public void PerformLayout()
             * Determine the coordinates for each node in a tree.
             * Input: Pointer to the apex node of the tree
             * Assumption: The x & y coordinates of the apex node
             * are already correct, since the tree underneath it
             * will be positioned with respect to those coordinates.
             * Returns: TRUE if no errors, otherwise returns FALSE.

            this._max_level_height    = new Dictionary <int, double>();
            this._max_level_width     = new Dictionary <int, double>();
            this._previous_level_node = new Dictionary <int, Node <T> >();

            this.first_walk(this._root, 0);

            //adjust the root_offset
            // NOTE: in the original code this was a case statement on Options.Direction that did the same thing for each direction
            this._root_offset = this.Options.TopAdjustment + this._root.Position;

            this.second_walk(this._root, 0, new VisioAutomation.Geometry.Point(0, 0));

            this._max_level_height    = null;
            this._max_level_width     = null;
            this._previous_level_node = null;

        public IVisio.Shape DrawLine(double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1)
            var p0 = new VisioAutomation.Geometry.Point(x0, y0);
            var p1 = new VisioAutomation.Geometry.Point(x1, y1);

            return(this.DrawLine(p0, p1));
        public static BezierCurve FromEllipse(VisioAutomation.Geometry.Point center, VisioAutomation.Geometry.Size radius)
            var pt1 = new VisioAutomation.Geometry.Point(0, radius.Height);  // top
            var pt2 = new VisioAutomation.Geometry.Point(radius.Width, 0);   // right
            var pt3 = new VisioAutomation.Geometry.Point(0, -radius.Height); // bottom
            var pt4 = new VisioAutomation.Geometry.Point(-radius.Width, 0);  // left

            double dx = radius.Width * 4.0 * (System.Math.Sqrt(2) - 1) / 3;
            double dy = radius.Height * 4.0 * (System.Math.Sqrt(2) - 1) / 3;

            var curve_control_points = new []
                pt1.Add(dx, 0),
                pt2.Add(0, dy),
                pt2.Add(0, -dy),
                pt3.Add(dx, 0),
                pt3.Add(-dx, 0),
                pt4.Add(0, -dy),
                pt4.Add(0, dy),
                pt1.Add(-dx, 0),
            .Select(p => p + center).ToArray();
            var curve_Degree = 3;

            var curve = new BezierCurve(curve_control_points, curve_Degree);

Example #4
        public void Page_Draw_DoughnutSlices()
            var app  = this.GetVisioApplication();
            var doc  = this.GetNewDoc();
            var page = app.ActivePage;

            int    n           = 36;
            double start_angle = 0.0;
            double radius      = 1.0;
            double cx          = 0.0;
            double cy          = 2.0;
            double angle_step  = System.Math.PI * 2.0 / (n - 1);

            foreach (double end_angle in Enumerable.Range(0, n).Select(i => i * angle_step))
                var center = new VA.Geometry.Point(cx, cy);
                var slice  = new VA.Models.Charting.PieSlice(center, start_angle, end_angle, radius - 0.2, radius);
                cx += 2.5;

            var bordersize = new VA.Geometry.Size(1, 1);

        public IVisio.Shape AddShape(TextBlock block)
            // Remember this Block

            // Calculate the Correct Full Rectangle
            var ll   = new VisioAutomation.Geometry.Point(this.InsertionPoint.X, this.InsertionPoint.Y - block.Size.Height);
            var tr   = new VisioAutomation.Geometry.Point(this.InsertionPoint.X + block.Size.Width, this.InsertionPoint.Y);
            var rect = new VisioAutomation.Geometry.Rectangle(ll, tr);

            // Draw the Shape
            var newshape = this._page.DrawRectangle(rect);

            block.VisioShape   = newshape;
            block.VisioShapeID = newshape.ID;
            block.Rectangle    = rect;

            // Handle Text If Needed
            if (block.Text != null)
                newshape.Text = block.Text;


        public Geometry.LineSegment GetConnectionLine(ParentChildConnection <Node <T> > connection)
            var parent_rect = connection.Parent.Rect;
            var child_rect  = connection.Child.Rect;

            double parent_x, parent_y;
            double child_x, child_y;

            if (TreeLayout <T> .IsVertical(this.Options.Direction))
                parent_x = parent_rect.Center.X;
                child_x  = child_rect.Center.X;

                parent_y = TreeLayout <T> ._get_side(parent_rect, this.Options.Direction);

                child_y = TreeLayout <T> ._get_side(child_rect, TreeLayout <T> .GetOpposite(this.Options.Direction));
                var parent_dir = this.Options.Direction;
                var child_dir  = TreeLayout <T> .GetOpposite(parent_dir);

                parent_x = TreeLayout <T> ._get_side(parent_rect, parent_dir);

                child_x = TreeLayout <T> ._get_side(child_rect, child_dir);

                parent_y = parent_rect.Center.Y;
                child_y  = child_rect.Center.Y;

            var parent_attach_point = new VisioAutomation.Geometry.Point(parent_x, parent_y);
            var child_attach_point  = new VisioAutomation.Geometry.Point(child_x, child_y);

            return(new Geometry.LineSegment(parent_attach_point, child_attach_point));
        public void Scripting_Draw_PieChart()
            var    pagesize = new VA.Geometry.Size(4, 4);
            var    center   = new VA.Geometry.Point(2, 2);
            double radius   = 1.0;

            var chart = new VisioAutomation.Models.Charting.PieChart(center, radius);


            // Create the Page
            var client = this.GetScriptingClient();

            client.Page.New(pagesize, false);

            // Draw the chart


            // Cleanup
        public static void Nurbs2()
            // Draw a simple NURBS
            // Example from Graham Wideman's book

            var page = SampleEnvironment.Application.ActiveDocument.Pages.Add();

            var points = new[]
                new VA.Geometry.Point(0.2500, 0.2500),
                new VA.Geometry.Point(0.2500, 0.7500),
                new VA.Geometry.Point(0.4063, 0.8125),
                new VA.Geometry.Point(0.5625, 0.3750),
                new VA.Geometry.Point(0.5538, 0.8125),
                new VA.Geometry.Point(0.7600, 0.7500),
                new VA.Geometry.Point(0.7600, 0.2500)

            var origin = new VA.Geometry.Point(4, 4);
            var scale  = new VA.Geometry.Size(4, 4);

            var controlpoints = points.Select(x => (x * scale) + origin).ToList();
            var knots         = new double[] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 25, 50, 75, 100, 100, 100, 100 };
            var degree        = 3;
            var Weights       = controlpoints.Select(i => 1.0).ToList();

            var s0 = page.DrawNurbs(controlpoints, knots, Weights, degree);

            s0.Text = "Generic NURBS shape";
        public static void Nurbs1()
            // Draw a simple NURBS
            // Example from this page:

            var page = SampleEnvironment.Application.ActiveDocument.Pages.Add();

            var points = new[]
                new VA.Geometry.Point(10, 10),
                new VA.Geometry.Point(5, 10),
                new VA.Geometry.Point(-5, 5),
                new VA.Geometry.Point(-10, 5),
                new VA.Geometry.Point(-4, 10),
                new VA.Geometry.Point(-4, 5),
                new VA.Geometry.Point(-8, 1)

            var origin = new VA.Geometry.Point(4, 4);
            var scale  = new VA.Geometry.Size(1.0 / 4.0, 1.0 / 4.0);

            var controlpoints = points.Select(x => (x * scale) + origin).ToList();
            var knots         = new double[] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4 };
            var degree        = 3;
            var weights       = controlpoints.Select(i => 1.0).ToList();

            var s0 = page.DrawNurbs(controlpoints, knots, weights, degree);

            s0.Text = "Generic NURBS shape";
        public static                         BezierSegment[] FromArc(double startangle, double endangle)
            if (endangle < startangle)
                throw new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(endangle), "endangle must be >= startangle");

            double min_angle   = 0;
            double max_angle   = System.Math.PI * 2;
            double total_angle = endangle - startangle;

            if (total_angle == min_angle)
                var    arr       = new BezierSegment[1];
                double cos_theta = System.Math.Cos(startangle);
                double sin_theta = System.Math.Sin(startangle);
                var    p0        = new VisioAutomation.Geometry.Point(cos_theta, -sin_theta);
                var    p1        = BezierSegment._rotate_around_origin(p0, startangle);
                arr[0] = new BezierSegment(p1, p1, p1, p1);

            if (total_angle > max_angle)
                endangle = startangle + max_angle;

            var bez_arr = BezierSegment.subdivide_arc_nicely(startangle, endangle)
                          .Select(a => BezierSegment.get_bezier_points_for_small_arc(a.Begin, a.End))

Example #11
        public IVisio.Shape DrawLine(VisioScripting.TargetPage targetpage, double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1)
            var p0 = new VisioAutomation.Geometry.Point(x0, y0);
            var p1 = new VisioAutomation.Geometry.Point(x1, y1);

            return(this.DrawLine(targetpage, p0, p1));
Example #12
        public void Chart_Bar1()
            var doc  = this.GetNewDoc();
            var app  = doc.Application;
            var page = app.ActivePage;

            var    center = new VA.Geometry.Point(4, 5);
            double radius = 1.0;
            var    values = new[] { 1.0, 2.0 };
            var    slices = VACHART.PieSlice.GetSlicesFromValues(center, radius, values);

            var shapes = new IVisio.Shape[values.Length];

            for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++)
                var slice = slices[i];
                var shape = slice.Render(page);
                shapes[i] = shape;
                var culture = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;
                shape.Text = values[i].ToString(culture);

            var shapeids = shapes.Select(s => s.ID).ToList();
            var xfrms    = VA.Shapes.ShapeXFormCells.GetCells(page, shapeids, VA.ShapeSheet.CellValueType.Formula);

            Assert.AreEqual("4.25 in", xfrms[0].PinX.Value);
            Assert.AreEqual("5.5 in", xfrms[0].PinY.Value);
            Assert.AreEqual("4 in", xfrms[1].PinX.Value);
            Assert.AreEqual("4.9330127018922 in", xfrms[1].PinY.Value);
        private static VisioAutomation.Geometry.Point _rotate_around_origin(VisioAutomation.Geometry.Point p1, double theta)
            double nx = (System.Math.Cos(theta) * p1.X) - (System.Math.Sin(theta) * p1.Y);
            double ny = (System.Math.Sin(theta) * p1.X) + (System.Math.Cos(theta) * p1.Y);

            return(new VisioAutomation.Geometry.Point(nx, ny));
Example #14
        public Shape Drop(string master, string stencil, VisioAutomation.Geometry.Point pos)
            var m = new Shape(master, stencil, pos);

Example #15
        public Shape Drop(IVisio.Master master, VisioAutomation.Geometry.Point pos)
            var m = new Shape(master, pos);

Example #16
        private static VisioAutomation.Geometry.Point _get_pin_position_for_corner(Models.ShapeXFormData input_xfrm, VisioAutomation.Geometry.Point new_lower_left, Models.SnapCornerPosition corner)
            var size   = new VisioAutomation.Geometry.Size(input_xfrm.XFormWidth, input_xfrm.XFormHeight);
            var locpin = new VisioAutomation.Geometry.Point(input_xfrm.XFormLocPinX, input_xfrm.XFormLocPinY);

            switch (corner)
            case VisioScripting.Models.SnapCornerPosition.LowerLeft:
                return(new_lower_left.Add(locpin.X, locpin.Y));

            case VisioScripting.Models.SnapCornerPosition.UpperRight:
                return(new_lower_left.Subtract(size.Width, size.Height).Add(locpin.X, locpin.Y));

            case VisioScripting.Models.SnapCornerPosition.LowerRight:
                return(new_lower_left.Subtract(size.Width, 0).Add(locpin.X, locpin.Y));

            case VisioScripting.Models.SnapCornerPosition.UpperLeft:
                return(new_lower_left.Subtract(0, size.Height).Add(locpin.X, locpin.Y));

                throw new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(corner), "Unsupported corner");
Example #17
        public Line DrawLine(VisioAutomation.Geometry.Point p0, VisioAutomation.Geometry.Point p1)
            var line = new Line(p0, p1);

Example #18
        public Rectangle DrawRectangle(VisioAutomation.Geometry.Point p0, VisioAutomation.Geometry.Point p1)
            var rectangle = new Rectangle(p0, p1);

Example #19
        public void Page_Draw_RoundedRectangle()
            var page1 = this.GetNewPage();
            var rect  = new VA.Geometry.Rectangle(1, 1, 3, 2);
            // draw an inital framing rectangle so the coordinates are easy to calculate
            var    s0     = page1.DrawRectangle(rect);
            double width  = rect.Width;
            double height = rect.Height;
            double delta  = 1.0 / 8.0;

            var o = new VA.Geometry.Point(0, 0);

            var a = new VA.Geometry.Point(o.X + delta, o.Y);
            var b = new VA.Geometry.Point(o.X, o.Y + delta);
            var c = new VA.Geometry.Point(o.X, o.Y + height - delta);
            var d = new VA.Geometry.Point(o.X + delta, o.Y + height);
            var e = new VA.Geometry.Point(o.X + width - delta, o.Y + height);
            var f = new VA.Geometry.Point(o.X + width, o.Y + height - delta);
            var g = new VA.Geometry.Point(o.X + width, o.Y + delta);
            var h = new VA.Geometry.Point(o.X + width - delta, o.Y);

            var bottom_left_curve  = s0.DrawQuarterArc(a, b, IVisio.VisArcSweepFlags.visArcSweepFlagConcave);
            var left_side          = s0.DrawLine(b, c);
            var top_left_curve     = s0.DrawQuarterArc(c, d, IVisio.VisArcSweepFlags.visArcSweepFlagConvex);
            var top_side           = s0.DrawLine(d, e);
            var top_right_curve    = s0.DrawQuarterArc(e, f, IVisio.VisArcSweepFlags.visArcSweepFlagConcave);
            var right_side         = s0.DrawLine(f, g);
            var bottom_right_curve = s0.DrawQuarterArc(g, h, IVisio.VisArcSweepFlags.visArcSweepFlagConvex);
            var bottom_side        = s0.DrawLine(h, a);

            // delete the framing rectangle

Example #20
        private void _draw_connectors(RenderContext context)
            var connector_nodes = this._shapes.OfType <Connector>().ToList();

            // if no dynamic connectors then do nothing
            if (connector_nodes.Count < 1)

            // Drop the number of connectors needed somewhere on the page
            var masters = connector_nodes.Select(i => i.Master.VisioMaster).ToArray();
            var origin  = new VisioAutomation.Geometry.Point(-2, -2);
            var points  = Enumerable.Range(0, connector_nodes.Count)
                          .Select(i => origin + new VisioAutomation.Geometry.Point(1.10, 0))
            var connector_shapeids = context.VisioPage.DropManyU(masters, points);
            var page_shapes        = context.VisioPage.Shapes;

            // Perform the connection
            for (int i = 0; i < connector_shapeids.Length; i++)
                var connector_shapeid = connector_shapeids[i];
                var vis_connector     = page_shapes.ItemFromID[connector_shapeid];
                var dyncon_shape      = connector_nodes[i];

                var from_shape = context.GetShape(dyncon_shape.From.VisioShapeID);
                var to_shape   = context.GetShape(dyncon_shape.To.VisioShapeID);

                ConnectorHelper.ConnectShapes(from_shape, to_shape, vis_connector);
                dyncon_shape.VisioShape   = vis_connector;
                dyncon_shape.VisioShapeID = connector_shapeids[i];
        public VisioAutomation.Geometry.Point[] GetConnectionPolyline(ParentChildConnection <Node <T> > connection)
            var lineseg = this.GetConnectionLine(connection);

            VisioAutomation.Geometry.Point m0, m1;

            var parent_attach_point = lineseg.Start;
            var child_attach_point  = lineseg.End;
            var dif = lineseg.End - lineseg.Start;
            var a   = (this.Options.LevelSeparation / 2.0);
            var b   = (this.Options.LevelSeparation / 2.0);

            if (TreeLayout <T> .IsVertical(this.Options.Direction))
                if (this.Options.Direction == LayoutDirection.Up)
                    b = -b;
                m0 = new VisioAutomation.Geometry.Point(lineseg.Start.X, lineseg.End.Y + b);
                m1 = new VisioAutomation.Geometry.Point(lineseg.End.X, lineseg.End.Y + b);
                if (this.Options.Direction == LayoutDirection.Left)
                    a = -a;
                m0 = new VisioAutomation.Geometry.Point(lineseg.End.X - a, lineseg.Start.Y);
                m1 = new VisioAutomation.Geometry.Point(lineseg.End.X - a, lineseg.End.Y);

            return(new[] { lineseg.Start, m0, m1, lineseg.End });
        private static BezierSegment get_bezier_points_for_small_arc(double start_angle, double end_angle)
            const double right_angle = System.Math.PI / 2;
            double       total_angle = end_angle - start_angle;

            if (total_angle > right_angle)
                throw new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(end_angle),
                                                             "angle formed by start and end must <= right angle (pi/2)");

            double theta     = (end_angle - start_angle) / 2;
            double cos_theta = System.Math.Cos(theta);
            double sin_theta = System.Math.Sin(theta);

            var p0 = new VisioAutomation.Geometry.Point(cos_theta, -sin_theta);
            var p1 = new VisioAutomation.Geometry.Point((4 - cos_theta) / 3.0, ((1 - cos_theta) * (cos_theta - 3.0)) / (3 * sin_theta));
            var p2 = new VisioAutomation.Geometry.Point(p1.X, -p1.Y);
            var p3 = new VisioAutomation.Geometry.Point(p0.X, -p0.Y);

            var arc_bezier = new[] { p0, p1, p2, p3 }
            .Select(p => BezierSegment._rotate_around_origin(p, theta + start_angle))

            return(new BezierSegment(arc_bezier));
        public void Scripting_Draw_Grid()
            var origin   = new VisioAutomation.Geometry.Point(0, 4);
            var pagesize = new VisioAutomation.Geometry.Size(4, 4);
            var cellsize = new VisioAutomation.Geometry.Size(0.5, 0.25);
            int cols     = 3;
            int rows     = 6;

            // Create the Page
            var client = this.GetScriptingClient();

            client.Page.New(pagesize, false);

            // Find the stencil and master
            var stencildoc = client.Document.OpenStencil("basic_u.vss");
            var master     = client.Master.Get("Rectangle", stencildoc);

            // Draw the grid
            var page = client.Page.Get();
            var grid = new GRID.GridLayout(cols, rows, cellsize, master);

            grid.Origin = origin;

            // Verify
            int total_shapes_expected = cols * rows;
            var shapes = page.Shapes.ToEnumerable().ToList();
            int total_shapes_actual = shapes.Count;

            Assert.AreEqual(total_shapes_expected, total_shapes_actual);

            // Cleanup
Example #24
        public static VA.Geometry.Point GetPointAtRadius(VA.Geometry.Point origin, double angle, double radius)
            var new_point = new VA.Geometry.Point(radius * System.Math.Cos(angle),
                                                  radius * System.Math.Sin(angle));

            new_point = origin + new_point;
        public VisioAutomation.Geometry.Rectangle GetRectangle()
            var pin    = new VisioAutomation.Geometry.Point(this.XFormPinX, this.XFormPinY);
            var locpin = new VisioAutomation.Geometry.Point(this.XFormLocPinX, this.XFormLocPinY);
            var size   = new VisioAutomation.Geometry.Size(this.XFormWidth, this.XFormHeight);

            return(new VisioAutomation.Geometry.Rectangle(pin - locpin, size));
        public IVisio.Shape DropMaster(TargetPage targetpage, IVisio.Master master, VisioAutomation.Geometry.Point p)
            targetpage = targetpage.ResolveToPage(this._client);

            var shape = targetpage.Page.Drop(master, p.X, p.Y);

 public BezierSegment(VisioAutomation.Geometry.Point start, VisioAutomation.Geometry.Point handle1, VisioAutomation.Geometry.Point handle2, VisioAutomation.Geometry.Point end)
     : this()
     this.Start   = start;
     this.Handle1 = handle1;
     this.Handle2 = handle2;
     this.End     = end;
Example #28
        public void Page_Draw_Line()
            var page1 = this.GetNewPage();
            var p0    = new VA.Geometry.Point(0, 0);
            var p1    = new VA.Geometry.Point(3, 2);
            var s0    = page1.DrawLine(p0, p1);

Example #29
        protected override void ProcessRecord()
            var center = new VisioAutomation.Geometry.Point(this.X0, this.Y0);
            var chart  = new VisioAutomation.Models.Charting.PieChart(center, this.Radius);

            chart.InnerRadius = this.InnerRadius;
            chart.DataPoints  = new VisioAutomation.Models.Charting.DataPointList(this.Values, this.Labels);
        public IVisio.Shape DropMasterOnActivePage(IVisio.Master master, VisioAutomation.Geometry.Point p)
            var cmdtarget = this._client.GetCommandTargetPage();

            var page  = cmdtarget.ActivePage;
            var shape = page.Drop(master, p.X, p.Y);
