public ShowVideoListPage(IEnumerable <BaseContentEntity> items, TypeItem typeVideo) { try { InitializeComponent(); if (typeVideo == TypeItem.Video360) { Title = "Видео 360"; } if (typeVideo == TypeItem.Video5D) { Title = "Видео 5D"; } if (typeVideo == TypeItem.Game) { Title = "Игры"; } App.MainWnd.ChangeTitle(Title); VideoViewer.SetSourse(items); Paggination.SetViewer(VideoViewer); Paggination.GenerateListPagginationButtons(); Paggination.CurrentPage = 1; } catch (Exception ex) { App.SendException(ex); } }
public void openCam() { TimerThread.Enabled = true; TimerThread.Start(); fuenteVideo = new VideoCaptureDevice(ball[CameraComboBox.SelectedIndex].MonikerString); VideoViewer.VideoSource = fuenteVideo; VideoViewer.Start(); }
/// <summary> /// Fades in video and hiding loading ring when it starts to play. /// </summary> private async void VideoStateChanged(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (VideoViewer.CurrentState == Windows.UI.Xaml.Media.MediaElementState.Playing) { await VideoViewer.Fade(1, 200).StartAsync(); LoadingRing.IsActive = false; } }
private void Video_OnMouseDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) { var button = sender as Border; if (button == null) { return; } var view = new VideoViewer($"C:\\xampp\\htdocs\\locations\\{button.Tag}\\video.mp4"); view.ShowDialog(); }
private void buttonShowVideo_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { if (usingRemotePath || !File.Exists(mCaseInfo.Image1)) { mCaseInfo.Image1 = mCaseInfo.RemoteImage1; } else { usingRemotePath = false; } string filePath = mCaseInfo.Image1; //string filePath = @"C:\ENC\LuAnn\Not Showing in Session\Img0178s.enc"; var camera = CameraFactory.Find(); if (camera == null) { return; } Configuration configuration = new Configuration(); string videoPath; videoPath = camera.ExtractInfringementVideo(filePath, configuration.GetDLLPath()); if (videoPath != string.Empty) { VideoViewer videoViewer = new VideoViewer(); videoViewer.LoadVideo(videoPath); videoViewer.ShowDialog(); File.Delete(videoPath); } else { MessageBox.Show("No Video File found."); } } catch (GatewayException gex) { System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("Failed to load window from{0} - {1}", "OtherWindow", gex.Message)); throw new Exception(String.Format("Failed to load window from{0} - {1}", "OtherWindow", gex.Message), gex); } catch (Exception ex) { System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("Failed to load window from{0} - {1}", "OtherWindow", ex.Message)); throw new Exception(String.Format("Failed to load window from{0} - {1}", "OtherWindow", ex.Message), ex); } }
private void VideoViewer_TileClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { BaseContentEntity content; VideoControlerPage controller; VideoViewer.FreeResourses(); if (sender is ModelVideo) { content = sender as ModelVideo; controller = new VideoControlerPage(content as ModelVideo); } else { content = sender as ModelGame; controller = new VideoControlerPage(content as ModelGame); } App.Frame.Navigate(controller); }
private void Information_OnMouseLeftButtonDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) { var career = KunosCareerObject; if (career == null) { return; } if (File.Exists(career.StartVideo)) { //if (VideoViewer.IsSupported()) { var videoViewer = new VideoViewer(career.StartVideo, career.Name); videoViewer.ShowDialog(); //} else { // NonfatalError.Notify(ControlsStrings.Video_CannotPlay, ControlsStrings.Video_CannotPlay_Commentary); //} } new KunosCareerIntro(career).ShowDialog(); }
private void Page_Unloaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { VideoViewer.FreeResourses(); }
protected override void OnDisappearing() { DependencyService.Get <IStatusBar>().ShowStatusBar(); NavigationPage.SetHasNavigationBar(this, false); VideoViewer.Stop(); }
protected override void OnAppearing() { DependencyService.Get <IStatusBar>().HideStatusBar(); VideoViewer.Play(); }
private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { DT_Now = DateTime.Now; if (VideoViewer.GetCurrentVideoFrame() != null) { BarcodeReader Reader = new BarcodeReader(); Bitmap img = new Bitmap(VideoViewer.GetCurrentVideoFrame()); //----------------加入CV--------------------- //Image<Gray, byte> I = new Image<Gray, byte>(img); //Image<Bgr, byte> DrawI = I.Convert<Bgr, byte>(); //Image<Gray, byte> CannyImage = I.Clone(); //灰階處理 //CvInvoke.GaussianBlur(I, CannyImage, new Size(5, 5), 0); //CvInvoke.Canny(I, CannyImage, 100, 200); //MyCV.BoundingBox(CannyImage, DrawI); //pictureBox1.Image = DrawI.Bitmap; //pictureBox2.Image = CannyImage.Bitmap; //Result result = Reader.Decode(DrawI.Bitmap); //----------------CV end---------------------- Result result = Reader.Decode(img); //原本 img.Dispose(); //釋放資源 if (result != null) { Scan_result_richTextBox.SelectionColor = Color.Green; Scan_result_richTextBox.AppendText("[" + DT_Now + "] 掃描條碼顯示: " + result + Environment.NewLine); //Scan_result.Items.Add("DBconnection = " + connectionString); //資料庫(自動Dispose寫法) String check_psd = "SELECT * FROM staff_info WHERE Encode_ID = '" + result + "'"; using (OleDbCommand cmd = new OleDbCommand()) { DataSet ds = new DataSet(); Table_Row TBR = new Table_Row(); List <Table_Row> table_row = new List <Table_Row>(); //OleDbDataReader dr; cmd.Connection = Access_DataBase.DB_Conn_Open(connectionString_StaffDB); cmd.CommandText = check_psd; //dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); OleDbDataAdapter adapter = new OleDbDataAdapter(cmd); try { adapter.Fill(ds, "Encode_ID"); adapter.Fill(ds, "Name"); adapter.Fill(ds, "Sex"); adapter.Fill(ds, "Job"); adapter.Fill(ds, "Phone"); adapter.Fill(ds, "CarNumP"); adapter.Fill(ds, "Photo"); try { TBR.Id = ds.Tables["Encode_ID"].Rows[0]["Encode_ID"].ToString(); TBR.Name = ds.Tables["Name"].Rows[0]["Name"].ToString(); TBR.Sex = ds.Tables["Sex"].Rows[0]["Sex"].ToString(); TBR.Job = ds.Tables["Job"].Rows[0]["Job"].ToString(); TBR.CarNumP = ds.Tables["CarNumP"].Rows[0]["CarNumP"].ToString(); TBR.CarNumP = ds.Tables["Phone"].Rows[0]["Phone"].ToString(); TBR.Photo = (byte[])ds.Tables["Photo"].Rows[0]["Photo"]; table_row.Add(TBR); ds.Tables.Clear(); string Table_name = DT_Now.ToString("yyyy_MM"); Check_Table_Exsits(Access_DataBase.DB_Conn_Open(connectionString_QRcode_Scan), cmd, Table_name);//檢查有無當月Table沒有建立 ShowInfo SI_form = new ShowInfo(table_row, this, Table_name, connectionString_QRcode_Scan); } catch { TimerThread.Stop(); string message = "此條碼可能被註銷,或者不是岡山榮家發行"; string caption = "查無此資料"; MessageBoxButtons buttons = MessageBoxButtons.OK; DialogResult DiaResult = MessageBox.Show(message, caption, buttons); //MessageBox.Show(message, caption, buttons); if (DiaResult == DialogResult.OK) { TimerThread.Start(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); } } } } }