Example #1
    void Start()
        // Create your sites (lets call that the center of your polygons)
        List <Vector2> points = CreateRandomPoint();

        // Create the bounds of the voronoi diagram
        // Use Rectf instead of Rect; it's a struct just like Rect and does pretty much the same,
        // but like that it allows you to run the delaunay library outside of unity (which mean also in another tread)
        Rect bounds = new Rect(0, 0, 512, 512);

        // There is a two ways you can create the voronoi diagram: with or without the lloyd relaxation
        // Here I used it with 2 iterations of the lloyd relaxation
        Voronoi voronoi = new Voronoi(points, bounds, 2);

        // But you could also create it without lloyd relaxtion and call that function later if you want
        //Voronoi voronoi = new Voronoi(points,bounds);

        // Now retreive the edges from it, and the new sites position if you used lloyd relaxtion
        sites = voronoi.SitesIndexedByLocation;
        edges = voronoi.Edges;
        VoronoiToGraph vtg = new VoronoiToGraph();

        vtg.GeneraGrafo(edges, 512f);
Example #2
File: Pcg.cs Project: Alexrot/PCG
    private void Start()
        Node exit = new Node(new Vector2(-1, -1));

        vtg = new VoronoiToGraph();
        //genera un immagine su cui lloyd e voronoi lavoreranno
        Rect bounds = new Rect(0, 0, maxCanvas, maxCanvas);
        //punti randomici NON QUELLI DA UTILIZZARE
        List <Vector2> points = CreateRandomPoint(polygonNumber);

        //genero voronoi e modifico tramite lloyd

        Voronoi voronoi = new Voronoi(points, bounds, 4);

        puntiLloyd    = voronoi.SitesIndexedByLocation;
        archiDelGrafo = voronoi.Edges;
        vtg.GeneraGrafo(archiDelGrafo, maxCanvas);
        Graph grafoFinale = vtg.GetGraph();

        foreach (Node a in grafoFinale.nodes)
            Debug.Log(a.position + "questo e un nodo del grafo dove x =" + a.position.x + " y =" + a.position.y);
        DisplayVoronoiDiagram(points, archiDelGrafo);//grafo voronoi

        poligoni = new LoopFinder();
        poligoni.PolyTransform(poligono, exit);
        Node next = vtg.GetStartingPoint();

            next = poligoni.FindLoops(next);
        } while (next != exit);

        foreach (Arc a in grafoFinale.arcs)
            Debug.Log(a.value + "dell'arco che va da " + a.a.position + " a " + a.b.position);

        //DisplayVoronoiDiagram(points, vtg.poligoni.arcs);//mio grafo
        //DisplayVoronoiDiagram(points, archiDelGrafo);//grafo voronoi
        //tBase.text = archiDelGrafo.ToString()+ "";