Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Connects to a sensor with the specified connection parameters.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="portName">
        /// The COM port name.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="baudrate">
        /// Baudrate to connect to the sensor at.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// <c>EzAsyncData</c> object wrapping the connected sensor and providing
        /// easy access to asynchronous data.
        /// </returns>
        public static EzAsyncData Connect(string portName, UInt32 baudrate)
            var s = new VnSensor();

            s.Connect(portName, baudrate);

            return(new EzAsyncData(s));
Example #2
        public EzAsyncData(VnSensor sensor)
            Sensor = sensor;

            Sensor.AsyncPacketReceived += SensorOnAsyncPacketReceived;

Example #3
    // Initialization of the script.
    void Start()
        // This class will be used to scan for newly attached sensors and
        // will allow automatic connection to them.
        _acp = new AutoConnectPort();

        // Standard class for connecting and communicating with a VectorNav
        // sensor.
        _sensor = new VnSensor();

        // Use the overloaded Connect method to connect to an ISimplePort
        // object, which is implemented be our AutoConnectPort object.

        // Register for event notification for whenever our sensor object
        // receives an asynchronous data packet, which will contain our
        // orientation information for rotating the 3D cube in Unity.
        _sensor.AsyncPacketReceived += HandleAsyncPacketReceived;

        // Start looking for any newly connected sensors.
Example #4
 public IMU(string sensorPort, uint sensorBaudrate)
     vs = new VnSensor();
     this.sensorPort     = sensorPort;
     this.sensorBaudrate = sensorBaudrate;
Example #5
    static void Main(string[] args)
        // This example walks through using the VectorNav C++ Library to
        // connect to and interact with a VectorNav sensor.

        // First determine which COM port your sensor is attached to and update
        // the constant below. Also, if you have changed your sensor from the
        // factory default baudrate of 115200, you will need to update the
        // baudrate constant below as well.
        const string SensorPort = "COM1";                       // Windows format for physical and virtual (USB) serial port.
        // const string SensorPort = "/dev/ttyS1";      // Linux format for physical serial port.
        // const string SensorPort = "/dev/ttyUSB0";    // Linux format for virtual (USB) serial port.
        const UInt32 SensorBaudrate = 115200;

        // Now let's create a VnSensor object and use it to connect to our
        // sensor.
        var vs = new VnSensor();

        vs.Connect(SensorPort, SensorBaudrate);

        // Let's query the sensor's model number.
        var mn = vs.ReadModelNumber();

        Console.WriteLine("Model Number: {0}", mn);

        // Get some orientation data from the sensor.
        var ypr = vs.ReadYawPitchRoll();

        Console.WriteLine("Current YPR: {0}", ypr);

        // Get some orientation and IMU data.
        var ymaa = vs.ReadYawPitchRollMagneticAccelerationAndAngularRates();

        Console.WriteLine("Current YPR: {0}", ymaa.YawPitchRoll);
        Console.WriteLine("Current Magnetic: {0}", ymaa.Mag);
        Console.WriteLine("Current Acceleration: {0}", ymaa.Accel);
        Console.WriteLine("Current Angular Rates: {0}", ymaa.Gyro);

        // Let's do some simple reconfiguration of the sensor. As it comes from the
        // factory, the sensor outputs asynchronous data at 40 Hz. We will change
        // this to 2 Hz for demonstration purposes.
        var oldHz = vs.ReadAsyncDataOutputFrequency();

        var newHz = vs.ReadAsyncDataOutputFrequency();

        Console.WriteLine("Old Async Frequency: {0} Hz", oldHz);
        Console.WriteLine("New Async Frequency: {0} Hz", newHz);

        // For the registers that have more complex configuration options, it
        // is convenient to read the current existing register configuration,
        // change only the values of interest, and then write the configuration
        // back to the register. This allows preserving the current settings
        // for the register's other fields. Below, we change the heading mode
        // used by the sensor.
        var vpeReg = vs.ReadVpeBasicControl();

        Console.WriteLine("Old Heading Mode: {0}", vpeReg.HeadingMode);
        vpeReg.HeadingMode = HeadingMode.Absolute;
        vpeReg = vs.ReadVpeBasicControl();
        Console.WriteLine("New Heading Mode: {0}", vpeReg.HeadingMode);

        // Up to now, we have shown some examples of how to configure the
        // sensor and query for the latest measurements. However, this querying
        // is a relatively slow method for getting measurements since the CPU
        // has to send out the command to the sensor and also wait for the
        // command response. An alternative way of receiving the sensor's
        // latest measurements without the waiting for a query response, you
        // can configure the library to alert you when new asynchronous data
        // measurements are received. We will illustrate hooking up to our
        // current VnSensor to receive these notifications of asynchronous
        // messages.

        // First let's configure the sensor to output a known asynchronous data
        // message type.
        var asyncType = vs.ReadAsyncDataOutputType();

        Console.WriteLine("ASCII Async Type: {0}", asyncType);

        // You will need to define and then register a method which can receive
        // notifications of when an asynchronous data packet is received.
        vs.AsyncPacketReceived += AsyncPacketReceived;

        // Now sleep for 5 seconds so that our asynchronous callback method can
        // receive and display receive yaw, pitch, roll packets.
        Console.WriteLine("Starting sleep...");

        // Unregister our callback method.
        vs.AsyncPacketReceived -= AsyncPacketReceived;

        // As an alternative to receiving notifications of new ASCII
        // asynchronous messages, the binary output configuration of the sensor
        // is another popular choice for receiving data since it is compact,
        // fast to parse, and can be output at faster rates over the same
        // connection baudrate. Here we will configure the binary output
        // register and process packets with a new callback method that can
        // handle both ASCII and binary packets.

        // First we create a structure for setting the configuration information
        // for the binary output register to send yaw, pitch, roll data out at
        // 4 Hz.
        var bor = new BinaryOutputRegister(
            CommonGroup.TimeStartup | CommonGroup.YawPitchRoll,                 // Note use of binary OR to configure flags.


        vs.AsyncPacketReceived += AsciiOrBinaryAsyncPacketReceived;

        Console.WriteLine("Starting sleep...");

        vs.AsyncPacketReceived -= AsciiOrBinaryAsyncPacketReceived;
