Example #1
		/// <summary>
		/// Quaternion constructor from euler rotation axis and rotation angle.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="rVector">
		/// A <see cref="Vertex3f"/> representing the rotation axis.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="rAngle">
		/// A <see cref="System.Single"/> representing the rotation angle (in degrees).
		/// </param>
		/// <remarks>
		/// This constructor is the base implementation for each other constructor.
		/// </remarks>
		public Quaternion(Vertex3f rVector, float rAngle)
			// Set the default rotation axis
			mDefaultVector = (Vertex3d)rVector;
			// Make compiler happy
			mVector = new Vertex3d();
			mCosAngle = 0.0f;

			// Set quaternion
			SetEuler(rVector, rAngle);
Example #2
        public static void translate(Vertex3f translation, Matrix4f src, out Matrix4f des)
            Matrix4f translationMatrix = new Matrix4f();

            float[] matbuffer = translationMatrix.Buffer;
            matbuffer[12] = translation.x;
            matbuffer[13] = translation.y;
            matbuffer[14] = translation.z;
            Matrix tempmat = (Matrix) new Matrix(matbuffer, 4, 4).Multiply(src);

            des = new Matrix4f(tempmat.Buffer);
Example #3
 public void Render(Camera camera, Vertex3f fogColor, float frameTimeSec)
     this.shader.LoadViewMatrix(camera, frameTimeSec);
     Gl.DrawArrays(PrimitiveType.Triangles, 0, this.cube.VertexCount);
Example #4
        private void UpdateGlobalLight()
            float az = Angle.ToRadians(_GlobalLightAz);
            float el = Angle.ToRadians(_GlobalLightEl);
            float xAz = (float)Math.Cos(az), yAz = (float)Math.Sin(az);
            float xEl = (float)Math.Cos(el), yEl = (float)Math.Sin(el);

            Vertex3f dir = new Vertex3f(
                xAz, yEl, yAz

            // _GlobalLightObject.Direction = dir.Normalized;
Example #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Set quaternion using rotation axis and rotation angle.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rVector">
        /// A <see cref="Vertex3f"/> representing the rotation axis. It will be normalized.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="rAngle">
        /// A <see cref="float"/> representing the rotation angle (in degrees).
        /// </param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This quaternion will result normalized.
        /// </remarks>
        public void SetEuler(Vertex3f rVector, float rAngle)
            double qAngle    = Angle.ToRadians(rAngle / 2.0f);
            double qAngleSin = Math.Sin(qAngle);

            _Vector.x = qAngleSin * rVector.x;
            _Vector.y = qAngleSin * rVector.y;
            _Vector.z = qAngleSin * rVector.z;
            _CosAngle = Math.Cos(qAngle);

            // Ensure normalized quaternion
Example #6
        public void UpdateMove(Vertex3f targetPosition, float targetRotationY, InputManager input)
            if (input.IsMouseLeftDown)

            if (input.IsMouseRightDown)
            UpdatePosition(targetPosition, targetRotationY);
        /// <summary>
        /// Set uniform state variable (vec3 variable).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ctx">
        /// A <see cref="GraphicsContext"/> used for operations.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="uniformName">
        /// A <see cref="String"/> that specify the variable name in the shader source.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="v">
        /// A <see cref="Vertex3f"/> holding the uniform variabile data.
        /// </param>
        public void SetUniform(string uniformName, Vertex3f v)
            UniformSegment uniform = GetUniform(uniformName);

            if (uniform == null)

            uniform.CheckType(Gl.FLOAT_VEC3, Gl.BOOL_VEC3);

            Set(v, (ulong)uniform.Offset);
Example #8
        public void ColorRGBF_CastToVertex4()
            float r = (float)NextComponent(1.0f);
            float g = (float)NextComponent(1.0f);
            float b = (float)NextComponent(1.0f);

            ColorRGBF v      = new ColorRGBF(r, g, b);
            Vertex3f  vArray = v;

            Assert.AreEqual(r, vArray.x);
            Assert.AreEqual(g, vArray.y);
            Assert.AreEqual(b, vArray.z);
Example #9
        public static void scale(Vertex3f vector, Matrix4f src, ref Matrix4f dest)
            Matrix4f scalerMatrix = new Matrix4f();

            float[] matbuffer = scalerMatrix.Buffer;
            matbuffer[0]  = vector.x;
            matbuffer[5]  = vector.y;
            matbuffer[10] = vector.z;
            Matrix tempmat = (Matrix) new Matrix(matbuffer, 4, 4).Multiply(src);

            dest = new Matrix4f(tempmat.Buffer);
Example #10
        public void TestUniform3f()
            if (!HasVersion(2, 0) && !HasEsVersion(2, 0) && !IsGlExtensionSupported("GL_ARB_shader_objects"))
                Assert.Inconclusive("required features not implemented");

            uint program = CreateProgramUniform3f();

            try {
                Vertex3f uniformStruct;
                float[]  uniformValue;

                int uniformLoc = Gl.GetUniformLocation(program, "uVec");
                if (uniformLoc < 0)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("no uniform variable");

                // glGetUniformfv
                uniformValue = Array3(1.0f);
                Gl.GetUniform(program, uniformLoc, uniformValue);
                CollectionAssert.AreEqual(Array3(0.0f), uniformValue);

                // glGetUniformfv (ref)
                uniformStruct = new Vertex3f(1.0f);
                Gl.GetUniformf(program, uniformLoc, ref uniformStruct);
                Assert.AreEqual(Vertex3f.Zero, uniformStruct);

                // glUniform3f
                uniformValue = Array3(0.0f);
                Gl.Uniform3(uniformLoc, Array3(1.0f));
                Gl.GetUniform(program, uniformLoc, uniformValue);
                CollectionAssert.AreEqual(Array3(1.0f), uniformValue);

                // glUniform3fv
                uniformValue = Array3(0.0f);
                Gl.Uniform3(uniformLoc, Array3(9.0f));
                Gl.GetUniform(program, uniformLoc, uniformValue);
                CollectionAssert.AreEqual(Array3(9.0f), uniformValue);

                // glUniform3fv (ref)
                uniformValue  = Array3(0.0f);
                uniformStruct = new Vertex3f(5.0f);
                Gl.Uniform3f(uniformLoc, 1, ref uniformStruct);
                Gl.GetUniform(program, uniformLoc, uniformValue);
                CollectionAssert.AreEqual(Array3(5.0f), uniformValue);
            } finally {
Example #11
            /// <summary>
            /// Generate the texture coordinate for the specified vertex.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="v"></param>
            /// <returns></returns>
            public override Vertex2f Generate(Vertex3f v)

                float x = (float)(Math.Atan2(v.z, v.x) / Math.PI) * 0.5f + 0.5f;
                float y = (float)(Math.Asin(v.y) / (Math.PI / 2.0)) * 0.5f + 0.5f;

                Debug.Assert(x >= 0.0f && x <= 1.0f);
                Debug.Assert(y >= 0.0f && y <= 1.0f);

                return(new Vertex2f(x, y));

                return(new Vertex2f(x * Repeat.x, y * Repeat.y));
Example #12
        public void ColorBGRF_CastToVertex4()
            Random random = new Random();
            float  r      = (float)NextComponent(random, 1.0f);
            float  g      = (float)NextComponent(random, 1.0f);
            float  b      = (float)NextComponent(random, 1.0f);

            ColorBGRF v      = new ColorBGRF(r, g, b);
            Vertex3f  vArray = v;

            Assert.AreEqual(b, vArray.x);
            Assert.AreEqual(g, vArray.y);
            Assert.AreEqual(r, vArray.z);
Example #13
        public static Matrix4f createViewMatrix(Camera camera)
            Matrix4f viewMatrix = new Matrix4f();

            Matrix4f.rotate(math.toRadians(camera.pitch), new Vertex3f(1, 0, 0), viewMatrix, ref viewMatrix);
            Matrix4f.rotate(math.toRadians(camera.yaw), new Vertex3f(0, 1, 0), viewMatrix, ref viewMatrix);
            Vertex3f cameraPos         = camera.positin;
            Vertex3f negativeCameraPos = new Vertex3f(-cameraPos.x, -cameraPos.y, -cameraPos.z);

            Matrix4f.translate(negativeCameraPos, viewMatrix, out viewMatrix);

Example #14
        public static Matrix4f createTransformationMatrix(Vertex3f translation, float rx, float ry, float rz, float scale)
            Matrix4f matrix = new Matrix4f();


            Matrix4f.scale(new Vertex3f(scale, scale, scale), matrix, ref matrix);
            Matrix4f.rotate(math.toRadians(rx), new Vertex3f(1, 0, 0), matrix, ref matrix);
            Matrix4f.rotate(math.toRadians(ry), new Vertex3f(0, 1, 0), matrix, ref matrix);
            Matrix4f.rotate(math.toRadians(rz), new Vertex3f(0, 0, 1), matrix, ref matrix);
            Matrix4f.translate(translation, matrix, out matrix);

Example #15
        private bool IsInRangeRay(float start, float finish, Vertex3f ray)
            Vertex3f startPoint = GetPointOnRay(ray, start);
            Vertex3f endPoint   = GetPointOnRay(ray, finish);

            if (IsUnderGround(startPoint) == false && IsUnderGround(endPoint))
Example #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Determine whether this bound volume is clipped by all specified planes.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="clippingPlanes">
        /// A <see cref="IEnumerable{Plane}"/> that are used to perform geometry clipping.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// It returns a boolean value indicating whether this bound volume is entirely
        /// clipped by <paramref name="clippingPlanes"/>.
        /// </returns>
        public bool IsClipped(IEnumerable <Plane> clippingPlanes, State.TransformStateBase objectModel)
            Vertex3f sphereOrigin = (Vertex3f)objectModel.ModelView.Position;

            foreach (Plane plane in clippingPlanes)
                if (plane.GetDistance(sphereOrigin) < _Radius)

Example #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Set an element to this mapped BufferObject.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="value">
        /// A <see cref="Vertex3f"/> that specify the mapped BufferObject element.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="offset">
        /// A <see cref="UInt64"/> that specify the offset applied to the mapped BufferObject where <paramref name="value"/>
        /// is stored. This value is expressed in basic machine units (bytes).
        /// </param>
        /// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">
        /// Exception thrown if this BufferObject is not mapped (<see cref="IsMapped"/>).
        /// </exception>
        public void Set(Vertex3f value, UInt64 offset)
            if (IsMapped == false)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("not mapped");

                byte *    bufferPtr     = (byte *)MappedBuffer.ToPointer();
                Vertex3f *bufferItemPtr = (Vertex3f *)(bufferPtr + offset);

                bufferItemPtr[0] = value;
Example #18
        private static void processVertex(ref string[] vertexData, ref List <uint> indices, ref List <Vertex2f> textures, ref List <Vertex3f> normals, ref float[] textureArray, ref float[] normalsArray)
            uint currentVertexPointer = uint.Parse(vertexData[0]) - 1;

            Vertex2f currentTex = textures[int.Parse(vertexData[1]) - 1];

            textureArray[currentVertexPointer * 2]     = currentTex.x;
            textureArray[currentVertexPointer * 2 + 1] = 1 - currentTex.y;
            Vertex3f currentNorm = normals[int.Parse(vertexData[2]) - 1];

            normalsArray[currentVertexPointer * 3]     = currentNorm.x;
            normalsArray[currentVertexPointer * 3 + 1] = currentNorm.y;
            normalsArray[currentVertexPointer * 3 + 2] = currentNorm.z;
Example #19
        public void TestPerspectiveFrustumNoModelView()
            PerspectiveProjectionMatrix projectionMatrix = new PerspectiveProjectionMatrix(60.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 10.0f);
            BoundingBox boundingBox;
            Vertex3f    bboxPosition;

            IEnumerable <Plane> planes = Plane.GetFrustumPlanes(projectionMatrix);

            bboxPosition = new Vertex3f(-0.5f, -0.5f, -3.0f);
            boundingBox  = new BoundingBox(bboxPosition, bboxPosition + Vertex3f.One);

            bboxPosition = new Vertex3f(-10.5f, -10.5f, -3.0f);
            boundingBox  = new BoundingBox(bboxPosition, bboxPosition + Vertex3f.One);
            private void GenerateNormalsTriangle3f(IVertexArray positionArray, IVertexArray normalArray)
                uint count = (ElementCount != 0 ? ElementCount : _VertexArrayObject.ArrayLength) / 3;

                for (uint i = 0, v = ElementOffset; i < count; i++)
                    Vertex3f v0 = positionArray.GetElement <Vertex3f>(v++);
                    Vertex3f v1 = positionArray.GetElement <Vertex3f>(v++);
                    Vertex3f v2 = positionArray.GetElement <Vertex3f>(v++);

                    Vertex3f n = ((v2 - v0) ^ (v1 - v0)).Normalized;

                    normalArray.SetElement <Vertex3f>(n, v - 2);
                    normalArray.SetElement <Vertex3f>(n, v - 1);
                    normalArray.SetElement <Vertex3f>(n, v - 0);
Example #21
        protected static void EstimateBoundingSphare(MeshVertex[] vertices, out Vertex3f center, out float radious)
            float x0 = float.MaxValue, y0 = float.MaxValue, z0 = float.MaxValue;
            float x9 = float.MinValue, y9 = float.MinValue, z9 = float.MinValue;

            for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Length; i++)
                var v = vertices[i].Coord;
                if (v.x < x0)
                    x0 = v.x;
                if (v.x > x9)
                    x9 = v.x;
                if (v.y < y0)
                    y0 = v.y;
                if (v.y > y9)
                    y9 = v.y;
                if (v.z < z0)
                    z0 = v.z;
                if (v.z > z9)
                    z9 = v.z;
            var   p  = center = new Vertex3f((x0 + x9) / 2, (y0 + y9) / 2, (z0 + z9) / 2);
            float r9 = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Length; i++)
                var r = (vertices[i].Coord - p).ModuleSquared();
                if (r > r9)
                    r9 = r;
            radious = (float)Math.Sqrt(r9);
Example #22
        private static void SetBoundingVolumeState(BoundingBox boundingVolume, GraphicsStateSet volumeState)
            // Set transform state
            TransformStateBase transformState = (TransformStateBase)volumeState[TransformStateBase.StateSetIndex];

            if (transformState == null)

            Vertex3f min = boundingVolume.MinPosition, max = boundingVolume.MaxPosition;
            Vertex3f size = boundingVolume.Size;

            // Scale model matrix in order to represent the bounding box with the correct size and barycenter
            transformState.LocalModelViewProjection.Translate((max + min) / 2.0f);
Example #23
        private Vertex3f GetMovement(Keys keys)
            var movement = new Vertex3f();

            if (keys == Keys.NumPad8 || keys == Keys.NumPad7 || keys == Keys.NumPad9)
                movement.y = 1;
            else if (keys == Keys.NumPad2 || keys == Keys.NumPad1 || keys == Keys.NumPad3)
                movement.y = -1;
                movement.y = 0;

            if (keys == Keys.NumPad4 || keys == Keys.NumPad7 || keys == Keys.NumPad1)
                movement.x = -1;
            else if (keys == Keys.NumPad6 || keys == Keys.NumPad3 || keys == Keys.NumPad9)
                movement.x = 1;
                movement.x = 0;

            if (keys == Keys.Subtract)
                movement.z = -1;
            else if (keys == Keys.Add)
                movement.z = 1;
                movement.z = 0;

        /// <summary>
        /// Get a list of <see cref="GlyphModelType"/> for a specific string and model-view-projection matrix.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="modelview"></param>
        /// <param name="s"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private List <GlyphModelType> GetGlyphsInstances(Matrix4x4 modelview, string s)
            ModelMatrix charModel = new ModelMatrix(modelview);

            List <GlyphModelType> glyphsInstances = new List <GlyphModelType>();

            char[] fontChars = s.ToCharArray();

            for (int i = 0; i < fontChars.Length; i++)
                Glyph glyph;

                if (_GlyphMetadata.TryGetValue(fontChars[i], out glyph) == false)

                // Set instance information
                Matrix4x4f modelViewProjection = new Matrix4x4f(
                    new Vertex4f(charModel.GetColumn(0)),
                    new Vertex4f(charModel.GetColumn(1)),
                    new Vertex4f(charModel.GetColumn(2)),
                    new Vertex4f(charModel.GetColumn(3))
                Vertex3f glyphVertexParams = new Vertex3f(
                    glyph.GlyphSize.Width, glyph.GlyphSize.Height,
                Vertex2f glyphTexParams = new Vertex2f(
                    glyph.TexScale.Width, glyph.TexScale.Height

                GlyphModelType glyphModel = new GlyphModelType();

                glyphModel.ModelViewProjection = modelViewProjection;
                glyphModel.VertexParams        = glyphVertexParams;
                glyphModel.TexParams           = glyphTexParams;

                // Move next
                charModel.Translate(glyph.GlyphSize.Width, 0.0f);

Example #25
        private bool IsUnderGround(Vertex3f testPoint)
            Terrain terrain = GetTerrain(testPoint.x, testPoint.z);
            float   height  = 0;

            if (terrain != null)
                height = terrain.GetHeightOfTerrain(testPoint.x, testPoint.z);

            if (testPoint.y < height)
Example #26
        /// <summary>
        /// Determine whether this bound volume is clipped by all specified planes.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="clippingPlanes">
        /// A <see cref="IEnumerable{Plane}"/> that are used to perform geometry clipping.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// It returns a boolean value indicating whether this bound volume is entirely
        /// clipped by <paramref name="clippingPlanes"/>.
        /// </returns>
        public bool IsClipped(IEnumerable <Plane> clippingPlanes, Matrix4x4f viewModel)
            if (clippingPlanes == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("clippingPlanes");

            Vertex3f[] boundVertices = new Vertex3f[8];
            Vertex3f[] viewVertices  = new Vertex3f[2];

            for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                viewVertices[i] = (Vertex3f)(viewModel * _Bounds[i]);

            // Lower box vertices
            boundVertices[0] = new Vertex3f(viewVertices[1].x, viewVertices[0].y, viewVertices[1].z);
            boundVertices[1] = new Vertex3f(viewVertices[0].x, viewVertices[0].y, viewVertices[1].z);
            boundVertices[2] = new Vertex3f(viewVertices[0].x, viewVertices[0].y, viewVertices[0].z);
            boundVertices[3] = new Vertex3f(viewVertices[1].x, viewVertices[0].y, viewVertices[0].z);
            // Higher box vertices
            boundVertices[4] = new Vertex3f(viewVertices[1].x, viewVertices[1].y, viewVertices[1].z);
            boundVertices[5] = new Vertex3f(viewVertices[0].x, viewVertices[1].y, viewVertices[1].z);
            boundVertices[6] = new Vertex3f(viewVertices[0].x, viewVertices[1].y, viewVertices[0].z);
            boundVertices[7] = new Vertex3f(viewVertices[1].x, viewVertices[1].y, viewVertices[0].z);

            foreach (Plane clipPlane in clippingPlanes)
                bool outsidePlane = true;

                for (int i = 0; i < boundVertices.Length && outsidePlane; i++)
                    outsidePlane &= clipPlane.GetDistance(boundVertices[i]) < 0.0f;

                if (outsidePlane)

Example #27
        public void TestPosYPlane()
            Plane plane = new Plane("Y", Vertex3f.UnitY, 0.0f);

            // Positive half-space
            Vertex3f[] pointsPosY = new Vertex3f[] {
                new Vertex3f(+1.0f, 1.0f, +1.0f),
                new Vertex3f(+1.0f, 1.0f, -1.0f),
                new Vertex3f(-1.0f, 1.0f, +1.0f),
                new Vertex3f(-1.0f, 1.0f, -1.0f),

            foreach (Vertex3f v in pointsPosY)
                Assert.IsTrue(plane.GetDistance(v) > 0.0f);

            // Negative half-space
            Vertex3f[] pointsNegY = new Vertex3f[] {
                new Vertex3f(+1.0f, -1.0f, +1.0f),
                new Vertex3f(+1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f),
                new Vertex3f(-1.0f, -1.0f, +1.0f),
                new Vertex3f(-1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f),

            foreach (Vertex3f v in pointsNegY)
                Assert.IsTrue(plane.GetDistance(v) < 0.0f);

            // On-plane
            Vertex3f[] pointsZero = new Vertex3f[] {
                new Vertex3f(+1.0f, 0.0f, +1.0f),
                new Vertex3f(+1.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f),
                new Vertex3f(-1.0f, 0.0f, +1.0f),
                new Vertex3f(-1.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f),

            foreach (Vertex3f v in pointsZero)
                Assert.AreEqual(0.0f, plane.GetDistance(v));
Example #28
        public void TestNegXPlane()
            Plane plane = new Plane("-X", -Vertex3f.UnitX, 0.0f);

            // Positive half-space
            Vertex3f[] pointsPosX = new Vertex3f[] {
                new Vertex3f(1.0f, +1.0f, +1.0f),
                new Vertex3f(1.0f, +1.0f, -1.0f),
                new Vertex3f(1.0f, -1.0f, +1.0f),
                new Vertex3f(1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f),

            foreach (Vertex3f v in pointsPosX)
                Assert.IsTrue(plane.GetDistance(v) < 0.0f);

            // Negative half-space
            Vertex3f[] pointsNegX = new Vertex3f[] {
                new Vertex3f(-1.0f, +1.0f, +1.0f),
                new Vertex3f(-1.0f, +1.0f, -1.0f),
                new Vertex3f(-1.0f, -1.0f, +1.0f),
                new Vertex3f(-1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f),

            foreach (Vertex3f v in pointsNegX)
                Assert.IsTrue(plane.GetDistance(v) > 0.0f);

            // On-plane
            Vertex3f[] pointsZero = new Vertex3f[] {
                new Vertex3f(0.0f, +1.0f, +1.0f),
                new Vertex3f(0.0f, +1.0f, -1.0f),
                new Vertex3f(0.0f, -1.0f, +1.0f),
                new Vertex3f(0.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f),

            foreach (Vertex3f v in pointsZero)
                Assert.AreEqual(0.0f, plane.GetDistance(v));
Example #29
        public void TestNegZPlane()
            Plane plane = new Plane("-Z", -Vertex3f.UnitZ, 0.0f);

            // Positive half-space
            Vertex3f[] pointsPosZ = new Vertex3f[] {
                new Vertex3f(+1.0f, +1.0f, 1.0f),
                new Vertex3f(+1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f),
                new Vertex3f(-1.0f, +1.0f, 1.0f),
                new Vertex3f(-1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f),

            foreach (Vertex3f v in pointsPosZ)
                Assert.Less(plane.GetDistance(v), 0.0f);

            // Negative half-space
            Vertex3f[] pointsNegZ = new Vertex3f[] {
                new Vertex3f(+1.0f, +1.0f, -1.0f),
                new Vertex3f(+1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f),
                new Vertex3f(-1.0f, +1.0f, -1.0f),
                new Vertex3f(-1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f),

            foreach (Vertex3f v in pointsNegZ)
                Assert.Greater(plane.GetDistance(v), 0.0f);

            // On-plane
            Vertex3f[] pointsZero = new Vertex3f[] {
                new Vertex3f(+1.0f, +1.0f, 0.0f),
                new Vertex3f(+1.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f),
                new Vertex3f(-1.0f, +1.0f, 0.0f),
                new Vertex3f(-1.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f),

            foreach (Vertex3f v in pointsZero)
                Assert.AreEqual(0.0f, plane.GetDistance(v));
Example #30
        private static void SetBoundingVolumeState(BoundingBox boundingVolume, GraphicsStateSet volumeState)
            // Set transform state
            TransformState transformState = (TransformState)volumeState[TransformState.StateSetIndex];

            if (transformState == null)

            Vertex3f min = boundingVolume.MinPosition, max = boundingVolume.MaxPosition;
            Vertex3f size = boundingVolume.Size;
            Vertex3f avg  = (max + min) / 2.0f;

            // Scale model matrix in order to represent the bounding box with the correct size and barycenter
            transformState.ModelViewProjection =
                transformState.ModelViewProjection *
                Matrix4x4f.Translated(avg.x, avg.y, avg.z) *
                Matrix4x4f.Scaled(size.x, size.y, size.z);
Example #31
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="o"></param>
        /// <param name="w"></param>
        /// <param name="h"></param>
        /// <param name="d"></param>
        public BoundingBox(Vertex3f o, float w, float h, float d)
            float w2 = w / 2.0f, h2 = h / 2.0f, d2 = d / 2.0f;

            if (w2 < Single.Epsilon)
                w2 = 0.2f;
            if (h2 < Single.Epsilon)
                h2 = 0.2f;
            if (d2 < Single.Epsilon)
                d2 = 0.2f;

            _Bounds[0] = new Vertex3f(o.x - w2, o.y - h2, o.z - d2);
            _Bounds[1] = new Vertex3f(o.x + w2, o.y + h2, o.z + d2);
Example #32
		/// <summary>
		/// Set quaternion using rotation axis and rotation angle.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="rVector">
		/// A <see cref="Vertex3f"/> representing the rotation axis. It will be normalized.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="rAngle">
		/// A <see cref="System.Single"/> representing the rotation angle (in degrees).
		/// </param>
		/// <remarks>
		/// This quaternion will result normalized.
		/// </remarks>
		public void SetEuler(Vertex3f rVector, float rAngle)
			double qAngle = rAngle * Angle.DegreeToRadian / 2.0;
			double qAngleSin = Math.Sin(qAngle);

			mVector.x = qAngleSin * rVector.x;
			mVector.y = qAngleSin * rVector.y;
			mVector.z = qAngleSin * rVector.z;
			mCosAngle = Math.Cos(qAngle);

			// Ensure normalized quaternion
		/// <summary>
		/// Set uniform state variable (variant type variable).
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="ctx">
		/// A <see cref="GraphicsContext"/> used for operations.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="uniformName">
		/// A <see cref="String"/> that specify the variable name in the shader source.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="v">
		/// A <see cref="Vertex3f"/> holding the uniform variabile data.
		/// </param>
		public void SetVariantUniform(GraphicsContext ctx, string uniformName, Vertex3f v)
			SetVariantUniform(ctx, uniformName, v.x, v.y, v.z);
Example #34
		/// <summary>
		/// Accumulate a scaling to this model matrix.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="s">
		/// A <see cref="Vertex3f"/> holding the scaling factors on three dimensions.
		/// </param>
		public void Scale(Vertex3f s)
			ModelMatrix scaleModel = new ModelMatrix();

			Set(this * scaleModel);
Example #35
		/// <summary>
		/// Scale this ModelMatrix.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="s">
		/// A <see cref="Vertex3f"/> holding the scaling factors on three dimensions.
		/// </param>
		public void SetScale(Vertex3f s)
			SetScale(s.x, s.y, s.z);
Example #36
		/// <summary>
		/// Accumulate a translation on this ModelMatrix.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="p">
		/// A <see cref="Vertex3f"/> that specifies the translation.
		/// </param>
		public void Translate(Vertex3f p)
			ModelMatrix translationMatrix = new ModelMatrix();

			translationMatrix[3, 0] = p.x;
			translationMatrix[3, 1] = p.y;
			translationMatrix[3, 2] = p.z;

			Set(this * translationMatrix);
Example #37
		/// <summary>
		/// Setup this matrix to view the universe in a certain direction.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="eyePosition">
		/// A <see cref="Vertex3f"/> that specify the eye position, in local coordinates.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="forwardVector">
		/// A <see cref="Vertex3f"/> that specify the direction of the view. It will be normalized.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="upVector">
		/// A <see cref="Vertex3f"/> that specify the up vector of the view camera abstraction. It will be normalized
		/// </param>
		/// <returns>
		/// It returns a view transformation matrix used to transform the world coordinate, in order to view
		/// the world from <paramref name="eyePosition"/>, looking at <paramref name="forwardVector"/> having
		/// an up direction equal to <paramref name="upVector"/>.
		/// </returns>
		public void LookAtDirection(Vertex3f eyePosition, Vertex3f forwardVector, Vertex3f upVector)
			Vertex3f rightVector;

			// Normalize forward vector
			// Normalize up vector
			// Compute the right vector (cross-product between forward and up vectors; right is perperndicular to the plane)
			rightVector = forwardVector ^ upVector;
			// Derive up vector
			upVector = rightVector ^ forwardVector;

			// Compute view matrix
			ModelMatrix lookatMatrix = new ModelMatrix(), positionMatrix = new ModelMatrix();

			// Row 0: right vector
			lookatMatrix[0, 0] = rightVector.x;
			lookatMatrix[1, 0] = rightVector.y;
			lookatMatrix[2, 0] = rightVector.z;
			// Row 1: up vector
			lookatMatrix[0, 1] = upVector.x;
			lookatMatrix[1, 1] = upVector.y;
			lookatMatrix[2, 1] = upVector.z;
			// Row 2: opposite of forward vector
			lookatMatrix[0, 2] = forwardVector.x;
			lookatMatrix[1, 2] = forwardVector.y;
			lookatMatrix[2, 2] = forwardVector.z;

			// Eye position

			// Complete look-at matrix
			Set(lookatMatrix * positionMatrix);
Example #38
		/// <summary>
		/// Compute a model-view matrix in order to simulate the gluLookAt mithical GLU routine.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="eyePosition">
		/// A <see cref="Vertex3f"/> that specify the eye position, in local coordinates.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="targetPosition">
		/// A <see cref="Vertex3f"/> that specify the eye target position, in local coordinates.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="upVector">
		/// A <see cref="Vertex3f"/> that specify the up vector of the view camera abstraction.
		/// </param>
		/// <returns>
		/// It returns a view transformation matrix used to transform the world coordinate, in order to view
		/// the world from <paramref name="eyePosition"/>, looking at <paramref name="targetPosition"/> having
		/// an up direction equal to <paramref name="upVector"/>.
		/// </returns>
		public void LookAtTarget(Vertex3f eyePosition, Vertex3f targetPosition, Vertex3f upVector)
			LookAtDirection(eyePosition, eyePosition - targetPosition, upVector);
Example #39
		/// <summary>
		/// Compute a model-view matrix in order to simulate the gluLookAt mithical GLU routine.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="eyePosition">
		/// A <see cref="Vertex3f"/> that specify the eye position, in local coordinates.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="targetPosition">
		/// A <see cref="Vertex3f"/> that specify the eye target position, in local coordinates.
		/// </param>
		/// <remarks>
		/// It returns a view transformation matrix used to transform the world coordinate, in order to view
		/// the world from <paramref name="eyePosition"/>, looking at <paramref name="targetPosition"/> having
		/// an up direction equal to the current up vector.
		/// </remarks>
		public void LookAtTarget(Vertex3f eyePosition, Vertex3f targetPosition)
			LookAtTarget(eyePosition, targetPosition, Vertex3f.UnitY);
Example #40
		/// <summary>
		/// Compute a model-view matrix in order to simulate the gluLookAt mithical GLU routine.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="targetPosition">
		/// A <see cref="Vertex3f"/> that specify the eye target position, in local coordinates.
		/// </param>
		/// <remarks>
		/// It returns a view transformation matrix used to transform the world coordinate, in order to view
		/// the world from current position, looking at <paramref name="targetPosition"/> having
		/// an up direction equal to the current up vector.
		/// </remarks>
		public void LookAtTarget(Vertex3f targetPosition)
			LookAtTarget(Position, targetPosition);