private Task RenameVersion(IOwinContext context, int version, VersionDto versionDto) { var clientCredentials = context.Get <IClientCredentials>("ClientCredentials"); _ruleData.RenameVersion(clientCredentials, version, versionDto.Name); return(Json(context, new PostResponseDto { Success = true })); }
public static RecipeVersionVM ToVM(this VersionDto dto) { RecipeVersionVM versionVm = new RecipeVersionVM { CreationDate = dto.CreationDate, VersionId = dto.VersionId }; return(versionVm); }
public IActionResult Get() { var assemblyVersion = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString(); var apiDescriptions = _apiVersionDescriptionProvider.ApiVersionDescriptions; var versionDto = new VersionDto { AssemblyVersion = assemblyVersion, SupportedApiVersions = _mapper.Map <List <VersionDescriptionDto> >(apiDescriptions) }; return(Ok(versionDto)); }
public VersionDto Version() { var versionDto = new VersionDto { Timestamp = DateTime.Now, Number = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString(), DbPath = Config.DbPath }; Console.WriteLine($"Api Version: Timestamp: { versionDto.Timestamp }, Number: {versionDto.Number}"); return(versionDto); }
public static VersionModel ToModel(this VersionDto versionDto) { if (versionDto == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(versionDto)); } return(new VersionModel { Build = versionDto.Build, Major = versionDto.Major, Minor = versionDto.Minor, Revision = versionDto.Revision }); }
/// <summary> /// Méthode qui permet de créer une version liée à un ticket /// </summary> /// <param name="pParam">Paramètre pour la création</param> /// <remarks>JClaud 2015-07-21 Création</remarks> public void CreateVersionData(ParamCreationVersionDTO pParam) { //jc - Déclaration des variables //ServiceManager lService = LanceAuthentification(pParam.User); ServiceManager lServiceData = LanceAuthentification(CopyUserAsAPI(pParam.User)); VersionDto lVersionDto = new VersionDto(); //jc- affectation des variables a la cause lVersionDto.Entity.Name = pParam.Version.VersionName; lVersionDto.Entity.Label = pParam.Version.VersionNumber; lVersionDto.Entity.Name = pParam.Version.VersionName; lVersionDto.Entity.ProjectId = pParam.Version.IdProjet; //jc- on enregistre la nouvelle cause lServiceData.Projects.CreateVersion(lVersionDto.Entity); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Get() { _logger.LogRequest("Checking versions"); var assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); var apiVersion = assembly.GetCustomAttribute <AssemblyInformationalVersionAttribute>().InformationalVersion; var engines = await _engineService.GetCatapultEngines(EngineStatus.All); var providers = await _providerService.GetTaskProviders(); var result = new VersionDto { ApiVersion = apiVersion, Engines = _mapper.Map <List <CatapultEngineDto> >(engines), TaskProviders = _mapper.Map <List <TaskProviderDto> >(providers) }; _logger.LogResponse("Versions retrieved. Response body: {@result}", result); return(Ok(result)); }
private Task RenameVersion(IOwinContext context, int version, VersionDto versionDto) { var clientCredentials = context.Get<IClientCredentials>("ClientCredentials"); _ruleData.RenameVersion(clientCredentials, version, versionDto.Name); return Json(context, new PostResponseDto { Success = true }); }
/// <summary> /// Updates version. /// </summary> /// <param name="dto">The DTO object.</param> /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException"></exception> /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentException">The input DTO is null.</exception> public void UpdateVersion(VersionDto dto) { if (dto == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, Resources.NullArguementException, "dto")); const string CmdText = @" IF EXISTS ( SELECT ProcessId FROM Versions WHERE ProcessId = @ProcessId ) UPDATE Versions SET VersioningStyle = @VersioningStyle , StartingVersion = @StartingVersion , NextVersionStateGuid = @NextVersionStateGuid , PreviousVersionStateGuid = @PreviousVersionStateGuid , IncludeVersionNumberInList = @IncludeVersionNumberInList , IncludeVersionDateInList = @IncludeVersionDateInList, StateFilterGuid = @StateFilterGuid WHERE ProcessId = @ProcessId ELSE INSERT INTO Versions ( ProcessId , VersioningStyle , StartingVersion , NextVersionStateGuid , PreviousVersionStateGuid, StateFilterGuid ) VALUES ( @ProcessId , @VersioningStyle , @StartingVersion , @NextVersionStateGuid , @PreviousVersionStateGuid, @StateFilterGuid )"; using (var ctx = ConnectionManager<SqlConnection>.GetManager(Database.VeyronMeta, false)) { var cn = ctx.Connection; using (var cmd = new SqlCommand(CmdText, cn)) { cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ProcessId", dto.ProcessId); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@VersioningStyle", dto.VersioningStyle.ToString()); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@StartingVersion", dto.StartingVersion); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@NextVersionStateGuid", dto.NextVersionStateGuid); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@PreviousVersionStateGuid", dto.PreviousVersionStateGuid); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@IncludeVersionNumberInList", dto.IncludeVersionNumberInList); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@IncludeVersionDateInList", dto.IncludeVersionDateInList); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@StateFilterGuid", dto.StateFilterGuid); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.Title = "Patch maker"; if (args.Count() == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Please pass as argument the client folder"); Console.WriteLine("Example: dotnet.exe PatchMaker.dll \"C:\\FumbiClient\""); Console.ReadKey(); return; } char key; do { Console.Write($"\rClient folder is '{args[0]}'? (Y/N):"); key = Console.ReadKey().KeyChar; if (key == 'n' || key == 'N') { return; } } while (key != 'Y' && key != 'y'); Console.WriteLine("\nLoading patch info..."); //var currentFolder = Path.Combine(args[0], @".\"); VersionDto version; var fileList = new List <FileInfoDto>(); var changeList = new List <FileInfoDto>(); var curPatch = 0; var d = new XmlSerializer(typeof(VersionDto)); try { using (var fr = File.OpenRead(versionXml)) { version = d.Deserialize(fr) as VersionDto; } }catch (FileNotFoundException e) { version = new VersionDto(); version.Patchs = Array.Empty <PatchDto>(); } foreach (var patch in version.Patchs) { foreach (var file in patch.Files) { if (fileList.Exists(p => p.Name == file.Name)) { var sfile = fileList.Find(p => p.Name == file.Name); sfile.CRC = file.CRC; continue; } fileList.Add(new FileInfoDto { Name = file.Name, CRC = file.CRC }); // copy } curPatch++; } Console.WriteLine($"Version.xml have {curPatch} patchs."); Console.WriteLine("Making a file tree..."); var files = Directory.EnumerateFiles(args[0], "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories); var crc = new Crc32(); string hash; var counter = 0; foreach (var filei in files) { var file = Path.GetRelativePath(args[0], filei); if (file.ToLower() == versionXml.ToLower() || Path.GetExtension(file).ToLower() == ".s4") { continue; } hash = String.Empty; using (FileStream fs = File.OpenRead(filei)) foreach (byte b in crc.ComputeHash(fs)) { hash += b.ToString("x2").ToLower(); } counter++; Console.Write($"\rScanned files {counter}, changes found {changeList.Count}"); if (fileList.Exists(p => p.Name.ToLower() == file.ToLower()) && fileList.Find(p => p.Name.ToLower() == file.ToLower()).CRC == hash) { continue; } changeList.Add(new FileInfoDto { Name = file, CRC = hash }); } Console.WriteLine($"\nFound {changeList.Count} changes on files."); if (changeList.Any()) { var patches = version.Patchs.ToList(); var patch = new PatchDto(); patch.Version = curPatch.ToString(); patch.Files = changeList.ToArray(); patches.Add(patch); version.Patchs = patches.ToArray(); } Console.WriteLine("Saving changes..."); using (var fs = File.OpenWrite(versionXml)) d.Serialize(fs, version); Console.WriteLine("Changes saved."); Console.WriteLine("Press enter to exit"); Console.ReadLine(); }
public override WidgetResult Show(IssueDto issue = null) { var filter = IsSessionFilter() || CurrentCard.CardType != ProjectTemplatePageType.Custom && "app/changelog/view".Equals(CurrentCard.Url, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) ? HttpSessionManager.GetFilter(CurrentCard.Id, IssuesFilter.CreateProjectFilter(CurrentUser.Entity.Id, CurrentProject.Entity.Id)) : CurrentCard.Filter; HttpSessionManager.SetFilter(CurrentCard.Id, filter); var workspaceProjects = new List <int>(); int?currentProjectId = 0; int versionId = 0; HttpSessionManager.Set <List <UserIssuesView> >(null, Constants.ChangelogSessionView); // Safety check required because of PageSettings pageSettings = null; try { if (CurrentCard.Options.ContainsKey(AppGuid)) { pageSettings = CurrentCard.Options[AppGuid].FromJson <PageSettings>(); if (pageSettings.PageData != null) { currentProjectId = pageSettings.PageData.projectId; versionId = pageSettings.PageData.versionId; } } } catch (Exception ex) {} var activeProjects = ProjectManager.GetActive(); var viewableProjects = new List <ProjectDto>(); if (activeProjects == null || activeProjects.Count == 0) { activeProjects = new List <ProjectDto>(); } else { viewableProjects = ProjectManager.GetAppViewableProjects(this); } if (!viewableProjects.Any(s => s.Entity.Id == currentProjectId.Value)) { currentProjectId = viewableProjects.Count > 0 ? viewableProjects.First().Entity.Id : 0; } UserContext.Project = ProjectManager.Get(currentProjectId); IEnumerable <Countersoft.Gemini.Commons.Entity.Version> versions = null; // get all versions that are released or not according to settings passed (BUT - NEVER show archived projects) versions = Cache.Versions.GetAll().Where(v => v.ProjectId == currentProjectId && v.Released == true && v.Archived == false).OrderBy(o => o.Sequence); if (versionId == 0) { VersionDto version = VersionManager.GetFirstChangeLogVersion(UserContext.Project.Entity.Id); if (version != null) { versionId = version.Entity.Id; } else { versionId = versions.Count() > 0 ? versions.First().Id : 0; } } Changelog.Models.ChangelogpAppModel model = BuildModelData(versionId, versions); model.ProjectList = new SelectList(viewableProjects, "Entity.Id", "Entity.Name", currentProjectId.GetValueOrDefault()); if (pageSettings == null) { pageSettings = new PageSettings(); } pageSettings.PageData.versionId = versionId; pageSettings.PageData.projectId = currentProjectId.GetValueOrDefault(); CurrentCard.Options[AppGuid] = pageSettings.ToJson(); return(new WidgetResult() { Success = true, Markup = new WidgetMarkup("views/Changelog.cshtml", model) }); }
public ActionResult GetChangelog(int versionId, int projectId) { UserContext.Project = ProjectManager.Get(projectId); IssuesFilter filter = null; if (Request.Form.Keys.Count > 0) { filter = new IssuesFilter(); string[] sort = Request.Form[0].Split(new char[] { '|' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); StringBuilder sortField = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder sortDirection = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < sort.Length; i += 2) { sortField.Append(sort[i]); sortField.Append('|'); sortDirection.Append(sort[i + 1] == "0" ? (int)SortDirection.Ascending : (int)SortDirection.Descending); sortDirection.Append('|'); } filter.SortField = sortField.ToString(); filter.SortOrder = sortDirection.ToString(); filter.ShowSequenced = false; } if (filter == null) { filter = HttpSessionManager.GetFilter(CurrentCard.Id, new IssuesFilter()); filter.ShowSequenced = false; } IEnumerable <Countersoft.Gemini.Commons.Entity.Version> versions = Cache.Versions.GetAll().Where(v => v.ProjectId == projectId && v.Released == true && v.Archived == false).OrderBy(o => o.Sequence); // get all versions that are released or not according to settings passed (BUT - NEVER show archived projects) if (!versions.Any(s => s.Id == versionId)) { VersionDto newVersion = VersionManager.GetFirstChangeLogVersion(UserContext.Project.Entity.Id); if (newVersion != null) { versionId = newVersion.Entity.Id; } else { versionId = versions.Count() > 0 ? versions.First().Id : 0; } } var version = VersionManager.Get(versionId); List <IssueDto> issues = new List <IssueDto>(); if (version != null && version.Entity.Released) { issues = IssueManager.GetRoadmap(UserContext.Project.Entity.Id, filter, versionId); } Changelog.Models.ChangelogpAppModel model = BuildModelData(versionId, versions, filter); model.Issues = issues; return(JsonSuccess(new { success = true, grid = RenderPartialViewToString(this, "~/Views/Shared/DisplayTemplates/IssueDto.cshtml", model), statusBar = RenderPartialViewToString(this, AppManager.Instance.GetAppUrl("20A79C86-9FB4-4160-A4FD-29E37E185673", "views/StatusBar.cshtml"), model), versions = RenderPartialViewToString(this, AppManager.Instance.GetAppUrl("20A79C86-9FB4-4160-A4FD-29E37E185673", "views/VersionProgress.cshtml"), model) })); }
public override WidgetResult Show(IssueDto issue = null) { var filter = IsSessionFilter() || CurrentCard.CardType != ProjectTemplatePageType.Custom && "app/roadmap/view".Equals(CurrentCard.Url, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) ? HttpSessionManager.GetFilter(CurrentCard.Id, IssuesFilter.CreateProjectFilter(CurrentUser.Entity.Id, CurrentProject.Entity.Id)) : CurrentCard.Filter; HttpSessionManager.SetFilter(CurrentCard.Id, filter); int? currentProjectId = 0; bool includeSubversions = false; int versionId = 0; HttpSessionManager.Set <List <UserIssuesView> >(null, Constants.RoadmapSessionView); // Safety check required because of PageSettings pageSettings = null; try { if (CurrentCard.Options.ContainsKey(AppGuid)) { pageSettings = CurrentCard.Options[AppGuid].FromJson <PageSettings>(); if (pageSettings.PageData != null) { currentProjectId = pageSettings.PageData.projectId; versionId = pageSettings.PageData.versionId; includeSubversions = pageSettings.PageData.includeSubversions; } } } catch { } //If no project is selected, select the first workspace project. if ((!currentProjectId.HasValue || currentProjectId.Value == 0) && filter.Projects.HasValue()) { try { var workspaceProjects = filter.Projects.Split('|'); if (workspaceProjects.Count() > 0) { currentProjectId = Convert.ToInt32(workspaceProjects[0]); } } catch { } } var viewableProjects = ProjectManager.GetAppViewableProjects(this).ToList(); if (!viewableProjects.Any(s => s.Entity.Id == currentProjectId.Value)) { currentProjectId = viewableProjects.Count > 0 ? viewableProjects.First().Entity.Id : 0; } UserContext.Project = ProjectManager.Get(currentProjectId); IEnumerable <Countersoft.Gemini.Commons.Entity.Version> versions = null; // get all versions that are released or not according to settings passed (BUT - NEVER show archived projects) versions = Cache.Versions.GetAll().Where(v => v.ProjectId == currentProjectId && v.Released == false && v.Archived == false).OrderBy(o => o.Sequence); if (versionId == 0) { VersionDto version = VersionManager.GetFirstRoadmapVersion(UserContext.Project.Entity.Id); if (version != null) { versionId = version.Entity.Id; } else { versionId = versions.Count() > 0 ? versions.First().Id : 0; } } List <IssueDto> issues; issues = IssueManager.GetRoadmap(UserContext.Project.Entity.Id, filter, versionId); if (includeSubversions) { var child = versions.Where(v => v.ParentId == versionId).ToList(); AddChildVersions(versions.ToList(), UserContext.Project.Entity.Id, filter, child, ref issues); } RoadmapAppModel model = BuildModelData(versionId, versions, issues); model.ProjectList = new SelectList(viewableProjects, "Entity.Id", "Entity.Name", currentProjectId.GetValueOrDefault()); model.IncludeSubVersions = includeSubversions; if (pageSettings == null) { pageSettings = new PageSettings(); } pageSettings.PageData.versionId = versionId; pageSettings.PageData.projectId = currentProjectId.GetValueOrDefault(); CurrentCard.Options[AppGuid] = pageSettings.ToJson(); //var view = RenderPartialViewToString(this, "~/views/Roadmap.cshtml", model); return(new WidgetResult() { Success = true, Markup = new WidgetMarkup("views/Roadmap.cshtml", model) }); }