private float GetLocalWidth(Vertex point, Vertex v1, Vertex v2,float w1,float w2)
        if (v1.CoordinatesEquals(v2))
            Debug.Log("same points!");
            return 0;
        //project point on line v1-v2
        /////WTF? why is it here?
        //Vertex projectedP = fmc.ProjectPointOnLine(point, fmc.GetGeneralLineEquation(v1, v2));
        //measure distance to v1 and v2
        float dist1 = fmc.GetDistanceBetweenPoints(point, v1);
        float dist2 = fmc.GetDistanceBetweenPoints(point, v2);
        //map values to give total sum of 1
        float factor = dist1 + dist2;
        float factor1 = (factor - dist1) / factor;
        float factor2 = (factor - dist2) / factor;

        //return sum of given widths multiplied by calculated factors

        return w1 * factor1 + w2*factor2;