Example #1
 public VesselViewModel()
     Vessel             = new VesselModel();
     VesselSpecificInfo = new VesselSpecificInfoModel();
     SpecificInfo       = new SpecificInformationModel();
     VesselCost         = new VesselCostModel();
Example #2
 public async Task ValidateBody(VesselModel vessel)
     if (await Context.Body.FirstOrDefaultAsync(b => b.BodyName == vessel.BodyName) == null)
         throw new Exception($"Body {vessel.BodyName} of {vessel.Name} doesn't exist!");
Example #3
        public RequestResult <VesselModel> InsUpd(VesselModel model)
            RequestResult <VesselModel> ER = new RequestResult <VesselModel>()
                Status = Status.Success

            using (var db = new EGULFEntities())
                ObjectParameter Id = new ObjectParameter("VesselId", typeof(int?));
                Id.Value = model.VesselId;

                ER = db.sp_InsUpdVessel(Id, model.Name, model.Imo,
                                        model.Country.CountryId, model.YearBuild,
                                        model.ClassNotation, model.ClassValidity, model.VesselType.VesselTypeId, model.HomePort.PortId,
                                        model.Image.FileReferenceId, model.Status, model.Location.Lat, model.Location.Lng, model.SuitabilityIds,
                     .Select(x => new RequestResult <VesselModel>()
                    Status  = (bool)x.IsError ? Status.Error : Status.Success,
                    Message = x.Message,
                    Data    = model

                if (ER.Status == Status.Success)
                    ER.Data.VesselId = Convert.ToInt32(Id.Value.ToString());

Example #4
        public List <VesselModel> Get(VesselModel filter)
            PagerModel pager    = new PagerModel(0, Int32.MaxValue - 1, "", "");
            VesselDA   vesselDA = new VesselDA();

            return(vesselDA.Get(pager, filter));
Example #5
        public async Task <Domain.Vessel> Put(VesselModel putVessel)
            Logger.LogTrace($"Put {putVessel.Name} invoked");

            Domain.Vessel Vessel = await VesselBL.Create(putVessel);

Example #6
        public async Task <Domain.Vessel> Patch(VesselModel vessel)
            Logger.LogTrace($"Patch {vessel.Name} invoked");

            Domain.Vessel Vessel = await VesselBL.Update(vessel);

Example #7
        public VesselModel GetById(int VesselId)
            VesselModel filter = new VesselModel();

            filter.VesselId = VesselId;
            VesselModel resp = GetFirst(filter);

Example #8
        public RequestResult <VesselModel> InsUpd(VesselModel model)
            bool           isAdd             = model.VesselId == null;
            ImagesServices ImageServ         = new ImagesServices();
            FileServices   FileServ          = new FileServices();
            VesselDA       vesselDA          = new VesselDA();
            RequestResult <VesselModel> resp = new RequestResult <VesselModel>()
                Status = Status.Success
            TransactionOptions scopeOptions = new TransactionOptions();

            //scopeOptions.IsolationLevel = IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted;
            using (TransactionScope ts = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.Required, scopeOptions))
                    resp = vesselDA.InsUpd(model);

                    if (model.Image.FileContent != null && model.Image.FileContent.Length > 0)
                        Stream ProcessedImage = ImageServ.ResizeProfileImage(model.Image.FileContent);

                        ProcessedImage.Position = 0;

                        var FileNameExtension = ".jpg";
                        model.Image.FileName = "vesselimage-" + model.VesselId + FileNameExtension;
                        var path = "vessels/" + model.VesselId + "/images/";

                        model.Image.ContentType = "image/jpeg";
                        model.Image.Path        = path;
                        model.Image.FileContent = ProcessedImage;


                        if (isAdd)
                            resp = vesselDA.InsUpd(model);

                catch (Exception ex)
                    resp = new RequestResult <VesselModel>()
                        Status = Status.Error, Message = ex.Message
                    throw ex;
        public HttpResponseMessage VesselChange([FromBody] VesselModel item)
            var notifications = _process.Changes(item.Token, item.RateLoading, UpdatedId);

            foreach (var data in notifications)
                Notifications.NotifyClientActivity(data, TypeNotifications.Notifications, $"To change Daily Hire for this vessel {data.Name} {string.Format("{0:C}", data.RateLoading)}", HttpStatusCode.OK, data.Owner);
            return(new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.OK));
Example #10
        public ActionResult Transaction(string id, VesselViewModel dataVW)
            VesselModel data = dataVW.Vessel;
            RequestResult <VesselModel> result = new RequestResult <VesselModel>()
                Status = Status.Success, Data = data
            VesselServices vesselServices = new VesselServices();

                if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                    result = new RequestResult <VesselModel>()
                        Status = Status.Error, Message = localResource.ErrorOnSave
                    if (id == "add")
                        if (Request.Files.Count > 0)
                            var File = Request.Files[0];
                            data.Image.FileName    = File.FileName;
                            data.Image.ContentType = File.ContentType;
                            data.Image.FileContent = File.InputStream;

                        data.UserModifiedId = SessionWeb.User.UserId;

                        result = vesselServices.InsUpdComplete(
                            dataVW.Vessel, dataVW.VesselSpecificInfo, dataVW.SpecificInfo, dataVW.VesselCost);
                        result.Data.Image.FileContent = null;
                        if (result.Status != Status.Success)
                            throw new Exception(string.Format("{0}: {1}", globalResources.SomethingWrong, result.Message));
            catch (Exception ex)
                Response.StatusCode        = (int)HttpStatusCode.BadRequest;
                Response.StatusDescription = ex.Message;
                return(Json(ex.Message, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));

Example #11
        public VesselModel GetFirst(VesselModel filter)
            VesselDA    vesselDA = new VesselDA();
            PagerModel  pager    = new PagerModel(0, 1, "", "");
            VesselModel resp     = Get(pager, filter).FirstOrDefault();

            if (resp != null)
                resp.Suitability = vesselDA.GetSuitability((int)resp.VesselId);
Example #12
        public ActionResult Edit(int Id)
            CountryServices              countryServices              = new CountryServices();
            ProjectTypeServices          projectTypeServices          = new ProjectTypeServices();
            ClasificationSocietyServices clasificationSocietyServices = new ClasificationSocietyServices();
            PortServices       portServices       = new PortServices();
            RegionServices     regionServices     = new RegionServices();
            VesselTypeServices vesselTypeServices = new VesselTypeServices();
            VesselServices     vesselServices     = new VesselServices();

            VesselViewModel model = new VesselViewModel();

            //Desencriptamos y validamos permisos y existencia
            VesselModel vessel = vesselServices.GetFirst(new VesselModel()
                VesselId = Id

            if (vessel == null || vessel.Company.CompanyId != SessionWeb.User.CompanyId)
                return(RedirectToAction("Unauthorized", "Redirect"));

            model.Vessel             = vessel;
            model.VesselSpecificInfo = vesselServices.GetSpecificInfo(Id);
            model.SpecificInfo       = vesselServices.GetSpecificInfoExtra(Id);
            model.VesselCost         = vesselServices.GetCost(Id);

            ViewBag.LstCountry = countryServices.GetSelect(globalResources.Select).Select(x => new SelectListItem {
                Value = x.Value, Text = x.Text
            ViewBag.LstProjectType = projectTypeServices.GetSelect(null).Select(x => new SelectListItem {
                Value = x.Value, Text = x.Text
            ViewBag.LstVesselType = vesselTypeServices.GetSelect(globalResources.Select).Select(x => new SelectListItem {
                Value = x.Value, Text = x.Text
            ViewBag.LstClasificationSociety = clasificationSocietyServices.GetSelect(globalResources.Select).Select(x => new SelectListItem {
                Value = x.Value, Text = x.Text
            ViewBag.LstPort = portServices.GetSelect(globalResources.Select).Select(x => new SelectListItem {
                Value = x.Value, Text = x.Text
            ViewBag.LstRegion = regionServices.GetSelect(globalResources.Select).Select(x => new SelectListItem {
                Value = x.Value, Text = x.Text

            return(View("Create", model));
Example #13
        public ActionResult Valid(string id, VesselModel data)
            RequestResult <string> result;
            VesselServices         vesselServices = new VesselServices();

            result = vesselServices.Eval(data);

            if (result.Status == Status.Warning)
                Response.StatusCode        = (int)HttpStatusCode.BadRequest;
                Response.StatusDescription = result.Message;

            return(Json(result, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
        public ActionResult VesselNew(string SubMenuId)
            var model = new VesselModel();

            #region Check UserGroup when user direct key in URL
            if (!(_clsGlobal.CheckUserGroup(((ClaimsIdentity)User.Identity).FindFirst("UserGroupCode").Value, Convert.ToInt16(SubMenuId))))
                ViewData["Message"] = "You Have No Access Rights For This Module!, error: Invalid Access Rights";
            #endregion  Check UserGroup when user direct key in URL

            SelectList countryList = new SelectList(_clsGlobal.GetCountry(), "Value", "Text");
            ViewData["IsNew"] = true;
            ViewBag.Country   = countryList;
Example #15
        public async Task <Vessel> InsertAsync(VesselModel vessel)
            await ValidateBody(vessel);

            var result = await Context.AddAsync(Mapper.Map <VesselEntity>(vessel));

                await Context.SaveChangesAsync();
            catch (DbUpdateException dbUpdateE)
                Console.WriteLine("Something was wrong with the update: " + dbUpdateE.InnerException.Message);

            return(Mapper.Map <Vessel>(result.Entity));
Example #16
        public JsonResult List(DatatableModel dt, VesselModel filters)
            VesselServices services = new VesselServices();
            PagerModel     pager    = dt.ToPager();

            filters.Company.CompanyId = SessionWeb.User.CompanyId;
            var collection = services.Get(pager, filters);

                status = UI.Status.Success,
                sEcho = dt.sEcho,
                iTotalRecords = pager.TotalRecords,
                iTotalDisplayRecords = pager.TotalRecords,
                aaData = collection
            }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Example #17
        public ActionResult Manage(int Id)
            VesselServices             services       = new VesselServices();
            ReasonAvailabilityServices reasonServices = new ReasonAvailabilityServices();

            ViewBag.LstReason = reasonServices.GetSelect(globalResources.Select).Select(x => new SelectListItem {
                Value = x.Value, Text = x.Text
            ViewBag.LstEstatus = services.GetEstatus();
            VesselModel vessel = services.GetFirst(new VesselModel()
                VesselId = Id

            return(View(new VesselAvailabilityViewModel()
                VesselId = Id, VesselEstatusId = (int)vessel.Status
Example #18
        public RequestResult <string> Val(VesselModel model)
            RequestResult <string> resp = new RequestResult <string>()
                Status = Status.Success

            using (var db = new EGULFEntities())
                var ER = db.sp_ValVessel(model.VesselId, model.Name, model.Imo)
                         .Select(x => new RequestResult <string>()
                    Status  = (bool)x.IsError ? Status.Error : Status.Warning,
                    Message = x.Message,
                    Data    = x.Message

                return(ER ?? resp);
        public PartialViewResult GetVesselDetails(bool IsView, string SecurityId)
            var        model       = new VesselModel();
            SelectList countryList = new SelectList(_clsGlobal.GetCountry(), "Value", "Text");

            ViewBag.Country = countryList;
            SelectList vehicleModel = new SelectList(new List <CommonDropDown>(), "value", "label");

            ViewBag.VehicleModel = vehicleModel;

            SelectList lstType = new SelectList(_clsGlobal.GetListOfValue("SECURITY_ITEM_STATUS", "", "O", "", ""), "Value", "Text");

            ViewBag.StatusList = lstType;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(SecurityId))
                model = _clsSecurity.GetSecurityVesselDetails(SecurityId, "Security_VesselMortgagor");
            ViewBag.Viewable = IsView;
            return(PartialView("_VesselPartialView", model));
Example #20
        public async Task <Vessel> UpdateAsync(VesselModel vessel)
            VesselEntity entity = await Get(vessel);

            if (entity == null)
                throw new Exception("This vessel doesn't exist!");

            await ValidateBody(vessel);

            entity.Affiliation = vessel.Affiliation;
            entity.BodyName    = vessel.BodyName;
            entity.DV          = vessel.DV;
            entity.FlightState = vessel.FlightState;


            await Context.SaveChangesAsync();

            return(Mapper.Map <Vessel>(entity));
Example #21
 public Task <Vessel> Update(VesselModel vessel)
Example #22
 public HttpResponseMessage Put(Guid id, [FromBody] VesselModel item)
     _process.Save(item.Token, item.Name, item.Description, item.Phone, item.Email, item.Contact, item.CityId, item.Speed, item.TypeId,
                   item.Capacity, item.Demurrage, item.RateLoading, item.RateUnloading, item.IfoConsumed, item.MgoConsumed, item.Products, item.Property, item.IsActive, UpdatedId);
     return(new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.OK));
Example #23
        public RequestResult <string> Eval(VesselModel model)
            VesselDA vesselDA = new VesselDA();

Example #24
        public List <VesselModel> Get(PagerModel pager, VesselModel filter)
            VesselDA vesselDA = new VesselDA();

            return(vesselDA.Get(pager, filter));
Example #25
        public RequestResult <VesselModel> InsUpdComplete(VesselModel vessel,
                                                          VesselSpecificInfoModel vesselSpecificInfo,
                                                          SpecificInformationModel specificInfo,
                                                          VesselCostModel vesselCost)
            RequestResult <VesselModel> resp = new RequestResult <VesselModel>()
                Status = Status.Success
            SpecificInformationServices specificInfoServices       = new SpecificInformationServices();
            CabinSpecificationServices  cabinSpecificationServices = new CabinSpecificationServices();
            RegionServices     regionServices = new RegionServices();
            PortServices       portServices   = new PortServices();
            TransactionOptions scopeOptions   = new TransactionOptions();

            //scopeOptions.IsolationLevel = IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted;
            using (TransactionScope ts = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.Required, scopeOptions))
                    //Ciclo para ir a buscar diferentes puntos en el mapa, en caso de que el q se me asigne de forma aleatoria, se encuentre ya en BD
                    int valLocation = 2;
                    int test        = 1;
                    int cont        = 0;
                    while (valLocation > test && cont <= 100)
                        //Si se va a insertar, le agregamos un punto en el mapa
                        if (vessel.VesselId == null)
                            test = 0;
                            PortModel port = portServices.GetById((int)vessel.HomePort.PortId);
                            vessel.Location = regionServices.GetLocation(port.Region.RegionId);
                        else    //De lo contrario verificamos si ha cambiado su puerto, si cambió le asignamos una nueva locación
                            test = 1;
                            int?RegionIdAct = portServices.GetById((int)vessel.HomePort.PortId).Region.RegionId;
                            int?RegionIdAnt = GetById((int)vessel.VesselId).HomePort.Region.RegionId;
                            if (RegionIdAnt != RegionIdAct)
                                vessel.Location = regionServices.GetLocation(RegionIdAct);

                        //Verificamos si existe otro Barco en el mismo punto
                        if (vessel.Location.Lat == 0)
                            test = valLocation;
                            valLocation =
                                Get(new VesselModel()
                                Location = new LatLng()
                                    Lat = vessel.Location.Lat,
                                    Lng = vessel.Location.Lng
                    if (cont == 100)
                        throw new Exception("Se ha alcanzado el número de barcos permitidos para una región");

                    RequestResult <VesselModel> res1 = InsUpd(vessel);
                    if (res1.Status != Status.Success)
                        throw new Exception(res1.Message);

                    vesselSpecificInfo.VesselId       = res1.Data.VesselId;
                    vesselSpecificInfo.UserModifiedId = vessel.UserModifiedId;
                    RequestResult <VesselSpecificInfoModel> res2 = InsUpdSpecificInfo(vesselSpecificInfo);
                    if (res2.Status != Status.Success)
                        throw new Exception(res2.Message);

                    specificInfo.MatchableId = res1.Data.VesselId;
                    specificInfo.Type        = SpecificInformationModel.VESSEL_TYPE;
                    RequestResult <SpecificInformationModel> res3 = specificInfoServices.InsUpd(specificInfo);
                    if (res3.Status != Status.Success)
                        throw new Exception(res3.Message);

                    List <CabinSpecificationModel>          lstCabins = specificInfo.GetCabinSpecificationList(CabinSpecificationModel.VESSEL_TYPE);
                    RequestResult <CabinSpecificationModel> respC;
                    foreach (CabinSpecificationModel cabin in lstCabins)
                        respC = cabinSpecificationServices.InsUpd(cabin);
                        if (respC.Status != Status.Success)
                            throw new Exception(respC.Message);

                    vesselCost.VesselId = res1.Data.VesselId;
                    RequestResult <VesselCostModel> res4 = InsUpdCost(vesselCost);
                    if (res4.Status != Status.Success)
                        throw new Exception(res4.Message);

                    resp = res1;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    resp.Status  = Status.Error;
                    resp.Message = ex.Message;
                    throw new Exception(ex.Message);

Example #26
        /// <summary>
        /// Offer from Project to Vessel
        /// Validations
        /// Insert offer with Status NEW
        /// Send alert to Vessel company owners
        /// Send mail to Vessel company owners
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="offer"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public RequestResult <List <AlertModel> > InsComplete(OfferModel offer)
            RequestResult <List <AlertModel> > resp = new RequestResult <List <AlertModel> >()
                Status = Status.Success
            OfferDA           offerDA        = new OfferDA();
            VesselServices    vesselServices = new VesselServices();
            PersonServices    personServices = new PersonServices();
            AlertServices     alertServices  = new AlertServices();
            List <AlertModel> lstAlertToSend = new List <AlertModel>();
            MailServices      MailServ       = new MailServices();
            ITemplate         factory        = new TemplateMessagesFactory();

            TransactionOptions scopeOptions = new TransactionOptions();

            ////scopeOptions.IsolationLevel = IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted;
            using (TransactionScope ts = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.Required, scopeOptions))
                    if (offer.Vessel.VesselId == null)
                        throw new Exception("VesselId REQUIRED");
                    if (offer.Project.ProjectId == null)
                        throw new Exception("ProjectId REQUIRED");
                    if (offer.ProjectAdmin.PersonId == null)
                        throw new Exception("ProjectAdmin.PersonId REQUIRED");

                    OfferModel        val    = new OfferModel();
                    List <OfferModel> lstVal = new List <OfferModel>();
                    val.Project.ProjectId = offer.Project.ProjectId;
                    val.Vessel.VesselId   = offer.Vessel.VesselId;
                    lstVal = Get(val);

                    if (lstVal.Count > 0)
                        throw new Exception("STATUS_NOT_VALID");

                    VesselModel vessel = new VesselModel();
                    vessel.VesselId = offer.Vessel.VesselId;
                    vessel          = vesselServices.Get(vessel).FirstOrDefault();

                    // Insert offer with Status NEW
                    var respOffer = offerDA.InsUpd(offer);
                    if (respOffer.Status != Status.Success)
                        throw new Exception(respOffer.Message);

                    // Send alert to Vessel company owners
                    //Listado de los usuarios de una compañía
                    UserPersonModel person = new UserPersonModel();
                    person.CompanyId = vessel.Company.CompanyId;
                    List <UserPersonModel> lst = personServices.getUserPerson(person);

                    Dictionary <string, string> values = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                    values.Add("IMO", vessel.Imo);
                    values.Add("VESSELNAME", vessel.Name);
                    AlertModel alert = alertServices.GetWithValues(6, values);

                    SystemVariableServices        SVS   = new SystemVariableServices();
                    Dictionary <string, string[]> param = new Dictionary <string, string[]>();
                    string EgulfUrl = SVS.GetSystemVariableValue("EgulfWeb");
                    param.Add("{Enfasis}", new string[] { vessel.Imo, vessel.Name });
                    param.Add("{Btn_url}", new string[] { EgulfUrl });
                    foreach (UserPersonModel personItem in lst)
                        AlertModel alertAux = alert.Clone();
                        alertAux.To = personItem.PersonId;
                        MailServ.SendMail(factory.GetTemplate(personItem.Email, "VesselOfferReceived", param));

                    var respAlert = alertServices.InsUpd(lstAlertToSend);
                    if (respAlert != null)
                        throw new Exception(respAlert.Message);

                    resp.Data = lstAlertToSend;

                catch (Exception ex)
                    resp = new RequestResult <List <AlertModel> >()
                        Status = Status.Error, Message = ex.Message
                    throw ex;
 public VesselEditModel(VesselModel vessel, IEnumerable <BodyModel> bodies)
     Vessel = vessel;
     Bodies = bodies;
Example #28
        public List <VesselModel> Get(PagerModel pager, VesselModel filter)
            if (filter.Location == null)
                filter.Location = new LatLng();

            using (var db = new EGULFEntities())
                var resp = db.sp_SelPagVessel(
                    filter.VesselId, filter.Status, filter.Name, filter.Imo,
                    filter.Company.CompanyId, filter.Location.Lat, filter.Location.Lng,
                    pager.Start, pager.Offset, pager.SortBy, pager.SortDir).ToList();

                if (resp.Count() > 0)
                    var first = resp.FirstOrDefault();
                    pager.TotalRecords = first.TotalRecords.HasValue ? first.TotalRecords.Value : 0;

                return((from x in resp
                        select new VesselModel()
                    VesselId = x.VesselId,
                    Status = x.Status,
                    Name = x.Name,
                    Imo = x.IMO,
                    YearBuild = x.YearBuild,
                    ClassNotation = x.ClassNotation,
                    ClassValidity = x.ClassValidity,
                    VesselType = new VesselTypeModel()
                        VesselTypeId = x.VesselTypeId, Name = x.VesselType
                    HomePort = new PortModel()
                        PortId = x.PortId, Region = new RegionModel()
                            RegionId = x.RegionId
                    Image = new FileModel()
                        FileReferenceId = x.FileReferenceId
                    Company = new CompanyModel()
                        CompanyId = x.CompanyId
                    Country = new CountryModel()
                        CountryId = x.CountryId
                    ClasificationSociety = new ClasificationSocietyModel()
                        ClasificationSocietyId = x.ClasificationSocietyId
                    Location = new LatLng()
                        Lat = (decimal)x.Lat, Lng = (decimal)x.Lng
Example #29
 public static Vessel ToEntity(this VesselModel model)
     return(AutoMapperConfiguration.Mapper.Map <VesselModel, Vessel>(model));
Example #30
 public static Vessel ToEntity(this VesselModel model, Vessel destination)
     return(AutoMapperConfiguration.Mapper.Map(model, destination));