public List <VelodynePoint> ReadNextFrame()
            List <VelodynePoint> points = new List <VelodynePoint>();

            bool isGo = true;

            while (isGo)
                VelodynePacket packet = ReadNext();

                if (packet is VelodynePacket)
                    VelodynePointPacket pointPacket = packet as VelodynePointPacket;
                    foreach (VelodynePoint pt in pointPacket.Points)
                        if ((lastPoint != null) && ((pt.Hz - lastPoint.Hz) < 0))
                            isGo = false;

                    lastPoint = pointPacket.Points.Last();

        public void AnalysOffset()
            DateTime prevGps = DateTime.MaxValue;
            int      k       = 0;

            foreach (IndexData idx in Indeces)
                if (idx.Nmea.GPSTime != prevGps)
                    VelodynePacket      packet      = ReadNext();
                    VelodynePointPacket pointPacket = packet as VelodynePointPacket;
                    DateTime?           ptTs        = pointPacket.Points[0].Timestamp;
                    if (ptTs != null)
                        TimeSpan dt = new TimeSpan(ptTs.Value.TimeOfDay.Ticks - idx.Nmea.GPSTime.TimeOfDay.Ticks);

                        //if (dt.Minutes < 1)
                        //if (k++ > 5000) return;
                        if (dt.TotalSeconds > 0.1)
                            Console.WriteLine(dt.TotalSeconds.ToString("0.000") + " " + idx.InternalTimeStamp.ToString("HH:mm:ss.fff") + " " + idx.Nmea.GPSTime.ToString("HH:mm:ss.fff") + " " + Math.Floor(pointPacket.Points[0].InternalTime / 60.0).ToString("0")
                                              + " " + (pointPacket.Points[0].InternalTime - Math.Floor(pointPacket.Points[0].InternalTime / 60.0) * 60).ToString("0.000"));
                prevGps = idx.Nmea.GPSTime;
                //prevGps = DateTime.MaxValue;

                //if (k++ > 5000) return;
Example #3
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //String pcapFile = @"F:\CAR\2017_08_28_2\Velodynes\VHDL\2017-08-28-16-01-45_Velodyne-HDL-32-Data.pcap";
            //String pcapFile = @"E:\CAR\2017_10_13\Velodynes\VWHITE\2017-10-13-12-11-18_Velodyne-VLP-16-Data.pcap";
            //String pcapFile = @"E:\CAR\2017_10_13\Velodynes\VRED\2017-10-13-12-03-19_Velodyne-VLP-16-Data.pcap";
            String pcapFile  = @"E:\CAR\2017_10_13\Velodynes\VGREEN\2017-10-13-12-04-11_Velodyne-VLP-16-Data.pcap";
            String indexFile = VelodyneConverter.GetDefaultIndexFile(pcapFile);
            String pointFile = VelodyneConverter.GetDefaultPointFile(pcapFile);

            /*String indexFile = @"E:\CAR\2017_08_28_2\Velodynes\VRED\2017-08-28-15-59-48_Velodyne-VLP-16-Data.pcap.idx";
             * String pointFile = @"E:\CAR\2017_08_28_2\Velodynes\VRED\2017-08-28-15-59-48_Velodyne-VLP-16-Data.pcap.bin";
             * VelodyneReader veloReader = new VelodyneReader(VelodyneReader.SensorType.VLP16, indexFile, pointFile);*/

            /*VelodyneConverter converter = VelodyneConverter.Create(pcapFile);
             * converter.ProgressReport += Converter_ProgressReport;
             * converter.Convert();
             * Console.WriteLine("Conversion is done!");
             * return;*/

            List <VelodynePoint> pts = new List <VelodynePoint>();

            using (VelodyneReader veloReader = VelodyneReader.Open(VelodyneSensorType.VLP16, ReturnMode.LastReturnOnly, indexFile, pointFile))

                IndexData idx = veloReader.FindIndexByTime(new DateTime(2017, 10, 13, 16, 45, 04, 0), VelodyneReader.SearchType.FLOOR);
                veloReader.SeekByTime(new DateTime(2017, 10, 13, 16, 52, 04, 0));
                Console.WriteLine(idx.PacketTimeStamp.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + " NMEA: " + idx.InternalTimeStamp.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + " Pos: " + idx.Position + " NMEA: " + idx.Nmea.NmeaString);

                for (int k = 0; k < 1000; k++)
                    VelodynePacket packet = veloReader.ReadNext();

                    if (packet is VelodynePointPacket)
                        VelodynePointPacket pointPacket = packet as VelodynePointPacket;

                Simple3dViewerWnd viewer = new Simple3dViewerWnd(veloReader);

        /// <summary>
        /// Seek to the indicated type
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="timeStamp">Timestamp to seek</param>
        /// <param name="searchType"></param>
        /// <returns>Time difference between the found and requested times</returns>
        public double SeekByTime(DateTime timeStamp, SearchType searchType = SearchType.FLOOR)
            IndexData idx = FindIndexByTime(timeStamp, SearchType.FLOOR);


            // now read records until find the best point record
            VelodynePacket      packet      = ReadNext();
            double              it          = 0;
            VelodynePointPacket pointPacket = null;

            while ((!(packet is VelodyneEndOfFile)))
                pointPacket = packet as VelodynePointPacket;
                if (pointPacket.Points[0].Timestamp.Value.Ticks > timeStamp.Ticks)
                packet = ReadNext();
                it     = pointPacket.Points[0].InternalTime;

            return(new TimeSpan(pointPacket.Points[0].Timestamp.Value.Ticks - timeStamp.Ticks).TotalSeconds);