Example #1
		public async Task<HtmlNode> VisitAsync(VisitingContext context, HtmlNode node)
			// We're only interested in stylesheets.
			if (node.GetAttributeValue("rel", null) != "stylesheet")
				return node;
			var href = node.GetAttributeValue("href", null);
			if (href == null)
				return node;
			var hrefUri = new Uri(href, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute);
			if (!hrefUri.IsAbsoluteUri)
				hrefUri = new Uri(context.Address, hrefUri);

			// Get the stylesheet and insert it inline.
			var content = default(string);
				content = await context.WebClient.DownloadAsync(hrefUri);
			catch (WebException)
				return node;
			content = "<style>" + content + "</style>";
			return HtmlNode.CreateNode(content);
Example #2
		public async Task<HtmlNode> VisitAsync(VisitingContext context, HtmlNode node)
			var src = node.GetAttributeValue("src", null);
			if (src == null)
				return node;

			// Take care if the src starts with two slashes.
			if (src.StartsWith("//"))
				src = "http:" + src;

			var srcUri = new Uri(src, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute);
			if (!srcUri.IsAbsoluteUri)
				srcUri = new Uri(context.Address, srcUri);

			// Get the script and insert it inline.
			var content = default(string);
				content = await context.WebClient.DownloadAsync(srcUri);
			catch (WebException)
				return node;
			content = "<script>" + content + "</script>";
			return HtmlNode.CreateNode(content);
		public async Task Visit_ScriptWithSrcStartingWithTwoSlashes_ShouldBeHandledCorrectly()
			// Arrange
			var visitor = new ScriptsVisitor();
			var node = HtmlNode.CreateNode(@"<script src=""//www.some2.com/l.js""></script>");
			var client = VisitorsHelper.CreateWebClientMock("function some(){}");
			var context = new VisitingContext()
				Address = new Uri("http://www.some.com"),
				WebClient = client.Object,

			// Act
			var newNode = await visitor.VisitAsync(context, node);

			// Assert
			client.Verify(c => c.DownloadAsync(new Uri("http://www.some2.com/l.js")), Times.Once);
			Assert.Equal("<script>function some(){}</script>", newNode.OuterHtml);
Example #4
		public async Task Visit_LinkWithAbsoluteHref()
			// Arrange
			var visitor = new StylesVisitor();
			var node = HtmlNode.CreateNode(@"<link href=""http://www.some2.com/l.css"" rel=""stylesheet"">");
			var client = VisitorsHelper.CreateWebClientMock("html{width:0}");
			var context = new VisitingContext()
				Address = new Uri("http://www.some.com"),
				WebClient = client.Object,

			// Act
			var newNode = await visitor.VisitAsync(context, node);

			// Assert
			client.Verify(c => c.DownloadAsync(new Uri("http://www.some2.com/l.css")), Times.Once);
			Assert.Equal("<style>html{width:0}</style>", newNode.OuterHtml);