Example #1
        public async Task FakeVerify(IGuildUser bot, IGuildUser fake)
            var a = _botVer.CreateNewVerification(bot.Id, fake.Id);

            if (a == null)
            await ReplyAsync(a);
        public async Task DebugCmd(IGuildUser bot)
            if (!bot.IsBot)
                await ReplyAsync($"Very funny, {Context.User.Mention}. You can only verify bots.");


            if (_botVer.IsVerified(bot.Id))
                await ReplyAsync($"{bot.Mention} is already verified.");


            if (_botVer.BotVerificationExists(bot.Id, Context.User.Id))
                var verification = _botVer.SearchByPredicate(d => d.BotId == bot.Id && d.OwnerId == Context.User.Id && d.Verified == false).FirstOrDefault();

                if (verification == null)
                    await ReplyAsync($"Something went wrong with your verification. Please contact <@!182941761801420802>.");


                await ReplyAsync($@"[NOT-VALIDATION]
to verify your bot, make it send a message that **mentions you** and includes the **following code**:

If you have a feature that would allow others to validate your bot instead of you, include [NOT-VALIDATION] in such message.");


            var code = _botVer.CreateNewVerification(bot.Id, Context.User.Id);

            if (code == null)
                await ReplyAsync($"Something went wrong with your verification. Please contact <@!182941761801420802>.");


            await ReplyAsync($@"[NOT-VALIDATION]
to verify your bot, make it send a message that **mentions you** and includes the **following code**:

If you have a feature that would allow others to validate your bot instead of you, include [NOT-VALIDATION] in such message.");