// Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        switch (handState)
        //If there is no temporary joint and the player is pressing down on the hand trigger with enough pressure (>= 0.5f in this case),
        //we set the held object’s velocity to zero, and create a temporary joint attached to it.
        //We then connect that joint to our AttachPoint (by default, the hand itself)
        //and set the hand state to HOLDING
        case HandState.TOUCH:
            //   Debug.LogWarning(mHandState);

            if (temporaryJoint == null && OVRInput.Get(OVRInput.Axis1D.PrimaryHandTrigger, touchController) >= 0.5f)
                objectHeld.velocity          = Vector3.zero;
                temporaryJoint               = objectHeld.gameObject.AddComponent <FixedJoint>();
                temporaryJoint.connectedBody = attachedPoint;
                handState = HandState.HOLD;

                //if you grab a vinyl, disable its UI, enable follow cube
                if (objectHeld.gameObject.tag == "vinyl")
                    VinylScript vinylScript = objectHeld.gameObject.GetComponent <VinylScript>();

        // If the hand state is already in the HOLDING state,
        //we check that we do have a temporary joint (i.e. that it is not null)
        //and that the player is releasing enough of the trigger (in this case, < 0.5f).
        //If so, we immediately destroy the temporary joint, and set it to null signifying that it is no longer in use.
        //We then throw the object using a throw method (described further below) and set the hand state to EMPTY.

        case HandState.HOLD:
            //    Debug.LogWarning(mHandState);

            //disable line renderer while holding objects

            if (temporaryJoint != null && OVRInput.Get(OVRInput.Axis1D.PrimaryHandTrigger, touchController) < 0.5f)
                temporaryJoint = null;

                //To stop collisions with hands when throwing an object
                gameObject.GetComponent <SphereCollider>().enabled = false;
                bool        isThrown    = throwObject();
                VinylScript vinylScript = objectHeld.gameObject.GetComponent <VinylScript>();

                //if object isn't thrown and its a vinyl then re-enable its UI
                if (!isThrown)
                    if (objectHeld.gameObject.tag == "vinyl")
                        vinylScript.isThrown = false;
                        //handState = HandState.EMPTY;
                    //if vinyl is thrown then despawn followcube
                    vinylScript.isThrown = true;
                    //  vinylScript.spawnedFollowCube.SetActive(false);
                //re enable line renderer when letting go of objects
                gameObject.GetComponent <SphereCollider>().enabled = true;
                handState = HandState.EMPTY;
            else if (objectHeld == null)
                handState = HandState.EMPTY;
                //re enable line renderer when letting go of objects
            velocityOld = OVRInput.GetLocalControllerAngularVelocity(touchController);
