Example #1
        public override bool Execute()
            _generatedFile = downloadFileFromFtp();

            // there should be an error if the downloaded file path is null and let's continue
            if (_generatedFile == null)
                Logger.LogWarning(LogEntryType.FileInventoryTaskService, string.Format("The vendor product file for vendor ID {0} was not successfully downloaded! No file found at {1}!", _task.VendorId, _task.FtpFileFullPath));

                // get the vendor info first
                var vendor = _service.GetVendorById(_task.VendorId);

                // let's create file manager
                var fileManager = FileManagerFactory.CreateFileManager(new FileInfo(_generatedFile), _task, FileType.Csv);
                fileManager.ReadFile(_task.HasHeader ? 1 : 0);

                // read the first vendor product record from the file
                var vendorProduct = fileManager.GetNextVendorProduct();
                var totalRecords  = fileManager.TotalRecords;

                while (vendorProduct != null)
                    var percentage = (((double)fileManager.CurrentRowIndex) / totalRecords) * 100.00;
                    Console.WriteLine("{0:#0.00}% Processing vendor product \'{1}\' - {2}", percentage, _task.VendorId, vendorProduct.SupplierSKU);

                    // get first the vendor product SKU
                    var eisSupplierSKU = _service.GetVendorProductSKU(vendorProduct);
                    vendorProduct.EisSupplierSKU = eisSupplierSKU;

                    // continue if it is not to create new item and its eisSupplierSKU is NULL or it has invalid data
                    if ((!_task.IsAddNewItem && string.IsNullOrEmpty(eisSupplierSKU)) || vendorProduct.HasInvalidData)
                        Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{1:#0.00}% No vendor product updated!", vendorProduct.EisSupplierSKU, percentage));

                        // read and parsed the next product from the file
                        vendorProduct = fileManager.GetNextVendorProduct();

                    var isToUpdate = true;
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(eisSupplierSKU))
                        // get the start SKU code for this vendor
                        var startSkuCode = _service.GetVendorStartSku(vendorProduct.VendorId);
                        vendorProduct.EisSupplierSKU = string.Format("{0}{1}", startSkuCode, vendorProduct.SupplierSKU.Trim());
                        isToUpdate = false;

                    // let's override its quantity if its vendor is configured as IsAlwasyInStock
                    if (vendor.IsAlwaysInStock && vendorProduct.IsQuantitySet)
                        vendorProduct.Quantity = vendor.AlwaysQuantity ?? 0;

                    // do insert or update vendor product
                    vendorProduct.IsAutoLinkToEisSKU    = _task.IsCreateEisSKUAndLink || _task.IsLinkEisSKU;
                    vendorProduct.IsAutoLinkToEisSKUSet = _task.IsCreateEisSKUAndLink || _task.IsLinkEisSKU;
                    _service.DoUpadateOrInsertVendorProduct(vendorProduct, isToUpdate, Constants.APP_NAME);

                    // check first if we want to auto-link and create new EIS product if it doesn't exist
                    if (_task.IsCreateEisSKUAndLink && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(vendorProduct.UPC))

                    // check if there's a need to auto-link this vendor product with EIS product
                    if (_task.IsLinkEisSKU && !_task.IsCreateEisSKUAndLink && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(vendorProduct.UPC))
                        _service.UpdateEisProductLinks(vendorProduct.EisSupplierSKU, vendorProduct.UPC, vendorProduct.MinPack);

                    // read and parsed the next product from the file
                    vendorProduct = fileManager.GetNextVendorProduct();

                Logger.LogInfo(LogEntryType.FileInventoryTaskService, "Successfully parsed the vendor product inventory file. Total records: " + fileManager.TotalRecords);
            catch (Exception ex)
                                "Error in parsing the downloaded vendor product inventory file! Message: " + EisHelper.GetExceptionMessage(ex), ex.StackTrace);
Example #2
        protected override void bw_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
            if (_isWorkerExecuted)

            // set the flag the this bw_DoWork has already called
            _isWorkerExecuted = true;
            var totalProcessed = 0;
            var affectedRows   = 0;

            // parsed the vendor product data from the file
            var vendorProducts = new List <VendorProduct>();
            var message        = CsvFileDataParser.ParseVendorProductFile(_systemJob.Parameters, vendorProducts, _systemJob.HasHeader);

            // get the total items and update the system job status
            var totalItems = vendorProducts.Count;

            _logger.LogInfo(LogEntryType.VendorProductFileUploadWorker, string.Format("Uploading {0} products initiated by {1}", totalItems, _systemJob.SubmittedBy));

                // iterate and do insert or update vendor product data
                foreach (var vendorProduct in vendorProducts)
                    var percentage = (((double)totalProcessed) / totalItems) * 100.00;

                    // get first the vendor product SKU
                    var eisSupplierSKU = _service.GetVendorProductSKU(vendorProduct);
                    vendorProduct.EisSupplierSKU = eisSupplierSKU;

                    // continue if it is not to create new item and its eisSupplierSKU is NULL
                    if (!_systemJob.IsAddNewItem && string.IsNullOrEmpty(eisSupplierSKU))
                        Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{1:#0.00}% No vendor product updated!", vendorProduct.EisSupplierSKU, percentage));

                    var isToUpdate = true;
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(eisSupplierSKU))
                        // get the start SKU code for this vendor
                        var startSkuCode = _service.GetVendorStartSku(vendorProduct.VendorId);
                        vendorProduct.EisSupplierSKU = string.Format("{0}{1}", startSkuCode, vendorProduct.SupplierSKU.Trim());
                        isToUpdate = false;

                    // do insert or update vendor product
                    affectedRows += _service.DoUpadateOrInsertVendorProduct(vendorProduct, isToUpdate, _systemJob.SubmittedBy);
                    var uploadResultType = UploadResultType.NoChanges;
                    var newEisSKU        = string.Empty;

                    // the IsAutoLinkToEisSKU field from the vendor product is the highest precedendens over on the HasPostAction_2 and HasPostAction_1
                    if (vendorProduct.IsAutoLinkToEisSKUSet)
                        if (vendorProduct.IsAutoLinkToEisSKU)
                            // update the current link of this vendor product
                            uploadResultType = _service.UpdateEisProductLinks(vendorProduct.EisSupplierSKU, vendorProduct.UPC, vendorProduct.MinPack);
                            // delete the existing product links if there's any
                            _service.DeleteOldVendorProductLinks(vendorProduct.EisSupplierSKU, new List <string>());
                            uploadResultType = UploadResultType.DeletedLink;
                        // check first if we want to auto-link and create new EIS product if it doesn't exist
                        if (_systemJob.HasPostAction_2 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(vendorProduct.UPC))
                            newEisSKU        = _service.AddLinkAndCreateEisProductIfNoMatchWithUPC(vendorProduct);
                            uploadResultType = string.IsNullOrEmpty(newEisSKU) ? UploadResultType.UpdatedItem : UploadResultType.NewItemCreated;

                        // check if there's a need to auto-link this vendor product with EIS product
                        if (_systemJob.HasPostAction_1 && !_systemJob.HasPostAction_2 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(vendorProduct.UPC))
                            uploadResultType = _service.UpdateEisProductLinks(vendorProduct.EisSupplierSKU, vendorProduct.UPC, vendorProduct.MinPack);

                    // add the EisSupplierSKU for the upload result tracking
                    addUploadFileResult(vendorProduct.EisSupplierSKU, newEisSKU, uploadResultType);

                    Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{1:#0.00}% Updating vendor products EisSupplierSKU: {0}", vendorProduct.EisSupplierSKU, percentage));
            catch (DbEntityValidationException ex)
                _hasError = true;
                _logger.LogError(LogEntryType.VendorProductFileUploadWorker, EisHelper.ParseDbEntityValidationException(ex), ex.StackTrace);
                _jobRepository.UpdateSystemJobStatus(_systemJob.Id, JobStatus.Failed);
            catch (Exception ex)
                _hasError = true;
                                 string.Format("Error in uploading vendor products. <br/> Error message: {0}", EisHelper.GetExceptionMessage(ex)),
                _jobRepository.UpdateSystemJobStatus(_systemJob.Id, JobStatus.Failed);

            _logger.LogInfo(LogEntryType.VendorProductFileUploadWorker, string.Format("{0} vendor products have been successfully uploaded by {1}", totalProcessed, _systemJob.SubmittedBy));