Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds in the vessels from the new seed and saves the new seed to file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="oldSeed">The seed we are leaving.</param>
        /// <param name="newSeed">The seed we are going to.</param>
        public static void AddPersistenceVessels(string oldSeed, string newSeed)
            if (newSeed == AstroUtils.KERBIN_SYSTEM_COORDS && !WarpDrivers.WarpDrive.needsPurge)
                // Don't need to merge, we never left Kerbol
            string persistence = FindPersistenceFile();

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(persistence))
                Debugger.LogError("Could not find persistence file!");
            // Check to see if we already have a persistence file for this system
            if (SystemPersistenceExists(persistence, newSeed))
                // Load the game
                // We don't actually have to load the WHOLE game, just the vessels
                Debugger.Log("Loading existing system at " + newSeed);
                string path = Path.Combine(KSPUtil.ApplicationRootPath, "saves");
                path = Path.Combine(path, HighLogic.SaveFolder);
                path = Path.Combine(path, AstroUtils.STAR_SYSTEM_FOLDER_NAME);
                path = Path.Combine(path, newSeed + AstroUtils.SEED_PERSISTENCE + AstroUtils.SFS);
                // Generate root node from persistence file
                ConfigNode root = ConfigNode.Load(path).GetNode("GAME");
                if (root == null)
                    throw new PlanetRandomizerException("Could not load save file because the root node could not be found.");
                // Find FLIGHTSTATE node in the root node
                ConfigNode flightStateNode = root.GetNode("FLIGHTSTATE");
                // Generate new FlightState from the root
                FlightState flightState = new FlightState(flightStateNode, HighLogic.CurrentGame);
                // Load each ProtoVessel in the FlightState
                List <ProtoVessel> spawnedVessels = new List <ProtoVessel> ();
                List <Vessel>      activeVessels  = new List <Vessel> ();
                Debugger.Log(flightState.protoVessels.Count + " vessels in " + newSeed + ".");
                foreach (ProtoVessel proto in flightState.protoVessels)
                    Vessel vessel = VesselManager.LoadVessel(newSeed, proto);
                    if (vessel == null)
                        Debugger.LogError(proto.vesselName + " was not spawned!");
                        Debugger.Log(vessel.vesselName + " is now in seed " + newSeed + ".");
                flightState.protoVessels          = spawnedVessels;
                HighLogic.CurrentGame.flightState = flightState;
                if (newSeed == AstroUtils.KERBIN_SYSTEM_COORDS)
                    // We've now purged the system of all the "old" data
                    WarpDrivers.WarpDrive.needsPurge = false;
                // Create a blank FlightState for the new system
                HighLogic.CurrentGame.flightState = new FlightState();
                Debugger.LogWarning("Created a blank star system for seed " + newSeed);
            Debugger.Log("All vessels have been merged.");