// A helper function, analogous to ProcessFaces. private void ProcessPoints(RenderingPassBufferStorage bufferStorage) { var points = bufferStorage.Points; if (points.Count == 0) { return; } // Edges are encoded as line segment primitives whose vertices contain only position information. bufferStorage.FormatBits = VertexFormatBits.PositionColored; //int edgeVertexBufferSizeInFloats = VertexPosition.GetSizeInFloats() * bufferStorage.VertexBufferCount; int vertexBufferSizeInFloats = VertexPositionColored.GetSizeInFloats() * bufferStorage.VertexBufferCount; int numPoints = points.Count; bufferStorage.VertexBuffer = new VertexBuffer(vertexBufferSizeInFloats); bufferStorage.VertexBuffer.Map(vertexBufferSizeInFloats); var vertexStream = bufferStorage.VertexBuffer.GetVertexStreamPositionColored(); for (int i = 0; i < numPoints; i++) { var pointInfo = points[i]; var vertex = pointInfo.Vertex; vertexStream.AddVertex(new VertexPositionColored(vertex + pointInfo.Offset, pointInfo.Color)); } bufferStorage.VertexBuffer.Unmap(); bufferStorage.IndexBufferCount = bufferStorage.PrimitiveCount * IndexPoint.GetSizeInShortInts(); int indexBufferSizeInShortInts = 1 * bufferStorage.IndexBufferCount; bufferStorage.IndexBuffer = new IndexBuffer(indexBufferSizeInShortInts); bufferStorage.IndexBuffer.Map(indexBufferSizeInShortInts); { IndexStreamPoint indexStream = bufferStorage.IndexBuffer.GetIndexStreamPoint(); for (int i = 0; i < numPoints; i++) { indexStream.AddPoint(new IndexPoint(i)); } } bufferStorage.IndexBuffer.Unmap(); bufferStorage.VertexFormat = new VertexFormat(bufferStorage.FormatBits); bufferStorage.EffectInstance = new EffectInstance(bufferStorage.FormatBits); }
public static int GetVertexSize(VertexFormatBits format) { switch (format) { case VertexFormatBits.Position: return(VertexPosition.GetSizeInFloats()); case VertexFormatBits.PositionColored: return(VertexPositionColored.GetSizeInFloats()); case VertexFormatBits.PositionNormal: return(VertexPositionNormal.GetSizeInFloats()); case VertexFormatBits.PositionNormalColored: return(VertexPositionNormalColored.GetSizeInFloats()); default: break; } return(VertexPosition.GetSizeInFloats()); }
protected static int ToPointsBuffer ( Rhino.Geometry.PointCloud pointCloud, Primitive.Part part, out VertexFormatBits vertexFormatBits, out VertexBuffer vb, out int vertexCount, out IndexBuffer ib ) { int pointsCount = part.VertexCount; int normalCount = pointCloud.ContainsNormals ? pointsCount : 0; int colorsCount = pointCloud.ContainsColors ? pointsCount : 0; bool hasPoints = pointsCount > 0; bool hasNormals = normalCount == pointsCount; bool hasColors = colorsCount == pointsCount; if (hasPoints) { if (hasNormals) { if (hasColors) { vertexFormatBits = VertexFormatBits.PositionNormalColored; vb = new VertexBuffer(pointsCount * VertexPositionNormalColored.GetSizeInFloats()); vb.Map(pointsCount * VertexPositionNormalColored.GetSizeInFloats()); using (var vstream = vb.GetVertexStreamPositionNormalColored()) { for (int p = part.StartVertexIndex; p < part.EndVertexIndex; ++p) { var point = pointCloud[p]; var c = new ColorWithTransparency(point.Color.R, point.Color.G, point.Color.B, 255u - point.Color.A); vstream.AddVertex(new VertexPositionNormalColored(RawEncoder.ToHost(point.Location), RawEncoder.ToHost(point.Normal), c)); } } vb.Unmap(); } else { vertexFormatBits = VertexFormatBits.PositionNormal; vb = new VertexBuffer(pointsCount * VertexPositionNormal.GetSizeInFloats()); vb.Map(pointsCount * VertexPositionNormal.GetSizeInFloats()); using (var vstream = vb.GetVertexStreamPositionNormal()) { for (int p = part.StartVertexIndex; p < part.EndVertexIndex; ++p) { var point = pointCloud[p]; vstream.AddVertex(new VertexPositionNormal(RawEncoder.ToHost(point.Location), RawEncoder.ToHost(point.Normal))); } } vb.Unmap(); } } else { if (hasColors) { vertexFormatBits = VertexFormatBits.PositionColored; vb = new VertexBuffer(pointsCount * VertexPositionColored.GetSizeInFloats()); vb.Map(pointsCount * VertexPositionColored.GetSizeInFloats()); using (var vstream = vb.GetVertexStreamPositionColored()) { for (int p = part.StartVertexIndex; p < part.EndVertexIndex; ++p) { var point = pointCloud[p]; var c = new ColorWithTransparency(point.Color.R, point.Color.G, point.Color.B, 255u - point.Color.A); vstream.AddVertex(new VertexPositionColored(RawEncoder.ToHost(point.Location), c)); } } vb.Unmap(); } else { vertexFormatBits = VertexFormatBits.Position; vb = new VertexBuffer(pointsCount * VertexPosition.GetSizeInFloats()); vb.Map(pointsCount * VertexPosition.GetSizeInFloats()); using (var vstream = vb.GetVertexStreamPosition()) { for (int p = part.StartVertexIndex; p < part.EndVertexIndex; ++p) { var point = pointCloud[p]; vstream.AddVertex(new VertexPosition(RawEncoder.ToHost(point.Location))); } } vb.Unmap(); } } ib = IndexPointsBuffer(pointsCount); } else { vertexFormatBits = 0; vb = null; ib = null; } vertexCount = pointsCount; return(pointsCount); }
protected static VertexBuffer ToVertexBuffer ( Rhino.Geometry.Mesh mesh, Primitive.Part part, out VertexFormatBits vertexFormatBits, System.Drawing.Color color = default ) { int verticesCount = part.EndVertexIndex - part.StartVertexIndex; int normalCount = mesh.Normals.Count == mesh.Vertices.Count ? verticesCount : 0; int colorsCount = color.IsEmpty ? (mesh.VertexColors.Count == mesh.Vertices.Count ? verticesCount : 0) : verticesCount; bool hasVertices = verticesCount > 0; bool hasNormals = normalCount > 0; bool hasColors = colorsCount > 0; if (hasVertices) { var vertices = mesh.Vertices; if (hasNormals) { var normals = mesh.Normals; if (hasColors) { vertexFormatBits = VertexFormatBits.PositionNormalColored; var colors = mesh.VertexColors; var vb = new VertexBuffer(verticesCount * VertexPositionNormalColored.GetSizeInFloats()); vb.Map(verticesCount * VertexPositionNormalColored.GetSizeInFloats()); using (var stream = vb.GetVertexStreamPositionNormalColored()) { for (int v = part.StartVertexIndex; v < part.EndVertexIndex; ++v) { var c = !color.IsEmpty ? color : colors[v]; uint T = Math.Max(1, 255u - c.A); stream.AddVertex(new VertexPositionNormalColored(RawEncoder.ToHost(vertices[v]), RawEncoder.ToHost(normals[v]), new ColorWithTransparency(c.R, c.G, c.B, T))); } } vb.Unmap(); return(vb); } else { vertexFormatBits = VertexFormatBits.PositionNormal; var vb = new VertexBuffer(verticesCount * VertexPositionNormal.GetSizeInFloats()); vb.Map(verticesCount * VertexPositionNormal.GetSizeInFloats()); using (var stream = vb.GetVertexStreamPositionNormal()) { for (int v = part.StartVertexIndex; v < part.EndVertexIndex; ++v) { stream.AddVertex(new VertexPositionNormal(RawEncoder.ToHost(vertices[v]), RawEncoder.ToHost(normals[v]))); } } vb.Unmap(); return(vb); } } else { if (hasColors) { vertexFormatBits = VertexFormatBits.PositionColored; var colors = mesh.VertexColors; var vb = new VertexBuffer(verticesCount * VertexPositionColored.GetSizeInFloats()); vb.Map(verticesCount * VertexPositionColored.GetSizeInFloats()); using (var stream = vb.GetVertexStreamPositionColored()) { for (int v = part.StartVertexIndex; v < part.EndVertexIndex; ++v) { var c = !color.IsEmpty ? color : colors[v]; uint T = Math.Max(1, 255u - c.A); stream.AddVertex(new VertexPositionColored(RawEncoder.ToHost(vertices[v]), new ColorWithTransparency(c.R, c.G, c.B, T))); } } vb.Unmap(); return(vb); } else { vertexFormatBits = VertexFormatBits.Position; var vb = new VertexBuffer(verticesCount * VertexPosition.GetSizeInFloats()); vb.Map(verticesCount * VertexPosition.GetSizeInFloats()); using (var stream = vb.GetVertexStreamPosition()) { for (int v = part.StartVertexIndex; v < part.EndVertexIndex; ++v) { stream.AddVertex(new VertexPosition(RawEncoder.ToHost(vertices[v]))); } } vb.Unmap(); return(vb); } } } vertexFormatBits = 0; return(null); }
// A helper function, analogous to ProcessFaces. private void ProcessEdges(RenderingPassBufferStorage bufferStorage) { var edges = bufferStorage.Edges; if (edges.Count == 0) { return; } // Edges are encoded as line segment primitives whose vertices contain only position information. bufferStorage.FormatBits = VertexFormatBits.PositionColored; //int edgeVertexBufferSizeInFloats = VertexPosition.GetSizeInFloats() * bufferStorage.VertexBufferCount; int edgeVertexBufferSizeInFloats = VertexPositionColored.GetSizeInFloats() * bufferStorage.VertexBufferCount; List <int> numVerticesInEdgesBefore = new List <int>(); numVerticesInEdgesBefore.Add(0); int numEdges = edges.Count; bufferStorage.VertexBuffer = new VertexBuffer(edgeVertexBufferSizeInFloats); bufferStorage.VertexBuffer.Map(edgeVertexBufferSizeInFloats); var vertexStream = bufferStorage.VertexBuffer.GetVertexStreamPositionColored(); for (int i = 0; i < numEdges; i++) { var edgeInfo = edges[i]; foreach (XYZ vertex in edgeInfo.Vertices) { vertexStream.AddVertex(new VertexPositionColored(vertex + edgeInfo.Offset, edgeInfo.Color)); } numVerticesInEdgesBefore.Add(numVerticesInEdgesBefore.Last() + edgeInfo.Vertices.Count); } bufferStorage.VertexBuffer.Unmap(); int edgeNumber = 0; bufferStorage.IndexBufferCount = bufferStorage.PrimitiveCount * IndexLine.GetSizeInShortInts(); int indexBufferSizeInShortInts = 1 * bufferStorage.IndexBufferCount; bufferStorage.IndexBuffer = new IndexBuffer(indexBufferSizeInShortInts); bufferStorage.IndexBuffer.Map(indexBufferSizeInShortInts); { IndexStreamLine indexStream = bufferStorage.IndexBuffer.GetIndexStreamLine(); foreach (var edgeInfo in edges) { var xyzs = edgeInfo.Vertices; int startIndex = numVerticesInEdgesBefore[edgeNumber]; for (int i = 1; i < xyzs.Count; i++) { // Add two indices that define a line segment. indexStream.AddLine(new IndexLine((int)(startIndex + i - 1), (int)(startIndex + i))); } edgeNumber++; } } bufferStorage.IndexBuffer.Unmap(); bufferStorage.VertexFormat = new VertexFormat(bufferStorage.FormatBits); bufferStorage.EffectInstance = new EffectInstance(bufferStorage.FormatBits); }
// Create and populate a pair of vertex and index buffers. Also update parameters associated with the format of the vertices. private void ProcessTriangles(RenderingPassBufferStorage bufferStorage) { List <TriangleInfo> triangles = bufferStorage.Triangles; if (triangles.Count == 0) { return; } bool useNormals = this.Inputs.EnableFaceNormal; // Vertex attributes are stored sequentially in vertex buffers. The attributes can include position, normal vector, and color. // All vertices within a vertex buffer must have the same format. Possible formats are enumerated by VertexFormatBits. // Vertex format also determines the type of rendering effect that can be used with the vertex buffer. In this sample, // the color is always encoded in the vertex attributes. bufferStorage.FormatBits = useNormals ? VertexFormatBits.PositionNormalColored : VertexFormatBits.PositionColored; // The format of the vertices determines the size of the vertex buffer. int vertexBufferSizeInFloats = (useNormals ? VertexPositionNormalColored.GetSizeInFloats() : VertexPositionColored.GetSizeInFloats()) * bufferStorage.VertexBufferCount; bufferStorage.VertexBuffer = new VertexBuffer(vertexBufferSizeInFloats); bufferStorage.VertexBuffer.Map(vertexBufferSizeInFloats); int numTriangles = triangles.Count; if (useNormals) { // A VertexStream is used to write data into a VertexBuffer. VertexStreamPositionNormalColored vertexStream = bufferStorage.VertexBuffer.GetVertexStreamPositionNormalColored(); for (int i = 0; i < numTriangles; i++) { var triangleInfo = triangles[i]; g3.Triangle3d triangle = triangleInfo.Triangle; vertexStream.AddVertex(new VertexPositionNormalColored(triangle.V0.ToXYZ() + triangleInfo.Offset, triangleInfo.Normal, triangleInfo.ColorWithTransparency)); vertexStream.AddVertex(new VertexPositionNormalColored(triangle.V1.ToXYZ() + triangleInfo.Offset, triangleInfo.Normal, triangleInfo.ColorWithTransparency)); vertexStream.AddVertex(new VertexPositionNormalColored(triangle.V2.ToXYZ() + triangleInfo.Offset, triangleInfo.Normal, triangleInfo.ColorWithTransparency)); } } else { // A VertexStream is used to write data into a VertexBuffer. VertexStreamPositionColored vertexStream = bufferStorage.VertexBuffer.GetVertexStreamPositionColored(); for (int i = 0; i < numTriangles; i++) { var triangleInfo = triangles[i]; g3.Triangle3d triangle = triangleInfo.Triangle; // make the color of all faces white in HLR ColorWithTransparency color = triangleInfo.ColorWithTransparency; vertexStream.AddVertex(new VertexPositionColored(triangle.V0.ToXYZ() + triangleInfo.Offset, color)); vertexStream.AddVertex(new VertexPositionColored(triangle.V1.ToXYZ() + triangleInfo.Offset, color)); vertexStream.AddVertex(new VertexPositionColored(triangle.V2.ToXYZ() + triangleInfo.Offset, color)); } } bufferStorage.VertexBuffer.Unmap(); // Primitives are specified using a pair of vertex and index buffers. An index buffer contains a sequence of indices into // the associated vertex buffer, each index referencing a particular vertex. bufferStorage.IndexBufferCount = bufferStorage.PrimitiveCount * IndexTriangle.GetSizeInShortInts(); int indexBufferSizeInShortInts = 1 * bufferStorage.IndexBufferCount; bufferStorage.IndexBuffer = new IndexBuffer(indexBufferSizeInShortInts); bufferStorage.IndexBuffer.Map(indexBufferSizeInShortInts); // An IndexStream is used to write data into an IndexBuffer. IndexStreamTriangle indexStream = bufferStorage.IndexBuffer.GetIndexStreamTriangle(); int currIndex = 0; for (int i = 0; i < numTriangles; i++) { // Add three indices that define a triangle. indexStream.AddTriangle(new IndexTriangle(currIndex + 0, currIndex + 1, currIndex + 2)); currIndex += 3; } bufferStorage.IndexBuffer.Unmap(); // VertexFormat is a specification of the data that is associated with a vertex (e.g., position). bufferStorage.VertexFormat = new VertexFormat(bufferStorage.FormatBits); // Effect instance is a specification of the appearance of geometry. For example, it may be used to specify color, if there is no color information provided with the vertices. bufferStorage.EffectInstance = new EffectInstance(bufferStorage.FormatBits); }
// Create and populate a pair of vertex and index buffers. Also update parameters associated with the format of the vertices. private void ProcessFaces(RenderingPassBufferStorage bufferStorage) { List <MeshInfo> meshes = bufferStorage.Meshes; if (meshes.Count == 0) { return; } List <int> numVerticesInMeshesBefore = new List <int>(); bool useNormals = this.Inputs.EnableFaceNormal; // Vertex attributes are stored sequentially in vertex buffers. The attributes can include position, normal vector, and color. // All vertices within a vertex buffer must have the same format. Possible formats are enumerated by VertexFormatBits. // Vertex format also determines the type of rendering effect that can be used with the vertex buffer. In this sample, // the color is always encoded in the vertex attributes. bufferStorage.FormatBits = useNormals ? VertexFormatBits.PositionNormalColored : VertexFormatBits.PositionColored; // The format of the vertices determines the size of the vertex buffer. int vertexBufferSizeInFloats = (useNormals ? VertexPositionNormalColored.GetSizeInFloats() : VertexPositionColored.GetSizeInFloats()) * bufferStorage.VertexBufferCount; numVerticesInMeshesBefore.Add(0); bufferStorage.VertexBuffer = new VertexBuffer(vertexBufferSizeInFloats); bufferStorage.VertexBuffer.Map(vertexBufferSizeInFloats); int numMeshes = meshes.Count; if (useNormals) { // A VertexStream is used to write data into a VertexBuffer. VertexStreamPositionNormalColored vertexStream = bufferStorage.VertexBuffer.GetVertexStreamPositionNormalColored(); for (int i = 0; i < numMeshes; i++) { var meshInfo = meshes[i]; Mesh mesh = meshInfo.Mesh; foreach (XYZ vertex in mesh.Vertices) { vertexStream.AddVertex(new VertexPositionNormalColored(vertex + meshInfo.Offset, meshInfo.Normal, meshInfo.ColorWithTransparency)); } numVerticesInMeshesBefore.Add(numVerticesInMeshesBefore.Last() + mesh.Vertices.Count); } } else { // A VertexStream is used to write data into a VertexBuffer. VertexStreamPositionColored vertexStream = bufferStorage.VertexBuffer.GetVertexStreamPositionColored(); for (int i = 0; i < numMeshes; i++) { var meshInfo = meshes[i]; Mesh mesh = meshInfo.Mesh; // make the color of all faces white in HLR ColorWithTransparency color = meshInfo.ColorWithTransparency; foreach (XYZ vertex in mesh.Vertices) { vertexStream.AddVertex(new VertexPositionColored(vertex + meshInfo.Offset, color)); } numVerticesInMeshesBefore.Add(numVerticesInMeshesBefore.Last() + mesh.Vertices.Count); } } bufferStorage.VertexBuffer.Unmap(); // Primitives are specified using a pair of vertex and index buffers. An index buffer contains a sequence of indices into // the associated vertex buffer, each index referencing a particular vertex. int meshNumber = 0; bufferStorage.IndexBufferCount = bufferStorage.PrimitiveCount * IndexTriangle.GetSizeInShortInts(); int indexBufferSizeInShortInts = 1 * bufferStorage.IndexBufferCount; bufferStorage.IndexBuffer = new IndexBuffer(indexBufferSizeInShortInts); bufferStorage.IndexBuffer.Map(indexBufferSizeInShortInts); { // An IndexStream is used to write data into an IndexBuffer. IndexStreamTriangle indexStream = bufferStorage.IndexBuffer.GetIndexStreamTriangle(); foreach (MeshInfo meshInfo in meshes) { Mesh mesh = meshInfo.Mesh; int startIndex = numVerticesInMeshesBefore[meshNumber]; for (int i = 0; i < mesh.NumTriangles; i++) { MeshTriangle mt = mesh.get_Triangle(i); // Add three indices that define a triangle. indexStream.AddTriangle(new IndexTriangle((int)(startIndex + mt.get_Index(0)), (int)(startIndex + mt.get_Index(1)), (int)(startIndex + mt.get_Index(2)))); } meshNumber++; } } bufferStorage.IndexBuffer.Unmap(); // VertexFormat is a specification of the data that is associated with a vertex (e.g., position). bufferStorage.VertexFormat = new VertexFormat(bufferStorage.FormatBits); // Effect instance is a specification of the appearance of geometry. For example, it may be used to specify color, if there is no color information provided with the vertices. bufferStorage.EffectInstance = new EffectInstance(bufferStorage.FormatBits); }