// [TestMethod] // TODO
        public void BindCollection()
            //PersonVM vm = null;
            PersonVMView view = new PersonVMView();
            DataGrid     grid = new DataGrid();

            var nameColumn        = new DataGridTextColumn();
            var memberCountColumn = new DataGridTextColumn();


            ViewBinder.BindVM(view, b => {
                b.Collection(x => x.Projects).To(grid, i => {
                    i.Property(x => x.Name).To(nameColumn);
                    i.Property(x => x.MemberCount).To(memberCountColumn);

            Binding itemsSourceBinding = BindingOperations.GetBinding(grid, DataGrid.ItemsSourceProperty);

            Assert.AreEqual("Projects", itemsSourceBinding.Path.Path);

            Binding nameBinding        = (Binding)nameColumn.Binding;
            Binding memberCountBinding = (Binding)memberCountColumn.Binding;

            Assert.AreEqual("Name", nameBinding.Path.Path);
            Assert.AreEqual("MemberCount", memberCountBinding.Path.Path);
        public void BindRootView()
            var rootView = new RootView()
                Contexts = new List <ReflectContext>()

            rootView.Contexts.Add(new ReflectContext()
                Folder = "C:\teste",
                Name   = "Context1"
            rootView.Contexts.Add(new ReflectContext()
                Folder = "C:\teste2",
                Name   = "Context2"

            ViewBinder.RootFolder = @"..\..\..\Views\ReflectorView.Test\";
            var output = ViewBinder.BindView(rootView);

            var sb = new StringBuilder();

            using (TextReader reader = File.OpenText(ViewBinder.RootFolder + "RootViewOut.txt"))

            Assert.AreEqual(sb.ToString(), output);
        void ViewBinderDisplay_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            IViewBinder instance = ViewBinder.GetInstance(this.Parent);

            ViewBinder<ViewBinderViewModel> binder = new ViewBinder<ViewBinderViewModel>(this, new ViewBinderViewModel(instance));
            //binder.List(i => i.Binders);
        public void When_binder_is_constructed_then_viewmodel_is_initialized()
            UserControl view = new UserControl();
            object viewModel = new object();
            var binder = new ViewBinder(view, viewModel);

            Assert.AreSame(viewModel, binder.Model);
        public void When_method_binder_is_added_then_it_can_be_retrieved_by_its_event()
            var button = new Button();
            var view = new UserControl();
            var vm = new MockViewModelWithAction();
            var buttonBinder = new MethodBinder<RoutedEventArgs>(button, "Click", p => vm.Action());
            var viewModelBinder = new ViewBinder<object>(view, vm);

            var binder = viewModelBinder.GetMethodBinder(button, "Click");
            Assert.AreEqual(buttonBinder, binder);
        public void When_list_binder_is_added_then_it_can_be_retrieved_by_its_type()
            ListBox citiesList = new ListBox();
            CustomerListViewModel vm = new CustomerListViewModel("Jeff", "Glenn");

            ListBinder<Customer,CustomerListViewModel> binder = new ListBinder<Customer,CustomerListViewModel>(citiesList, p => vm.Customers, p => vm.SelectedCustomer,vm);

            var viewModelBinder = new ViewBinder<CustomerListViewModel>(citiesList, vm);

            var binders = viewModelBinder.GetBinders<ListBinder<Customer,CustomerListViewModel>>(citiesList);
            Assert.AreEqual(binder, binders.Single(), "There should be a single list binder found");
        public void SetValue(T Value)
            bool success = false;

            if (ViewBinder != null && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(PropertyName) && CanWrite)
                success = ViewBinder.SetValue(PropertyName, Value);

            if (!success)
                RaiseBindFailEvent(BindAction.Set, PropertyName);
Example #8
File: View.cs Project: ibebbs/MVx
        private static void ModelPropertyChanged(DependencyObject target, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            if (e.NewValue != null)
                var view = ViewLocator.Instance.LocateForModel(e.NewValue, target);

                ViewBinder.Bind(view, e.NewValue);

                SetContentProperty(target, view);
                SetContentProperty(target, e.NewValue);
Example #9
        public void BindContentArea(CustomArea customArea, object viewModel, ViewBinder binder)
            if (customArea == null || viewModel == null || binder == null)

            var vmType = viewModel.GetType();

            var vmProperties = binder.GetViewModelProperties(vmType);

            if (vmProperties == null)

            var propertyContentAreaBindings = vmProperties.Select(pi => new AttributeBinding <CustomAreaAttribute>(pi.GetCustomAttribute <CustomAreaAttribute>(), pi)).Where(a => a.Attr != null);

            // Property bindings always take precedence over class level bindings
            var propertyBinding = propertyContentAreaBindings.Where(a => a.Attr.ContentArea == customArea.ContentArea).FirstOrDefault();

            if (propertyBinding != null)
                customArea.ContentTemplate = binder.GetUntypedTemplate(propertyBinding.Attr.Template);
                customArea.Content         = propertyBinding.Property.GetValue(viewModel, null);
                // Since no properties matched this custom area we need to check the view model itself to see if it should be bound to the custom area
                var classContentAreaBindings = vmType.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(CustomAreaAttribute), false).OfType <CustomAreaAttribute>();

                var contentArea = classContentAreaBindings.Where(caa => caa.ContentArea == customArea.ContentArea);
                if (contentArea == null)

                // The view model needs to be bound to the custom area so now lets figure out what template to use
                var customAreaAttr = vmType.GetCustomAttribute <CustomAreaAttribute>();
                if (customAreaAttr == null)

                customArea.ContentTemplate = binder.GetUntypedTemplate(customAreaAttr.Template);
                customArea.Content         = viewModel;
        // [TestMethod] // TODO
        public void BindScreen()
            PersonScreenView screenView    = new PersonScreenView();
            TextBox          targetElement = new TextBox();

            ViewBinder.BindScreen <PersonScreen>(screenView, c => {
                c.BindVM(x => x.VM, b => {
                    b.Property(x => x.FirstName).To(targetElement).On(TextBox.TextProperty);

            Binding binding = BindingOperations.GetBinding(targetElement, TextBox.TextProperty);

            Assert.AreEqual("VM.FirstName", binding.Path.Path);
        private void ProcessRequest(object contextobj)
            var context = (HttpListenerContext)contextobj;

                if (context.Request.HttpMethod.Equals("GET"))
                    var msg = context.Request.HttpMethod + " " + context.Request.Url;

                    var runner = Router.Route(context.Request.Url.LocalPath);
                    var view   = runner.Run();

                    var response = ViewBinder.BindView(view);

                    var b = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(response);
                    context.Response.ContentLength64 = b.Length;
                    context.Response.OutputStream.Write(b, 0, b.Length);
                    context.Response.StatusCode = 200;
                    throw new Exception(context.Request.HttpMethod + " Not Implemented");
            catch (Exception ex)
                //LOG ERRORS TO Console
                Console.WriteLine("Request error: " + ex);
                var exceptionView = new ExceptionView()
                    Exception = ex

                var response = ViewBinder.BindView(exceptionView);

                byte[] b = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(response);
                context.Response.ContentLength64 = b.Length;
                context.Response.OutputStream.Write(b, 0, b.Length);
                context.Response.StatusCode = 500;
Example #12
        public void KeyGesture_IsAddedToInputBindingsOfTargetObject()
            var target = new Button();
            var view   = new TestView();

            ViewBinder.BindVM(view, b => {
                b.Property(x => x.ViewModelCommand).To(target).KeyGesture(Key.A, ModifierKeys.Control);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, target.InputBindings.Count);

            var inputBinding = (KeyBinding)target.InputBindings[0];

            Assert.AreEqual(Key.A, inputBinding.Key);

            var binding = BindingOperations.GetBinding(inputBinding, KeyBinding.CommandProperty);

            Assert.AreEqual("ViewModelCommand", binding.Path.Path);
        public override bool TrySetMember(SetMemberBinder Binder, Object Value)
            bool success = false;

            String memberName = Binder.Name == "Value" && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(PropertyName)
                ? PropertyName
                : Binder.Name;

            if (ViewBinder != null && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(memberName) && CanWrite)
                success = ViewBinder.SetValue(memberName, Value);

            if (!success)
                RaiseBindFailEvent(BindAction.Set, memberName);

        public override bool TryGetMember(GetMemberBinder Binder, out Object Result)
            bool success = false;

            Result = null;

            String memberName = Binder.Name == "Value" && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(PropertyName)
                ? PropertyName
                : Binder.Name;

            if (ViewBinder != null && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(memberName) && CanRead)
                if (OneTime)
                    success = true;
                    Result  = null;
                    if (CanRead)
                        success = ViewBinder.GetValue(memberName, out value);

                    if (success)
                        Result = value;
                    success = ViewBinder.GetValue(memberName, out Result);

            if (!success)
                RaiseBindFailEvent(BindAction.Get, memberName);

        public T GetValue()
            T    result  = default(T);
            bool success = false;

            if (ViewBinder != null && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(PropertyName) && CanRead)
                if (OneTime)
                    success = true;
                    if (CanRead)
                        success = ViewBinder.GetValue(PropertyName, out value);

                    if (success)
                        result = (T)value;
                    Object value;
                    success = ViewBinder.GetValue(PropertyName, out value);
                    if (success)
                        result = (T)value;

            if (!success)
                RaiseBindFailEvent(BindAction.Get, PropertyName);

Example #16
        public void BindContentArea(ItemContainer container, object viewModel, ViewBinder binder)
            if (container == null || viewModel == null || binder == null)

            var vmType = viewModel.GetType();

            var vmProperties = binder.GetViewModelProperties(vmType);

            if (vmProperties == null)

            var itemsSources = vmProperties.Select(pi => new AttributeBinding <ItemsSourceAttribute>(pi.GetCustomAttribute <ItemsSourceAttribute>(), pi)).Where(a => a.Attr != null);
            var treeSources  = vmProperties.Select(pi => new AttributeBinding <TreeSourceAttribute>(pi.GetCustomAttribute <TreeSourceAttribute>(), pi)).Where(a => a.Attr != null);

            BindItemSources(container, itemsSources, viewModel, binder);
            BindTreeViews(container, treeSources, viewModel, binder);
Example #17
        private void BindTreeViews(ItemContainer container, IEnumerable <AttributeBinding <TreeSourceAttribute> > treesources, object viewModel, ViewBinder binder)
            // We need to determine what property in the view model should be bound to this container

            // First check for any content area attributes on the marked up properties
            // Using the new attribute binding simplifies the linq in the next line
            var altBindings = treesources.Select(isa => new AttributeBinding <ContentAreaAttribute>(isa.Property.GetCustomAttribute <ContentAreaAttribute>(), isa.Property));

            // Now check to see which of those has a content area that matches the name of this container
            var matchingBinding = altBindings.FirstOrDefault(ab => (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(container.ContentArea) && (ab.Attr == null || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ab.Attr.ContentArea))) ||
                                                             (ab.Attr != null && container.ContentArea == ab.Attr.ContentArea));

            // Switch back to dealing with the original attribute binding
            var treeSource = treesources.FirstOrDefault(isa => isa.Property == matchingBinding.Property);

            if (treeSource == null)

            var collection = treeSource.Property.GetValue(viewModel, null);

            if (collection == null)

            var control = binder.ResolveControlBinding(typeof(TreeSourceAttribute));

            if (control == null)

            container.Content = control;

            control.CreateBinding("ItemsSource", treeSource.Property.Name);

            // Now we need to get the template type of teh objects we're going to put inside the tree view
            var templateType = collection.GetType().GetUnderlyingType();

            var ptOverride = treeSource.Attr.ParentTemplateOverride;

            var parentTemplate = binder.GetDataTemplateBinding(templateType, ptOverride ?? null);

            var treeView = control as TreeView;

            if (treeView != null)
                treeView.ItemTemplate = parentTemplate.Template;

            /// TODO: Make the child template stuff work appropriately without having to directly reference the child template from the parent template in XAML
            /// see HierarchichalTemplates.xaml for the example
Example #18
        public void BindContentArea(Toolbar toolbar, object viewModel, ViewBinder binder)
            if (toolbar == null || viewModel == null || binder == null)

            var vmType = viewModel.GetType();

            var vmProperties = binder.GetViewModelProperties(vmType);

            if (vmProperties == null)

            var toolbarActions = vmProperties.Select(pi => new AttributeBinding <ToolbarActionAttribute>(pi.GetCustomAttribute <ToolbarActionAttribute>(), pi)).Where(a => a.Attr != null);

            if (toolbarActions.IsNullOrEmpty())

            var attrType = typeof(ToolbarActionAttribute);

            toolbarActions.ForEach(tba =>
                var contentAreaAttribute = tba.Property.GetCustomAttribute <ContentAreaAttribute>();

                // For every toolbar action in this view model we need to check to see if it should be added to this toolbar
                if ((string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(toolbar.ContentArea) && (contentAreaAttribute == null || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(contentAreaAttribute.ContentArea))) ||
                    (contentAreaAttribute != null && toolbar.ContentArea == contentAreaAttribute.ContentArea))
                    var controlBinding = tba.Attr.ControlTypeOverride != null ? new ControlTypeBinding(tba.Attr.ControlTypeOverride) : binder.GetControlBinding(attrType);

                    var control = controlBinding.ControlType.SafeCreate <FrameworkElement>();

                    if (controlBinding.IsCommandSource || controlBinding.HasCommandProperty)
                        control.CreateBinding("Command", tba.Property.Name);

                    var text = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tba.Attr.Name) ? tba.Attr.Name : tba.Property.Name.Replace("Command", string.Empty).SeparateOnCamelCase();

                    // Now not every button type in the world is going to use the content property to display the unique content inside the button. Check for a content mapper
                    // to determine what property to set in order to add the actual content. If no mapper can be found, assume we're using the content property
                    var contentProperty = "Content";

                    var mapper = binder.GetContentMapper(controlBinding.ControlType);
                    if (mapper != null)
                        contentProperty = mapper.ContentProperty;

                    control.SetProperty(contentProperty, text);

                    // Now check and see if there is a visibility attribute
                    var vizAttr = tba.Property.GetCustomAttribute <VisibilityAttribute>();
                    if (vizAttr != null)
                        var converter = vizAttr.ConverterType.SafeCreate <IValueConverter>();
                        control.CreateBinding("Visibility", vizAttr.Path ?? tba.Property.Name, converter: converter, converterParameter: vizAttr.ConverterParameter);

                    // Now that we're all setup go ahead and add the control to the toolbar
        public void When_value_binder_is_added_then_it_can_be_retrieved_by_its_bound_property()
            var view = new UserControl();
            var viewModel = new { Value = "my value" };
            var valueBinder = new ValueBinder<object>(view, UserControl.ContentProperty, p => viewModel.Value) {BindingMode = BindingMode.OneWay};

            var viewModelBinder = new ViewBinder<object>(view, viewModel);

            var binder = viewModelBinder.GetPropertyBinder(view, UserControl.ContentProperty);
            Assert.AreEqual(valueBinder, binder);
        public void When_value_binder_is_added_then_it_can_be_retrieved_by_its_type()
            var view = new UserControl();
            var mockBinder = new MockBinder(view);

            var viewModelBinder = new ViewBinder<object>(view, null);

            var binders = viewModelBinder.GetBinders<MockBinder>(view);
            Assert.AreEqual(mockBinder, binders.Single(), "There should be a single binder found that equals our mockBinder");
 public void When_retrieving_default_property_for_CheckBox_then_IsCheckedProperty_is_returned()
     var checkBox = new CheckBox();
     var binder = new ViewBinder();
     var property = ViewBinder.GetPropertyForElement(checkBox);
     Assert.AreEqual(ToggleButton.IsCheckedProperty, property);
Example #22
        private void BindItemSources(ItemContainer container, IEnumerable <AttributeBinding <ItemsSourceAttribute> > itemsources, object viewModel, ViewBinder binder)
            // We need to determine what property in the view model should be bound to this container

            // First check for any content area attributes on the marked up properties
            // Using the new attribute binding simplifies the linq in the next line
            var altBindings = itemsources.Select(isa => new AttributeBinding <ContentAreaAttribute>(isa.Property.GetCustomAttribute <ContentAreaAttribute>(), isa.Property));

            // Now check to see which of those has a content area that matches the name of this container
            var matchingBinding = altBindings.FirstOrDefault(ab => (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(container.ContentArea) && (ab.Attr == null || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ab.Attr.ContentArea))) ||
                                                             (ab.Attr != null && container.ContentArea == ab.Attr.ContentArea));

            // Switch back to dealing with the original attribute binding
            var itemsSource = itemsources.FirstOrDefault(isa => isa.Property == matchingBinding.Property);

            if (itemsSource == null)

            var collection = itemsSource.Property.GetValue(viewModel, null);

            if (collection == null)

            var control = binder.ResolveControlBinding(typeof(ItemsSourceAttribute));

            if (control == null)

            container.Content = control;

            // Get the template type of the object we're going to put inside the item container
            var templateType = collection.GetType().GetUnderlyingType();

            var template = itemsSource.Attr.Template;

            var dataTemplate = binder.GetDataTemplateBinding(templateType, template);

            if (dataTemplate != null)
                (control as ItemsControl).ItemTemplate = dataTemplate.Template;

            control.CreateBinding("ItemsSource", itemsSource.Property.Name);