = p0 + offset.p2;

                        // Bounds check - can't be an edge if any of these exist outside the chunk
                        // TODO: In a real-world scenario, we would evaluate neighboring chunks
                        if (p1.x < 0 || p1.y < 0 || p1.z < 0 ||
                            p2.x < 0 || p2.y < 0 || p2.z < 0)

                        if (p1.x >= VoxelChunk.CHUNK_SIZE || p1.y >= VoxelChunk.CHUNK_SIZE || p1.z >= VoxelChunk.CHUNK_SIZE ||
                            p2.x >= VoxelChunk.CHUNK_SIZE || p2.y >= VoxelChunk.CHUNK_SIZE || p2.z >= VoxelChunk.CHUNK_SIZE)

                        Voxel v1 = chunk.VoxelAtPosition(p1);
                        Voxel v2 = chunk.VoxelAtPosition(p2);

                        // Sign change - this is an edge we're interested in.
                        if (!Mathf.Approximately(Mathf.Sign(v1.signedDistance), Mathf.Sign(v2.signedDistance)))
                            // Keep track of the vertex, we'll be adding to the vertex list while we're in here
                            vertex += DetermineEdgePoint(p1, p2, v1, v2);

                            // Add to our edge list
                            AddEdge(p0, p1, p2, v1, v2, edgeSet);

                            // Normal is the sum of all the gradients
                            normal += DetermineGradient(p1, p2, v1, v2);

                    if (numIntersectingEdges != 0)
                        vertex /= numIntersectingEdges;
                        blockVertexMap[p0] = vertices.Count - 1;
Example #22
 private void Start()
     testChunk = GenerateTestChunk();
Example #23
 bool ExecuteQueryCallback(VoxelChunk chunk, int voxelX, int voxelY, int voxelZ)
     // DEBUG:
     //Debug.Log ("- Removing voxel [chunk=(" + chunk.x + ", " + chunk.y + ", " + chunk.z + "), voxel=(" + voxelX + ", " + voxelY + ", " + voxelZ + ")]");
     List<VoxelPosition> voxelPositions;
     if (!queryResults.TryGetValue (chunk, out voxelPositions)) {
         voxelPositions = new List<VoxelPosition> ();
         queryResults.Add (chunk, voxelPositions);
     voxelPositions.Add (new VoxelPosition (voxelX, voxelY, voxelZ));
     return true;
        private void DequeueDirtyChunk(out VoxelChunk chunk, out Vector3I coords)
            coords = m_pendingChunksToWrite.Dequeue();
            m_cachedChunks.TryGetValue(coords, out chunk);

            Debug.Assert(chunk != null);
Example #25
    void checkChunk(ChunkData chunk)
        for(int i = 0; i <= uncoverArea; i++)
            if(!GameObject.Find ("Voxel Mesh " + (chunk.m_pos.x+(i*8)).ToString() + " " + (chunk.m_pos.y).ToString() + " " + (chunk.m_pos.z).ToString()))
                PerlinNoise m_surfacePerlin = new PerlinNoise(terrain.m_surfaceSeed);
                Vector3 pos = new Vector3(chunk.m_pos.x+8*i+1, chunk.m_pos.y+1, chunk.m_pos.z+1);
                m_voxelChunktemp = new VoxelChunk(pos, terrain.m_voxelWidth, terrain.m_voxelHeight, terrain.m_voxelLength, terrain.m_surfaceLevel);
                m_voxelChunktemp.CreateVoxels (m_surfacePerlin);
                m_voxelChunktemp.CreateMesh (terrain.m_material);
                //chunk.bOnce = true;
            if(!GameObject.Find ("Voxel Mesh " + (chunk.m_pos.x+8*i).ToString() + " " + (chunk.m_pos.y).ToString() + " " + (chunk.m_pos.z + 8*i).ToString()))
                PerlinNoise m_surfacePerlin = new PerlinNoise(terrain.m_surfaceSeed);
                Vector3 pos = new Vector3(chunk.m_pos.x+8*i+1, chunk.m_pos.y+1, chunk.m_pos.z+8*i+1);
                m_voxelChunktemp = new VoxelChunk(pos, terrain.m_voxelWidth, terrain.m_voxelHeight, terrain.m_voxelLength, terrain.m_surfaceLevel);
                m_voxelChunktemp.CreateVoxels (m_surfacePerlin);
                m_voxelChunktemp.CreateMesh (terrain.m_material);
                //chunk.bOnce = true;
            if(!GameObject.Find ("Voxel Mesh " + (chunk.m_pos.x+8*i).ToString() + " " + (chunk.m_pos.y).ToString() + " " + (chunk.m_pos.z - 8*i).ToString()))
                PerlinNoise m_surfacePerlin = new PerlinNoise(terrain.m_surfaceSeed);
                Vector3 pos = new Vector3(chunk.m_pos.x+8*i+1, chunk.m_pos.y+1, chunk.m_pos.z-8*i+1);
                m_voxelChunktemp = new VoxelChunk(pos, terrain.m_voxelWidth, terrain.m_voxelHeight, terrain.m_voxelLength, terrain.m_surfaceLevel);
                m_voxelChunktemp.CreateVoxels (m_surfacePerlin);
                m_voxelChunktemp.CreateMesh (terrain.m_material);
                //chunk.bOnce = true;
            if(!GameObject.Find ("Voxel Mesh " + (chunk.m_pos.x-8*i).ToString() + " " + (chunk.m_pos.y).ToString() + " " + (chunk.m_pos.z).ToString()))
                PerlinNoise m_surfacePerlin = new PerlinNoise(terrain.m_surfaceSeed);
                Vector3 pos = new Vector3(chunk.m_pos.x-8*i+1, chunk.m_pos.y+1, chunk.m_pos.z+1);
                m_voxelChunktemp = new VoxelChunk(pos, terrain.m_voxelWidth, terrain.m_voxelHeight, terrain.m_voxelLength, terrain.m_surfaceLevel);
                m_voxelChunktemp.CreateVoxels (m_surfacePerlin);
                m_voxelChunktemp.CreateMesh (terrain.m_material);
                //chunk.bOnce = true;
            if(!GameObject.Find ("Voxel Mesh " + (chunk.m_pos.x-8*i).ToString() + " " + (chunk.m_pos.y).ToString() + " " + (chunk.m_pos.z + 8*i).ToString()))
                PerlinNoise m_surfacePerlin = new PerlinNoise(terrain.m_surfaceSeed);
                Vector3 pos = new Vector3(chunk.m_pos.x-8*i+1, chunk.m_pos.y+1, chunk.m_pos.z+8*i+1);
                m_voxelChunktemp = new VoxelChunk(pos, terrain.m_voxelWidth, terrain.m_voxelHeight, terrain.m_voxelLength, terrain.m_surfaceLevel);
                m_voxelChunktemp.CreateVoxels (m_surfacePerlin);
                m_voxelChunktemp.CreateMesh (terrain.m_material);
                //chunk.bOnce = true;
            if(!GameObject.Find ("Voxel Mesh " + (chunk.m_pos.x-8*i).ToString() + " " + (chunk.m_pos.y).ToString() + " " + (chunk.m_pos.z - 8*i).ToString()))
                PerlinNoise m_surfacePerlin = new PerlinNoise(terrain.m_surfaceSeed);
                Vector3 pos = new Vector3(chunk.m_pos.x-8*i+1, chunk.m_pos.y+1, chunk.m_pos.z-8*i+1);
                m_voxelChunktemp = new VoxelChunk(pos, terrain.m_voxelWidth, terrain.m_voxelHeight, terrain.m_voxelLength, terrain.m_surfaceLevel);
                m_voxelChunktemp.CreateVoxels (m_surfacePerlin);
                m_voxelChunktemp.CreateMesh (terrain.m_material);
                //chunk.bOnce = true;
            if(!GameObject.Find ("Voxel Mesh " + (chunk.m_pos.x).ToString() + " " + (chunk.m_pos.y).ToString() + " " + (chunk.m_pos.z + 8*i).ToString()))
                PerlinNoise m_surfacePerlin = new PerlinNoise(terrain.m_surfaceSeed);
                Vector3 pos = new Vector3(chunk.m_pos.x+1, chunk.m_pos.y+1, chunk.m_pos.z+8*i+1);
                m_voxelChunktemp = new VoxelChunk(pos, terrain.m_voxelWidth, terrain.m_voxelHeight, terrain.m_voxelLength, terrain.m_surfaceLevel);
                m_voxelChunktemp.CreateVoxels (m_surfacePerlin);
                m_voxelChunktemp.CreateMesh (terrain.m_material);
                //chunk.bOnce = true;
            if(!GameObject.Find ("Voxel Mesh " + (chunk.m_pos.x).ToString() + " " + (chunk.m_pos.y).ToString() + " " + (chunk.m_pos.z - 8*i).ToString()))
                PerlinNoise m_surfacePerlin = new PerlinNoise(terrain.m_surfaceSeed);
                Vector3 pos = new Vector3(chunk.m_pos.x+1, chunk.m_pos.y+1, chunk.m_pos.z-8*i+1);
                m_voxelChunktemp = new VoxelChunk(pos, terrain.m_voxelWidth, terrain.m_voxelHeight, terrain.m_voxelLength, terrain.m_surfaceLevel);
                m_voxelChunktemp.CreateVoxels (m_surfacePerlin);
                m_voxelChunktemp.CreateMesh (terrain.m_material);
                //chunk.bOnce = true;
        //Debug.Log ("Difference: " + (chunk.m_pos - centerChunkPos) + " Chunk name: " + chunk.name + " Current Dir: " + currentDir);
        /*if((((chunk.m_pos.z - centerChunkPos.z == -8 || chunk.m_pos.z - centerChunkPos.z == 8)  && chunk.m_pos.x - centerChunkPos.x == 0) || (chunk.m_pos.x - centerChunkPos.x == 0 && chunk.m_pos.z - centerChunkPos.z == 0)) && currentDir == Dir.North)
            if(!GameObject.Find ("Voxel Mesh " + (chunk.m_pos.x+8).ToString() + " " + (chunk.m_pos.y).ToString() + " " + (chunk.m_pos.z).ToString()))
                PerlinNoise m_surfacePerlin = new PerlinNoise(terrain.m_surfaceSeed);
                Vector3 pos = new Vector3(chunk.m_pos.x+9, chunk.m_pos.y+1, chunk.m_pos.z+1);
                m_voxelChunktemp = new VoxelChunk(pos, terrain.m_voxelWidth, terrain.m_voxelHeight, terrain.m_voxelLength, terrain.m_surfaceLevel);
                m_voxelChunktemp.CreateVoxels (m_surfacePerlin);
                m_voxelChunktemp.CreateMesh (terrain.m_material);
                Debug.Log ("Voxel Mesh "  + (chunk.m_pos.x+8).ToString() + " " + (chunk.m_pos.y).ToString() + " " + (chunk.m_pos.z).ToString());
                //chunk.bOnce = true;
        /*if(((chunk.m_pos.x - centerChunkPos.x == -8 || chunk.m_pos.x - centerChunkPos.x == 8) && (chunk.m_pos.z - centerChunkPos.z == 0)) || (chunk.m_pos - centerChunkPos) == new Vector3(0,0,0))
            Debug.Log ("CurrentDir (wersja 1)" + currentDir);
            PerlinNoise m_surfacePerlin = new PerlinNoise(terrain.m_surfaceSeed);
        //	m_voxelChunktemp = new VoxelChunk[1, 2, 1];
        //	for(int x = 0; x<1; x++)
        //	{
        //		for (int y = 0; y<2; y++)
        //		{
        //			for(int z = 0; z< 1; z++)
        //			{

                        Vector3 pos = new Vector3(chunk.m_pos.x+9, chunk.m_pos.y, chunk.m_pos.z + 9);
                        m_voxelChunktemp = new VoxelChunk(pos, terrain.m_voxelWidth, terrain.m_voxelHeight, terrain.m_voxelLength, terrain.m_surfaceLevel);
                        m_voxelChunktemp.CreateVoxels (m_surfacePerlin);
                        m_voxelChunktemp.CreateMesh (terrain.m_material);

        //			}
        //		}
        //	}
            Debug.Log ("Stworzylem : " + i + " obiektow " + pos);

        /*	if(((chunk.m_pos.z - centerChunkPos.z == -8 || chunk.m_pos.z - centerChunkPos.z == 8) && (chunk.m_pos.x - centerChunkPos.x == 0)) || (chunk.m_pos - centerChunkPos) == new Vector3(0,0,0))
            Debug.Log ("CurrentDir (wersja 2)" + currentDir);
            PerlinNoise m_surfacePerlin = new PerlinNoise(terrain.m_surfaceSeed);
            m_voxelChunktemp = new VoxelChunk[1, 2, 1];
            for(int x = 0; x<1; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y<2; y++)
                    for(int z = 0; z< 1; z++)
                        Vector3 pos = new Vector3(chunk.m_pos.x+9, chunk.m_pos.y, chunk.m_pos.z + 1);
                        m_voxelChunktemp[x, y, z] = new VoxelChunk(pos, terrain.m_voxelWidth, terrain.m_voxelHeight, terrain.m_voxelLength, terrain.m_surfaceLevel);
                        m_voxelChunktemp[x, y, z].CreateVoxels (m_surfacePerlin);
                        m_voxelChunktemp[x, y, z].CreateMesh (terrain.m_material);

        //return chunk;
        chunk.bUsed = true;
        chunks.Remove (chunk);
Example #26
        public static void GenerateRuin(VoxelChunk Chunk, ChunkGeneratorSettings Settings)
            var noiseVector = Chunk.Origin.ToVector3() * Settings.CaveNoiseScale;
            var ruinsNoise  = Settings.CaveNoise.GetValue(noiseVector.X, noiseVector.Y, noiseVector.Z);

            if (Math.Abs(ruinsNoise) > GameSettings.Default.GenerationRuinsRate)

            int structureWidth = MathFunctions.RandInt(4, 16);
            int structureDepth = MathFunctions.RandInt(4, 16);
            int xOffset        = MathFunctions.RandInt(0, VoxelConstants.ChunkSizeX - structureWidth);
            int zOffset        = MathFunctions.RandInt(0, VoxelConstants.ChunkSizeZ - structureDepth);
            int wallHeight     = MathFunctions.RandInt(2, 6);
            int heightOffset   = MathFunctions.RandInt(-4, 2);

            if (Settings.Overworld.Map.GetBiomeAt(Chunk.Origin.ToVector3(), Settings.Overworld.InstanceSettings.Origin).HasValue(out var biome))
                var avgHeight = GetAverageHeight(Chunk.Origin.X, Chunk.Origin.Z, structureWidth, structureDepth, Settings);

                bool[] doors = new bool[4];

                for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++)
                    doors[k] = MathFunctions.RandEvent(0.5f);

                for (int dx = 0; dx < structureWidth; dx++)
                    for (int dz = 0; dz < structureDepth; dz++)
                        var worldPos = new Vector3(Chunk.Origin.X + dx + xOffset, avgHeight + heightOffset, Chunk.Origin.Z + dz + zOffset);

                        var baseVoxel  = Settings.World.ChunkManager.CreateVoxelHandle(GlobalVoxelCoordinate.FromVector3(worldPos));
                        var underVoxel = VoxelHelpers.FindFirstVoxelBelow(Settings.World.ChunkManager.CreateVoxelHandle(GlobalVoxelCoordinate.FromVector3(worldPos)));
                        var decay      = Settings.NoiseGenerator.Generate(worldPos.X * 0.05f, worldPos.Y * 0.05f, worldPos.Z * 0.05f);

                        if (decay > 0.7f)
                        if (!baseVoxel.IsValid)
                        if (baseVoxel.Coordinate.Y == (Settings.WorldSizeInChunks.Y * VoxelConstants.ChunkSizeY) - 1)
                        if (!underVoxel.IsValid)

                        var edge = (dx == 0 || dx == structureWidth - 1) || (dz == 0 || dz == structureDepth - 1);
                        if (!edge && !baseVoxel.IsEmpty)

                        if (edge)

                        bool[] wallState = new bool[4];
                        wallState[0] = dx == 0;
                        wallState[1] = dx == structureWidth - 1;
                        wallState[2] = dz == 0;
                        wallState[3] = dz == structureDepth - 1;

                        bool[] doorState = new bool[4];
                        doorState[0] = Math.Abs(dz - structureDepth / 2) < 1;
                        doorState[1] = doorState[0];
                        doorState[2] = Math.Abs(dx - structureWidth / 2) < 1;
                        doorState[3] = doorState[2];

                        for (int dy = 1; dy < (baseVoxel.Coordinate.Y - underVoxel.Coordinate.Y); dy++)
                            var currVoxel = Settings.World.ChunkManager.CreateVoxelHandle(underVoxel.Coordinate + new GlobalVoxelOffset(0, dy, 0));

                            if (!currVoxel.IsValid)



                        if (edge)
                            for (int dy = 1; dy < wallHeight * (1.0f - decay) && dy < (Settings.WorldSizeInChunks.Y * VoxelConstants.ChunkSizeY) - 2; dy++)
                                var currVoxel = Settings.World.ChunkManager.CreateVoxelHandle(baseVoxel.Coordinate + new GlobalVoxelOffset(0, dy, 0));

                                if (!currVoxel.IsValid)

                                if (currVoxel.Coordinate.Y == VoxelConstants.ChunkSizeY - 1)

                                bool door = false;
                                for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++)
                                    if (wallState[k] && doors[k] && doorState[k])
                                        door = true;

                                if (door && dy < 3)

Example #27
 private static void AddTriangleToDictionary(int vertexIndexKey, Triangle triangle, VoxelChunk chunk)
     if (chunk.triangleDictionary.ContainsKey(chunk.vertices[vertexIndexKey]))
         var triangleList = new List <Triangle> {
         chunk.triangleDictionary.Add(chunk.vertices[vertexIndexKey], triangleList);
        public VertexArray Voxelize(VoxelCollection collection, VoxelChunk chunk)
            List<float> verts = new List<float>();

            return null;
Example #29
 public VoxelChunkCreatedEvent(VoxelChunk chunk)
     Chunk = chunk;
Example #30
    void Temp()
        RaycastHit hit;
         * -------
         * | |x| |
         * -------
         * | | | |
         * -------
         * | | | |
         * -------
        if(Physics.Raycast (player.position + player.forward * 32 * m_voxelWidth, player.position + player.forward * 32 * m_voxelWidth - new Vector3(0, 128, 0), out hit))
            Debug.DrawLine(player.position + player.forward * 32 * m_voxelWidth,  player.position + player.forward * 32 * m_voxelWidth - new Vector3(0, 128, 0), Color.red);
            //Debug.Log ("N Trafilem w: " + hit.transform.GetComponent<ChunkData>().m_pos);
            lastPosN = hit.transform.GetComponent<ChunkData>().m_pos;
            if(Physics.Raycast (player.position + player.forward * 16 * m_voxelWidth, player.position + player.forward * 16 * m_voxelWidth - new Vector3(0, 128, 0), out hit))
                Debug.DrawLine(player.position + player.forward * 16 * m_voxelWidth,  player.position + player.forward * 16 * m_voxelWidth - new Vector3(0, 128, 0), Color.green);
                //Debug.Log ("N Trafilem w: " + hit.transform.GetComponent<ChunkData>().m_pos);
                lastPosN = hit.transform.GetComponent<ChunkData>().m_pos;
                PerlinNoise m_surfacePerlin = new PerlinNoise(m_surfaceSeed);
                Vector3 offset = new Vector3(m_chunksX*m_voxelWidth*0.5f, -(m_chunksY-m_chunksAbove0)*m_voxelHeight, m_chunksZ*m_voxelLength*0.5f);
            //	Vector3 pos = lastPosN + new Vector3(108, 0, 0);
                m_voxelChunktemp = new VoxelChunk[1, 2, 1];
                for(int x = 0; x<1; x++)
                    for (int y = 0; y<2; y++)
                        for(int z = 0; z< 1; z++)
                            Vector3 pos = new Vector3((x+lastPosN.x)*m_voxelWidth/32, y*m_voxelHeight, z*m_voxelLength);
                            Debug.Log ("POS: " + (pos + offset) + " / "  + (lastPosN + pos) + " / " + lastPosN);
                            m_voxelChunktemp[x, y, z] = new VoxelChunk(lastPosN + pos, m_voxelWidth, m_voxelHeight, m_voxelLength, m_surfaceLevel);
                            m_voxelChunktemp[x, y, z].CreateVoxels (m_surfacePerlin);
                            m_voxelChunktemp[x, y, z].CreateMesh (m_material);
                Debug.DrawLine(player.position + player.forward * 32 * m_voxelWidth,  -Vector3.up * 128, Color.red);

         * -------
         * | | |x|
         * -------
         * | | | |
         * -------
         * | | | |
         * -------
        if(Physics.Raycast (player.position + player.forward * 32 * m_voxelWidth + player.right * 128, player.position + player.forward * 16 * m_voxelWidth + player.right * 128 - new Vector3(0, 128, 0), out hit))
            lastPosNE = hit.transform.GetComponent<ChunkData>().m_pos;
            if(Physics.Raycast (player.position + player.forward * 16 * m_voxelWidth + player.right * 128, player.position + player.forward * 16 * m_voxelWidth + player.right * 128 - new Vector3(0, 128, 0), out hit))
                Debug.DrawLine(player.position + player.forward * 16 * m_voxelWidth + player.right * 128, player.position + player.forward * 16 * m_voxelWidth + player.right * 128 - new Vector3(0, 128, 0), Color.green);
                //Debug.Log ("N Trafilem w: " + hit.transform.GetComponent<ChunkData>().m_pos);
                lastPosNE = hit.transform.GetComponent<ChunkData>().m_pos;
                PerlinNoise m_surfacePerlin = new PerlinNoise(m_surfaceSeed);
                Vector3 offset = new Vector3(m_chunksX*m_voxelWidth*0.5f, -(m_chunksY-m_chunksAbove0)*m_voxelHeight, m_chunksZ*m_voxelLength*0.5f);
            //	Vector3 pos = lastPosN + new Vector3(108, 0, 0);
                m_voxelChunktemp = new VoxelChunk[1, 2, 1];
                for(int x = 0; x<1; x++)
                    for (int y = 0; y<2; y++)
                        for(int z = 0; z< 1; z++)
                            Vector3 pos = new Vector3((x+lastPosNE.x)*m_voxelWidth/32, y*m_voxelHeight, (z+lastPosNE.z)*m_voxelLength);
                            //Debug.Log ("POS: " + (pos + offset) + " / "  + (lastPosNE + pos) + " / " + lastPosN);
                            m_voxelChunktemp[x, y, z] = new VoxelChunk(lastPosNE + pos, m_voxelWidth, m_voxelHeight, m_voxelLength, m_surfaceLevel);
                            m_voxelChunktemp[x, y, z].CreateVoxels (m_surfacePerlin);
                            m_voxelChunktemp[x, y, z].CreateMesh (m_material);
                //Debug.DrawLine(player.position + player.forward * 32 * m_voxelWidth,  -Vector3.up * 128, Color.red);

         * -------
         * |x| | |
         * -------
         * | | | |
         * -------
         * | | | |
         * -------
        if(Physics.Raycast (player.position + player.forward * 32 * m_voxelWidth - player.right * 128, -Vector3.up, out hit))
            //Debug.Log ("NW Trafilem w: " + hit.transform.name);
            //Debug.Log ("Pudlo NW");
Example #31
 public VoxelChunk GetOrCreateChunkFromWorldPosition(int worldX, int worldY, int worldZ)
     VoxelChunk.ConvertWorldToChunk(ref worldX, ref worldY, ref worldZ);
     return(GetOrCreateChunk(worldX, worldY, worldZ));
    void Start()
        Stopwatch stopWatch = new Stopwatch();

        for (int i = 0; i < loadSize; i++)
            for (int ii = 0; ii < loadSize; ii++)
                for (int iii = 0; iii < loadHeight; iii++)
                    VoxelChunk c = Instantiate <VoxelChunk>(Chunk);
                    c.LoadChunk(-loadSize / 2 + i, -loadSize / 2 + ii, -loadHeight / 2 + iii);
                    chunks[i, ii, iii] = c;
        for (int i = 0; i < loadSize; i++)
            for (int ii = 0; ii < loadSize; ii++)
                for (int iii = 0; iii < loadHeight; iii++)
                    VoxelChunk[,,] chunkers = new VoxelChunk[3, 3, 3];
                    for (int ier = 0; ier < 3; ier++)
                        for (int iier = 0; iier < 3; iier++)
                            for (int iiier = 0; iiier < 3; iiier++)
                                int o   = i - 1 + ier < 0 ? loadSize - 1 : i - 1 + ier >= loadSize ? 0 : i - 1 + ier;
                                int oo  = ii - 1 + iier < 0 ? loadSize - 1 : ii - 1 + iier >= loadSize ? 0 : ii - 1 + iier;
                                int ooo = iii - 1 + iiier < 0 ? loadHeight - 1 : iii - 1 + iiier >= loadHeight ? 0 : iii - 1 + iiier;
                                chunkers[ier, iier, iiier] = chunks[o, oo, ooo];
                    chunks[i, ii, iii].loadChunks(chunkers);

         * stopWatch.Start();
         * for (int i = 1; i < loadSize-1; i++)
         * {
         *  for (int ii = 1; ii < loadSize-1; ii++)
         *  {
         *      for (int iii = 1; iii < loadHeight - 1; iii++)
         *      {
         *          VoxelChunk[,,] chunkers = new VoxelChunk[3, 3, 3];
         *          for (int ier = 0; ier < 3; ier++)
         *          {
         *              for (int iier = 0; iier < 3; iier++)
         *              {
         *                  for (int iiier = 0; iiier < 3; iiier++)
         *                  {
         *                      chunkers[ier, iier, iiier] = chunks[i - 1 + ier, ii - 1 + iier, iii - 1 + iiier];
         *                  }
         *              }
         *          }
         *          chunks[i, ii, iii].loadChunks(chunkers);
         *          chunks[i, ii, iii].Load();
         *      }
         *  }
         * }
         * stopWatch.Stop();
         * UnityEngine.Debug.Log(stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds);
         * stopWatch.Reset();
         * stopWatch.Start();
         * for (int i = 2; i < loadSize - 2; i++)
         * {
         *  for (int ii = 2; ii < loadSize - 2; ii++)
         *  {
         *      for (int iii = 2; iii < loadHeight - 2; iii++)
         *      {
         *          chunks[i, ii, iii].Smooth();
         *      }
         *  }
         * }
         * stopWatch.Stop();
         * UnityEngine.Debug.Log(stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds);*/
        if (VoxelChunk.numThreads < VoxelChunk.maxNumThreads())
            if (thread == null)
                thread = new Thread(VoxelChunk.Run);
                pos    = player.pos;
            else if (VoxelChunk.Done)
                VoxelChunk.Done = false;
                thread          = new Thread(VoxelChunk.Run);
                pos             = player.pos;
 bool OnQueryExecute(VoxelChunk chunk, int voxelX, int voxelY, int voxelZ)
     List<VoxelPosition> voxelPositions;
     if (!queryResults.TryGetValue (chunk, out voxelPositions)) {
         voxelPositions = new List<VoxelPosition> ();
         queryResults.Add (chunk, voxelPositions);
     voxelPositions.Add (new VoxelPosition (voxelX, voxelY, voxelZ));
     return true;
Example #34
        bool PaintChunkA(VoxelChunk chunk)
            if (chunk.position.y + 8 < minHeight)
                chunk.isAboveSurface = false;

            int chunkBottomPos = FastMath.FloorToInt(chunk.position.y - 8);
            int chunkTopPos    = FastMath.FloorToInt(chunk.position.y + 8);

            bool isAboveSurface  = false;
            bool atleastOneVoxel = false;

            Voxel[]         voxels = chunk.voxels;
            VoxelDefinition voxDef = topVoxel;

            Vector3 pos;
            Vector3 position = chunk.position - new Vector3(8, 8, 8);
            int     z, x, y;

            for (z = 0; z < 16; z++)
                pos.z = position.z + z;
                for (x = 0; x < 16; x++)
                    pos.x = position.x + x;
                    var heightMapInfo = env.GetHeightMapInfoFast(pos.x, pos.z);

                    int             surfaceLevel = heightMapInfo.groundLevel;
                    int             groundLevel  = heightMapInfo.groundLevel;
                    int             waterLevel   = env.waterLevel > 0 ? env.waterLevel : -1;
                    BiomeDefinition biome        = heightMapInfo.biome;

                    if (biome == null)

                    if (chunkTopPos > surfaceLevel)
                        isAboveSurface = true;

                    int localY = (int)(surfaceLevel - chunkBottomPos);
                    if (localY > 15)
                        localY = 15;

                    int index = z * ONE_Z_ROW + x;
                    for (y = 0; y <= localY; y++)
                        pos.y = position.y + y;

                        if ((int)pos.y == groundLevel)
                            voxDef = biome.voxelTop;
                            voxDef = biome.voxelDirt;

                        voxels[index].SetFast(voxDef, 15, 1, Misc.color32White);
                        atleastOneVoxel = true;

                        //Check if we should add trees or vegetation
                        if ((int)pos.y == groundLevel)
                            if (pos.y > waterLevel)
                                float rn = WorldRand.GetValue(pos);
                                if (env.enableTrees &&
                                    biome.treeDensity > 0 &&
                                    rn < biome.treeDensity &&
                                    biome.trees.Length > 0)
                                    // request a tree
                                        env.GetTree(biome.trees, rn / biome.treeDensity));
                                else if (env.enableVegetation &&
                                         biome.vegetationDensity > 0 &&
                                         rn < biome.vegetationDensity &&
                                         biome.vegetation.Length > 0)
                                    if (index >= 15 * ONE_Y_ROW)
                                        // we're at the top layer for this chunk
                                        // place a request for vegetation for the chunk above us
                                                                      index - ONE_Y_ROW * 15,
                                                                      env.GetVegetation(biome, rn / biome.vegetationDensity));
                                        // set a vegetation voxel
                                        voxels[index + ONE_Y_ROW].Set(env.GetVegetation(biome, rn / biome.vegetationDensity), Misc.color32White);

                        index += ONE_Y_ROW;

            chunk.isAboveSurface = isAboveSurface;
Example #35
 public InstancedChunk(VoxelChunk chunk)
     this.chunk      = chunk;
     instancedVoxels = new FastList <InstancedVoxel>();
Example #36
        public static void GenerateRuin(VoxelChunk Chunk, ChunkGeneratorSettings Settings)
            // Todo: Support ruins deep underground - empty out their interiors.


            var noiseVector = Chunk.Origin.ToVector3() * Settings.CaveNoiseScale;
            var ruinsNoise  = Settings.CaveNoise.GetValue(noiseVector.X, noiseVector.Y, noiseVector.Z);

            if (Math.Abs(ruinsNoise) > GameSettings.Current.GenerationRuinsRate)

            var avgHeight = GetAverageHeight(Chunk.Origin.X, Chunk.Origin.Z, 16, 16, Settings);

            var ruinWallType  = Library.GetVoxelType("Cobble"); // Todo: Should make this data so this doesn't break if tile names change?
            var ruinFloorType = Library.GetVoxelType("Blue Tile");

            if (Settings.Overworld.Map.GetBiomeAt(Chunk.Origin.ToVector3(), Settings.Overworld.InstanceSettings.Origin).HasValue(out var biome))
                ruinWallType  = Library.GetVoxelType(biome.RuinWallType);
                ruinFloorType = Library.GetVoxelType(biome.RuinFloorType);

            if (!ruinWallType.HasValue() || !ruinFloorType.HasValue())

            int wallHeight = MathFunctions.RandInt(2, 6);
            var template   = RuinTemplates[MathFunctions.RandInt(0, RuinTemplates.Count)];

            var rotations = MathFunctions.RandInt(0, 3);

            for (var i = 0; i < rotations; ++i)
                template = TextureTool.RotatedCopy(template);

            for (int dx = 0; dx < 16; dx++)
                for (int dz = 0; dz < 16; dz++)
                    var worldPos = new Vector3(Chunk.Origin.X + dx, avgHeight, Chunk.Origin.Z + dz);

                    var baseVoxel  = Settings.World.ChunkManager.CreateVoxelHandle(GlobalVoxelCoordinate.FromVector3(worldPos));
                    var underVoxel = VoxelHelpers.FindFirstVoxelBelow(Settings.World.ChunkManager.CreateVoxelHandle(GlobalVoxelCoordinate.FromVector3(worldPos)));
                    var decay      = Settings.NoiseGenerator.Generate(worldPos.X * 0.05f, worldPos.Y * 0.05f, worldPos.Z * 0.05f);

                    if (decay > 0.7f)
                    if (!baseVoxel.IsValid)
                    if (baseVoxel.Coordinate.Y == (Settings.WorldSizeInChunks.Y * VoxelConstants.ChunkSizeY) - 1)
                    if (!underVoxel.IsValid)

                    var templateColor = template.Data[template.Index(dx, dz)];

                    if (templateColor == new Color(0, 0, 255, 255)) // Border
                    else if (templateColor == new Color(0, 0, 0, 255)) // Space
                    else if (templateColor == new Color(255, 0, 0, 255)) // Wall
                        FillBelowRuins(Settings, ruinWallType, baseVoxel, underVoxel);
                        FillRuinColumn(Settings, ruinWallType, 1, wallHeight, baseVoxel, decay);
                    else if (templateColor == new Color(128, 128, 0, 255)) // Door
                        FillBelowRuins(Settings, ruinWallType, baseVoxel, underVoxel);
                        FillRuinColumn(Settings, ruinWallType, 3, wallHeight, baseVoxel, decay);
                    else if (templateColor == new Color(128, 0, 0, 255)) // Floor
                        FillBelowRuins(Settings, ruinWallType, baseVoxel, underVoxel);
 public VMap(uint size, VoxelChunk chunk)
     this.chunk = chunk;
     this.size  = size;
     map        = new Color[size, size, size];
Example #38
        public VertexArray Voxelize(VoxelCollection collection, VoxelChunk chunk)
            List <float> verts = new List <float>();

Example #39
        public static void GenerateSurfaceLife(VoxelChunk TopChunk, ChunkGeneratorSettings Settings)
            var creatureCounts = new Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, int> >();
            var worldDepth     = Settings.WorldSizeInChunks.Y * VoxelConstants.ChunkSizeY;

            for (var x = TopChunk.Origin.X; x < TopChunk.Origin.X + VoxelConstants.ChunkSizeX; x++)
                for (var z = TopChunk.Origin.Z; z < TopChunk.Origin.Z + VoxelConstants.ChunkSizeZ; z++)
                    var overworldPosition = OverworldMap.WorldToOverworld(new Vector2(x, z), Settings.Overworld.InstanceSettings.Origin);

                    if (Settings.Overworld.Map.GetBiomeAt(new Vector3(x, 0, z), Settings.Overworld.InstanceSettings.Origin).HasValue(out var biome))
                        var normalizedHeight = NormalizeHeight(Settings.Overworld.Map.LinearInterpolate(overworldPosition, OverworldField.Height));
                        var height           = (int)MathFunctions.Clamp(normalizedHeight * worldDepth, 0.0f, worldDepth - 2);

                        var voxel = Settings.World.ChunkManager.CreateVoxelHandle(new GlobalVoxelCoordinate(x, height, z));

                        if (!voxel.IsValid ||
                            voxel.Coordinate.Y == 0 ||
                            voxel.Coordinate.Y >= worldDepth - Settings.TreeLine)

                        if (voxel.LiquidLevel != 0)

                        var above = VoxelHelpers.GetVoxelAbove(voxel);
                        if (above.IsValid && (above.LiquidLevel != 0 || !above.IsEmpty))

                        foreach (var animal in biome.Fauna)
                            if (MathFunctions.RandEvent(animal.SpawnProbability))
                                if (!creatureCounts.ContainsKey(biome.Name))
                                    creatureCounts[biome.Name] = new Dictionary <string, int>();
                                var dict = creatureCounts[biome.Name];
                                if (!dict.ContainsKey(animal.Name))
                                    dict[animal.Name] = 0;
                                if (dict[animal.Name] < animal.MaxPopulation)
                                    EntityFactory.CreateEntity <GameComponent>(animal.Name,
                                                                               voxel.WorldPosition + Vector3.Up * 1.5f);

                        if (voxel.Type.Name != biome.SoilLayer.VoxelType)

                        foreach (VegetationData veg in biome.Vegetation)
                            if (voxel.GrassType == 0)

                            if (MathFunctions.RandEvent(veg.SpawnProbability) &&
                                Settings.NoiseGenerator.Noise(voxel.Coordinate.X / veg.ClumpSize,
                                                              veg.NoiseOffset, voxel.Coordinate.Z / veg.ClumpSize) >= veg.ClumpThreshold)
                                var treeSize   = MathFunctions.Rand() * veg.SizeVariance + veg.MeanSize;
                                var blackboard = new Blackboard();
                                blackboard.SetData("Scale", treeSize);

                                EntityFactory.CreateEntity <Plant>(veg.Name,
                                                                   voxel.WorldPosition + new Vector3(0.5f, 1.0f, 0.5f),

 public static void QueueDirtyChunk(VoxelChunk c)
Example #41
        public static void GenerateCaves(VoxelChunk Chunk, ChunkGeneratorSettings Settings)
            if (Library.GetBiome("Cave").HasValue(out BiomeData caveBiome) && Library.GetBiome("Hell").HasValue(out BiomeData hellBiome))
                for (int x = 0; x < VoxelConstants.ChunkSizeX; x++)
                    for (int z = 0; z < VoxelConstants.ChunkSizeZ; z++)
                        for (int i = 0; i < Settings.CaveLevels.Count; i++)
                            // Does layer intersect this voxel?
                            int y = Settings.CaveLevels[i];
                            if (y + Settings.MaxCaveHeight < Chunk.Origin.Y)
                            if (y >= Chunk.Origin.Y + VoxelConstants.ChunkSizeY)

                            var coordinate = new GlobalVoxelCoordinate(Chunk.Origin.X + x, y, Chunk.Origin.Z + z);

                            var data = GetCaveGenerationData(coordinate, i, Settings);

                            var biome = (y <= Settings.HellLevel) ? hellBiome : caveBiome;

                            if (!data.CaveHere)

                            for (int dy = 0; dy < data.Height; dy++)
                                var globalY = y + dy;

                                // Prevent caves punching holes in bedrock.
                                if (globalY <= 0)

                                // Check if voxel is inside chunk.
                                if (globalY <= 0 || globalY < Chunk.Origin.Y || globalY >= Chunk.Origin.Y + VoxelConstants.ChunkSizeY)

                                var voxel = VoxelHandle.UnsafeCreateLocalHandle(Chunk, new LocalVoxelCoordinate(x, globalY - Chunk.Origin.Y, z));

                                // Prevent caves from breaking surface.
                                bool caveBreaksSurface = false;

                                foreach (var neighborCoordinate in VoxelHelpers.EnumerateAllNeighbors(voxel.Coordinate))
                                    var v = Chunk.Manager.CreateVoxelHandle(neighborCoordinate);
                                    if (!v.IsValid || (v.Sunlight))
                                        caveBreaksSurface = true;

                                if (caveBreaksSurface)


                                if (dy == 0)
                                    // Place soil voxel and grass below cave.
                                    var below = VoxelHelpers.GetVoxelBelow(voxel);
                                    if (below.IsValid)
                                        var grassType = Library.GetGrassType(biome.GrassDecal);
                                        if (grassType != null)

                                    // Spawn flora and fauna.
                                    if (data.Noise > Settings.CaveSize * 1.8f && globalY > Settings.LavaLevel)
                                        GenerateCaveFlora(below, biome, Settings);
                                        GenerateCaveFauna(below, biome, Settings);
Example #42
    IEnumerator lV(Vector3 pos)
        MarchingCubes.SetWindingOrder(2, 1, 0);
        m_surfacePerlin = new PerlinNoise(save.m_surfaceSeed);
        m_voronoi = new VoronoiNoise(save.m_surfaceSeed);
        m_voxelChunk = new VoxelChunk(pos, m_Width, m_Height, m_Length, surfaceLevel);
        m_voxelChunk.bDodane = true;

        m_voxelChunk.CreateVoxels(m_surfacePerlin, m_voronoi);//, m_cavePerlin);
        m_voxelChunk.CreateMesh (GameObject.Find ("TerrainGenerator").GetComponent<GenerateTerrain>().m_material);
        yield return new WaitForFixedUpdate();
Example #43
        bool _PaintChunk(VoxelChunk chunk)
            // We already determined the height.
            // Here we need to fill in any voxels that should exists below the height, in this chunk.
            // You'll use the height, to know how high up to go before you've hit air.
            // Or, if the entire chunk is below the surface, you'll just fill the whole thing

            // You'll use these variables in a moment

             * int startX = FastMath.FloorToInt(chunk.position.x - 8);
             * int startZ = FastMath.FloorToInt(chunk.position.z - 8);
             * int chunkBottomPos = FastMath.FloorToInt(chunk.position.y - 8);
             * int chunkTopPos = FastMath.FloorToInt(chunk.position.y + 8);

            // TODO: if chunkTopPos < minHeight
            // set chunk.isAboveSurface to false
            // and return false (no point in proceeding further)

            // TODO: make a bool isAboveSurface. set it to false to begin with.
            // You can uncomment the following line. Most of the rest of the variables won't be
            // written for you however.

            // bool isAboveSurface = false;

            // make a bool atleastOneVoxel. also false to begin with
            // Make a reference to the array of voxels in the chunk:

            // Voxel[] voxels = chunk.voxels; // or just uncomment this line

            // TODO: write two nested for-loops.
            // The outer one should be:

             * for(int z = 0; z < 16; ++z)
             * {
             *  // stuff goes here
             * }
            // The next one should be int x = 0 , x < 16
            // Write a very similar for loop inside of the z for loop
            // except use x instead of z

            // (or the outer one could be x and the next one z, the order doesn't matter here)
            // VoxelFun chunks are size 16*16*16, by the way

            // BIG TODO (don't get too scared; a lot of this is long-winded explanation):
            // Inside the x for-loop

            //    declare a var heightMapInfo = env.GetHeightMapInfoFast(startX + x, startZ + z);

            //     ('var' in C# means "computer, please infer the correct type for me. I don't feel like typing it out myself")
            //    make an int surfaceLevel = heightMapInfo.groundLevel
            //    if chunkTopPos is above surfaceLevel
            //         set isAboveSurface to true
            //    declare an int localY equal to surfaceLevel minus chunkBottomPos

            //    if localY is greater than 16, set it to 16
            //    Note: if the bottom of this chunk is above the surface, localY will be negative and we want that
            //     Iterate over the y column.
            //     for y = 0  ... y < localY ... y++
            //          find the correct array index in the 'voxels' array based on which x, y, z we're at.
            //          (EXPLANATION: take a second to ponder the situation: the 'voxels' array is a '1D' array.
            //           you get items from it with one number not three: voxels[ SOME_NUMBER ].

            //           we have to find the right way to map x, y, and z to a number.
            //           The people who made voxel play decided to order the indices such that:
            //                  x is least significant. each x counts for 1
            //                  z is next. each z counts for a column. so each z counts for 16
            //                  y is most significant. each y counts for an 'xz' layer. so each y counts for 16 * 16)

            //            So, find the correct index:
            //            Make an int index equal to y times ONE_Y_ROW plus z times ONE_Z_ROW plus x
            //                 (ONE_Y_ROW = 16*16, ONE_Z_ROW = 16. you may as well use these constants instead of writing out the numbers)
            //            Finally...set the voxel to grass
            //            use
            //            voxels[index].SetFast(topVoxel, 15, 1, Misc.color32White);
            //            also...we now know that this chunk has at least one voxel:
            //            atleastOneVoxel = true; // set to true

            //  After the end of all three for-loops
            //  chunk.isAboveSurface = isAboveSurface;
            //  return atleastOneVoxel;

 public bool IsGridChuck(VoxelChunk chunk)
     return(chunk.position.y == 8);
Example #45
 public Job_BuildLiquidMesh(VoxelChunk Chunk, Mesh Target) : base(Chunk)
     mTarget = Target;
        private void WriteChunk(ref Vector3I coords, VoxelChunk chunk)
            // We assume that we are locked here.

            var start = coords << VoxelChunk.SizeBits;

            var end = ((coords + 1) << VoxelChunk.SizeBits) - 1;

            MyStorageData storage = chunk.MakeData();
            WriteRangeInternal(storage, chunk.Dirty, ref start, ref end);

            chunk.Dirty = 0;
Example #47
 public InstancedChunk(VoxelChunk chunk, BatchedCell cell)
     this.chunk       = chunk;
     this.batchedCell = cell;
     instancedVoxels  = new FastList <InstancedVoxel>();
        private void ReadDatForChunk(VoxelChunk chunk, MyStorageDataTypeFlags data)
            var rangeStart = chunk.Coords << VoxelChunk.SizeBits;
            var rangeEnd = ((chunk.Coords + 1) << VoxelChunk.SizeBits) - 1;

            MyStorageData storage = chunk.MakeData();

            MyVoxelRequestFlags flags = 0;

            ReadRangeInternal(storage, ref Vector3I.Zero, data, 0, ref rangeStart, ref rangeEnd, ref flags);

            chunk.Cached |= data;
            chunk.MaxLod = 0;
Example #49
        public static VoxelChunk GenerateChunk(GlobalChunkCoordinate ID, ChunkGeneratorSettings Settings)
            var origin      = new GlobalVoxelCoordinate(ID, new LocalVoxelCoordinate(0, 0, 0));
            var worldDepth  = Settings.WorldSizeInChunks.Y * VoxelConstants.ChunkSizeY;
            var waterHeight = NormalizeHeight(Settings.Overworld.GenerationSettings.SeaLevel + 1.0f / worldDepth);

            var c = new VoxelChunk(Settings.World.ChunkManager, ID);

            if (GameSettings.Current.NoStone)

            for (int x = 0; x < VoxelConstants.ChunkSizeX; x++)
                for (int z = 0; z < VoxelConstants.ChunkSizeZ; z++)
                    var overworldPosition = OverworldMap.WorldToOverworld(new Vector2(x + origin.X, z + origin.Z), Settings.Overworld.InstanceSettings.Origin);

                    if (Settings.Overworld.Map.GetBiomeAt(new Vector3(x + origin.X, 0, z + origin.Z), Settings.Overworld.InstanceSettings.Origin).HasValue(out var biomeData))
                        var normalizedHeight = NormalizeHeight(Settings.Overworld.Map.LinearInterpolate(overworldPosition, OverworldField.Height));
                        var height           = MathFunctions.Clamp(normalizedHeight * worldDepth, 0.0f, worldDepth - 2);
                        var stoneHeight      = (int)MathFunctions.Clamp((int)(height - (biomeData.SoilLayer.Depth + (Math.Sin(overworldPosition.X) + Math.Cos(overworldPosition.Y)))), 1, height);

                        for (int y = 0; y < VoxelConstants.ChunkSizeY; y++)
                            var globalY = origin.Y + y;
                            var voxel   = VoxelHandle.UnsafeCreateLocalHandle(c, new LocalVoxelCoordinate(x, y, z));

                            if (globalY == 0)

                            // Below the stone line, use subsurface layers.
                            if (globalY <= stoneHeight && stoneHeight > 1)
                                var depth           = stoneHeight - globalY - biomeData.SubsurfaceLayers[0].Depth + 1;
                                var subsurfaceLayer = 0;
                                while (depth > 0 && subsurfaceLayer < biomeData.SubsurfaceLayers.Count - 1)
                                    depth           -= biomeData.SubsurfaceLayers[subsurfaceLayer].Depth;
                                    subsurfaceLayer += 1;

                            // Otherwise, on the surface.
                            else if ((globalY == (int)height || globalY == stoneHeight) && normalizedHeight > waterHeight)

                                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(biomeData.GrassDecal))
                                    if (!biomeData.ClumpGrass || (biomeData.ClumpGrass &&
                                                                  Settings.NoiseGenerator.Noise(overworldPosition.X / biomeData.ClumpSize, 0, overworldPosition.Y / biomeData.ClumpSize) > biomeData.ClumpTreshold))
                            else if (globalY > height && globalY > 0)
                            else if (normalizedHeight <= waterHeight)

Example #50
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates a random set of dwarves in the given chunk.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="numDwarves">Number of dwarves to generate</param>
        /// <param name="c">The chunk the dwarves belong to</param>
        public void CreateInitialDwarves(VoxelChunk c)
            int numWorkers = 3;
            int numAxes = 1;
            int numCrafters = 1;

            Vector3 g = c.WorldToGrid(Camera.Position);
            // Find the height of the world at the camera
            float h = c.GetFilledVoxelGridHeightAt((int) g.X, ChunkHeight - 1, (int) g.Z);

            // This is done just to make sure the camera is in the correct place.

            // Spawn the dwarves above the terrain
            for (int i = 0; i < numWorkers; i++)
                Vector3 dorfPos = new Vector3(Camera.Position.X + (float) Random.NextDouble(), h + 10, Camera.Position.Z + (float) Random.NextDouble());
                Physics creat = (Physics) EntityFactory.GenerateDwarf(dorfPos, ComponentManager, Content, GraphicsDevice, ChunkManager, Camera, ComponentManager.Factions.Factions["Player"], PlanService, "Player", JobLibrary.Classes[JobLibrary.JobType.Worker], 0);

                creat.Velocity = new Vector3(1, 0, 0);

            for (int i = 0; i < numAxes; i++)
                Vector3 dorfPos = new Vector3(Camera.Position.X + (float)Random.NextDouble(), h + 10, Camera.Position.Z + (float)Random.NextDouble());
                Physics creat = (Physics)EntityFactory.GenerateDwarf(dorfPos,
                    ComponentManager, Content, GraphicsDevice, ChunkManager, Camera, ComponentManager.Factions.Factions["Player"], PlanService, "Player", JobLibrary.Classes[JobLibrary.JobType.AxeDwarf], 0);

                creat.Velocity = new Vector3(1, 0, 0);

            for (int i = 0; i < numCrafters; i++)
                Vector3 dorfPos = new Vector3(Camera.Position.X + (float)Random.NextDouble(), h + 10, Camera.Position.Z + (float)Random.NextDouble());
                Physics creat = (Physics)EntityFactory.GenerateDwarf(dorfPos,
                    ComponentManager, Content, GraphicsDevice, ChunkManager, Camera, ComponentManager.Factions.Factions["Player"], PlanService, "Player", JobLibrary.Classes[JobLibrary.JobType.CraftsDwarf], 0);

                creat.Velocity = new Vector3(1, 0, 0);

            // Turn the camera to face the dwarves
            Camera.Target = new Vector3(Camera.Position.X, h + 10, Camera.Position.Z + 10);
            Camera.Phi = -(float) Math.PI * 0.3f;
Example #51
 IEnumerator test2()
     PerlinNoise m_surfacePerlin = new PerlinNoise(terrain.m_surfaceSeed);
     VoronoiNoise m_voronoi = new VoronoiNoise(terrain.m_surfaceSeed);
     //List<ChunkData> chunks2 = new List<ChunkData>();
     foreach(ChunkData chunk in chunks.ToArray ())
         for(int i = 0; i <= uncoverArea; i++)
             if(!GameObject.Find ("Voxel Mesh " + (chunk.m_pos.x+(i*8)).ToString() + " " + (chunk.m_pos.y).ToString() + " " + (chunk.m_pos.z).ToString()))
         //		PerlinNoise m_surfacePerlin = new PerlinNoise(terrain.m_surfaceSeed);
         //		VoronoiNoise m_voronoi = new VoronoiNoise(terrain.m_surfaceSeed);
                 Vector3 pos = new Vector3(chunk.m_pos.x+8*i+1, chunk.m_pos.y+1, chunk.m_pos.z+1);
                 m_voxelChunktemp = new VoxelChunk(pos, terrain.m_voxelWidth, terrain.m_voxelHeight, terrain.m_voxelLength, terrain.m_surfaceLevel);
                 m_voxelChunktemp.CreateVoxels (m_surfacePerlin, m_voronoi);
                 m_voxelChunktemp.CreateMesh (terrain.m_material);
             //	yield return new WaitForSeconds(.1f);
                 //chunk.bOnce = true;
             if(!GameObject.Find ("Voxel Mesh " + (chunk.m_pos.x+8*i).ToString() + " " + (chunk.m_pos.y).ToString() + " " + (chunk.m_pos.z + 8*i).ToString()))
         //		PerlinNoise m_surfacePerlin = new PerlinNoise(terrain.m_surfaceSeed);
         //		VoronoiNoise m_voronoi = new VoronoiNoise(terrain.m_surfaceSeed);
                 Vector3 pos = new Vector3(chunk.m_pos.x+8*i+1, chunk.m_pos.y+1, chunk.m_pos.z+8*i+1);
                 m_voxelChunktemp = new VoxelChunk(pos, terrain.m_voxelWidth, terrain.m_voxelHeight, terrain.m_voxelLength, terrain.m_surfaceLevel);
                 m_voxelChunktemp.CreateVoxels (m_surfacePerlin, m_voronoi);
                 m_voxelChunktemp.CreateMesh (terrain.m_material);
             //	yield return new WaitForSeconds(.1f);
                 //chunk.bOnce = true;
             if(!GameObject.Find ("Voxel Mesh " + (chunk.m_pos.x+8*i).ToString() + " " + (chunk.m_pos.y).ToString() + " " + (chunk.m_pos.z - 8*i).ToString()))
         //		PerlinNoise m_surfacePerlin = new PerlinNoise(terrain.m_surfaceSeed);
         //		VoronoiNoise m_voronoi = new VoronoiNoise(terrain.m_surfaceSeed);
                 Vector3 pos = new Vector3(chunk.m_pos.x+8*i+1, chunk.m_pos.y+1, chunk.m_pos.z-8*i+1);
                 m_voxelChunktemp = new VoxelChunk(pos, terrain.m_voxelWidth, terrain.m_voxelHeight, terrain.m_voxelLength, terrain.m_surfaceLevel);
                 m_voxelChunktemp.CreateVoxels (m_surfacePerlin, m_voronoi);
                 m_voxelChunktemp.CreateMesh (terrain.m_material);
             //	yield return new WaitForSeconds(.1f);
                 //chunk.bOnce = true;
             if(!GameObject.Find ("Voxel Mesh " + (chunk.m_pos.x-8*i).ToString() + " " + (chunk.m_pos.y).ToString() + " " + (chunk.m_pos.z).ToString()))
         //		PerlinNoise m_surfacePerlin = new PerlinNoise(terrain.m_surfaceSeed);
         //		VoronoiNoise m_voronoi = new VoronoiNoise(terrain.m_surfaceSeed);
                 Vector3 pos = new Vector3(chunk.m_pos.x-8*i+1, chunk.m_pos.y+1, chunk.m_pos.z+1);
                 m_voxelChunktemp = new VoxelChunk(pos, terrain.m_voxelWidth, terrain.m_voxelHeight, terrain.m_voxelLength, terrain.m_surfaceLevel);
                 m_voxelChunktemp.CreateVoxels (m_surfacePerlin, m_voronoi);
                 m_voxelChunktemp.CreateMesh (terrain.m_material);
             //	yield return new WaitForSeconds(.1f);
                 //chunk.bOnce = true;
             if(!GameObject.Find ("Voxel Mesh " + (chunk.m_pos.x-8*i).ToString() + " " + (chunk.m_pos.y).ToString() + " " + (chunk.m_pos.z + 8*i).ToString()))
         //		PerlinNoise m_surfacePerlin = new PerlinNoise(terrain.m_surfaceSeed);
         //		VoronoiNoise m_voronoi = new VoronoiNoise(terrain.m_surfaceSeed);
                 Vector3 pos = new Vector3(chunk.m_pos.x-8*i+1, chunk.m_pos.y+1, chunk.m_pos.z+8*i+1);
                 m_voxelChunktemp = new VoxelChunk(pos, terrain.m_voxelWidth, terrain.m_voxelHeight, terrain.m_voxelLength, terrain.m_surfaceLevel);
                 m_voxelChunktemp.CreateVoxels (m_surfacePerlin, m_voronoi);
                 m_voxelChunktemp.CreateMesh (terrain.m_material);
             //	yield return new WaitForSeconds(.1f);
                 //chunk.bOnce = true;
             if(!GameObject.Find ("Voxel Mesh " + (chunk.m_pos.x-8*i).ToString() + " " + (chunk.m_pos.y).ToString() + " " + (chunk.m_pos.z - 8*i).ToString()))
         //		PerlinNoise m_surfacePerlin = new PerlinNoise(terrain.m_surfaceSeed);
         //		VoronoiNoise m_voronoi = new VoronoiNoise(terrain.m_surfaceSeed);
                 Vector3 pos = new Vector3(chunk.m_pos.x-8*i+1, chunk.m_pos.y+1, chunk.m_pos.z-8*i+1);
                 m_voxelChunktemp = new VoxelChunk(pos, terrain.m_voxelWidth, terrain.m_voxelHeight, terrain.m_voxelLength, terrain.m_surfaceLevel);
                 m_voxelChunktemp.CreateVoxels (m_surfacePerlin, m_voronoi);
                 m_voxelChunktemp.CreateMesh (terrain.m_material);
             //	yield return new WaitForSeconds(.1f);
                 //chunk.bOnce = true;
             if(!GameObject.Find ("Voxel Mesh " + (chunk.m_pos.x).ToString() + " " + (chunk.m_pos.y).ToString() + " " + (chunk.m_pos.z + 8*i).ToString()))
         //		PerlinNoise m_surfacePerlin = new PerlinNoise(terrain.m_surfaceSeed);
         //		VoronoiNoise m_voronoi = new VoronoiNoise(terrain.m_surfaceSeed);
                 Vector3 pos = new Vector3(chunk.m_pos.x+1, chunk.m_pos.y+1, chunk.m_pos.z+8*i+1);
                 m_voxelChunktemp = new VoxelChunk(pos, terrain.m_voxelWidth, terrain.m_voxelHeight, terrain.m_voxelLength, terrain.m_surfaceLevel);
                 m_voxelChunktemp.CreateVoxels (m_surfacePerlin, m_voronoi);
                 m_voxelChunktemp.CreateMesh (terrain.m_material);
             //	yield return new WaitForSeconds(.1f);
                 //chunk.bOnce = true;
             if(!GameObject.Find ("Voxel Mesh " + (chunk.m_pos.x).ToString() + " " + (chunk.m_pos.y).ToString() + " " + (chunk.m_pos.z - 8*i).ToString()))
         //		PerlinNoise m_surfacePerlin = new PerlinNoise(terrain.m_surfaceSeed);
         //		VoronoiNoise m_voronoi = new VoronoiNoise(terrain.m_surfaceSeed);
                 Vector3 pos = new Vector3(chunk.m_pos.x+1, chunk.m_pos.y+1, chunk.m_pos.z-8*i+1);
                 m_voxelChunktemp = new VoxelChunk(pos, terrain.m_voxelWidth, terrain.m_voxelHeight, terrain.m_voxelLength, terrain.m_surfaceLevel);
                 m_voxelChunktemp.CreateVoxels (m_surfacePerlin, m_voronoi);
                 m_voxelChunktemp.CreateMesh (terrain.m_material);
             //	yield return new WaitForSeconds(.1f);
                 //chunk.bOnce = true;
             yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.001f);
         chunk.bUsed = true;
         //chunks2.Add (chunk);
         chunks.Remove (chunk);
         yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.001f);
     //chunks = chunks.Except (chunks2).ToList ();
     //chunks2.Clear ();
     //yield return new WaitForSeconds(.2f);