Example #1
        private bool TryParseBook(string scriptureString,
                                  string language,
                                  out BibleBook book,
                                  out string chapterVerse,
                                  out VerseParseResult result)
            //TODO: Check for language validity so we don't end up with a vague null exception
            book         = null;
            chapterVerse = null;
            result       = VerseParseResult.InvalidVerse;

            // attempt to extract the book from the start of the string
            foreach (var bibleBook in _bibleBookProvider.BibleBooks)
                foreach (var name in bibleBook.GetAllIdentifiersForLanguage(language))
                    if (scriptureString.StartsWith(name.ToLowerInvariant() + " "))
                        book         = bibleBook;
                        chapterVerse = scriptureString.Substring(name.Length).Trim();
                        result       = VerseParseResult.Success;

Example #2
        private bool TryParseVerse(string verseString,
                                   BibleChapter chapter,
                                   out int startVerse,
                                   out int endVerse,
                                   out VerseParseResult result)
            startVerse = 0;
            endVerse   = 0;
            result     = VerseParseResult.InvalidSyntax;

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(verseString))
                var startVerseString = Regex.Match(verseString, "\\d+").Value;

                if (int.TryParse(startVerseString, out startVerse))
                    if (startVerse > chapter.TotalVerses)
                        // start verse is greater than the number of verses in the chapter
                        result = VerseParseResult.InvalidVerse;
                        var endVerseString = Regex.Match(verseString, "[-,]\\d+").Value.Replace("-", "").Replace(",", "");

                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(endVerseString))
                            if (int.TryParse(endVerseString, out int tempEndVerse))
                                if (tempEndVerse > chapter.TotalVerses)
                                    // the end verse is greater than the number of verses in the chapter
                                    result = VerseParseResult.InvalidVerse;
                                else if (tempEndVerse < 1 || (verseString.Contains(",") && tempEndVerse != (startVerse + 1)))
                                    // end verse is 0 or there were two non-sequential verses separated by a comma
                                    result = VerseParseResult.InvalidSyntax;
                                    endVerse = tempEndVerse;
                                    result   = VerseParseResult.Success;
                            // no end verse specified, so use the start as the end
                            endVerse = startVerse;
                            result   = VerseParseResult.Success;

            return(result == VerseParseResult.Success);
Example #3
        private bool TryParseChapter(string chapterVerse,
                                     BibleBook book,
                                     out BibleChapter chapter,
                                     out string verseString,
                                     out VerseParseResult result)
            chapter     = null;
            verseString = null;
            result      = VerseParseResult.InvalidSyntax;

            if (book.IsSingleChapter)
                chapter     = book.Chapters.FirstOrDefault();
                verseString = chapterVerse;
                result      = VerseParseResult.Success;
                var chapterStr = Regex.Match(chapterVerse, @"\d+:").Value;

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(chapterStr))
                    var chapterNum = int.Parse(chapterStr.Replace(":", "").Trim());

                    if (chapterNum > 0 && chapterNum <= book.Chapters.Count)
                        chapter     = book.SortedChapters[chapterNum - 1];
                        verseString = chapterVerse.Substring(chapterVerse.IndexOf(":") + 1).Trim();
                        result      = VerseParseResult.Success;
                        result = VerseParseResult.InvalidVerse;

            return(result == VerseParseResult.Success);