Example #1
        public void Startup()
            nav_mock = new Mock <INavigationService>();
            nav      = nav_mock.Object;

            toaster_mock = new Mock <IToaster>();
            toaster      = toaster_mock.Object;

            item_report_storage = new VolatileItemReportStorage();
        public async void SubmitItem_ValidItemReport_Async()
            Mock <IValidator <ItemReport> > validator_mock = new Mock <IValidator <ItemReport> >();

            VolatileItemReportStorage virs = new VolatileItemReportStorage(validator_mock.Object);

            ItemReport ir = new ItemReport();
            await virs.SubmitItem(ir);

            Assert.AreEqual(ir, virs.LocalItemReports[0]);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, ir.ID); // sets ID to 1. 0 is invalid
        public async void SubmitItem_InvalidEdit_Async()
            Mock <IValidator <ItemReport> > validator_mock = new Mock <IValidator <ItemReport> >();

            VolatileItemReportStorage virs = new VolatileItemReportStorage(validator_mock.Object);

            ItemReport ir = new ItemReport()
                ID = 5

            await Assert.ThrowsExceptionAsync <InvalidOperationException>(
                () => virs.SubmitItem(ir));
        public async void SubmitItem_InvalidItemReport_Async()
            Mock <IValidator <ItemReport> > validator_mock = new Mock <IValidator <ItemReport> >();

            validator_mock.Setup(v => v.BrokenRules(It.IsAny <ItemReport>()))
            .Throws(new DataInvalidException(
                        new List <string>()
                "The item report is invalid"

            VolatileItemReportStorage virs =
                new VolatileItemReportStorage(validator_mock.Object);

            await Assert.ThrowsExceptionAsync <DataInvalidException>(
                () => virs.SubmitItem(new ItemReport()));
        public async void SubmitItem_EditItemReport_Async()
            Mock <IValidator <ItemReport> > validator_mock = new Mock <IValidator <ItemReport> >();

            VolatileItemReportStorage virs = new VolatileItemReportStorage(validator_mock.Object);

            ItemReport ir = new ItemReport();
            await virs.SubmitItem(ir);

            Assert.AreEqual(ir, virs.LocalItemReports[0]);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, ir.ID); // sets ID to 1. 0 is invalid

            ItemReport edited = new ItemReport()
                ID    = 1,
                Title = "new title"

            await virs.SubmitItem(edited);

            Assert.AreNotEqual(ir, virs.LocalItemReports[0]);
            Assert.AreEqual(edited, virs.LocalItemReports[0]);
            Assert.AreEqual("new title", virs.LocalItemReports[0].Title);