// Perimeter
    protected bool ConvertPerimeterWall(VirtualMap map, VirtualCell conversion_cell)
        if (!behaviour.usePerimeter)
        if (map.LocationIsInPerimeter(conversion_cell.location))
            conversion_cell.Type = VirtualCell.CellType.PerimeterWall;

            if (conversion_cell.location.x == 0)
                conversion_cell.Orientation = VirtualMap.DirectionType.East;
            else if (conversion_cell.location.x == map.Width - 1)
                conversion_cell.Orientation = VirtualMap.DirectionType.West;
            else if (conversion_cell.location.y == 0)
                conversion_cell.Orientation = VirtualMap.DirectionType.North;
            else if (conversion_cell.location.y == map.Height - 1)
                conversion_cell.Orientation = VirtualMap.DirectionType.South;
Example #2
    // Returns true if this passage cell can be removed from the map (i.e. not shown)
    public bool IsPassageRemovable(CellLocation l)
        VirtualCell cell = this.GetCell(l);

        if (cell.IsWall() || cell.IsEmpty())
            // We count how many valid neighs are floors, and how many are nones
            int validNeigh = 0;
            int floorCount = 0;
            int noneCount  = 0;

            CellLocation n;
            foreach (DirectionType dir in directions)
                n = GetNeighbourCellLocation(l, dir);
                if (!LocationIsOutsideBounds(n))
                    VirtualCell neigh_cell = GetCell(n);
                    if (neigh_cell.IsFloor())
                    else if (neigh_cell.IsNone() || neigh_cell.IsRock())
            //Debug.Log(l + " Valid neighs: " + validNeigh + " floorCount: " + floorCount + " noneCount: " + noneCount);
            return(floorCount == 0);
    // The first pass will fill the tilemap intersection cells, so that it can be used similarly to the standard map interpreter
    private void PerformTilemapConversion(VirtualMap map, VirtualMap[] maps, int storey)
        VirtualCell conversion_cell;

        VirtualCell[,] output_cells = new VirtualCell[map.Width, map.Height];

        for (int i = 0; i < map.Width; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < map.Height; j++)
                CellLocation loc = new CellLocation(i, j);
                conversion_cell = VirtualCell.Copy(map.GetCell(loc));
                ConvertTileIntersections(map, conversion_cell);
                output_cells[i, j] = conversion_cell;

        // We can now override the initial map!
        for (int i = 0; i < map.Width; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < map.Height; j++)
                map.SetCell(i, j, output_cells[i, j]);
 protected void ConvertFixedWallOrientation(VirtualMap map, VirtualCell conversion_cell)
     if (!behaviour.randomOrientations && !behaviour.useDirectionalFloors)
         conversion_cell.Orientation = VirtualMap.DirectionType.North;
    // 3D
    protected void ConvertCeiling(VirtualMap map, VirtualCell conversion_cell)
        // Checking if we need to add a ceiling
        VirtualCell.CellType cell_type = conversion_cell.Type;
        if (conversion_cell.IsFloor())
            VirtualCell.CellType ceiling_type = VirtualCell.CellType.None;

            if (VirtualCell.IsRoomFloor(cell_type))
                if (behaviour.addCeilingToRooms)
                    ceiling_type = VirtualCell.CellType.RoomCeiling;
                if (behaviour.addCeilingToCorridors)
                    ceiling_type = VirtualCell.CellType.CorridorCeiling;

            if (ceiling_type != VirtualCell.CellType.None)
                conversion_cell.AddCellInstance(ceiling_type, conversion_cell.Orientation);
Example #6
    public void MarkAsVisited(CellLocation l)
        VirtualCell cell = GetCell(l);

        cell.visited = true;
 protected void ConvertTileIntersections(VirtualMap map, VirtualCell conversion_cell)
     if (conversion_cell.IsEmpty())
         // Empty passages should be filled with floors, unless removable (and thus become rock)
         if (map.IsPassageRemovable(conversion_cell.location))
             conversion_cell.Type = VirtualCell.CellType.Rock;
             if (CheckRoom(map, conversion_cell.location))
                 AddToCorrectRoom(map, conversion_cell.location);
                 conversion_cell.Type = VirtualCell.CellType.RoomFloor;
                 conversion_cell.Type = VirtualCell.CellType.CorridorFloor;
         // 'None' cells will remain as such, since they will be converted to columns later (or to floors), if needed.
Example #8
    private bool ExistsPathBetweenLocationsRecursive(CellLocation s, CellLocation e, List <CellLocation> visited)
        //Debug.Log("Visiting " + s);
        VirtualCell s_cell = GetCell(s);

        foreach (CellLocation c in s_cell.connectedCells)
            if (c == e)
                //Debug.Log("Found the end!");
                return(true); // Found this!
                if (!visited.Contains(c))
                    bool foundEnd = ExistsPathBetweenLocationsRecursive(c, e, visited);
                    //if (foundEnd) Debug.Log("Found the end in child!");
                    if (foundEnd)
                        return(true);          // Found connected!
        return(false); // Not here!
    * Checks

    protected void CheckOrientationRandomization(VirtualMap map, VirtualCell conversion_cell)
        if (conversion_cell.Orientation == VirtualMap.DirectionType.None &&
            conversion_cell.Orientation = (VirtualMap.DirectionType)DungeonGenerator.Random.Instance.Next(map.nDirections);
//		Debug.Log (conversion_cell.Orientation);
    public void BuildObjectsOfCell(VirtualMap map, VirtualCell cell, int storey)
//		BuildObject(map,cell.starting_location,storey,cell.Type,cell.Orientation);
        //		foreach(VirtualCell.CellType t in cell.GetSubTypes()) BuildObject(map,cell.starting_location,storey,t,cell.Orientation);
        foreach (CellInstance ci in cell.GetCellInstances())
            BuildObject(map, cell.location, storey, ci.type, ci.dir);
    * Conversions

    // Standard
    protected void ConvertRock(VirtualMap map, VirtualCell conversion_cell)
        if (!behaviour.drawRocks)
            conversion_cell.Type = VirtualCell.CellType.None;
            conversion_cell.Type = VirtualCell.CellType.Rock;
    // The second pass will update the different tiles as needed
    private void PerformSpecificConversions(VirtualMap map, VirtualMap[] maps, int storey)
        VirtualCell conversion_cell;

        VirtualCell[,] output_cells = new VirtualCell[map.Width, map.Height];

        for (int i = 0; i < map.Width; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < map.Height; j++)
                CellLocation loc = new CellLocation(i, j);
                conversion_cell = VirtualCell.Copy(map.GetCell(loc));

                if (conversion_cell.IsFloor())
                    ConvertFloor(map, conversion_cell);
                else if (conversion_cell.IsDoor())
                    ConvertDoor(map, conversion_cell);
                else if (conversion_cell.IsWall())
                    // All walls are rocks here
                    ConvertRock(map, conversion_cell);
                else if (conversion_cell.IsNone())
                    // All nones are rocks here
                    ConvertRock(map, conversion_cell);
                else if (conversion_cell.IsRock())
                    // All is rock!
                    ConvertRock(map, conversion_cell);

                // Final pass on orientation randomization
                CheckOrientationRandomization(map, conversion_cell);

                // We save it in the initial map
                output_cells[i, j] = conversion_cell;

        // We can now override the initial map!
        for (int i = 0; i < map.Width; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < map.Height; j++)
                map.SetCell(i, j, output_cells[i, j]);
Example #13
    public static VirtualCell Copy(VirtualCell input_cell)
        VirtualCell copied_cell = new VirtualCell(input_cell.location);

        foreach (CellInstance c in input_cell.instances)
        copied_cell.connectedCells     = input_cell.connectedCells; // They have the same connected cells TODO: maybe instead copy them alltogether?
        copied_cell.distance_from_root = input_cell.distance_from_root;
    override public void CreateObject(VirtualMap map, MetricLocation l, VirtualCell.CellType cell_type, VirtualMap.DirectionType orientation)
        GameObject go = null;

        if (alreadyCreated && currentIndex < spawnedSpriteGos.Count)
            go = spawnedSpriteGos[currentIndex];
            go = (GameObject)GameObject.Instantiate(behaviour.spritePrefab, new Vector3(l.x * behaviour.tileSize, 0, l.y * behaviour.tileSize), Quaternion.identity);

        Sprite sprite = behaviour.GetPrefab(cell_type);

        go.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sprite = sprite;

        go.name = cell_type.ToString();
        go.GetComponent <BoxCollider2D>().size = new Vector2(behaviour.tileSize, behaviour.tileSize);
        AddToMapGameObject(cell_type, go);

//		Debug.Log ("Cell at " + l.x+"-"+l.y + " has orientation " + orientation);

        go.transform.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(90, 0, 0);
        switch (orientation)
        case VirtualMap.DirectionType.West:     go.transform.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(90, 0, 0);  break;

        case VirtualMap.DirectionType.North:    go.transform.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(90, 90, 0); break;

        case VirtualMap.DirectionType.East:     go.transform.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(90, 180, 0); break;

        case VirtualMap.DirectionType.South:    go.transform.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(90, 270, 0); break;

        // Move walls up a bit
        if (VirtualCell.IsFloor(cell_type))
            // Already good
            go.transform.localPosition += Vector3.up * 0.01f;

        if (cell_type == VirtualCell.CellType.DoorHorizontalBottom)
            go.transform.localPosition += Vector3.forward * behaviour.tileSize * 0.25f;
 protected void ConvertTileIntersections(VirtualMap map, VirtualCell conversion_cell)
     if (conversion_cell.IsEmpty())
         // Empty passages should be filled with floors
         conversion_cell.Type = VirtualCell.CellType.CorridorFloor;
         // 'None' cells will remain as such, since they will be converted to rocks later
 // Directional walls/columns
 public void ConvertDirectionalColumn(VirtualMap map, VirtualCell conversion_cell, bool mayBeDirectional)
     if (!mayBeDirectional)
     if (conversion_cell.IsCorridorColumn())
         ConvertDirectionalCorridorColumn(map, conversion_cell);
     else if (conversion_cell.IsRoomColumn())
         ConvertDirectionalRoomColumn(map, conversion_cell);
    // Various
    protected void ConvertWallOrientation(VirtualMap map, VirtualCell conversion_cell)
        // Fix orientation of walls so that they follow the floors orientation
        conversion_cell.Orientation = VirtualMap.DirectionType.North;
        CellLocation neigh_loc = map.GetNeighbourCellLocation(conversion_cell.location, VirtualMap.DirectionType.North);

        if (!map.LocationIsOutsideBounds(neigh_loc))
            VirtualCell neigh_cell = map.GetCell(neigh_loc);
            if (neigh_cell.IsNone())
                conversion_cell.Orientation = VirtualMap.DirectionType.East;
 // Wall
 protected bool ConvertWall(VirtualMap map, VirtualCell conversion_cell)
     if (behaviour.useDirectionalFloors)
         if (conversion_cell.IsCorridorWall())
             conversion_cell.Type = VirtualCell.CellType.CorridorWallI;
             conversion_cell.Type = VirtualCell.CellType.RoomWallI;
         ConvertWallOrientation(map, conversion_cell);
     return(ConvertPerimeterWall(map, conversion_cell));             // Returns whether it is a perimeter or not
 * Building
 override public void BuildMaps(VirtualMap[] maps)
     // We build what we have defined in the virtual maps
     for (int storey = 0; storey < maps.Length; storey++)
         VirtualMap map = maps[storey];
         for (int i = 0; i < map.Width; i++)
             for (int j = 0; j < map.Height; j++)
                 CellLocation loc  = new CellLocation(i, j);
                 VirtualCell  cell = map.GetCell(loc);
                 BuildObjectsOfCell(map, cell, storey);
Example #20
    override public void CreateObject(VirtualMap map, MetricLocation l, VirtualCell.CellType cell_type, VirtualMap.DirectionType orientation)
        Texture2D tile_texture = null;

        tile_texture = behaviour.GetPrefab(cell_type);

        GameObject go = (GameObject)GameObject.Instantiate(behaviour.tilePrefab, new Vector3(l.x * behaviour.tileSize, 0, l.y * behaviour.tileSize), Quaternion.identity);

        var tempMaterial = new Material(go.transform.GetComponent <Renderer>().sharedMaterial);

        tempMaterial.SetTexture("_MainTex", tile_texture);
        tempMaterial.name = cell_type.ToString() + "_Material";
        go.transform.GetComponent <Renderer>().sharedMaterial = tempMaterial;

        if (createdMaterialsList == null)
            createdMaterialsList = new List <Material>();

        go.name = cell_type.ToString();
        AddToMapGameObject(cell_type, go);

        go.transform.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
        switch (orientation)
        case VirtualMap.DirectionType.West:     go.transform.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);  break;

        case VirtualMap.DirectionType.North:    go.transform.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(0, 90, 0); break;

        case VirtualMap.DirectionType.East:     go.transform.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(0, 180, 0); break;

        case VirtualMap.DirectionType.South:    go.transform.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(0, 270, 0); break;

        // Move walls up a bit
        if (VirtualCell.IsFloor(cell_type))
            // Already good
            go.transform.localPosition += Vector3.up * 0.01f;
    protected bool CheckWallRendering(VirtualMap map, VirtualCell conversion_cell)
        // Check wheter we need to show a wall or not for this type of map
        if (conversion_cell.Type == VirtualCell.CellType.EmptyPassage)
        if (behaviour.usePerimeter && conversion_cell.Type == VirtualCell.CellType.PerimeterWall)

        //Debug.Log("Check rendering of wall " + conversion_cell.location);
        if (map.IsPassageRemovable(conversion_cell.location))
            //Debug.Log("NO RENDER");
            // Do not render this wall!
            conversion_cell.Type = VirtualCell.CellType.EmptyPassage;
            // This wall must be rendered!

         *      // We check the neighbours. A rendered wall needs at least one floor nearby.
         *      CellLocation[] floor_neighs = map.GetAllNeighbours(conversion_cell.starting_location);
         *      int countFloorNeighs = 0;
         *      for(int n_i=0; n_i<floor_neighs.Length; n_i++){
         *              CellLocation other_l = floor_neighs[n_i];
         *              if (!map.LocationIsOutsideBounds(other_l) && map.GetCell(other_l).IsFloor()){
         *                      countFloorNeighs++;
         *              }
         *      }
         *      if (countFloorNeighs > 0){
         *              // This wall must be rendered!
         *              return true;
         *      } else {
         *              // Do not render this wall!
         *              conversion_cell.Type = VirtualCell.CellType.EmptyPassage;
         *              return false;
         *      }*/
Example #22
    // A dead end cell has one and only one direction free for walking (i.e. there is no wall there -> empty)
    public bool IsDeadEnd(CellLocation l, bool alsoConsiderDoors = false)
        int emptyCount = 0;

        CellLocation[] locs = GetAllNeighbours(l);
        foreach (CellLocation n_l in locs)
            VirtualCell.CellType type = this.GetCell(n_l.x, n_l.y).Type;
            if (type == VirtualCell.CellType.EmptyPassage ||
                (alsoConsiderDoors && VirtualCell.IsDoor(type)))
                //Debug.Log("For loc " + l + " neigh " + n_l + " is empty!");

        return(emptyCount == 1);
Example #23
    private void ComputeCellDistanceRecursive(VirtualCell input_cell, List <CellLocation> unvisited_locations, int current_distance)
        //Debug.Log("Check cell " + input_cell.location + " dist " + current_distance);
        input_cell.visited = true;
        current_distance  += 1;

        foreach (CellLocation nl in input_cell.connectedCells)
            VirtualCell nc = this.GetCell(nl);
            //Debug.Log("NEIGH LOC" + nl);
            int last_distance = nc.distance_from_root;
            nc.distance_from_root = (current_distance <= last_distance) ? current_distance : last_distance;
            //Debug.Log("SET DIST " + nc.distance_from_root);
            if (!nc.visited)
                ComputeCellDistanceRecursive(nc, unvisited_locations, current_distance);
    protected void ConvertFloor(VirtualMap map, VirtualCell conversion_cell, bool mayBeDirectional = true)
        CellLocation loc = conversion_cell.location;

        if (generator.mapDimensionsType == MapDimensionsType.THREE_DEE)
            // 3D case
            if (GeneratorValues.multiStorey)
                // Add ladders and avoid placing floors or ceilings for multi-storey
                if (map.start == loc && map.storey_number > 0)
                    // No floor, just a ceiling
                    ConvertCeiling(map, conversion_cell);
                    conversion_cell.Type = VirtualCell.CellType.None;
                else if (map.end == loc && map.storey_number < GeneratorValues.numberOfStoreys - 1)
                    // Ladder up on top of a floor, no ceiling
                    ConvertDirectionalFloor(map, conversion_cell, mayBeDirectional);
                    conversion_cell.AddCellInstance(VirtualCell.CellType.Ladder, conversion_cell.Orientation);
                    ConvertDirectionalFloor(map, conversion_cell, mayBeDirectional);
                    ConvertCeiling(map, conversion_cell);
                ConvertDirectionalFloor(map, conversion_cell, mayBeDirectional);
                ConvertCeiling(map, conversion_cell);
            // 2D case

            // We just check for directionality, if needed
            ConvertDirectionalFloor(map, conversion_cell, mayBeDirectional);
Example #25
    void DrawConnections(VirtualCell input_cell, List <CellLocation> unvisited_locations, PhysicalMap physicalMap, VirtualMap virtualMap, int max_distance)
        Vector3 input_pos = physicalMap.GetRealWorldPosition(input_cell.location, virtualMap.storey_number);

        //Debug.Log("Has connected cells: " + start_cell.connectedCells.Count);
        foreach (CellLocation connected_cell_location in input_cell.connectedCells)
            Vector3 end_pos = physicalMap.GetRealWorldPosition(connected_cell_location, virtualMap.storey_number);
            //Debug.Log(input_cell.distance_from_root * 1f / virtualMap.GetMaximumDistance());
            Color col = Color.Lerp(Color.red, Color.green, input_cell.distance_from_root * 1f / max_distance);
            Handles.color = col;
            Handles.DrawLine(input_pos, end_pos);
            if (unvisited_locations.Contains(connected_cell_location))
                DrawConnections(virtualMap.GetCell(connected_cell_location), unvisited_locations, physicalMap, virtualMap, max_distance);
 protected bool ConvertPerimeterColumn(VirtualMap map, VirtualCell conversion_cell)
     if (!behaviour.usePerimeter)
     if (behaviour.internalPerimeter)
         // Internal perimeter: we check that we have nothing towards the outside
         // TODO:
         // External perimeter: we place a perimeter around the whole map
         if (map.LocationIsInPerimeter(conversion_cell.location))
             conversion_cell.Type = VirtualCell.CellType.PerimeterColumn;
    public void ConvertDoor(VirtualMap map, VirtualCell conversion_cell)
        if (conversion_cell.IsDoor())
            if (!behaviour.drawDoors)
                conversion_cell.Type = VirtualCell.CellType.EmptyPassage;
                CellLocation prev_loc = map.GetNeighbourCellLocation(conversion_cell.location, conversion_cell.Orientation);
                CellLocation next_loc = map.GetNeighbourCellLocation(conversion_cell.location, map.GetDirectionOpposite(conversion_cell.Orientation));
//				Debug.Log (prev_loc);
//				Debug.Log (next_loc);
//				Debug.Log (map.GetCell(prev_loc).IsRoomFloor());
//				Debug.Log (map.GetCell(next_loc).IsRoomFloor());
                if (map.GetCell(prev_loc).IsRoomFloor() && map.GetCell(next_loc).IsRoomFloor())
                    conversion_cell.Type = VirtualCell.CellType.RoomDoor;
Example #28
    override public void CreateObject(VirtualMap map, MetricLocation l, VirtualCell.CellType cell_type, VirtualMap.DirectionType orientation)
        GameObject prefab = behaviour.GetPrefab(cell_type);

        DaedalusDebugUtils.Assert(prefab != null, "No variation was chosen for " + cell_type);

        GameObject go = (GameObject)GameObject.Instantiate(prefab, new Vector3(l.x * behaviour.tileSize, 0, l.y * behaviour.tileSize), Quaternion.identity);

        go.name = cell_type.ToString();

        if (orientation == VirtualMap.DirectionType.None)
            orientation = VirtualMap.DirectionType.North;
        switch (orientation)
        case VirtualMap.DirectionType.West:     go.transform.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(90, 0, 0);  break;

        case VirtualMap.DirectionType.North:    go.transform.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(90, 90, 0); break;

        case VirtualMap.DirectionType.East:     go.transform.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(90, 180, 0); break;

        case VirtualMap.DirectionType.South:    go.transform.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(90, 270, 0); break;

        AddToMapGameObject(cell_type, go, cell_type == VirtualCell.CellType.Door, l.storey);

        // Move walls up a bit
        if (VirtualCell.IsFloor(cell_type))
            // Already good
            go.transform.localPosition += Vector3.up * 0.01f;
Example #29
    void OnSceneGUI()
        if (showDebugCoordinates || showDebugConnections)
            PhysicalMap  physicalMap = this.targetInstance.GetPhysicalMap();
            VirtualMap[] virtualMaps = this.targetInstance.GetVirtualMaps();
            if (this.targetInstance.HasGeneratedDungeon())
                if (physicalMap != null && virtualMaps.Length > 0)
                    GUIStyle guiStyle = new GUIStyle();

                    if (showDebugCoordinates)
                        for (int i = 0; i < virtualMaps.Length; i++)
                            foreach (VirtualCell c in virtualMaps[i].GetAllCells())
                                Vector3 p = physicalMap.GetRealWorldPosition(c.location, i);
                                if (c.location.x % 2 == 1 && c.location.y % 2 == 1)
                                    guiStyle.normal.textColor = Color.yellow;
                                    int actual_x = (c.location.x - 1) / 2;
                                    int actual_y = (c.location.y - 1) / 2;
                                    Handles.Label(p, c.location.x + "," + c.location.y + "\n(" + actual_x + "," + actual_y + ")", guiStyle);
                                    guiStyle.normal.textColor = Color.white;
                                    Handles.Label(p, c.location.x + "," + c.location.y, guiStyle);

                    if (showDebugConnections)
                        for (int i = 0; i < virtualMaps.Length; i++)
                            VirtualMap          virtualMap          = virtualMaps[i];
                            List <CellLocation> unvisited_locations = new List <CellLocation>(virtualMap.WalkableLocations);
                            //Debug.Log("Starting from " + start_location);
                            int max_distance = virtualMap.GetMaximumDistance();

                            int stop_iter = 0;
                            while (unvisited_locations.Count > 0)
                                CellLocation start_location = unvisited_locations[0]; // We start from a walkable cell (doesn't matter which one)
                                VirtualCell  start_cell     = virtualMap.GetCell(start_location);

                                DrawConnections(start_cell, unvisited_locations, physicalMap, virtualMap, max_distance);

                                if (stop_iter == 100)
                                    DaedalusDebugUtils.Assert(false, "Looping in show debug connectsion!");
                                    break; // ERROR HERE!

                    // TEST path check
                    //VirtualMap test_virtualMap = virtualMaps[0];
                    //List<CellLocation> test_unvisited_locations = new List<CellLocation>(test_virtualMap.WalkableLocations);
                    //test_virtualMap.ExistsPathBetweenLocations(test_unvisited_locations[0], test_unvisited_locations[test_unvisited_locations.Count - 1]);
 public bool GetIsDynamicCell(VirtualCell.CellType cell_type)