Example #1
        protected void CalculateDistance(float x, float y, float z, out VoronoiDistance result)
            result = new VoronoiDistance
                Distance0 = float.MaxValue,
                Distance1 = float.MaxValue,
                Distance2 = float.MaxValue,
                Distance3 = float.MaxValue

            int xi = MathExtension.Floor(x);
            int yi = MathExtension.Floor(y);
            int zi = MathExtension.Floor(z);

            // NOTE:
            // Why does libnoise use cells in [-1, 2] ? For accuracy ?
            // Standard voronoi algorithms use cells in [-1, 1].

            // Inside each unit cube, there is a seed point at a random position.
            // Go through each of the nearby cubes until we find a cube with a seed point
            // that is closest to the specified position.
            for (int zz = zi - 1; zz <= zi + 1; zz++)
                for (int yy = yi - 1; yy <= yi + 1; yy++)
                    for (int xx = xi - 1; xx <= xi + 1; xx++)
            //for (int zz = zi - 2; zz <= zi + 2; zz++)
            //    for (int yy = yi - 2; yy <= yi + 2; yy++)
            //    {
            //        for (int xx = xi - 2; xx <= xi + 2; xx++)
            //        {
                        // Calculate the position and distance to the seed point
                        // inside of this unit cube.
                        float xp = xx + GetPosition(xx, yy, zz, seed);
                        float yp = yy + GetPosition(xx, yy, zz, seed + 1);
                        float zp = zz + GetPosition(xx, yy, zz, seed + 2);
                        float xd = xp - x;
                        float yd = yp - y;
                        float zd = zp - z;

                        // Calculate the distance with the specified metric.
                        float d = metric.Calculate(xd, yd, zd);

                        if (d < result.Distance0)
                            result.Distance3 = result.Distance2;
                            result.Distance2 = result.Distance1;
                            result.Distance1 = result.Distance0;
                            result.Distance0 = d;

                            result.Position3 = result.Position2;
                            result.Position2 = result.Position1;
                            result.Position1 = result.Position0;
                            result.Position0.X = xp;
                            result.Position0.Y = yp;
                            result.Position0.Z = zp;
                        else if (d < result.Distance1)
                            result.Distance3 = result.Distance2;
                            result.Distance2 = result.Distance1;
                            result.Distance1 = d;

                            result.Position3 = result.Position2;
                            result.Position2 = result.Position1;
                            result.Position1.X = xp;
                            result.Position1.Y = yp;
                            result.Position1.Z = zp;
                        else if (d < result.Distance2)
                            result.Distance3 = result.Distance2;
                            result.Distance2 = d;

                            result.Position3 = result.Position2;
                            result.Position2.X = xp;
                            result.Position2.Y = yp;
                            result.Position2.Z = zp;
                        else if (d < result.Distance3)
                            result.Distance3 = d;

                            result.Position3.X = xp;
                            result.Position3.Y = yp;
                            result.Position3.Z = zp;
Example #2
        public override double GetValue(double x, double y)
            double frequency = Frequency.GetValue(x, y);

            x *= frequency;
            y *= frequency;

            int xInt = (x > 0.0 ? (int)x : (int)x - 1);
            int yInt = (y > 0.0 ? (int)y : (int)y - 1);

            // Get mode/method:
            VoronoiMethod   method   = (VoronoiMethod)((int)Method.GetValue(x, y));
            VoronoiDistance distance = (VoronoiDistance)((int)Distance.GetValue(x, y));
            VoronoiDraw     drawMode = (VoronoiDraw)((int)DrawMode.GetValue(x, y));

            // Get the buffer:
            double[] buffer       = DistanceBuffer;
            int      bufferLength = buffer.Length;

            // Reset mins:
            for (int i = 0; i < bufferLength; i += 2)
                // Up to max:
                buffer[i] = double.MaxValue;

            // Inside each unit cube, there is a seed point at a random position.  Go
            // through each of the nearby cubes until we find a cube with a seed point
            // that is closest to the specified position.
            for (int yCur = yInt - 2; yCur <= yInt + 2; yCur++)
                for (int xCur = xInt - 2; xCur <= xInt + 2; xCur++)
                    // Calculate the position and distance to the seed point inside of
                    // this unit cube.
                    double xPos  = xCur + ValueNoiseBasis.ValueNoise(xCur, yCur, Seed);
                    double yPos  = yCur + ValueNoiseBasis.ValueNoise(xCur, yCur, Seed + 1);
                    double xDist = xPos - x;
                    double yDist = yPos - y;
                    double dist;

                    // Sample and return at the successful point:
                    int x0 = (xPos > 0.0 ? (int)xPos : (int)xPos - 1);
                    int y0 = (yPos > 0.0 ? (int)yPos : (int)yPos - 1);

                    // Min is..
                    double min = ((double)ValueNoiseBasis.ValueNoise(x0, y0) + 1.0) * 0.5;

                    switch (distance)
                    case VoronoiDistance.Euclidean:

                        dist = xDist * xDist + yDist * yDist;

                        if (drawMode == VoronoiDraw.Normal)
                            dist += 1.0 - min;


                    case VoronoiDistance.Manhattan:

                        if (yDist < 0)
                            yDist = -yDist;

                        if (xDist < 0)
                            xDist = -xDist;

                        dist = xDist + yDist;

                        if (drawMode == VoronoiDraw.Normal)
                            dist += 1.0 - min;

                        dist /= 2.0;


                    case VoronoiDistance.Chebyshev:

                        if (yDist < 0)
                            yDist = -yDist;

                        if (xDist < 0)
                            xDist = -xDist;

                        if (yDist > xDist)
                            dist = yDist;
                            dist = xDist;

                        if (drawMode == VoronoiDraw.Normal)
                            if (dist < min)
                                dist = min;


                    case VoronoiDistance.Minkowski:

                        if (yDist < 0)
                            yDist = -yDist;

                        if (xDist < 0)
                            xDist = -xDist;

                        double minkowskiNumber = MinkowskiNumber.GetValue(x, y);

                        dist = System.Math.Pow((System.Math.Pow(xDist, minkowskiNumber) + System.Math.Pow(yDist, minkowskiNumber)), 1.0 / minkowskiNumber);

                        if (drawMode == VoronoiDraw.Normal)
                            if (dist < min)
                                dist = min;


                    // Note: The nearest is at [0].
                    for (int i = 0; i < bufferLength; i += 2)
                        // Up to max:
                        if (dist < buffer[i])
                            // This seed point is closer than the one at buffer[i/2].
                            // Push i onwards over by 2 places as the entry here
                            // and all after it are now further away.
                            int offset = i + 2;

                            if (bufferLength != offset)
                                Array.Copy(buffer, i, buffer, offset, bufferLength - offset);

                            // Write this:
                            buffer[i]     = dist;
                            buffer[i + 1] = min;

                            // Stop there.

            // Buffer now contains n nodes. The nearest one is at the start of the buffer.

            double value;

            // Special case for euclidean - we used basic lengths for speed:

            if (distance == VoronoiDistance.Euclidean)
                // Must compute the full distance. So, for each one..
                for (int i = 0; i < bufferLength; i += 2)
                    // Get complete value:
                    buffer[i] = (System.Math.Sqrt(buffer[i])) * Math.Sqrt3 - 1.0;

            // Next, compute the point and offset values.

            if (drawMode == VoronoiDraw.Solid)
                switch (method)
                case VoronoiMethod.F1:

                    // Best distance was..

                    value = buffer[1];


                case VoronoiMethod.F2:

                    // 2nd best distance was..

                    value = buffer[3];


                case VoronoiMethod.F3:

                    // 3rd best distance was..

                    value = buffer[5];


                case VoronoiMethod.F4:

                    // 4th best distance was..

                    value = buffer[7];


                case VoronoiMethod.F2minusF1:
                case VoronoiMethod.F3minusF2:
                case VoronoiMethod.F4minusF3:

                    // fN - fNm1 (but inverted):
                    value = buffer[bufferLength - 3] - buffer[bufferLength - 1] + 1.0;


                case VoronoiMethod.Average2:
                case VoronoiMethod.Average3:
                case VoronoiMethod.Average4:

                    // Sum all of them together:
                    value = 0.0;

                    for (int i = 1; i < bufferLength; i += 2)
                        value += buffer[i];

                    // Average is then..
                    value /= (double)bufferLength;


                case VoronoiMethod.TwoF3minusF2minusF1:

                    // 2 * f3 - f2 - f1:
                    value = 1.0 - ((2.0 * buffer[5]) - buffer[3] - buffer[1]);

                switch (method)
                case VoronoiMethod.F1:

                    // Best distance was..

                    value = buffer[0];


                case VoronoiMethod.F2:

                    // 2nd best distance was..

                    value = buffer[2];


                case VoronoiMethod.F3:

                    // 3rd best distance was..

                    value = buffer[4];


                case VoronoiMethod.F4:

                    // 4th best distance was..

                    value = buffer[6];


                case VoronoiMethod.F2minusF1:
                case VoronoiMethod.F3minusF2:
                case VoronoiMethod.F4minusF3:

                    // fN - fNm1 (but inverted):
                    value = buffer[bufferLength - 4] - buffer[bufferLength - 2] + 1.0;


                case VoronoiMethod.Average2:
                case VoronoiMethod.Average3:
                case VoronoiMethod.Average4:

                    // Sum all of them together:
                    value = 0.0;

                    for (int i = 0; i < bufferLength; i += 2)
                        value += buffer[i];

                    // Average is then..
                    value /= (double)bufferLength;


                case VoronoiMethod.TwoF3minusF2minusF1:

                    // 2 * f3 - f2 - f1:
                    value = 1.0 - ((2.0 * buffer[4]) - buffer[2] - buffer[0]);


            // Return the calculated distance.

            if (distance == VoronoiDistance.Euclidean)
                return((1.0 - value) / 2.0);

            return(1.0 - value);
Example #3
        protected void CalculateDistance(float x, float y, float z, out VoronoiDistance result)
            result = new VoronoiDistance
                Distance0 = float.MaxValue,
                Distance1 = float.MaxValue,
                Distance2 = float.MaxValue,
                Distance3 = float.MaxValue

            int xi = MathExtension.Floor(x);
            int yi = MathExtension.Floor(y);
            int zi = MathExtension.Floor(z);

            // NOTE:
            // Why does libnoise use cells in [-1, 2] ? For accuracy ?
            // Standard voronoi algorithms use cells in [-1, 1].

            // Inside each unit cube, there is a seed point at a random position.
            // Go through each of the nearby cubes until we find a cube with a seed point
            // that is closest to the specified position.
            for (int zz = zi - 1; zz <= zi + 1; zz++)
                for (int yy = yi - 1; yy <= yi + 1; yy++)
                    for (int xx = xi - 1; xx <= xi + 1; xx++)
                        //for (int zz = zi - 2; zz <= zi + 2; zz++)
                        //    for (int yy = yi - 2; yy <= yi + 2; yy++)
                        //    {
                        //        for (int xx = xi - 2; xx <= xi + 2; xx++)
                        //        {
                        // Calculate the position and distance to the seed point
                        // inside of this unit cube.
                        float xp = xx + GetPosition(xx, yy, zz, seed);
                        float yp = yy + GetPosition(xx, yy, zz, seed + 1);
                        float zp = zz + GetPosition(xx, yy, zz, seed + 2);
                        float xd = xp - x;
                        float yd = yp - y;
                        float zd = zp - z;

                        // Calculate the distance with the specified metric.
                        float d = metric.Calculate(xd, yd, zd);

                        if (d < result.Distance0)
                            result.Distance3 = result.Distance2;
                            result.Distance2 = result.Distance1;
                            result.Distance1 = result.Distance0;
                            result.Distance0 = d;

                            result.Position3   = result.Position2;
                            result.Position2   = result.Position1;
                            result.Position1   = result.Position0;
                            result.Position0.X = xp;
                            result.Position0.Y = yp;
                            result.Position0.Z = zp;
                        else if (d < result.Distance1)
                            result.Distance3 = result.Distance2;
                            result.Distance2 = result.Distance1;
                            result.Distance1 = d;

                            result.Position3   = result.Position2;
                            result.Position2   = result.Position1;
                            result.Position1.X = xp;
                            result.Position1.Y = yp;
                            result.Position1.Z = zp;
                        else if (d < result.Distance2)
                            result.Distance3 = result.Distance2;
                            result.Distance2 = d;

                            result.Position3   = result.Position2;
                            result.Position2.X = xp;
                            result.Position2.Y = yp;
                            result.Position2.Z = zp;
                        else if (d < result.Distance3)
                            result.Distance3 = d;

                            result.Position3.X = xp;
                            result.Position3.Y = yp;
                            result.Position3.Z = zp;