Example #1
        public void ChangeCodification(VoiceCommon.Vocoder codification)
            if (codification == VoiceCommon.Vocoder.ALaw)
                vocoder = VoiceCommon.Vocoder.ALaw;
                cGlobalVars.AddLogChat("Se ha modificado codificación a: ALaw");
                if (eMode == Mode.Server)
                    lock (clientIPs)
                        for (int i = 0; i < clientIPs.Count; i++)
                            SendMessage(VoiceCommon.Command.ChangeVocoderALaw, clientIPs[i]);

            else if (codification == VoiceCommon.Vocoder.uLaw)
                vocoder = VoiceCommon.Vocoder.uLaw;
                cGlobalVars.AddLogChat("Se ha modificado codificación a: uLaw");

                if (eMode == Mode.Server)
                    lock (clientIPs)
                        for (int i = 0; i < clientIPs.Count; i++)
                            SendMessage(VoiceCommon.Command.ChangeVocoderuLaw, clientIPs[i]);


                vocoder = VoiceCommon.Vocoder.None;
                cGlobalVars.AddLogChat("Se ha modificado codificación a: None");
                if (eMode == Mode.Server)
                    lock (clientIPs)
                        for (int i = 0; i < clientIPs.Count; i++)
                            SendMessage(VoiceCommon.Command.ChangeVocoderNone, clientIPs[i]);


Example #2
          * Send a message to the remote party.
        private void SendMessage(VoiceCommon.Command cmd, EndPoint sendToEP)
                //Create the message to send.
                VoiceCommon.Data msgToSend = new VoiceCommon.Data();

                msgToSend.strName = Nickname;   //Name of the user.
                msgToSend.cmdCommand = cmd;         //Message to send.
                msgToSend.vocoder = vocoder;        //Vocoder to be used.

                byte[] message = msgToSend.ToByte();

                //Send the message asynchronously.
                clientSocket.BeginSendTo(message, 0, message.Length, SocketFlags.None, sendToEP, new AsyncCallback(OnSend), null);
            catch (Exception ex)
                cGlobalVars.AddLogChat("VoiceChat-SendMessage > " + ex.Message);
                //MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "VoiceChat-SendMessage ()", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);