public override void GenerateLiRays(IRayEngineScene scn, Sample sample, ref RayData ray, VolumeComputation comp)
            var scene = (RayEngineScene)(scn);

            var sigs = sig_s;
            comp.EmittedLight = lightEmission;
            float t0, t1;
            if (!region.Intersect(ray, out t0, out t1))

            if (sigs.IsBlack() || (scene.Lights.Length < 1))
                float distance = t1 - t0;
                comp.EmittedLight = lightEmission * distance;
                // Prepare for volume integration stepping
                float distance = t1 - t0;
                var nSamples = MathLab.Ceil2UInt(distance / stepSize);

                float step = distance / nSamples;
                RgbSpectrum Tr = new RgbSpectrum(1f);
                RgbSpectrum Lv = new RgbSpectrum();
                var p = ray.Point(t0);
                float offset = sample.GetLazyValue();
                t0 += offset * step;

                //Vector pPrev;
                for (var i = 0; i < nSamples; ++i, t0 += step)
                    //pPrev = p;
                    p = ray.Point(t0);
                    Sigma_s(ref p, out sigs);
                    //sigs = NoiseProvider.Instance.Noise3D(((Vector)p).Normalize());
                    Lv += lightEmission;
                    if (!sigs.IsBlack() && (scene.Lights.Length) > 0)
                        // Select the light to sample
                        float lightStrategyPdf;
                        var light = scene.Lights[scene.SampleLights(sample.GetLazyValue(), out lightStrategyPdf)];

                        // Select a point on the light surface
                        float lightPdf;
                        Normal fakeNorml = new Normal(0f, 0f, 1f);
                        LightSample ls = new LightSample();
                        light.EvaluateShadow(ref p, ref fakeNorml, sample.GetLazyValue(),
                                                                sample.GetLazyValue(), sample.GetLazyValue(), ref ls);

                        var lightColor = (RgbSpectrumInfo)(ls.Spectrum);
                        lightPdf = ls.Pdf;
                        comp.Rays[comp.RayCount] = ls.LightRay;

                        if ((lightPdf > 0f) && !lightColor.IsBlack())
                            comp.ScatteredLight[comp.RayCount] =(RgbSpectrum)(Tr * sigs * lightColor * MathLab.Exp(-distance) *
                                                                 ((Density(ref p) * step) / (4f * MathLab.M_PI * lightPdf * lightStrategyPdf)));

                    comp.EmittedLight = Lv * step;