Example #1
 void Start()
     vida      = GetComponent <VidaEnemyBase>();
     stMachine = GetComponent <StateMachine>();
     col       = GetComponent <Collider>();
     agente    = transform.GetComponent <UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshAgent>();
Example #2
 // Start is called before the first frame update
 void Start()
     playerRef       = FindObjectOfType <Mov>();
     refStateManager = GetComponent <StateMachine>();
     col             = GetComponent <Collider>();
     vidaEnemy       = GetComponent <VidaEnemyBase>();
 // Start is called before the first frame update
 void Start()
     playerRef       = FindObjectOfType <Mov>();
     miAnim          = GetComponent <Animator>();
     refStateManager = GetComponent <StateMachine>();
     vida            = GetComponent <VidaEnemyBase>();
     newScale(rangeObj, distance2Apuntar);
 void Start()
     vida        = GetComponent <VidaEnemyBase>();
     agent       = GetComponent <NavMeshAgent>();
     speedMax    = agent.speed;
     speedHitted = 0;
     anim        = GetComponent <Animator>();
    protected override void AplicarEfecto(Collider coll)
        VidaEnemyBase enemyColisionado = coll.GetComponent <VidaEnemyBase>();

        if (enemyColisionado != null)
 void Start()
     miAnim = GetComponent <Animator>();
     vida              = GetComponent <VidaEnemyBase>();
     kamiNav           = GetComponent <NavMeshAgent>();
     player            = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player");
     kamiBehaviour     = GetComponent <Kamikaze>();
     kamiNav.isStopped = false;
Example #7
 // Start is called before the first frame update
 void Start()
     playerRef       = FindObjectOfType <DashCast>();
     refStateManager = GetComponent <StateMachine>();
     vidaEnemy       = GetComponent <VidaEnemyBase>();
     posInicial      = transform.position;
     col             = GetComponent <Collider>();
     agente          = transform.GetComponent <UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshAgent>();
     miAnim          = GetComponent <Animator>();
Example #8
 void Start()
     start           = transform.position;
     col             = GetComponent <Collider>();
     vida            = GetComponent <VidaEnemyBase>();
     Player          = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player");
     kami            = GetComponent <NavMeshAgent>();
     Anim            = GetComponent <Animator>();
     cmpAudioSource  = GetComponentInParent <AudioSource>();
     refStateManager = GetComponent <StateMachine>();
 void Start()
     miAnim            = GetComponent <Animator>();
     vida              = GetComponent <VidaEnemyBase>();
     kamiNav           = GetComponent <NavMeshAgent>();
     start             = transform.position;
     kamiNav.isStopped = false;
     vida.hitted     = false;
     refStateManager = GetComponent <StateMachine>();
Example #10
    protected virtual void AplicarEfecto(Collider coll) // EN APLICAR EFECTO. BUSCA LA VIDA DEL PLAYER Y LE PASAS EL METODO TAKEDAMAGE(damageBala) ESTA VARIABLE LA TIENE
    {                                                   //EL SCRIPT
        VidaEnemyBase enemyColisionado = coll.GetComponent <VidaEnemyBase>();

        if (enemyColisionado != null)
            if (chocaEnemigo.Length != 0)
                NuevoSonido(chocaEnemigo[Random.Range(0, chocaEnemigo.Length - 1)], this.transform.position, 5f);
            // SoundVFX(chocaEnemigo);

        /* EnemyVida enemyColisionado = collision.GetComponent<EnemyVida>();   Comprobar que sea enemigo y enviarle el daƱo que hace el tipo de bullet
         * if (enemyColisionado != null)
         * {
         *     enemyColisionado.TakeDamage(damageBala);
         * }