Example #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Internal function which will do the forward pass from the first layer to the last.
 /// Dotproducts and activations at each node will be computed and cached in the context object
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="network">The MLP</param>
 /// <param name="ctx">The context wrapper over the training vector</param>
 internal static void DoForwardPass(
     MultilayerPerceptron network, VectorPropagationContext ctx)
     for (int layerindex = 0; layerindex < network.Layers.Length; layerindex++)
         Layer    layerCurrent   = network.Layers[layerindex];
         Layer    layerPrevious  = null;
         int      countOfNodes   = layerCurrent.Nodes.Length;
         double[] incomingvalues = null;//Values coming into this layer
         if (layerindex == 0)
             //We are on the first layer, so the inputs are the vector itself
             incomingvalues = ctx.Vector.Inputs;
             //We are on hidden layers, so the inputs are the activations of the previous layer
             layerPrevious  = network.Layers[layerindex - 1];
             incomingvalues = layerPrevious.Nodes.Select(nd => ctx.NodeActivationCache[nd.GetID()]).ToArray();
         for (int nodeindex = 0; nodeindex < countOfNodes; nodeindex++)
             Neuron node       = layerCurrent.Nodes[nodeindex];
             double dotproduct = 0;
             for (int i = 0; i < node.Weights.Length; i++)
                 dotproduct = dotproduct + incomingvalues[i] * node.Weights[i].Value;
             dotproduct += node.Bias.Value;
             ctx.NodeDotProductsCache[node.GetID()] = dotproduct;
             double activation = ComputeActivation(layerCurrent, node, dotproduct);
             ctx.NodeActivationCache[node.GetID()] = activation;
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// This function computes the output values at the output layer using the given input vector and trained network
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="network"></param>
        /// <param name="vector"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static double[] ComputeNetworkOutput(MultilayerPerceptron network, Vector vector)
            VectorPropagationContext vectorContext = new VectorPropagationContext(vector);

            DoForwardPass(network, vectorContext);
            Layer layerLast = network.Layers.Last();

            double[] activationsFromLastLayer = layerLast.
                                                Nodes.Select(nd => vectorContext.NodeActivationCache[nd.GetID()]).ToArray();
Example #3
 /// <summary>
 /// You have the deltas at every node. Now compute the wt updates.
 /// But, unlike SGD, hold on to the values. We will need to sum and the increments after the entire batch is done
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ctx"></param>
 private void ComputeWeightUpdates(VectorPropagationContext ctx)
     for (int layerindex = 0; layerindex < this.Perceptron.Layers.Length; layerindex++)
         Layer    layerCurrent   = this.Perceptron.Layers[layerindex];
         Layer    layerPrevious  = null;
         int      countOfNodes   = layerCurrent.Nodes.Length;
         double[] incomingvalues = null;//Values coming into this layer
         if (layerindex == 0)
             //We are on the first layer
             incomingvalues = ctx.Vector.Inputs;
             //We are on intermediate layers
             layerPrevious  = this.Perceptron.Layers[layerindex - 1];
             incomingvalues = layerPrevious.Nodes.Select(nd => ctx.NodeActivationCache[nd.GetID()]).ToArray();
         for (int nodeindex = 0; nodeindex < countOfNodes; nodeindex++)
             Neuron node        = layerCurrent.Nodes[nodeindex];
             double deltaAtNode = ctx.NodeDeltaCache[node.GetID()];
             int    noOfWts     = node.Weights.Length;
             for (int wtindex = 0; wtindex < noOfWts; wtindex++)
                 Weight wt = node.Weights[wtindex];
                 double outputFromPreviousNodeThroughThisWeight = incomingvalues[wtindex];
                 double derivative   = deltaAtNode * outputFromPreviousNodeThroughThisWeight;
                 double wt_existing  = wt.Value;
                 double wt_increment = -this.LearningRate * derivative;
                 //double wt_new = wt_existing + wt_increment;
                 //wt.Value = wt_new;
                 ctx.WeightUpdateCache[wt.GetID()] = wt_increment;
             double bias_derivative = deltaAtNode * 1.0;
             double bias_increment  = -this.LearningRate * bias_derivative;
             //node.Bias.Value = node.Bias.Value + bias_increment;
             ctx.WeightUpdateCache[node.Bias.GetID()] = bias_increment;
Example #4
 public void Train()
     _epochsElapsed = 0;
     for (int epochs = 0; epochs < this.MaxEpochs; epochs++)
         List <VectorPropagationContext> wrappers = new List <VectorPropagationContext>();
         foreach (Vector vec in this.Vectors)
             VectorPropagationContext ctx = new VectorPropagationContext(vec);
             core.Utils.DoForwardPass(this.Perceptron, ctx);
             core.Utils.DoBackwardPassComputeDeltas(this.Perceptron, ctx);
         bool cancel = NotifyProgress(wrappers);
         if (cancel)
Example #5
 private void DoForwardAndBackProp(VectorPropagationContext ctx)
     core.Utils.DoForwardPass(this.Perceptron, ctx);
     core.Utils.DoBackwardPassComputeDeltas(this.Perceptron, ctx);
Example #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Compute the deltas at each node
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="perceptron"></param>
 /// <param name="ctx"></param>
 internal static void DoBackwardPassComputeDeltas(MultilayerPerceptron network, VectorPropagationContext ctx)
     for (int layerindex = network.Layers.Length - 1; layerindex >= 0; layerindex--)
         Layer layerCurrent = network.Layers[layerindex];
         Layer layerAhead   = null;
         int   countOfNodes = layerCurrent.Nodes.Length;
         if (layerindex == network.Layers.Length - 1)
             //We are on the last layer
             double[] errorsOutputLayer = new double[countOfNodes];
             ctx.Outputs = new double[countOfNodes];
             for (int nodeindex = 0; nodeindex < countOfNodes; nodeindex++)
                 Neuron nodeCurrent    = layerCurrent.Nodes[nodeindex];
                 double outputExpected = ctx.Vector.Outputs[nodeindex];
                 double outputActual   = ctx.NodeActivationCache[nodeCurrent.GetID()];
                 ctx.Outputs[nodeindex] = outputActual;
                 double errorAtNode = outputExpected - outputActual;
                 //ctx.NodeActivationCache[node.GetID()] = activation;
                 errorsOutputLayer[nodeindex] = errorAtNode;
                 double dotproduct = ctx.NodeDotProductsCache[nodeCurrent.GetID()];
                 double derivative = ComputeDerivativeOfActivation(layerCurrent, nodeCurrent, dotproduct, outputActual);
                 double deltaNode  = -errorAtNode * derivative;
                 ctx.NodeDeltaCache[nodeCurrent.GetID()] = deltaNode;
             double mse = 0.5 * errorsOutputLayer.Select(e => e * e).Sum();
             ctx.MeanSquaredError = mse;
             //We are on the intermediate layers
             layerAhead = network.Layers[layerindex + 1];
             int countOfNodesAhead = layerAhead.Nodes.Length;
             for (int nodeindex = 0; nodeindex < countOfNodes; nodeindex++)
                 Neuron nodeCurrent       = layerCurrent.Nodes[nodeindex];
                 double activation        = ctx.NodeActivationCache[nodeCurrent.GetID()];
                 double dotproduct        = ctx.NodeDotProductsCache[nodeCurrent.GetID()];
                 double summationOfDeltas = 0.0;
                 //For every node ahead, sum up the weight and delta of that node
                 for (int nodeindex_ahead = 0; nodeindex_ahead < countOfNodesAhead; nodeindex_ahead++)
                     Neuron nodeAhead = layerAhead.Nodes[nodeindex_ahead];
                     double wt_from_layer_current_to_ahead = nodeAhead.Weights[nodeindex].Value;
                     double deltaNodeAhead = ctx.NodeDeltaCache[nodeAhead.GetID()];
                     summationOfDeltas += wt_from_layer_current_to_ahead * deltaNodeAhead;
                 double derivative = ComputeDerivativeOfActivation(layerCurrent, nodeCurrent, dotproduct, activation);
                 ctx.NodeDeltaCache[nodeCurrent.GetID()] = summationOfDeltas * derivative;