Example #1
        GUIContent GetAudioTrackEnabledContent(ushort trackIdx)
            while (m_AudioTrackInfos.Count <= trackIdx)
                m_AudioTrackInfos.Add(new AudioTrackInfo());

            AudioTrackInfo info = m_AudioTrackInfos[trackIdx];

            VideoPlayer player = null;

            if (!serializedObject.isEditingMultipleObjects)
                player = (VideoPlayer)target;

            // Only produce a decorated track label with single-selection.  No
            // point trying to come up with a label that makes the average of
            // the current track params...
            string language     = player ? player.GetAudioLanguageCode(trackIdx) : "";
            ushort channelCount = player ? player.GetAudioChannelCount(trackIdx) : (ushort)0;

            if (language != info.language || channelCount != info.channelCount || info.content == null)
                string trackDetails = "";
                if (language.Length > 0)
                    trackDetails += language;

                if (channelCount > 0)
                    if (trackDetails.Length > 0)
                        trackDetails += ", ";
                    trackDetails += channelCount.ToString() + " ch";

                if (trackDetails.Length > 0)
                    trackDetails = " [" + trackDetails + "]";

                info.content         = EditorGUIUtility.TextContent("Track " + trackIdx + trackDetails);
                info.content.tooltip = s_Styles.enableDecodingTooltip;

Example #2
        private GUIContent GetAudioTrackEnabledContent(ushort trackIdx)
            while (this.m_AudioTrackInfos.Count <= (int)trackIdx)
                this.m_AudioTrackInfos.Add(new VideoPlayerEditor.AudioTrackInfo());
            VideoPlayerEditor.AudioTrackInfo audioTrackInfo = this.m_AudioTrackInfos[(int)trackIdx];
            VideoPlayer videoPlayer = null;

            if (!base.serializedObject.isEditingMultipleObjects)
                videoPlayer = (VideoPlayer)base.target;
            string text = (!videoPlayer) ? "" : videoPlayer.GetAudioLanguageCode(trackIdx);
            ushort num  = (!videoPlayer) ? 0 : videoPlayer.GetAudioChannelCount(trackIdx);

            if (text != audioTrackInfo.language || num != audioTrackInfo.channelCount || audioTrackInfo.content == null)
                string text2 = "";
                if (text.Length > 0)
                    text2 += text;
                if (num > 0)
                    if (text2.Length > 0)
                        text2 += ", ";
                    text2 = text2 + num.ToString() + " ch";
                if (text2.Length > 0)
                    text2 = " [" + text2 + "]";
                audioTrackInfo.content         = EditorGUIUtility.TextContent("Track " + trackIdx + text2);
                audioTrackInfo.content.tooltip = VideoPlayerEditor.s_Styles.enableDecodingTooltip;