Example #1
        private List <VectorBundle> DivideSamplesForForecastTask(List <double[]> predictorsCollection,
                                                                 List <double[]> idealValueCollection,
                                                                 int bundleSize
            int numOfBundles = idealValueCollection.Count / bundleSize;
            List <VectorBundle> bundleCollection = new List <VectorBundle>(numOfBundles);
            //Bundles creation
            int samplesPos = 0;

            for (int bundleNum = 0; bundleNum < numOfBundles; bundleNum++)
                VectorBundle bundle = new VectorBundle();
                for (int i = 0; i < bundleSize && samplesPos < idealValueCollection.Count; i++)
            //Remaining samples
            for (int i = 0; i < idealValueCollection.Count - samplesPos; i++)
                int bundleIdx = i % bundleCollection.Count;
                bundleCollection[bundleIdx].InputVectorCollection.Add(predictorsCollection[samplesPos + i]);
                bundleCollection[bundleIdx].OutputVectorCollection.Add(idealValueCollection[samplesPos + i]);
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Prepares input for Readout Layer training.
        /// All input patterns are processed by internal reservoirs and the corresponding network predictors are recorded.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="patternBundle">
        /// The bundle containing known sample input patterns and desired output vectors
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="informativeCallback">
        /// Function to be called after each processed input.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="userObject">
        /// The user object to be passed to informativeCallback.
        /// </param>
        public VectorBundle InitializeAndPreprocessBundle(PatternBundle patternBundle,
                                                          PredictorsCollectionCallbackDelegate informativeCallback = null,
                                                          Object userObject = null
            //Check correctness
            if (_settings.InputConfig.FeedingType == CommonEnums.InputFeedingType.Continuous)
                throw new Exception("Called incorrect version of InitializeAndPreprocessBundle function for continuous input feeding.");
            //Reset the internal states and also statistics
            //Initialize normalizers and normalize input data
            List <List <double[]> > nrmInputPatternCollection = NormalizeInputPatternCollection(patternBundle.InputPatternCollection);
            //Allocate output bundle
            VectorBundle outputBundle = new VectorBundle(patternBundle.InputPatternCollection.Count);

            for (int dataSetIdx = 0; dataSetIdx < nrmInputPatternCollection.Count; dataSetIdx++)
                //Push input data into the network
                double[] predictors = PushInput(nrmInputPatternCollection[dataSetIdx], true);
                //Add desired outputs
                //Informative callback
                informativeCallback?.Invoke(patternBundle.InputPatternCollection.Count, dataSetIdx + 1, userObject);
Example #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates an instance ready to start building trained non-recurrent network
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="networkName">Name of the network to be built</param>
 /// <param name="networkSettings">Network configuration (FeedForwardNetworkSettings or ParallelPerceptronSettings object)</param>
 /// <param name="foldNum">Current fold number</param>
 /// <param name="numOfFolds">Total number of the folds</param>
 /// <param name="foldNetworkNum">Current fold network number</param>
 /// <param name="numOfFoldNetworks">Total number of the fold networks</param>
 /// <param name="trainingBundle">Bundle of predictors and ideal values to be used for training purposes</param>
 /// <param name="testingBundle">Bundle of predictors and ideal values to be used for testing purposes</param>
 /// <param name="binBorder">If specified, it indicates that the whole network output is binary and specifies numeric border where GE network output is decided as a 1 and LT output as a 0.</param>
 /// <param name="rand">Random generator to be used (optional)</param>
 /// <param name="controller">Regression controller (optional)</param>
 public TrainedNetworkBuilder(string networkName,
                              INonRecurrentNetworkSettings networkSettings,
                              int foldNum,
                              int numOfFolds,
                              int foldNetworkNum,
                              int numOfFoldNetworks,
                              VectorBundle trainingBundle,
                              VectorBundle testingBundle,
                              double binBorder = double.NaN,
                              Random rand      = null,
                              RegressionControllerDelegate controller = null
     _networkName       = networkName;
     _networkSettings   = networkSettings;
     _foldNum           = foldNum;
     _numOfFolds        = numOfFolds;
     _foldNetworkNum    = foldNetworkNum;
     _numOfFoldNetworks = numOfFoldNetworks;
     //Check num of output values is 1
     if (trainingBundle.OutputVectorCollection[0].Length != 1)
         throw new InvalidOperationException($"Only single output value is allowed.");
     _trainingBundle = trainingBundle;
     _testingBundle  = testingBundle;
     _binBorder      = binBorder;
     _rand           = rand ?? new Random(0);
     _controller     = controller ?? DefaultRegressionController;
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds the internal probabilistic cluster chain and makes the "One Takes All" group operable.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="readoutUnitsResultsCollection">The collection of the collections of all readout units composite results.</param>
        /// <param name="readoutUnitsIdealValuesCollection">The collection of the collections of all readout units ideal values.</param>
        /// <param name="filters">The feature filters to be used to denormalize output data.</param>
        /// <param name="rand">The random object to be used.</param>
        /// <param name="controller">The build process controller (optional).</param>
        public void Build(List <CompositeResult[]> readoutUnitsResultsCollection,
                          List <double[]> readoutUnitsIdealValuesCollection,
                          BinFeatureFilter[] filters,
                          Random rand,
                          TNRNetBuilder.BuildControllerDelegate controller = null
            if (DecisionMethod != OneTakesAllDecisionMethod.ClusterChain)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Wrong call of the Build method.");
            OneTakesAllClusterChainDecisionSettings decisionCfg = (OneTakesAllClusterChainDecisionSettings)_groupCfg.DecisionCfg;
            //Prepare the training data bundle for the cluster chain
            VectorBundle trainingDataBundle = new VectorBundle(readoutUnitsIdealValuesCollection.Count);

            for (int sampleIdx = 0; sampleIdx < readoutUnitsIdealValuesCollection.Count; sampleIdx++)
                double[] inputVector  = CreateInputVector(readoutUnitsResultsCollection[sampleIdx]);
                double[] outputVector = CreateOutputVector(readoutUnitsIdealValuesCollection[sampleIdx], filters);
                trainingDataBundle.AddPair(inputVector, outputVector);

            //Cluster chain builder
            TNRNetClusterChainBuilder builder = new TNRNetClusterChainBuilder(Name,

            builder.ChainBuildProgressChanged += OnChainBuildProgressChanged;
            ProbabilisticClusterChain          = builder.Build(trainingDataBundle, filters);
Example #5
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds a new member network and updates the cluster error statistics.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="newMemberNet">The new member network.</param>
 /// <param name="scopeID">The ID of a network's scope.</param>
 /// <param name="testData">The testing data bundle (unseen by the network to be added).</param>
 /// <param name="filters">The filters to be used to denormalize outputs.</param>
 public void AddMember(TNRNet newMemberNet, int scopeID, VectorBundle testData, FeatureFilterBase[] filters)
     //Check the network output
     if (Output != newMemberNet.Output)
         throw new ArgumentException("Inconsistent output type of the network to be added.", "newMemberNet");
     //Check number of outputs consistency
     if (_memberNetCollection.Count > 0)
         if (newMemberNet.Network.NumOfOutputValues != NumOfOutputs)
             throw new ArgumentException("Number of outputs of the network differs from already clustered networks.", "newMemberNet");
     //Add member to inner collection
     //Update cluster error statistics
     for (int sampleIdx = 0; sampleIdx < testData.OutputVectorCollection.Count; sampleIdx++)
         double[] nrmComputedValues = newMemberNet.Network.Compute(testData.InputVectorCollection[sampleIdx]);
         for (int outIdx = 0; outIdx < nrmComputedValues.Length; outIdx++)
             double naturalComputedValue = filters != null ? filters[outIdx].ApplyReverse(nrmComputedValues[outIdx]) : nrmComputedValues[outIdx];
             double naturalIdealValue    = filters != null ? filters[outIdx].ApplyReverse(testData.OutputVectorCollection[sampleIdx][outIdx]) : testData.OutputVectorCollection[sampleIdx][outIdx];
         } //outIdx
     }     //sampleIdx
Example #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Standardizes input vectors data of given vector bundle using specified set of filters.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="bundle">A bundle of the input and output data vectors.</param>
 /// <param name="filters">A set of filters to be used.</param>
 protected void StandardizeInputVectors(VectorBundle bundle, FeatureFilterBase[] filters)
     foreach (double[] vector in bundle.InputVectorCollection)
         //Standardize all data values in the vector.
         StandardizeVectorData(vector, filters);
Example #7
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes the input encoder and its feature filters from the specified samples data bundle.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="inputBundle">Sample input data</param>
 public void Initialize(VectorBundle inputBundle)
     //Full reset
     if (_encoderCfg.FeedingCfg.FeedingType == InputFeedingType.Continuous)
         //Continuous feeding
         //Fixed lengths
         _varyingDataVectorLength = inputBundle.InputVectorCollection[0].Length;
         NumOfTimePoints          = 1;
         //Add internal inputs and initialize feature filters
         //Patterned feeding
         FeedingPatternedSettings feedingPatternedCfg = (FeedingPatternedSettings)_encoderCfg.FeedingCfg;
         //Input pattern length constraint and number of time-points
         NumOfTimePoints = feedingPatternedCfg.UnificationCfg.ResamplingCfg.TargetTimePoints != ResamplingSettings.AutoTargetTimePointsNum ? feedingPatternedCfg.UnificationCfg.ResamplingCfg.TargetTimePoints : VariableNumOfTimePoints;
         if (NumOfTimePoints == VariableNumOfTimePoints && (_routedVaryingFieldCollection.Count > 0 || feedingPatternedCfg.Slices > 1))
             //because no resampling, length of external input vector must be fixed to keep consistent data
             _varyingDataVectorLength = inputBundle.InputVectorCollection[0].Length - _numOfSteadyFields;
             //Number of time-points must be also fixed
             NumOfTimePoints = _varyingDataVectorLength / _varyingFields.Count;
         //Convert input vectors to InputPatterns
         foreach (double[] orgVector in inputBundle.InputVectorCollection)
             //Split steady and varying data
             SplitSteadyAndVaryingInputData(orgVector, out double[] steadyVector, out double[] varyingVector);
             //Check length of the external varying data vector
             //Convert external vector to pattern
             FeedingPatternedSettings feedingCfg   = (FeedingPatternedSettings)_encoderCfg.FeedingCfg;
             InputPattern             inputPattern = new InputPattern(varyingVector,
                                                                      NumOfTimePoints == VariableNumOfTimePoints ? ResamplingSettings.AutoTargetTimePointsNum : NumOfTimePoints
             List <double[]> inputPatternVectors = CompleteInputPattern(inputPattern);
     //Number of routed input values
     NumOfRoutedValues = _routedSteadyFieldIndexCollection.Count;
     if (_routedVaryingFieldCollection.Count > 0)
         NumOfRoutedValues += _routedVaryingFieldCollection.Count * NumOfTimePoints;
Example #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates training data.
        /// Input vector contains 0/1 combination and output vector contains appropriate results of the AND, OR and XOR operation
        /// </summary>
        private VectorBundle CreateTrainingData()
            VectorBundle trainingData = new VectorBundle();

            trainingData.AddPair(new double[] { 0, 0 }, new double[] { 0, 0, 0 });
            trainingData.AddPair(new double[] { 0, 1 }, new double[] { 0, 1, 1 });
            trainingData.AddPair(new double[] { 1, 0 }, new double[] { 0, 1, 1 });
            trainingData.AddPair(new double[] { 1, 1 }, new double[] { 1, 1, 0 });
Example #9
 /// <summary>
 /// Prepares input for regression stage of State Machine training.
 /// All input vectors are processed by internal reservoirs and the corresponding network predictors are recorded.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="vectorBundle">
 /// The bundle containing known sample input and desired output vectors (in time order)
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="informativeCallback">
 /// Function to be called after each processed input.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="userObject">
 /// The user object to be passed to informativeCallback.
 /// </param>
 public RegressionInput PrepareRegressionData(VectorBundle vectorBundle,
                                              NeuralPreprocessor.PredictorsCollectionCallbackDelegate informativeCallback = null,
                                              Object userObject = null
     return(new RegressionInput(NP.InitializeAndPreprocessBundle(vectorBundle, informativeCallback, userObject),
Example #10
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates an initialized instance
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="preprocessedData">Bundle of the NeuralPreprocessor's predictors and desired ideal outputs</param>
 /// <param name="reservoirStatCollection">Collection of statistics of NeuralPreprocessor's internal reservoirs</param>
 /// <param name="totalNumOfNeurons">Total number of NeuralPreprocessor's neurons</param>
 /// <param name="totalNumOfInternalSynapses">Total number of NeuralPreprocessor's internal synapses</param>
 public RegressionInput(VectorBundle preprocessedData,
                        List <ReservoirStat> reservoirStatCollection,
                        int totalNumOfNeurons,
                        int totalNumOfInternalSynapses
     PreprocessedData           = preprocessedData;
     ReservoirStatCollection    = reservoirStatCollection;
     TotalNumOfNeurons          = totalNumOfNeurons;
     TotalNumOfInternalSynapses = totalNumOfInternalSynapses;
Example #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads the specified file and executes the StateMachine training.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stateMachine">An instance of StateMachine to be trained.</param>
        /// <param name="trainingDataFileName">The name of the csv file containing the training data.</param>
        /// <param name="predictionInputVector">The vector to be used for next prediction (relevant only in case of continuous feeding of the input).</param>
        protected void TrainStateMachine(StateMachine stateMachine, string trainingDataFileName, out double[] predictionInputVector)
            //Register to EpochDone event
            stateMachine.RL.RLBuildProgressChanged += OnRLBuildProgressChanged;
            //Load csv data
            CsvDataHolder trainingCsvData = new CsvDataHolder(trainingDataFileName);
            //Convert csv data to VectorBundle useable for StateMachine training
            VectorBundle trainingData;

            if (stateMachine.Config.NeuralPreprocessorCfg != null)
                //Neural preprocessing is enabled
                if (stateMachine.Config.NeuralPreprocessorCfg.InputEncoderCfg.FeedingCfg.FeedingType == InputEncoder.InputFeedingType.Continuous)
                    //Continuous feeding data format
                    trainingData = VectorBundle.Load(trainingCsvData,
                                                     out predictionInputVector
                    //Patterned feeding data format
                    predictionInputVector = null;
                    trainingData          = VectorBundle.Load(trainingCsvData,
                //Register to PreprocessingProgressChanged event
                stateMachine.NP.PreprocessingProgressChanged += OnPreprocessingProgressChanged;
                //Neural preprocessing is bypassed
                predictionInputVector = null;
                trainingData          = VectorBundle.Load(trainingCsvData,
            //StateMachine training
            StateMachine.TrainingResults trainingResults = stateMachine.Train(trainingData);
            //Report training results
            _log.Write("    Training results", false);
            string trainingReport = trainingResults.RegressionResults.GetTrainingResultsReport(6);

Example #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads the specified file and executes the StateMachine verification.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stateMachine">An instance of StateMachine to be verified.</param>
        /// <param name="verificationDataFileName">The name of the csv file containing the verification data.</param>
        /// <param name="omittedInputVector">Remaining input vector from training phase (relevant only in case of continuous feeding of the input).</param>
        /// <param name="predictionInputVector">The vector to be used for next prediction (relevant only in case of continuous feeding of the input).</param>
        protected void VerifyStateMachine(StateMachine stateMachine, string verificationDataFileName, double[] omittedInputVector, out double[] predictionInputVector)
            //Load csv data
            CsvDataHolder verificationCsvData = new CsvDataHolder(verificationDataFileName);
            //Convert csv data to VectorBundle useable for StateMachine verification
            VectorBundle verificationData;

            //Check NeuralPreprocessor is configured
            if (stateMachine.Config.NeuralPreprocessorCfg != null)
                //Neural preprocessing is enabled
                if (stateMachine.Config.NeuralPreprocessorCfg.InputEncoderCfg.FeedingCfg.FeedingType == InputEncoder.InputFeedingType.Continuous)
                    //Continuous input feeding
                    //Last known input values from training (predictionInputVector) must be pushed into the reservoirs to keep time series continuity
                    //(first input data in verification.csv is output of the last data in training.csv)
                    double[] tmp = stateMachine.Compute(omittedInputVector, out ReadoutLayer.ReadoutData readoutData);
                    //Load verification data and get new predictionInputVector for final prediction
                    verificationData = VectorBundle.Load(verificationCsvData,
                                                         out predictionInputVector
                    predictionInputVector = null;
                    //Patterned feeding data format
                    verificationData = VectorBundle.Load(verificationCsvData, stateMachine.Config.ReadoutLayerCfg.OutputFieldNameCollection.Count);
                //Neural preprocessing is bypassed
                predictionInputVector = null;
                verificationData      = VectorBundle.Load(verificationCsvData, stateMachine.Config.ReadoutLayerCfg.OutputFieldNameCollection.Count);
            //StateMachine verification
            //Register to VerificationProgressChanged event
            stateMachine.VerificationProgressChanged += OnVerificationProgressChanged;
            StateMachine.VerificationResults verificationResults = stateMachine.Verify(verificationData);
            //Report verification results
            _log.Write("    Verification results", false);

Example #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Prepares input for regression stage of State Machine training.
        /// All input vectors are processed by internal reservoirs and the corresponding network predictors are recorded.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="vectorBundle">
        /// The bundle containing known sample input and desired output vectors (in time order)
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="informativeCallback">
        /// Function to be called after each processed input.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="userObject">
        /// The user object to be passed to informativeCallback.
        /// </param>
        public RegressionInput PrepareRegressionData(VectorBundle vectorBundle,
                                                     NeuralPreprocessor.PredictorsCollectionCallbackDelegate informativeCallback = null,
                                                     Object userObject = null
            VectorBundle preprocessedData = NP.InitializeAndPreprocessBundle(vectorBundle, informativeCallback, userObject);

            return(new RegressionInput(preprocessedData,
Example #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Runs the example code.
        /// </summary>
        public void Run()
            //Create configuration of the feed forward network having Identity output layer and two LeakyReLU hidden layers
            //with associated resilient back propagation trainer configuration
            const int                  HiddenLayerSize = 3;
            HiddenLayerSettings        hiddenLayerCfg  = new HiddenLayerSettings(HiddenLayerSize, new LeakyReLUSettings());
            FeedForwardNetworkSettings ffNetCfg        = new FeedForwardNetworkSettings(new IdentitySettings(),
                                                                                        new HiddenLayersSettings(hiddenLayerCfg, hiddenLayerCfg),
                                                                                        new RPropTrainerSettings(2, 200)
            //Collect training data
            VectorBundle trainingData = CreateTrainingData();
            //Create network instance
            //We specify 2 input values, 3 output values and previously prepared network structure configuration
            FeedForwardNetwork ffNet = new FeedForwardNetwork(2, 3, ffNetCfg);

            //Create trainer instance
            RPropTrainer trainer = new RPropTrainer(ffNet,
                                                    new Random(0)

            //Training loop
            while (trainer.Iteration() && trainer.MSE > 1e-6)
                _log.Write($"  Attempt {trainer.Attempt} / Epoch {trainer.AttemptEpoch,3} Mean Squared Error = {Math.Round(trainer.MSE, 8).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)}", false);

            //Training is done
            //Display network computation results
            _log.Write("Trained network computations:");
            foreach (double[] input in trainingData.InputVectorCollection)
                double[] results = ffNet.Compute(input);
                _log.Write($"  Input {input[0]} {input[1]} Results: AND={Math.Round(results[0])} OR={Math.Round(results[1])} XOR={Math.Round(results[2])}");

        } //Run
Example #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the preprocessor, preprocess the specified data bundle and returns the predictors together with the ideal values.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inputBundle">The data bundle to be preprocessed.</param>
        /// <param name="preprocessingOverview">The statistics and other important information related to data preprocessing.</param>
        public VectorBundle InitializeAndPreprocessBundle(VectorBundle inputBundle, out PreprocessingOverview preprocessingOverview)
            //Check amount of input data
            if (BootCycles > 0 && inputBundle.InputVectorCollection.Count <= BootCycles)
                throw new InvalidOperationException($"Insufficient number of input data instances. The number of instances must be greater than the number of boot cycles ({BootCycles.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)}).");
            //Reset reservoirs
            //Reset input encoder and initialize its feature filters
            //Initialize output features descriptors
            //Allocate output bundle
            VectorBundle outputBundle = new VectorBundle(inputBundle.InputVectorCollection.Count);

            //Process data
            //Collect predictors
            for (int dataSetIdx = 0; dataSetIdx < inputBundle.InputVectorCollection.Count; dataSetIdx++)
                bool readyToCollect = dataSetIdx >= BootCycles || _preprocessorCfg.InputEncoderCfg.FeedingCfg.FeedingType == InputEncoder.InputFeedingType.Patterned;
                //Push input data into the network
                double[] outputFeatures = PushExtInputVector(inputBundle.InputVectorCollection[dataSetIdx], readyToCollect);
                //Collect output features?
                if (readyToCollect)
                    //Desired outputs
                //Raise informative event
                PreprocessingProgressChanged?.Invoke(inputBundle.InputVectorCollection.Count, dataSetIdx + 1, null);
            //Initialize output features switches
            //Buld preprocessing overview
            preprocessingOverview = new PreprocessingOverview(CollectStatatistics(),
            //Raise final informative event
            PreprocessingProgressChanged(inputBundle.InputVectorCollection.Count, inputBundle.InputVectorCollection.Count, preprocessingOverview);
            //Return output
Example #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Trains FF network to solve boolean algebra. It shows how to do it on the lowest level,
        /// without use of TNRNetBuilder.
        /// </summary>
        private void FullyManualLearning()
            _log.Write("Example of a FF network low level training:");
            //Create FF network configuration.
            FeedForwardNetworkSettings ffNetCfg = CreateFFNetConfig();

            _log.Write($"Network configuration xml:");
            //Collect training data
            VectorBundle trainingData = CreateTrainingData();
            //Create network instance
            //We specify 2 input values, 3 output values and previously prepared network structure configuration
            FeedForwardNetwork ffNet = new FeedForwardNetwork(2,       //The number of input values
                                                              3,       //The number of output values
                                                              ffNetCfg //Network structure and a trainer

            _log.Write("  Training");
            //Create the trainer instance
            RPropTrainer trainer = new RPropTrainer(ffNet,
                                                    new Random(0)

            //Training loop
            while (trainer.Iteration())
                _log.Write($"    Attempt {trainer.Attempt} / Epoch {trainer.AttemptEpoch,3} Mean Squared Error = {Math.Round(trainer.MSE, 8).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)}", true);
                //Check training exit condition
                if (trainer.MSE < 1e-7)

            //Training is done
            //Display the network computation results
Example #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds the inner cluster chain.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dataBundle">The data to be used for training.</param>
        /// <param name="filter">The feature filter to be used to denormalize output.</param>
        /// <param name="rand">The random object to be used (optional).</param>
        /// <param name="controller">The build process controller (optional).</param>
        public void Build(VectorBundle dataBundle,
                          FeatureFilterBase filter,
                          Random rand = null,
                          TNRNetBuilder.BuildControllerDelegate controller = null
            rand = rand ?? new Random(0);
            TNRNetClusterChainBuilder builder = new TNRNetClusterChainBuilder(Name,

            builder.ChainBuildProgressChanged += OnChainBuildProgressChanged;
            _clusterChain = builder.Build(dataBundle, new FeatureFilterBase[] { filter });
Example #18
        private void TestDataBundleFolderization(string dataFile, int numOfClasses)
            //Load csv data
            CsvDataHolder csvData = new CsvDataHolder(dataFile);
            //Convert csv data to a VectorBundle
            VectorBundle vectorData = VectorBundle.Load(csvData, numOfClasses);
            double       binBorder  = 0.5d;

            double[] foldDataRatios = { -1d, 0d, 0.1d, 0.5d, 0.75d, 1d, 2d };
            Console.WriteLine($"Folderization test of {dataFile}. NumOfSamples={vectorData.InputVectorCollection.Count.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)}, NumOfFoldDataRatios={foldDataRatios.Length.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)}");
            foreach (double foldDataRatio in foldDataRatios)
                Console.WriteLine($"  Testing fold data ratio = {foldDataRatio.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)}");
                List <VectorBundle> folds = vectorData.Folderize(foldDataRatio, binBorder);
                Console.WriteLine($"    Number of resulting folds = {folds.Count.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)}");
                for (int foldIdx = 0; foldIdx < folds.Count; foldIdx++)
                    int numOfFoldSamples = folds[foldIdx].InputVectorCollection.Count;
                    Console.WriteLine($"      FoldIdx={foldIdx.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),-4} FoldSize={numOfFoldSamples.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),-4}");
                    int[] classesBin1Counts = new int[numOfClasses];
                    for (int sampleIdx = 0; sampleIdx < numOfFoldSamples; sampleIdx++)
                        for (int classIdx = 0; classIdx < numOfClasses; classIdx++)
                            if (folds[foldIdx].OutputVectorCollection[sampleIdx][classIdx] >= binBorder)
                    Console.WriteLine($"        Number of positive samples per class");
                    for (int classIdx = 0; classIdx < numOfClasses; classIdx++)
                        Console.WriteLine($"          ClassID={classIdx.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),-3}, Bin1Samples={classesBin1Counts[classIdx].ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)}");
Example #19
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates an initialized instance.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="networkName">The name of the network to be built.</param>
 /// <param name="networkCfg">The configuration of the network to be built.</param>
 /// <param name="networkOutput">The type of output of the network to be built.</param>
 /// <param name="trainingBundle">The bundle of input and ideal vectors to be used for the network training.</param>
 /// <param name="testingBundle">The bundle of input and ideal vectors to be used for the network testing.</param>
 /// <param name="rand">The random generator to be used (optional).</param>
 /// <param name="controller">The build process controller (optional).</param>
 public TNRNetBuilder(string networkName,
                      INonRecurrentNetworkSettings networkCfg,
                      TNRNet.OutputType networkOutput,
                      VectorBundle trainingBundle,
                      VectorBundle testingBundle,
                      Random rand = null,
                      BuildControllerDelegate controller = null
     _networkName = networkName;
     NonRecurrentNetUtils.CheckNetCfg(networkOutput, networkCfg);
     _networkCfg    = networkCfg;
     _networkOutput = networkOutput;
     NonRecurrentNetUtils.CheckData(_networkOutput, trainingBundle);
     _trainingBundle = trainingBundle;
     NonRecurrentNetUtils.CheckData(_networkOutput, testingBundle);
     _testingBundle = testingBundle;
     _rand          = rand ?? new Random(0);
     _controller    = controller ?? DefaultNetworkBuildController;
Example #20
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs the training of the state machine.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="trainingData">The training data bundle.</param>
        /// <param name="controller">The build process controller (optional).</param>
        /// <returns>The training results.</returns>
        public TrainingResults Train(VectorBundle trainingData, TNRNetBuilder.BuildControllerDelegate controller = null)
            //StateMachine reset
            VectorBundle readoutTrainingData;

            NeuralPreprocessor.PreprocessingOverview preprocessingOverview = null;
            if (NP == null)
                //Neural preprocessor is bypassed
                readoutTrainingData = trainingData;
                //Neural preprocessing
                readoutTrainingData = NP.InitializeAndPreprocessBundle(trainingData, out preprocessingOverview);
            //Training of the readout layer
            ReadoutLayer.RegressionOverview regressionOverview = RL.Build(readoutTrainingData, BuildPredictorsMapper(), controller, Config.RandomizerSeek);
            //Return the training results
            return(new TrainingResults(preprocessingOverview, regressionOverview));
Example #21
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs training of the StateMachine
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="vectorBundle">Training data bundle (input vectors and desired output vectors)</param>
        /// <param name="regressionController">Optional regression controller.</param>
        /// <returns>Output of the regression stage</returns>
        public TrainingResults Train(VectorBundle vectorBundle, TrainedNetworkBuilder.RegressionControllerDelegate regressionController = null)
            //StateMachine reset
            VectorBundle readoutInput;

            NeuralPreprocessor.PreprocessingOverview preprocessingOverview = null;
            if (NP == null)
                //Neural preprocessor is bypassed
                readoutInput = vectorBundle;
                //Neural preprocessing
                readoutInput = NP.InitializeAndPreprocessBundle(vectorBundle, out preprocessingOverview);
            //Training of the readout layer
            ReadoutLayer.RegressionOverview regressionOverview = RL.Build(readoutInput, BuildPredictorsMapper(), regressionController);
            //Return compact results
            return(new TrainingResults(preprocessingOverview, regressionOverview));
Example #22
        /// <summary>
        /// Tests and displays network's computations.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="network">A network to be tested.</param>
        private void DisplayNetworkComputations(INonRecurrentNetwork network)
            VectorBundle verificationData = CreateTrainingData();

            _log.Write("  Trained network computations:");
            int sampleIdx = 0;

            foreach (double[] input in verificationData.InputVectorCollection)
                double[] results = network.Compute(input);
                //Compute absolute errors
                double[] absError = new double[results.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < results.Length; i++)
                    absError[i] = Math.Abs(results[i] - verificationData.OutputVectorCollection[sampleIdx][i]);
                _log.Write($"    Input {input[0]} {input[1]} Results: AND={Math.Abs(Math.Round(results[0])).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)} OR={Math.Abs(Math.Round(results[1])).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)} XOR={Math.Abs(Math.Round(results[2])).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)}, Absolute Errors: {absError[0].ToString("E3", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)} {absError[1].ToString("E3", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)} {absError[2].ToString("E3", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)}");
Example #23
        /// <summary>
        /// Verifies the state machine's accuracy.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Evaluates the computed data against the ideal data.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="verificationData">The verification data bundle.</param>
        /// <returns>The verification results.</returns>
        public VerificationResults Verify(VectorBundle verificationData)
            VerificationResults verificationResults = new VerificationResults(Config.ReadoutLayerCfg);

            for (int sampleIdx = 0; sampleIdx < verificationData.InputVectorCollection.Count; sampleIdx++)
                double[] predictors;
                if (NP == null)
                    //Neural preprocessor is bypassed
                    predictors = verificationData.InputVectorCollection[sampleIdx];
                    //Neural preprocessing
                    predictors = NP.Preprocess(verificationData.InputVectorCollection[sampleIdx]);
                double[] outputVector = RL.Compute(predictors, out ReadoutLayer.ReadoutData readoutData);
                verificationResults.Update(predictors, readoutData, verificationData.OutputVectorCollection[sampleIdx]);
                VerificationProgressChanged?.Invoke(verificationData.InputVectorCollection.Count, sampleIdx + 1);
Example #24
        /// <summary>
        /// Trains FF network to solve boolean algebra.
        /// It shows how to use the TNRNetBuilder (TNRNetBuilder is using its default build controller).
        /// </summary>
        private void TNRNetBuilderLearning_DefaultController()
            _log.Write("Example of a FF network build using the TNRNetBuilder component with default build controller:");
            //Create FF network configuration.
            FeedForwardNetworkSettings ffNetCfg = CreateFFNetConfig();

            _log.Write($"Network configuration xml:");
            //Collect training data
            VectorBundle trainingData = CreateTrainingData();
            //In our case, testing data is the same as training data
            VectorBundle testingData = trainingData;
            //Create builder instance
            TNRNetBuilder builder = new TNRNetBuilder("Boolean Algebra",      //Network name
                                                      ffNetCfg,               //Network configuration
                                                      TNRNet.OutputType.Real, //Network output is one or more real numbers
                                                      trainingData,           //Training data
                                                      testingData,            //Testing data
                                                      null,                   //No specific random generator object to be used
                                                      null                    //No specific build controller -> use default

            //Register notification event handler
            builder.NetworkBuildProgressChanged += OnNetworkBuildProgressChanged;
            //Build the network
            _log.Write("  Training");
            TNRNet ffNet = builder.Build();

            //Training is done
            //Display the network computation results
Example #25
        /// <summary>
        /// Prepares input for Readout Layer training.
        /// All input vectors are processed by internal reservoirs and the corresponding network predictors are recorded.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="vectorBundle">
        /// The bundle containing known sample input and desired output vectors (in time order)
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="informativeCallback">
        /// Function to be called after each processed input.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="userObject">
        /// The user object to be passed to informativeCallback.
        /// </param>
        public VectorBundle InitializeAndPreprocessBundle(VectorBundle vectorBundle,
                                                          PredictorsCollectionCallbackDelegate informativeCallback = null,
                                                          Object userObject = null
            //Check correctness
            if (_settings.InputConfig.FeedingType == CommonEnums.InputFeedingType.Patterned)
                throw new Exception("Called incorrect version of InitializeAndPreprocessBundle function for patterned input feeding.");
            //Reset the internal states and also statistics
            //Initialize normalizers and normalize input data
            List <double[]> nrmInputVectorCollection = NormalizeInputVectorCollection(vectorBundle.InputVectorCollection);
            //Allocate output bundle
            VectorBundle outputBundle = new VectorBundle(vectorBundle.InputVectorCollection.Count - _settings.InputConfig.BootCycles);

            //Collect predictors
            for (int dataSetIdx = 0; dataSetIdx < vectorBundle.InputVectorCollection.Count; dataSetIdx++)
                bool afterBoot = (dataSetIdx >= _settings.InputConfig.BootCycles);
                //Push input data into the network
                double[] predictors = PushInput(nrmInputVectorCollection[dataSetIdx], afterBoot);
                //Is boot sequence passed? Collect predictors?
                if (afterBoot)
                    //Desired outputs
                //An informative callback
                informativeCallback?.Invoke(vectorBundle.InputVectorCollection.Count, dataSetIdx + 1, userObject);
Example #26
 /// <summary>
 /// Prepares a set of filters for the input data standardization.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="bundle">A bundle of the input and output data vectors.</param>
 protected FeatureFilterBase[] PrepareInputFeatureFilters(VectorBundle bundle)
     //Allocation of the feature filters
     FeatureFilterBase[] inputFeatureFilters = new FeatureFilterBase[bundle.InputVectorCollection[0].Length];
     for (int i = 0; i < inputFeatureFilters.Length; i++)
         //Input data is always considered as the real numbers.
         inputFeatureFilters[i] = new RealFeatureFilter(Interval.IntN1P1,                   //Data to be standardized between -1 and 1
                                                        new RealFeatureFilterSettings(true, //We want to standardize data
                                                                                      true  //We want to keep a range reserve for unseen data
     //Update feature filters
     foreach (double[] vector in bundle.InputVectorCollection)
         for (int i = 0; i < vector.Length; i++)
             //Update filter by the next known data value.
Example #27
File: SMDemo.cs Project: thild/NET
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs specified demo case.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="demoCaseParams">An instance of DemoSettings.CaseSettings to be performed</param>
        public void PerformDemoCase(SMDemoSettings.CaseSettings demoCaseParams)
            bool continuousFeedingDataFormat = false;

            //Prediction input vector (relevant only for input continuous feeding)
            double[] predictionInputVector = null;
            //Log start
            _log.Write("  Performing demo case " + demoCaseParams.Name, false);
            _log.Write(" ", false);
            //Instantiate the StateMachine
            StateMachine stateMachine = new StateMachine(demoCaseParams.StateMachineCfg);

            //Train StateMachine
            //Register to RegressionEpochDone event
            stateMachine.RL.RegressionEpochDone += OnRegressionEpochDone;
            StateMachine.TrainingResults trainingResults;
            CsvDataHolder trainingCsvData = new CsvDataHolder(demoCaseParams.TrainingDataFileName);
            VectorBundle  trainingData;

            if (trainingCsvData.ColNameCollection.NumOfStringValues > 0)
                //Continuous feeding data format
                continuousFeedingDataFormat = true;
                //Check NeuralPreprocessor is not bypassed
                if (stateMachine.NP == null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException($"Incorrect file format. When NeuralPreprocessor is bypassed, only patterned data are allowed.");
                trainingData = VectorBundle.Load(trainingCsvData,
                                                 out predictionInputVector
                //Patterned feeding data format
                trainingData = VectorBundle.Load(trainingCsvData, demoCaseParams.StateMachineCfg.ReadoutLayerCfg.OutputFieldNameCollection.Count);
            if (stateMachine.NP != null)
                //Register to PreprocessingProgressChanged event
                stateMachine.NP.PreprocessingProgressChanged += OnPreprocessingProgressChanged;
            trainingResults = stateMachine.Train(trainingData);
            //Report training (regression) results
            _log.Write("    Training results", false);
            string trainingReport = trainingResults.RegressionResults.GetTrainingResultsReport(6);


            //Verification of training quality on verification data
            if (demoCaseParams.VerificationDataFileName.Length > 0)
                stateMachine.VerificationProgressChanged += OnVerificationProgressChanged;
                StateMachine.VerificationResults verificationResults;
                CsvDataHolder verificationCsvData = new CsvDataHolder(demoCaseParams.VerificationDataFileName);
                VectorBundle  verificationData;
                if (continuousFeedingDataFormat)
                    //Continuous input feeding
                    //Last known input values from training (predictionInputVector) must be pushed into the reservoirs to keep time series continuity
                    //(first input data in verification.csv is output of the last data in training.csv)
                    double[] tmp = stateMachine.Compute(predictionInputVector);
                    //Load verification data and get new predictionInputVector for final prediction
                    verificationData = VectorBundle.Load(verificationCsvData,
                                                         out predictionInputVector
                    //Patterned feeding data format
                    verificationData = VectorBundle.Load(verificationCsvData, demoCaseParams.StateMachineCfg.ReadoutLayerCfg.OutputFieldNameCollection.Count);
                verificationResults = stateMachine.Verify(verificationData);
                //Report verification results
                _log.Write("    Verification results", false);

            //Perform prediction in case the input feeding is continuous (we know the input but we don't know the ideal output)
            if (continuousFeedingDataFormat)
                double[] predictionOutputVector = stateMachine.Compute(predictionInputVector);
                string   predictionReport       = stateMachine.RL.GetForecastReport(predictionOutputVector, 6);
                _log.Write("    Forecasts", false);

Example #28
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds the cluster chain.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dataBundle">The data bundle for training.</param>
        /// <param name="filters">The filters to be used to denormalize outputs.</param>
        public TNRNetClusterChain Build(VectorBundle dataBundle, FeatureFilterBase[] filters)
            //The chain to be built
            TNRNetClusterChain chain = new TNRNetClusterChain(_chainName, _clusterChainCfg.Output);
            //Instantiate chained clusters
            List <TNRNetCluster> chainClusters = new List <TNRNetCluster>(_clusterChainCfg.ClusterCfgCollection.Count);

            for (int clusterIdx = 0; clusterIdx < _clusterChainCfg.ClusterCfgCollection.Count; clusterIdx++)
                chainClusters.Add(new TNRNetCluster(_chainName,
            //Common crossvalidation configuration
            double boolBorder = _clusterChainCfg.Output == TNRNet.OutputType.Real ? double.NaN : chain.OutputDataRange.Mid;

            VectorBundle localDataBundle = dataBundle.CreateShallowCopy();

            //Member's training
            for (_repetitionIdx = 0; _repetitionIdx < _clusterChainCfg.CrossvalidationCfg.Repetitions; _repetitionIdx++)
                //Split data to folds
                List <VectorBundle> foldCollection = localDataBundle.Folderize(_clusterChainCfg.CrossvalidationCfg.FoldDataRatio, boolBorder);
                _numOfFoldsPerRepetition = Math.Min(_clusterChainCfg.CrossvalidationCfg.Folds <= 0 ? foldCollection.Count : _clusterChainCfg.CrossvalidationCfg.Folds, foldCollection.Count);

                List <VectorBundle> currentClusterFoldCollection = CopyFolds(foldCollection);
                List <VectorBundle> nextClusterFoldCollection    = new List <VectorBundle>(foldCollection.Count);
                //For each cluster
                for (_clusterIdx = 0; _clusterIdx < chainClusters.Count; _clusterIdx++)
                    //Train networks for each testing fold.
                    for (_testingFoldIdx = 0; _testingFoldIdx < _numOfFoldsPerRepetition; _testingFoldIdx++)
                        //Prepare training data bundle
                        VectorBundle trainingData = new VectorBundle();
                        for (int foldIdx = 0; foldIdx < currentClusterFoldCollection.Count; foldIdx++)
                            if (foldIdx != _testingFoldIdx)
                        VectorBundle nextClusterUpdatedDataFold = foldCollection[_testingFoldIdx].CreateShallowCopy();
                        for (_netCfgIdx = 0; _netCfgIdx < _clusterChainCfg.ClusterCfgCollection[_clusterIdx].ClusterNetConfigurations.Count; _netCfgIdx++)
                            TNRNetBuilder netBuilder = new TNRNetBuilder(_chainName,
                            //Register notification
                            netBuilder.NetworkBuildProgressChanged += OnNetworkBuildProgressChanged;
                            //Build trained network. Trained network becomes to be the cluster member
                            TNRNet tn         = netBuilder.Build();
                            int    netScopeID = _repetitionIdx * NetScopeDelimiterCoeff + _testingFoldIdx;
                            chainClusters[_clusterIdx].AddMember(tn, netScopeID, currentClusterFoldCollection[_testingFoldIdx], filters);
                            //Update input data in the data fold for the next cluster
                            for (int sampleIdx = 0; sampleIdx < currentClusterFoldCollection[_testingFoldIdx].InputVectorCollection.Count; sampleIdx++)
                                double[] computedNetData = tn.Network.Compute(currentClusterFoldCollection[_testingFoldIdx].InputVectorCollection[sampleIdx]);
                                nextClusterUpdatedDataFold.InputVectorCollection[sampleIdx] = nextClusterUpdatedDataFold.InputVectorCollection[sampleIdx].Concat(computedNetData);
                        //Add updated data fold for the next cluster
                    //Switch fold collection
                    currentClusterFoldCollection = nextClusterFoldCollection;
                    nextClusterFoldCollection    = new List <VectorBundle>(currentClusterFoldCollection.Count);
                if (_repetitionIdx < _clusterChainCfg.CrossvalidationCfg.Repetitions - 1)
                    //Reshuffle the data
            //Make the clusters operable and add them into the chain
            for (int clusterIdx = 0; clusterIdx < chainClusters.Count; clusterIdx++)
            //Return the built chain
Example #29
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks whether the data is in accordance with the specified type of the network output.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="outputType">The type of the network output.</param>
        /// <param name="data">The data to be checked.</param>
        public static void CheckData(TNRNet.OutputType outputType, VectorBundle data)
            //General checks
            if (data.InputVectorCollection.Count != data.OutputVectorCollection.Count)
                throw new ArgumentException($"Incorrect data. Different number of input and output vectors.", "data");
            if (data.OutputVectorCollection.Count < 2)
                throw new ArgumentException($"Too few samples.", "data");
            int outputVectorLength = data.OutputVectorCollection[0].Length;

            //Output vector length checks
            if (outputType == TNRNet.OutputType.Probabilistic)
                if (outputVectorLength <= 1)
                    throw new ArgumentException($"Number of output vector values must be GT 1.", "data");
            else if (outputType == TNRNet.OutputType.SingleBool)
                if (outputVectorLength != 1)
                    throw new ArgumentException($"Number of output vector values must be ET 1.", "data");
            //Data scan
            foreach (double[] outputVector in data.OutputVectorCollection)
                if (outputVectorLength != outputVector.Length)
                    throw new ArgumentException($"Inconsistent length of output vectors.", "data");
                switch (outputType)
                case TNRNet.OutputType.Probabilistic:
                    int bin1Counter = 0;
                    int bin0Counter = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < outputVector.Length; i++)
                        if (outputVector[i] == 0d)
                        else if (outputVector[i] == 1d)
                            throw new ArgumentException($"Output data vectors contain different values than 0 or 1.", "data");
                    if (bin1Counter != 1)
                        throw new ArgumentException($"Output data vector contains more than one 1.", "data");

                case TNRNet.OutputType.SingleBool:

Example #30
        /// <summary>
        /// Trains the network cluster to perform classification task and then verifies its performance.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name">The name of a classification task.</param>
        /// <param name="trainDataFile">The name of a csv datafile containing the training data.</param>
        /// <param name="verifyDataFile">The name of a csv datafile containing the verification data.</param>
        /// <param name="numOfClasses">The number of classes.</param>
        /// <param name="foldDataRatio">Specifies what part of training data is reserved for testing. It determines the size of data fold and also number of networks within the cluster.</param>
        private void PerformClassification(string name, string trainDataFile, string verifyDataFile, int numOfClasses, double foldDataRatio)
            _log.Write($"{name} classification performed by the Probabilistic cluster chain ({numOfClasses.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)} classes).");
            //Load csv data and create vector bundles
            _log.Write($"Loading {trainDataFile}...");
            CsvDataHolder trainCsvData = new CsvDataHolder(trainDataFile);
            VectorBundle  trainData    = VectorBundle.Load(trainCsvData, numOfClasses);

            _log.Write($"Loading {verifyDataFile}...");
            CsvDataHolder verifyCsvData = new CsvDataHolder(verifyDataFile);
            VectorBundle  verifyData    = VectorBundle.Load(verifyCsvData, numOfClasses);

            //Input data standardization
            //Allocation and preparation of the input feature filters
            FeatureFilterBase[] inputFeatureFilters = PrepareInputFeatureFilters(trainData);
            //Standardize training input data
            StandardizeInputVectors(trainData, inputFeatureFilters);
            //Standardize verification input data
            StandardizeInputVectors(verifyData, inputFeatureFilters);
            //Output data
            //Output data is already in the 0/1 form requested by the SoftMax activation so we don't
            //need to modify it. We only allocate the binary feature filters requested by the cluster chain builder.
            FeatureFilterBase[] outputFeatureFilters = new BinFeatureFilter[numOfClasses];
            for (int i = 0; i < numOfClasses; i++)
                outputFeatureFilters[i] = new BinFeatureFilter(Interval.IntZP1);
            //Cluster chain configuration (we will have two chained clusters)
            //Configuration of the first cluster in the chain
            //End-networks configuration for the first cluster in the chain. For every testing fold will be trained two end-networks with different structure.
            List <FeedForwardNetworkSettings> netCfgs1 = new List <FeedForwardNetworkSettings>
                //The first FF network will have two hidden layers of 30 TanH activated neurons.
                //Output layer will have the SoftMax activation (it must be SoftMax because we will use the Probabilistic cluster).
                new FeedForwardNetworkSettings(new AFAnalogSoftMaxSettings(),
                                               new HiddenLayersSettings(new HiddenLayerSettings(30, new AFAnalogTanHSettings()),
                                                                        new HiddenLayerSettings(30, new AFAnalogTanHSettings())
                                               new RPropTrainerSettings(3, 200)
                //The second FF network will have two hidden layers of 30 LeakyReLU activated neurons.
                //Output layer will have the SoftMax activation (it must be SoftMax because we will use the Probabilistic cluster).
                new FeedForwardNetworkSettings(new AFAnalogSoftMaxSettings(),
                                               new HiddenLayersSettings(new HiddenLayerSettings(30, new AFAnalogLeakyReLUSettings()),
                                                                        new HiddenLayerSettings(30, new AFAnalogLeakyReLUSettings())
                                               new RPropTrainerSettings(3, 200)
            //The first probabilistic network cluster configuration instance
            TNRNetClusterProbabilisticSettings clusterCfg1 =
                new TNRNetClusterProbabilisticSettings(new TNRNetClusterProbabilisticNetworksSettings(netCfgs1),
                                                       new TNRNetClusterProbabilisticWeightsSettings()
            //Configuration of the second cluster in the chain
            //End-network configuration for the second cluster in the chain. For every testing fold will be trained one end-network.
            List <FeedForwardNetworkSettings> netCfgs2 = new List <FeedForwardNetworkSettings>
                //FF network will have two hidden layers of 30 Elliot activated neurons.
                //Output layer will have the SoftMax activation (it must be SoftMax because we will use the Probabilistic cluster chain).
                new FeedForwardNetworkSettings(new AFAnalogSoftMaxSettings(),
                                               new HiddenLayersSettings(new HiddenLayerSettings(30, new AFAnalogElliotSettings()),
                                                                        new HiddenLayerSettings(30, new AFAnalogElliotSettings())
                                               new RPropTrainerSettings(3, 200)
            //The second probabilistic network cluster configuration instance
            TNRNetClusterProbabilisticSettings clusterCfg2 =
                new TNRNetClusterProbabilisticSettings(new TNRNetClusterProbabilisticNetworksSettings(netCfgs2),
                                                       new TNRNetClusterProbabilisticWeightsSettings()

            //Probabilistic network cluster chain configuration instance
            ITNRNetClusterChainSettings chainCfg =
                new TNRNetClusterChainProbabilisticSettings(new CrossvalidationSettings(foldDataRatio),
                                                            new TNRNetClustersProbabilisticSettings(clusterCfg1,

            _log.Write($"Cluster configuration xml:");
            _log.Write($"Cluster chain training on {trainDataFile}...");
            //An instance of network cluster chain builder.
            TNRNetClusterChainBuilder builder =
                new TNRNetClusterChainBuilder("Probabilistic Cluster Chain", chainCfg);

            //Register progress event handler
            builder.ChainBuildProgressChanged += OnClusterChainBuildProgressChanged;
            //Build the trained network cluster chain.
            TNRNetClusterChain trainedClusterChain = builder.Build(trainData, outputFeatureFilters);

            _log.Write($"Cluster chain verification on {verifyDataFile}...");
            int numOfErrors = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < verifyData.InputVectorCollection.Count; i++)
                double[] computed = trainedClusterChain.Compute(verifyData.InputVectorCollection[i], out _);
                //Cluster result
                int computedWinnerIdx = computed.MaxIdx();
                //Real result
                int realWinnerIdx = verifyData.OutputVectorCollection[i].MaxIdx();

                if (computedWinnerIdx != realWinnerIdx)
                _log.Write($"({i + 1}/{verifyData.InputVectorCollection.Count}) Errors: {numOfErrors}", true);
            _log.Write($"Accuracy {(1d - (double)numOfErrors / (double)verifyData.InputVectorCollection.Count).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)}");
