Example #1
 public bool WorksHere(VotingVenue v)
     return Validated && _workplaces.Contains(v);
 private void TestWorksHere(VotingVenue votingVenue)
     if (!this.PermittedToWorkHere(votingVenue)) throw new PermissionException(_user, "You don't work at this voting venue");
Example #3
 private HashSet<VotingVenue> PriGetWorkplaces(User user)
     Contract.Requires(this.Transacting(), "This method must be performed in a transaction.");
     Contract.Requires(user != null, "The input user must not be null!");
     Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<HashSet<VotingVenue>>() != null);
     var output = new HashSet<VotingVenue>();
     if (user.DbId < 1) return output; //The user CAN not exist in the database...
     MySqlCommand cmd =
         Prepare("SELECT " +
                 "   v.id, " +
                 "   v.address, " +
                 "   v.name " +
                 "FROM " +
                 "   user u " +
                 "   INNER JOIN " +
                 "       workplace w " +
                 "       ON " +
                 "       u.id = w.user_id " +
                 "   INNER JOIN " +
                 "       voting_venue v " +
                 "       ON " +
                 "       v.id = w.voting_venue_id " +
                 "WHERE " +
                 "   u.id=@id");
     cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@id", user.DbId);
     Query(cmd, rdr =>
         while (rdr.Read())
             VotingVenue venue = new VotingVenue(
     return output;
 /// <summary>
 /// Is my user permitted to work on this voting venue?
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="v"></param>
 /// <param name="msg"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public bool PermittedToWorkHere(VotingVenue v, string msg = "You can't perform this action, as you don't work in the right voting venue, or have global access")
     return _user.WorksHere(v) || this.ActionPermitted(SystemAction.AllVotingPlaces);