Example #1
    public string getStringVisionInformation()
        string str = "";

        foreach (GameObject obj in objectsInFildOfVision)
            if (!isHiddenObject(obj))
                str += SEPARATOR;
                str += "\nID: " + uIDD.getID(obj);
                str += "\nName: " + obj.name;
                if (obj.GetComponent <VisionManager>() != null && obj.GetComponent <VisionManager>() == vision)
                    str += "\nType: " + "SelfRobot";
                    str += "\nType: " + obj.tag;
                str += "\nPosition: " + obj.transform.position;
                VisionProperties auxVisionProperties = obj.GetComponent <VisionProperties>();
                if (auxVisionProperties != null)
                    str += "\n" + auxVisionProperties.getVisionStatus();
                    str += "\nRGB: 0, 0, 0";
                    str += "\nType: " + OntSenseCSharpAPI.Material.unknownMaterial;
                Status auxStatus = obj.GetComponent <Status>();
                if (auxStatus != null)
                    string aux = auxStatus.getStringStatus();
                    str += "\nStatus: " + aux;
                    //str += "\nSatus: " + ObjectStatus.None;
                EmotionStatus auxEmotionStatus = obj.GetComponent <EmotionStatus>();
                if (auxEmotionStatus != null)
                    str += "\nEmotion: " + auxEmotionStatus.getEmotion().ToString();
                str += "\n";
Example #2
    private void insertVision(GameObject go, DateTime dt)
        CartesianPos     cPos      = new CartesianPos(go.transform.position.x, go.transform.position.y, go.transform.position.z);
        VisionProperties auxVision = go.GetComponent <VisionProperties>();
        Status           auxStatus = go.GetComponent <Status>();
        RGBValue         rgb;

        OntSenseCSharpAPI.Material material = OntSenseCSharpAPI.Material.unknownMaterial;
        PhysicalState state = PhysicalState.noneState;
        string        tag   = go.tag;
        string        uri   = "";

        if (auxStatus != null)
            state = auxStatus.getStatus();
        if (auxVision != null)
            rgb      = auxVision.getRGB();
            material = auxVision.getMaterial();
            if (auxVision == vision)
                tag = "SelfRobot";
            uri = auxVision.getURI();
            rgb = new RGBValue(0, 0, 0);
        EmotionalState emotion    = EmotionalState.neutralEmotion;
        EmotionStatus  auxEmotion = go.GetComponent <EmotionStatus>();

        if (auxEmotion != null)
            emotion = auxEmotion.getEmotion();
        RobotVision rv;

        switch (go.tag)
        case Constants.TAG_ROBOT:
            Robot auxRobot = new Robot(uIDD.getID(go), go.name, tag, rgb, cPos, state, material, uri);
            rv = new RobotVision(dt, auxRobot);

        case Constants.TAG_HUMAN:
            Human auxHuman = new Human(uIDD.getID(go), go.name, tag, rgb, cPos, state, material, uri, emotion);
            rv = new RobotVision(dt, auxHuman);

            Thing auxThing = new Thing(uIDD.getID(go), go.name, tag, rgb, cPos, state, material, uri);
            rv = new RobotVision(dt, auxThing);
        try                                    // Try to access a resource.
            rv.insert();                       // using dotNetRDF library inserts the information in the triple store
        catch (Exception e)
            Debug.Log("System>>> " + e.Message);                  // change for your: LogError(e);     // Call a custom error logging procedure.
Example #3
    private string buildPropertiesString(GameObject gO)
        string          sensesProperty     = "";
        string          especificProperty  = "";
        string          emotionProperty    = "";
        SmellProperties auxSmellProperties = gO.GetComponent <SmellProperties>();

        if (auxSmellProperties != null)
            sensesProperty += auxSmellProperties.getSmellStatus();

        TasteProperties auxTasteProperties = gO.GetComponent <TasteProperties>();

        if (auxTasteProperties != null)
            sensesProperty += "\n" + auxTasteProperties.getTasteStatus();

        HearingProperties auxHearingProperties = gO.GetComponent <HearingProperties>();

        if (auxHearingProperties != null)
            sensesProperty += "\n" + auxHearingProperties.getHearingStatus();

        TouchProperties auxTouchProperties = gO.GetComponent <TouchProperties>();

        if (auxTouchProperties != null)
            sensesProperty += "\n" + auxTouchProperties.getTouchStatus();

        VisionProperties auxVisionProperties = gO.GetComponent <VisionProperties>();

        if (auxVisionProperties != null)
            sensesProperty += "\n" + auxVisionProperties.getVisionStatus();
        EmotionStatus auxEmotionStatus = gO.GetComponent <EmotionStatus>();

        if (auxEmotionStatus != null)
            emotionProperty = auxEmotionStatus.getEmotion().ToString();
        Status auxStatus = gO.GetComponent <Status>();

        if (auxStatus != null)
            especificProperty = auxStatus.getStringStatus();

        string auxText = "ID: " + gO.GetInstanceID() + "\n" + gO.tag + ": " + gO.name +
                         "\nPosition: " + gO.transform.position;

        if (!sensesProperty.Equals("None"))
            auxText += "\n" + sensesProperty;
        if (emotionProperty.Equals(""))
            emotionProperty = "None";
        if (especificProperty.Equals(""))
            especificProperty = "None";
        auxText += "\nStatus: " + especificProperty;
        auxText += "\nEmotion: " + emotionProperty;
