public void SaveVictimsFile() { using (var writer = new StreamWriter(_file.ToString(), false)) { if (_victims != null && _victims.Count > 0) { var victimList = new List <Victims.Victim>(); foreach (var victim in _victims) { if (Titan.Instance.WebHandle.RequestBanInfo(SteamUtil.FromSteamID64(victim.SteamID), out var banInfo)) { if (!(banInfo.GameBanCount > 0 || banInfo.VacBanned)) { victimList.Add(victim); } } } var victims = new Victims { Array = victimList.ToArray() }; writer.Write(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(victims, Formatting.Indented)); } else { writer.Write("{\"victims\":[]}"); } } _log.Debug("Successfully wrote Victim file."); }
public async Task <IActionResult> PutVictims(int id, Victims victims) { if (id != victims.VictimId) { return(BadRequest()); } _context.Entry(victims).State = EntityState.Modified; try { await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException) { if (!VictimsExists(id)) { return(NotFound()); } else { throw; } } return(NoContent()); }
public void SaveVictimsFile() { using (var writer = new StreamWriter(_file.ToString(), false)) { // TODO: Change this ugly workaround if (_victims != null && _victims.Count > 0) { var victims = new Victims { Array = (from victim in _victims let bans = Titan.Instance.BanManager.GetBanInfoFor(SteamUtil.FromSteamID64(victim.SteamID)) where !(bans.GameBanCount > 0 || bans.VacBanned) select victim).ToArray() }; writer.Write(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(victims, Formatting.Indented)); } else { writer.Write("{\"victims\":[]}"); } } _log.Debug("Successfully wrote Victim file."); }
/** * Créer une manche */ public static Round MakeRound(ExecGame game) { GameObject go = new GameObject("RoundInstance"); Round round = go.AddComponent <Round>(); Victims victims = go.AddComponent <Victims> (); = game; return(round); }
public override void Update(GameTime gameTime) { LifeTime += gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; if (LifeTime > MaxLifeTime) { Destroy(); } for (int i = 0; i < Reps; i++) { ParticleSystem.Add(ParticleType.Spark, Position, Bullet.RandomSpeed(0.35f) - Vector2.Normalize(Speed) * 0.25f, 0, new Color(0.5f, 0.33f, 1), 1); ParticleSystem.Add(ParticleType.Glow, Position, Bullet.RandomSpeed(0.025f) - Vector2.Normalize(Speed) * 0.025f, 0, new Color(0.5f, 0.33f, 1), 4); Speed += Gravity * gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; Vector2 ToPosition = Position += Speed * gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; List <BasicObject> List = GameManager.MyLevel.CheckForAllList(new Rectangle((int)ToPosition.X, (int)ToPosition.Y, (int)Size.X, (int)Size.Y)); bool StopMove = false; foreach (BasicObject Other in List) { if (Other != Creator) { if (!Victims.Contains(Other) || !HitObjectsOnce) { if (Other.GetType().Equals(typeof(DynamicObject)) || !IgnoreWalls) { Victims.Add(Other); if (HitObject(Other, gameTime)) { StopMove = true; } } } } } if (!StopMove) { Position = ToPosition; } else { break; } } ChangePosition(); }
public static async Task TribeStandup([TimerTrigger("0 40 9 * * 1,2,3,4,5")] TimerInfo myTimer, ILogger log) { var victim = Victims.GetVictim(); var message = new Message { text = $"<@{victim}>, it is your turn to go to Tribe Standup" }; var response = await httpClient.PostAsJsonAsync <Message>(slackWebhookUri, message); var responseContent = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); log.Log(LogLevel.Information, responseContent); }
public static async Task <IActionResult> Retry( [HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Anonymous, "get", "post", Route = null)] HttpRequest req, ILogger log) { var victim = Victims.GetVictim(); var message = new Message { text = $"Repetition is a form of change. <@{victim}>, you're up!" }; var response = await httpClient.PostAsJsonAsync <Message>(slackWebhookUri, message); var responseContent = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); log.Log(LogLevel.Information, responseContent); return(new OkResult()); }
public void OnStopExample() { if (_timer != null) { lock (_timer) { _timer.Stop(); _timer = null; } } if (Victims != null) { Victims.Clear(); } if (Defenders != null) { Defenders.Clear(); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> PostVictims([FromBody] string stringJson) { string[] jsonStringArray = stringJson.Split(new char[] { '|' }); string materialStringJson = jsonStringArray[0]; string victimStringJson = jsonStringArray[1]; Materials materials = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Materials>(materialStringJson); Victims victims = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Victims>(victimStringJson); _context.Victims.Add(victims); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); var victimTerm = _context.Victims.Find(victims.VictimId); var materialTerm = _context.Materials.Find(materials.MaterialId); //materialTerm.Victims.Add(victimTerm); _context.VictimMaterials.Add(new VictimMaterials { VictimVictim = victimTerm, MaterialMaterial = materialTerm }); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(NoContent()); }
static void Main(string[] args) { ConsoleKey menuKey; ConsoleKeyInfo subMenuKey; int q = 0; int z = 1; string lPlate; decimal fee; bool isAdmin = false; bool init = true; Console.Clear(); Console.CursorVisible = false; Task loadPark = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => LoadPark("ParkWorld")); Task loadWash = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => LoadWash("WaterWorld")); Console.SetCursorPosition(0, 15); Console.WriteLine("˙ǝsɐǝןd punoɹɐ uǝǝɹɔs uɹnʇ\nuǝɥʇ 'sıɥʇ pɐǝɹ uɐɔ noʎ ɟı"); Thread.Sleep(100); while (!loadPark.IsCompleted || !loadWash.IsCompleted) { Console.SetCursorPosition(q, 2); Console.WriteLine("."); q++; Thread.Sleep(250); } do { #region Startup parameter checker if (args.Length > 0) // Checking for startup parameters { if ((args[0] == "-admin") || (args[0] == "-iddqd")) { isAdmin = ASCII.AdminMenu(); // Loads admin menu if parameter is admin or iddqd if (init) { FileLogger.WriteToLog($"Application started as {args[0]}"); init = false; // set initial startup as false Victims = new List <Victims>(); foreach (var item in myWash.Members) { Victims.Add(new Victims(item.LPlate, z, "Wash")); z++; } foreach (var item in myPark.Parkings) { if (item.Occupied) { Victims.Add(new Victims(item.LicensePlate, z, "Park")); z++; } ; } } ; } else { // Loads "fancy" menu for normal users if wrong parameters are entered MainMenu = new ASCII(new List <string>() { "Wash car", "Create Account", "See account", "See wash status", "Park car", "Add time", "Revoke ticket", "Checkout parking", "-- EXIT --" }); if (init) { FileLogger.WriteToLog($"Application was started with (wrong) parameter ({args[0]})"); init = false; } ; } } #endregion else { // Loads "fancy" menu for normal users MainMenu = new ASCII(new List <string>() { "Wash car", "Create Account", "See account", "See wash status", "Park car", "Add time", "Revoke ticket", "Checkout parking", "-- EXIT --" }); } try { if (!isAdmin) { menuKey = MainMenu.Draw(); } else { menuKey = Console.ReadKey(true).Key; } } catch (DOOM ex) { // Catches the "DOOM" exception/easter egg Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); ASCII.DOOM(); DOOM = true; break; } switch (menuKey) { #region Vaskedelen af menuen case ConsoleKey.W: #region Wash // Washes a car (cars only! No trucks or busses!) // Fake license plate scanner :) Console.WriteLine("Trying to read license plate"); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { Console.Write("."); Thread.Sleep(50); } Console.WriteLine(); do { try { // Checks for available wash - throws exception if none found. WashTypes _ = myWash.Washes.Find(s => s.Busy == false); if (_ == null) { throw new NoWash(); } Console.WriteLine("Please input license plate manually:"); lPlate = Console.ReadLine(); FileLogger.WriteToLog($"License plate {lPlate} was entered in the system."); Console.Clear(); // Checks for membership (and what type) if (myWash.CheckLicenseplate(lPlate)) { List <object> arguments = new List <object>(); arguments.Add(myWash.GetMemberWashType(lPlate)); arguments.Add(true); FileLogger.WriteToLog($"... and it was a member who is subscribed for {Enum.GetName(typeof(WashEnum), ((int)arguments[0]-1))}"); myWash.Worker.RunWorkerAsync(arguments); _ = myWash.Washes.Find(s => s.Busy == false); if (_ == null) { throw new NoWash(); } Console.WriteLine($"Please enter washbooth number {_.WashID}"); FileLogger.WriteToLog($"... and he entered washbooth number {_.WashID}"); MenuWait(); break; } else { // Non subscribed customer Console.WriteLine("Please select washtype:"); Console.WriteLine("[1] Bronze\n[2] Silver\n[3] Gold"); int washSelect = Convert.ToInt16(Console.ReadLine()); int price = 0; Console.WriteLine($"Please enter washbooth number {_.WashID}"); FileLogger.WriteToLog($"... and it was NOT a member - customer selected {Enum.GetName(typeof(WashEnum), (washSelect - 1))}"); FileLogger.WriteToLog($"... and entered washbooth number {_.WashID}"); List <object> arguments = new List <object>(); arguments.Add(washSelect); arguments.Add(false); myWash.Worker.RunWorkerAsync(arguments); if (washSelect == 1) { price = 75; } if (washSelect == 2) { price = 125; } if (washSelect == 3) { price = 195; } Console.WriteLine($"You will be deducted {price:C} from your creditcard"); MenuWait(); break; }; } catch (FormatException) { Console.WriteLine("That wasn't a number, now was it?!"); subMenuKey = MenuExit(); } catch (NoWash ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); FileLogger.WriteToLog(ex.Message); subMenuKey = MenuExit(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Something happened??"); Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); FileLogger.WriteToLog(ex.Message); subMenuKey = MenuExit(); } }while(subMenuKey.Key != ConsoleKey.X); break; #endregion case ConsoleKey.O: #region Open account // Opens a new wash-subscription account, no regex on creditcard/e-mail do { Console.WriteLine("Please fill out this form:"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write("Please input license plate: "); lPlate = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write("Please input your creditcard number: "); string cCard = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write("Please input your e-mail: "); string eMail = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("What type of wash you'd like to subscribe for:"); Console.WriteLine("[1] - Bronze wash (120DKK/Month)"); Console.WriteLine("[2] - Silver wash (150DKK/Month)"); Console.WriteLine("[3] - Golden shower (199DKK/Month)"); Console.Write("Please select: "); string selection = Console.ReadLine(); // Checks for empty fields in the form while ((selection.Length == 0) || (selection.Length == 0) || (cCard.Length == 0) || (lPlate.Length == 0) || (eMail.Length == 0)) { Console.WriteLine("Please try again."); if (lPlate.Length < 1) { Console.Write("Please input license plate: "); lPlate = Console.ReadLine(); } if (cCard.Length < 1) { Console.Write("Please input your creditcard number: "); cCard = Console.ReadLine(); } if (eMail.Length < 1) { Console.Write("Please input your e-mail: "); eMail = Console.ReadLine(); } if ((selection != "1") || (selection != "2") || (selection != "3")) { Console.WriteLine("What type of wash you'd like to subscribe for:"); Console.WriteLine("[1] - Bronze wash (120DKK/Month)"); Console.WriteLine("[2] - Silver wash (150DKK/Month)"); Console.WriteLine("[3] - Golden shower (199DKK/Month)"); Console.Write("Please select: "); selection = Console.ReadLine(); } } try { int wType = Convert.ToInt16(selection); if (wType > 3) { throw new OutOfRange(); } FileLogger.WriteToLog($"We have a new client! {lPlate} wants to subscribe for {Enum.GetName(typeof(WashEnum), (wType - 1))}"); Console.Clear(); bool check = myWash.CreateAccount(lPlate, cCard, eMail, wType); if (check) { Console.WriteLine($"You have created an account for {lPlate}"); } } catch (FormatException) { Console.WriteLine("Whoopsie, it looks like you tried to\ninput something that isn't a number."); } catch (OutOfRange ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Something happened"); Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); FileLogger.WriteToLog(ex.Message); } subMenuKey = MenuExit(); } while (subMenuKey.Key != ConsoleKey.X); break; #endregion case ConsoleKey.S: #region See account // Lets the user check the user account, and change the wash-type (or cancel) WashMembers x = null; Console.Write("Please input your license plate: "); lPlate = Console.ReadLine(); // Checks if plate is subscribed if (!myWash.CheckLicenseplate(lPlate)) { Console.WriteLine("I'm sorry Dave. I cannot let you do that ..."); MenuWait(); break; } foreach (var item in myWash.Members) { if (item.LPlate == lPlate) { x = item; Console.WriteLine($"Welcome {item.LPlate}"); Console.WriteLine($"You are currently subscribed to: {item.WashName}"); break; } } Console.WriteLine("Do you want to change subscription? [Y/N]"); ConsoleKeyInfo answer = Console.ReadKey(true); switch (answer.Key) { case ConsoleKey.Y: FileLogger.WriteToLog($"Customer with the license plate {x.LPlate} wants to change their subscription"); Console.WriteLine("Choose one of the following:"); Console.WriteLine("[1] - Bronze wash"); Console.WriteLine("[2] - Silver wash"); Console.WriteLine("[3] - Gold wash"); Console.WriteLine("[C] - Cancel subscription"); ConsoleKeyInfo a2 = Console.ReadKey(true); switch (a2.Key) { case ConsoleKey.D1: x.WashType = 1; x.WashName = "Bronze wash"; Console.WriteLine("You canged to " + x.WashName); FileLogger.WriteToLog($"... and he changed to {x.WashName}"); break; case ConsoleKey.D2: x.WashType = 2; x.WashName = "Silver wash"; Console.WriteLine("You canged to " + x.WashName); FileLogger.WriteToLog($"... and he changed to {x.WashName}"); break; case ConsoleKey.D3: x.WashType = 3; x.WashName = "Golden shower"; Console.WriteLine("You canged to " + x.WashName); FileLogger.WriteToLog($"... and he changed to {x.WashName}"); break; case ConsoleKey.C: Console.WriteLine("Are you sure you want to cancel subscription? [Y/N]"); if (Console.ReadKey(true).Key == ConsoleKey.Y) { FileLogger.WriteToLog($"{x.LPlate} have left the building!... What a tit"); myWash.Members.Remove(x); Console.WriteLine("K thx bai!"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Phew! You're still here then!"); } break; } break; case ConsoleKey.N: break; default: Console.WriteLine("You did something wrong."); break; } MenuWait(); break; #endregion case ConsoleKey.H: #region Status for wash + ability to emergency halt var __cts = new CancellationTokenSource(); CancellationToken __cancellation = __cts.Token; Console.WriteLine("-- WASH STATUS --"); Console.WriteLine("Do you want to emergency halt all the washers?"); Console.WriteLine("[Y]/[N] - any other key to abort from menu."); // Starts the wash-status update thing async Task stat = Task.Run(() => { myWash.StatusText(__cancellation); }, __cancellation); Console.SetCursorPosition(0, 17); subMenuKey = Console.ReadKey(true); // Cancels the wash-thread and the status update-thread if (subMenuKey.Key == ConsoleKey.Y) { myWash.Worker.CancelAsync(); Thread.Sleep(1000); // Waits a second before proceeding to next cancellation step __cts.Cancel(); FileLogger.WriteToLog($"Someone pressed the HALT! button real hard ..."); } else // Cancels the status update-thread when exit from menu { __cts.Cancel(); } __cts.Dispose(); MenuWait(); break; #endregion #endregion #region Parkeringsdelen af menuen case ConsoleKey.P: #region Parks vehicle Console.WriteLine("Please input your vehicle type:"); Console.WriteLine("1 - Car"); Console.WriteLine("2 - Car - Handicap parking viable"); Console.WriteLine("3 - Truck"); Console.WriteLine("4 - Bus"); Console.Write("Input: "); ConsoleKeyInfo pType = Console.ReadKey(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write("Please input your license plate: "); lPlate = Console.ReadLine(); // Checks licenseplate (and type) int result = myPark.ParkCar(pType, lPlate); if (result == 1) { Console.WriteLine("Unfortunately we don't have any free parking spaces for your automobile type.\nPlease try again later."); } else if (result == 2) { Console.WriteLine("License plate already parked!"); } else { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Parking started. The time is now: {0}", DateTime.Now.ToString()); Console.WriteLine("Minimum parking time is two (2) hours.\nYour parking will expire at: {0}", DateTime.Now.AddHours(2).ToString()); FileLogger.WriteToLog(string.Format("{0} have JUST parked his car! It will expire at {1}", lPlate, DateTime.Now.AddHours(2).ToString())); } MenuWait(); break; #endregion case ConsoleKey.A: #region Adds time to parking || Displays all information (non admin/admin) if (!isAdmin) { do { Console.Write("Please input your license plate: "); lPlate = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write("Please input how many hours you want to add: "); string stringTime = Console.ReadLine(); int addedTime = 0; try { addedTime = Convert.ToInt16(stringTime); if (addedTime < 1) { throw new FormatException("Only positive numbers allowed!"); } string _ = myPark.AddParkTime(lPlate, addedTime); Console.WriteLine(_); FileLogger.WriteToLog($"{lPlate} just added {addedTime} to his parking."); FileLogger.WriteToLog(_); break; } catch (NullReferenceException) { Console.WriteLine("It doesn't appear that the license plate exists in our system."); } catch (FormatException ex) { Console.WriteLine("Please only input a number!"); Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("You broke the program ..."); Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); Console.WriteLine(ex); FileLogger.WriteToLog(ex.Message); } subMenuKey = MenuExit(); }while (subMenuKey.Key != ConsoleKey.X); } if (isAdmin) { int occ = 0; foreach (var item in myPark.Parkings) { if (item.Occupied) { Console.WriteLine("License plate: {0} | Parked since: {1} | Parking type: {2}", item.LicensePlate, item.ParkTime, item.FriendlyName); occ++; } } Console.WriteLine("Number of occupied spaces: " + occ); Console.WriteLine("Number of available spaces: " + (myPark.Parkings.Count - occ)); Console.WriteLine(); foreach (var item in myWash.Members) { Console.WriteLine("License plate: {0} | Type of subscription: {1}", item.LPlate, item.WashName); } Console.WriteLine("Total number of subscribers: " + myWash.Members.Count); } MenuWait(); break; #endregion case ConsoleKey.R: #region Revoke ticket // Gives the user the ability to refund some of his parking ticket (if viable) Console.Write("Please enter your license plate: "); lPlate = Console.ReadLine(); try { string _ = myPark.RevokeTicket(lPlate); FileLogger.WriteToLog($"{lPlate} wants to revoke some of his parking time ..."); FileLogger.WriteToLog(_); Console.WriteLine(_); } catch (FormatException) { Console.WriteLine("It doesn't look like that was a correct license plate.\nWould you like to try again?"); } catch (NullReferenceException) { Console.WriteLine($"It doesn't look like the license plate {lPlate} is parked at the moment."); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); FileLogger.WriteToLog(e.Message); } MenuWait(); break; #endregion case ConsoleKey.C: #region Checkout parking // Checks out from parkinglot (if plate is parked) Console.Write("Please enter your license plate: "); lPlate = Console.ReadLine(); try { fee = myPark.CheckoutParking(lPlate); Console.WriteLine($"Thank you for parking at ParkWorld.\nYour fee is {fee:C}, and will be deducted from your creditcard automatically."); FileLogger.WriteToLog($"{lPlate} just checked out, and was charged {fee:C} on his creditcard"); } catch (NullReferenceException) { Console.WriteLine($"It doesn't look like the license plate {lPlate} is parked at the moment."); } MenuWait(); break; #endregion default: break; #endregion #region Super secret admin area! case ConsoleKey.I: // Inspects log file Console.WriteLine(FileLogger.ReadFromLog()); MenuWait(); break; case ConsoleKey.D: #region Update (dissect?) user // Updates user parameters (including things as parking price) // Checks for wash-user or parking-user Console.WriteLine("Please select the victim from the list below (X to quit!)"); foreach (var item in Victims) { Console.WriteLine($"ID: [{item.index}]\tLicense plate: {item.lPlate}\tType: {item.TypeOf}"); } Console.Write("Now, which ID do you want to IDDQD: "); string idString = Console.ReadLine(); if (idString == "X") { break; } try { int idInt = Convert.ToInt16(idString); Victims _u = Victims.Find(s => s.index == idInt); WashMembers W = myWash.Members.Find(s => s.LPlate == _u.lPlate); ParkTypes P = myPark.Parkings.Find(s => s.LicensePlate == _u.lPlate); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine($"You have selected {_u.lPlate}"); if (_u.TypeOf == "Wash") { Console.WriteLine(W.WashName); Console.WriteLine(W.CCard); Console.WriteLine(W.EMail); Console.WriteLine(""); } else if (_u.TypeOf == "Park") { Console.WriteLine(P.ParkTime); Console.WriteLine(P.ExpirationTime); Console.WriteLine(P.Price); Console.WriteLine(""); } Console.WriteLine("[1] Update user"); Console.WriteLine("[X] Quitter ..."); ConsoleKeyInfo K = Console.ReadKey(); Console.WriteLine(); switch (K.Key) { case ConsoleKey.D1: if (_u.TypeOf == "Wash") { Console.WriteLine("Choose one of the following:"); Console.WriteLine("[1] - Bronze wash"); Console.WriteLine("[2] - Silver wash"); Console.WriteLine("[3] - Gold wash"); ConsoleKeyInfo a2 = Console.ReadKey(true); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Now, whatabout his creditcard and e-mail?"); Console.WriteLine("Please enter new creditcard information (leave blank for default): "); string CC = Console.ReadLine(); if (CC.Length == 0) { CC = W.CCard; } Console.WriteLine("Please enter a new e-mail address (leave blank for default): "); string EM = Console.ReadLine(); if (EM.Length == 0) { EM = W.EMail; } Console.WriteLine("Now, should we change the license plate as well?"); string LP = Console.ReadLine(); if (LP.Length == 0) { LP = W.LPlate; } Console.WriteLine(myWash.AdminUpd(W, a2, CC, EM, LP)); } if (_u.TypeOf == "Park") { Console.WriteLine("Enter new parktime (leave blank for default): "); string PT = Console.ReadLine(); if (PT.Length == 0) { PT = P.ParkTime; } Console.WriteLine("Enter new expiration time (leave blank for default): "); string ET = Console.ReadLine(); if (ET.Length == 0) { ET = P.ExpirationTime; } Console.WriteLine("Enter new price (leave blank for default): "); string PR = Console.ReadLine(); decimal Pr = P.Price; if (PR.Length > 0) { try { Pr = Convert.ToDecimal(PR); } catch (FormatException) { throw new BadUser(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } } myPark.AdminUpd(_u.lPlate, PT, ET, Pr); } Console.WriteLine("The poor lad was updated ..."); break; default: break; } } catch (FormatException) { throw new BadUser(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } MenuWait(); break; #endregion case ConsoleKey.K: #region Kill user! // Finds user and deletes it from file Console.WriteLine("Please select the victim from the list below (X to quit!)"); foreach (var item in Victims) { Console.WriteLine($"ID: [{item.index}]\tLicense plate: {item.lPlate}\tType: {item.TypeOf}"); } string idStr = Console.ReadLine(); try { if (idStr == "X") { break; } int idI = Convert.ToInt16(idStr); Victims _d = Victims.Find(s => s.index == idI); if (_d.TypeOf == "Wash") { myWash.Members.Remove(myWash.Members.Find(s => s.LPlate == _d.lPlate)); } if (_d.TypeOf == "Park") { ParkTypes pt = myPark.Parkings.Find(s => s.LicensePlate == _d.lPlate); pt.ExpirationTime = ""; pt.LicensePlate = ""; pt.Occupied = false; pt.ParkTime = ""; } Victims.Remove(_d); Console.WriteLine("... he's gone now!"); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } MenuWait(); break; #endregion case ConsoleKey.F: #region Find user (view details) // Prints out details of a user (license plate) // Checks for wash-member or park-member Console.WriteLine("Please select the victim from the list below (X to quit!)"); foreach (var item in Victims) { Console.WriteLine($"ID: [{item.index}]\tLicense plate: {item.lPlate}\tType: {item.TypeOf}"); } string idStrng = Console.ReadLine(); try { if (idStrng == "X") { break; } int idInteger = Convert.ToInt16(idStrng); Victims _f = Victims.Find(s => s.index == idInteger); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine($"You have selected {_f.lPlate}"); if (_f.TypeOf == "Wash") { WashMembers W = myWash.Members.Find(s => s.LPlate == _f.lPlate); Console.WriteLine(W.WashName); Console.WriteLine(W.CCard); Console.WriteLine(W.EMail); Console.WriteLine(""); } else if (_f.TypeOf == "Park") { ParkTypes P = myPark.Parkings.Find(s => s.LicensePlate == _f.lPlate); Console.WriteLine(P.ParkTime); Console.WriteLine(P.ExpirationTime); Console.WriteLine(P.Price); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); break; } MenuWait(); break; #endregion #endregion } } while (menuKey != ConsoleKey.X); if (!DOOM) { SaveAndExit(isAdmin); //Doesn't save the settings if easter egg exception is thrown. } }