Example #1
        public void Set(params VkSemaphore[] value)
            IntPtr ptr = (IntPtr)this.waitSemaphores;

            value.Set(ref ptr, ref this.count);
            this.waitSemaphores = (VkSemaphore *)ptr;
Example #2
 public VkSemaphoreGroup(params VkSemaphore[] value)
     this.count   = 0;
     this.pointer = null;
     if (value != null)
         IntPtr ptr = IntPtr.Zero;
         value.Set(ref ptr, ref this.count);
         this.pointer = (VkSemaphore *)ptr;
        private void DrawFrame()
            // Acquiring and image from the swap chain
            uint imageIndex;

            Helpers.CheckErrors(VulkanNative.vkAcquireNextImageKHR(this.device, this.swapChain, ulong.MaxValue, this.imageAvailableSemaphore, 0, &imageIndex));

            // Submitting the command buffer
            VkSemaphore *         waitSemaphores    = stackalloc VkSemaphore[] { this.imageAvailableSemaphore };
            VkPipelineStageFlags *waitStages        = stackalloc VkPipelineStageFlags[] { VkPipelineStageFlags.VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_OUTPUT_BIT };
            VkSemaphore *         signalSemaphores  = stackalloc VkSemaphore[] { this.renderFinishedSemaphore };
            VkCommandBuffer *     commandBuffersPtr = stackalloc VkCommandBuffer[] { commandBuffers[imageIndex] };

            VkSubmitInfo submitInfo = new VkSubmitInfo()
                sType = VkStructureType.VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_SUBMIT_INFO,
                waitSemaphoreCount   = 1,
                pWaitSemaphores      = waitSemaphores,
                pWaitDstStageMask    = waitStages,
                commandBufferCount   = 1,
                pCommandBuffers      = commandBuffersPtr,
                signalSemaphoreCount = 1,
                pSignalSemaphores    = signalSemaphores,

            Helpers.CheckErrors(VulkanNative.vkQueueSubmit(this.graphicsQueue, 1, &submitInfo, 0));

            // Presentation
            VkSwapchainKHR * swapChains  = stackalloc VkSwapchainKHR[] { this.swapChain };
            VkPresentInfoKHR presentInfo = new VkPresentInfoKHR()
                sType = VkStructureType.VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_PRESENT_INFO_KHR,
                waitSemaphoreCount = 1,
                pWaitSemaphores    = signalSemaphores,
                swapchainCount     = 1,
                pSwapchains        = swapChains,
                pImageIndices      = &imageIndex,
                pResults           = null, // Optional

            Helpers.CheckErrors(VulkanNative.vkQueuePresentKHR(this.presentQueue, &presentInfo));

Example #4
        public void DrawFrame()
            var result = VulkanNative.vkQueueWaitIdle(vkPresentQueue);


            uint imageIndex;

            result = VulkanNative.vkAcquireNextImageKHR(vkDevice, vkSwapChain, ulong.MaxValue, vkImageAvailableSemaphore, 0, &imageIndex);

            VkSemaphore *            waitSemaphores   = stackalloc VkSemaphore[] { vkImageAvailableSemaphore };
            VkPipelineStageFlagBits *waitStages       = stackalloc VkPipelineStageFlagBits[] { VkPipelineStageFlagBits.VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_OUTPUT_BIT };
            VkSemaphore *            signalSemaphores = stackalloc VkSemaphore[] { vkRenderFinishedSemaphore };
            VkCommandBuffer *        commandBuffers   = stackalloc VkCommandBuffer[] { vkCommandBuffers[imageIndex] };
            var submitInfo = new VkSubmitInfo()
                sType                = VkStructureType.VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_SUBMIT_INFO,
                pWaitSemaphores      = waitSemaphores,
                waitSemaphoreCount   = 1,
                pWaitDstStageMask    = waitStages,
                commandBufferCount   = 1,
                pCommandBuffers      = commandBuffers,
                signalSemaphoreCount = 1,
                pSignalSemaphores    = signalSemaphores,

            result = VulkanNative.vkQueueSubmit(vkGraphicsQueue, 1, &submitInfo, 0);

            VkSwapchainKHR *swapChains  = stackalloc VkSwapchainKHR[] { vkSwapChain };
            var             presentInfo = new VkPresentInfoKHR()
                sType = VkStructureType.VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_PRESENT_INFO_KHR,
                waitSemaphoreCount = 1,
                pWaitSemaphores    = signalSemaphores,
                swapchainCount     = 1,
                pSwapchains        = swapChains,
                pImageIndices      = &imageIndex,

            result = VulkanNative.vkQueuePresentKHR(vkPresentQueue, &presentInfo);
Example #5
        //public static implicit operator VkSemaphoresPipelineStagesHandle(VkPipelineStageFlagBits v) {
        //    var result = new VkSemaphoresPipelineStagesHandle();
        //    result.Set(v);
        //    return result;

        //public static implicit operator VkSemaphoresPipelineStagesHandle(VkPipelineStageFlagBits[] v) {
        //    var result = new VkSemaphoresPipelineStagesHandle();
        //    result.Set(v);
        //    return result;

        /// <summary>
        /// Free unmanaged memory and reset all members to 0.
        /// </summary>
        public void Reset()
            if (this.waitSemaphores != null)
                UInt32 count = this.count;
                IntPtr ptr   = (IntPtr)this.waitSemaphores;
                Helper.Set <VkSemaphore>(null, ref ptr, ref count);
                this.waitSemaphores = null;

            if (this.waitDstStageMask != null)
                UInt32 count = this.count;
                IntPtr ptr   = (IntPtr)this.waitDstStageMask;
                Helper.Set <VkPipelineStageFlagBits>(null, ref ptr, ref count);
                this.waitDstStageMask = null;

                this.count = 0;