Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Does attack behavior, if no attackTarget, Seek for one. If there is one, attack!
        /// </summary>
        public void DoAttackBehavior(List <Player> a_players, PathFinder a_pathfinder, ViewClasses.iParticles a_particleHandler, float a_elapsedTime)

            if (m_attacker.m_thingState == ThingState.Hold || m_attacker.m_thingState == ThingState.Hunting)
                m_baseState = m_attacker.m_thingState;

            //All the stuff you can't be when attacking.
            if (m_attacker.m_thingState != ThingState.Moving && m_attacker.m_thingState != ThingState.Building)
                foreach (Player player in a_players)

                //if you have no target
                if (m_target == null)
                    if (m_attacker.m_currentposition != m_huntingPosition && m_baseState == ThingState.Hunting)
                        StartHunting(m_huntingPosition, a_pathfinder);
                    else if (m_attacker.m_currentposition == m_huntingPosition && m_baseState == ThingState.Hunting)
                        m_baseState = ThingState.Idle;

                    m_absoluteTarget = false;
                }//if you doo!
                    Attack(a_pathfinder, a_particleHandler);
Example #2
        public void Attack(PathFinder a_pathFinder, ViewClasses.iParticles a_particleHandler)
            /* Flow:
             * 1. Is target alive or dead?
             * 2. Is target inside my chase range?
             * 3. Is target inside my attack range?
             * 4. Is my state Attacking?
             * 5. Is my attack ready?
             * 6. Do Damage and set cooldown to the attackrate
             * 7. If target is dead after dealing damage, set my state to my baseState (Hold or Hunting)
             * 1a. If Target is dead set my attack target to null
             * 2a. If target is outside my chase range, I stop attacking the target and go back to my previous state (Hunting, or Hold tho Hold should never happen)
             * 3a. If target is outside my attack range and my baseState = Hold, I drop my target.
             * 3b. If target is outside my attack range I will start to chase target!
             * 4a. If my state is not Attacking but Chasing I will set my state to Idle
             * 4b. If my state is not Attacking but Hold or Idle I will set my state to Attacking
             * 5b. If my attack is not ready, do nothing

            //If target is alive try to attack
            if (m_target.m_alive && m_target.m_exists)
                float f_length = CalculateLengthToATarget(m_target);

                //If target is within chase range
                if (f_length <= m_chaseRangeSquared)
                    //If target is within attackrange
                    if (f_length <= m_attackRangeSquared)
                        if (m_attacker.m_thingState == ThingState.Attacking)
                            //if cooldown is ready, do the attack check
                            if (m_cooldownTimer <= 0)

                                m_cooldownTimer = m_attackRate;

                                a_particleHandler.CreateOddys(m_attacker.m_currentposition, ref m_target.m_currentposition);

                                if (!m_target.m_alive)
                                    m_attacker.m_thingState = m_baseState;
                        }//Sets attacker state from Chasing -> Idle -> Attacking
                        else if (m_attacker.m_thingState == ThingState.Chasing || m_attacker.m_thingState == ThingState.Hunting)
                            m_attacker.m_thingState = ThingState.Idle;
                        }//If the state is idle or hold the unit can attack!
                        else if (m_attacker.m_thingState == ThingState.Idle || m_attacker.m_thingState == ThingState.Hold)
                            m_attacker.m_thingState = ThingState.Attacking;
                    }//If outside the attackerRange and the state is hold do:
                    else if (m_baseState == ThingState.Hold)
                        //Set the attackerTarget to null, since someone else might be inside the attack range
                        m_target = null;
                    }//If the unit is idling it will chase target
                        if (a_pathFinder.FindPath(m_attacker.m_currentposition, m_target.m_currentposition) == 1)
                        }//if unit can't find path to target, drop it!
                            m_target = null;
                }//If the target was selected by player, chase it till the end of time!
                else if (m_absoluteTarget)
                    if (a_pathFinder.FindPath(m_attacker.m_currentposition, m_target.m_currentposition) == 1)
                    }//if unit can't find path to target, drop it!
                        m_target = null;
                }//If outside chase range
                    //If the base state was hold or hunting, go back to doing that!
                    if (m_baseState == ThingState.Hold || m_baseState == ThingState.Hunting)
                        m_attacker.m_thingState = m_baseState;
                    m_target = null;
            }//If target is dead
                //set attack target to null so Seek is called again
                m_target = null;
                m_attacker.m_thingState = m_baseState;