public ProbeVolumeArtistParameters(Color debugColor) { this.debugColor = debugColor; this.drawProbes = false; this.payloadIndex = -1; this.size =; this.m_PositiveFade =; this.m_NegativeFade =; this.m_UniformFade = 0; this.advancedFade = false; this.distanceFadeStart = 10000.0f; this.distanceFadeEnd = 10000.0f; this.scale =; this.bias =; this.octahedralDepthScaleBias =; this.probeSpacingMode = ProbeSpacingMode.Density; this.resolutionX = 4; this.resolutionY = 4; this.resolutionZ = 4; this.densityX = (float)this.resolutionX / this.size.x; this.densityY = (float)this.resolutionY / this.size.y; this.densityZ = (float)this.resolutionZ / this.size.z; this.volumeBlendMode = VolumeBlendMode.Normal; this.weight = 1; this.normalBiasWS = 0.0f; this.dilationIterations = 2; this.backfaceTolerance = 0.25f; this.lightLayers = LightLayerEnum.LightLayerDefault; }
internal static uint PackProbeVolumeSortKey(VolumeBlendMode volumeBlendMode, float logVolume, int probeVolumeIndex) { // 1 bit blendMode, 20 bit volume, 11 bit index Debug.Assert(logVolume >= 0.0f && (uint)logVolume < (1 << 20)); Debug.Assert(probeVolumeIndex >= 0 && (uint)probeVolumeIndex < (1 << 11)); const uint VOLUME_MASK = (1 << 20) - 1; const uint INDEX_MASK = (1 << 11) - 1; // Sort probe volumes primarily by blend mode, and secondarily by size. // In the lightloop, this means we will evaluate all Additive and Subtractive blending volumes first, // and finally our Normal (over) blending volumes. // This allows us to early out during the Normal blend volumes if opacity has reached 1.0 across all threads. uint blendModeBits = ((volumeBlendMode != VolumeBlendMode.Normal) ? 0u : 1u) << 31; uint logVolumeBits = ((uint)logVolume & VOLUME_MASK) << 11; uint indexBits = (uint)probeVolumeIndex & INDEX_MASK; return(blendModeBits | logVolumeBits | indexBits); }