Example #1
    public override void Build(World world, Chunk chunk, Vector3Int pos, TerrainLayer layer)
        int noise        = layer.GetNoise(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, 1f, 3, 1);
        int leavesRange  = noise + 3;
        int leavesRange2 = leavesRange * leavesRange;
        int trunkHeight  = posY - noise;

        float a2inv = 1.0f / leavesRange2;
        float b2inv = 1.0f / ((leavesRange - 1) * (leavesRange - 1));

        for (int y = -leavesRange + 1; y <= leavesRange - 1; y++)
            for (int z = -leavesRange; z <= leavesRange; z++)
                for (int x = -leavesRange; x <= leavesRange; x++)
                    if (x * x * a2inv + z * z * a2inv + y * y * b2inv <= 1.0f) // An ellipsoid flattened on the y axis
                        blocks.Set(pos.Add(x, y + trunkHeight, z), leaves);

        blocks.Set(pos, log);
        for (int y = 1; y <= trunkHeight; y++)
            blocks.Set(pos.Add(0, y, 0), log);
Example #2
    public override void GenerateStructures(Chunk chunk)
        int minX = chunk.pos.x - structure.negX;
        int maxX = chunk.pos.x + Env.ChunkSize + structure.posX;
        int minZ = chunk.pos.z - structure.negZ;
        int maxZ = chunk.pos.z + Env.ChunkSize + structure.posZ;

        for (int x = minX; x < maxX; x++)
            for (int z = minZ; z < maxZ; z++)
                Vector3Int pos         = new Vector3Int(x, 0, z);
                float      chanceAtPos = Randomization.Random(pos.GetHashCode(), 44, true);

                if (chance > chanceAtPos)
                    if (Randomization.Random(pos.Add(1, 0, 0).GetHashCode(), 44, true) > chanceAtPos &&
                        Randomization.Random(pos.Add(-1, 0, 0).GetHashCode(), 44, true) > chanceAtPos &&
                        Randomization.Random(pos.Add(0, 0, 1).GetHashCode(), 44, true) > chanceAtPos &&
                        Randomization.Random(pos.Add(0, 0, -1).GetHashCode(), 44, true) > chanceAtPos)
                        int height = terrainGen.GenerateTerrainForBlockColumn(chunk, x, z, true);
                        structure.Build(world, chunk, new Vector3Int(x, height, z), this);
        bool CreateFieldAndJob(Vector3Int center)
            if (!IsClear(center.Add(-5, 0, -5), 11, 2, 11))
            var crateZ = -4 + Random.Next(10);

            BlockPlacementHelper.PlaceBlock(center.Add(-5, 0, crateZ), BuiltinBlocks.Crate, Owner);
            BlockPlacementHelper.PlaceBlock(center.Add(-5, 1, crateZ), BuiltinBlocks.TorchYP, Owner);
            var min = center.Add(-4, 0, -4);
            var max = center.Add(5, 0, 5);

            for (int x = min.x; x < max.x; x++)
                for (int z = min.z; z < max.z; z++)
                    bool solid;
                    if (!World.TryIsSolid(new Vector3Int(x, center.y - 1, z), out solid) || !solid)
            AreaJobTracker.CreateNewAreaJob("pipliz.wheatfarm", Owner, min, max);
Example #4
        private static bool IsHappy(Vector3Int currentPos, Vector3Int ignorePos)
            int count        = 0;
            int touchingBeds = 0;

            var currentN = currentPos.Add(1, 0, 0);
            var currentS = currentPos.Add(-1, 0, 0);
            var currentE = currentPos.Add(0, 0, -1);
            var currentW = currentPos.Add(0, 0, 1);

            var ignoreN = ignorePos.Add(1, 0, 0);
            var ignoreS = ignorePos.Add(-1, 0, 0);
            var ignoreE = ignorePos.Add(0, 0, -1);
            var ignoreW = ignorePos.Add(0, 0, 1);

            EvaluateSpot(ignorePos, ref count, ref touchingBeds, currentN);
            EvaluateSpot(ignorePos, ref count, ref touchingBeds, currentS);
            EvaluateSpot(ignorePos, ref count, ref touchingBeds, currentE);
            EvaluateSpot(ignorePos, ref count, ref touchingBeds, currentW);

            EvaluateSpot(currentPos, ref count, ref touchingBeds, ignoreN);
            EvaluateSpot(currentPos, ref count, ref touchingBeds, ignoreS);
            EvaluateSpot(currentPos, ref count, ref touchingBeds, ignoreE);
            EvaluateSpot(currentPos, ref count, ref touchingBeds, ignoreW);

            return(count > 0 && touchingBeds < 3);
Example #5
        public override Vector3Int GetPositionNPC(Vector3Int position)
            Vector3Int positionNPC;

            if (blockType == BuiltinBlocks.OvenUnlitXP || blockType == BuiltinBlocks.OvenLitXP)
                positionNPC = position.Add(1, 0, 0);
            else if (blockType == BuiltinBlocks.OvenUnlitXN || blockType == BuiltinBlocks.OvenLitXN)
                positionNPC = position.Add(-1, 0, 0);
            else if (blockType == BuiltinBlocks.OvenUnlitZP || blockType == BuiltinBlocks.OvenLitZP)
                positionNPC = position.Add(0, 0, 1);
            else if (blockType == BuiltinBlocks.OvenUnlitZN || blockType == BuiltinBlocks.OvenLitZN)
                positionNPC = position.Add(0, 0, -1);
                positionNPC = position;
Example #6
        private bool IsSpacesEmpty(Vector3Int position, int x, int z)
            World.TryIsSolid(position.Add(x, 0, z), out bool result1);
            World.TryIsSolid(position.Add(x, 1, z), out bool result2);

            if (result1 || result2)
Example #7
        public static void Circle(Vector3Int center, int diameter, ushort type, Players.Player player)
            int radius = diameter / 2;

            for (int c = 0; c < diameter; c++)
                PlaceBlock(center.Add(-radius, 0, -radius + c), type, player);
                PlaceBlock(center.Add(radius, 0, -radius + c), type, player);
            for (int c = 0; c < diameter - 2; c++)
                PlaceBlock(center.Add(-radius + 1 + c, 0, -radius), type, player);
                PlaceBlock(center.Add(-radius + 1 + c, 0, radius), type, player);
        public static bool IsWithinBounds(this Vector3Int pos, Vector3Int boundsPos, BoundsInt bounds)
            var boundsMax = boundsPos.Add(bounds.Size.x, bounds.Size.y, bounds.Size.z);

            return(pos.x >= boundsPos.x && pos.y >= boundsPos.y && pos.z >= boundsPos.z &&
                   pos.x <= boundsMax.x && pos.y <= boundsMax.y && pos.z <= boundsMax.z);
        // Run on add to world (also runs when added by game - ie: when a crop grows to the next stage)
        public void OnAddAction(Vector3Int position, ushort newType, Players.Player causedBy)
            ushort num;

            // check if the block below is fertile
            if (World.TryGetTypeAt(position.Add(0, -1, 0), out num) && ItemTypes.IsFertile(num))
                CropManager.trackCrop(position, this);
                // Tell the user you can't do this
                Pipliz.Chatting.Chat.Send(causedBy, string.Format("{0} can't grow here! It's not fertile!", ItemTypes.IndexLookup.GetName(newType)));

                // Get the air block, and replace the new crop with it
                ushort airBlockID = ItemTypes.IndexLookup.GetIndex("air");
                ServerManager.TryChangeBlock(position, airBlockID);

                // Give the user the block
                Stockpile s = Stockpile.GetStockPile(causedBy);

                // Give them an item back?
                s.Add(newType, 1);

                // Update it?
Example #10
        public static void OpenMenu(Players.Player player, PlayerClickedData playerClickData)
            if (ItemTypes.IndexLookup.TryGetIndex(SchematicTool.NAME, out var schematicItem) &&
                playerClickData.TypeSelected == schematicItem)
                if (player.ActiveColony == null)
                    PandaChat.Send(player, _localizationHelper, "ErrorOpening", ChatColor.red);

                if (!_awaitingClick.ContainsKey(player))
                    var tuple = _awaitingClick[player];

                    switch (tuple.Item1)
                    case SchematicClickType.Build:
                        Vector3Int location = playerClickData.GetVoxelHit().BlockHit.Add(0, 1, 0);
                        var        args     = new JSONNode();
                        args.SetAs("constructionType", GameLoader.NAMESPACE + ".SchematicBuilder");
                        args.SetAs(SchematicBuilderLoader.NAME + ".SchematicName", tuple.Item2);
                        args.SetAs(SchematicBuilderLoader.NAME + ".Rotation", tuple.Item3);

                        if (SchematicReader.TryGetSchematic(tuple.Item2, player.ActiveColony.ColonyID, location, out var schematic))
                            if (tuple.Item3 >= Schematic.Rotation.Right)

                            if (tuple.Item3 >= Schematic.Rotation.Back)

                            if (tuple.Item3 >= Schematic.Rotation.Left)

                            var maxSize = location.Add(schematic.XMax - 1, schematic.YMax - 1, schematic.ZMax - 1);
                            AreaJobTracker.CreateNewAreaJob("pipliz.constructionarea", args, player.ActiveColony, location, maxSize);


                    case SchematicClickType.Archetect:

Example #11
        public Vector3Int GetWorldPosition(string typeBasename, Vector3Int position, ushort bluetype)
            ushort hxm   = ItemTypes.IndexLookup.GetIndex(typeBasename + "x-");
            ushort hzp   = ItemTypes.IndexLookup.GetIndex(typeBasename + "z+");
            ushort hzm   = ItemTypes.IndexLookup.GetIndex(typeBasename + "z-");
            int    realx = this.offsetz + 1;
            int    realz = -this.offsetx;

            if (bluetype == hxm)
                realx = -this.offsetz - 1;
                realz = this.offsetx;
            else if (bluetype == hzp)
                realx = this.offsetx;
                realz = this.offsetz + 1;
            else if (bluetype == hzm)
                realx = -this.offsetx;
                realz = -this.offsetz - 1;
            return(position.Add(realx, this.offsety, realz));
        public bool MoveNext()
            var next = cursor.Add(1, 0, 0);

            if (next.x > positionMax.x)
                next.x = positionMin.x;
                next   = next.Add(0, 0, 1);

            if (next.z > positionMax.z)
                next.z = positionMin.z;
                next   = next.Add(0, 1, 0);

            PreviousPosition = cursor;
            cursor           = next;

            if (IsInBounds(cursor))
        public static Vector3Int GetClosestPositionWithinY(this Vector3Int goalPosition, Vector3Int currentPosition, int minMaxY)
            var pos = currentPosition;

            if (PathingManager.TryCanStandNear(goalPosition, out var canStand, out pos) && !canStand)
                var y    = -1;
                var negY = minMaxY * -1;

                while (PathingManager.TryCanStandNear(goalPosition.Add(0, y, 0), out var canStandNow, out pos) && !canStandNow)
                    if (y > 0)

                        if (y > minMaxY)

                        if (y < negY)
                            y = 1;

Example #14
    // On random Update spread grass to any nearby dirt blocks on the surface
    public override void RandomUpdate(Chunk chunk, Vector3Int localPos)
        ChunkBlocks blocks = chunk.blocks;

        int minX = localPos.x <= 0 ? 0 : 1;
        int maxX = localPos.x >= Env.ChunkMask ? 0 : 1;
        int minY = localPos.y <= 0 ? 0 : 1;
        int maxY = localPos.y >= Env.ChunkMask ? 0 : 1;
        int minZ = localPos.z <= 0 ? 0 : 1;
        int maxZ = localPos.z >= Env.ChunkMask ? 0 : 1;

        for (int x = -minX; x <= maxX; x++)
            for (int y = -minY; y <= maxY; y++)
                for (int z = -minZ; z <= maxZ; z++)
                    Vector3Int newPos = localPos.Add(x, y, z);
                    if (!blocks.Get(newPos).Equals(dirt))

                    // Let's turn air about dirt into grass
                    if (blocks.Get(newPos.Add(0, 1, 0)).Equals(air))
                        blocks.Modify(newPos, grass, true);
Example #15
        public static bool AddDoor(Vector3Int position, ushort type, Players.Player causedBy)
            string typename = ItemTypes.IndexLookup.GetName(type);
            ushort upperType;
            ushort actualType;
            string topname = typename.Substring(0, typename.Length - 2) + "top" + typename.Substring(typename.Length - 2);

            if (ItemTypes.IndexLookup.TryGetIndex(topname, out upperType))
                Vector3Int upperPos = position.Add(0, 1, 0);
                if (World.TryGetTypeAt(upperPos, out actualType) && actualType != BuiltinBlocks.Air)
                if (ServerManager.TryChangeBlock(upperPos, upperType))
                    doorParts.Add(position, upperPos);
                    doorParts.Add(upperPos, position);
                doorParts.Add(position, Vector3Int.invalidPos);
Example #16
    // On random Update spread grass to any nearby dirt blocks on the surface
    public override void RandomUpdate(Chunk chunk, Vector3Int localPos, Vector3Int globalPos)
        ChunkBlocks blocks  = chunk.blocks;
        WorldBlocks blocksW = chunk.world.blocks;

        int minX = localPos.x <= 0 ? 0 : 1;
        int maxX = localPos.x >= Env.ChunkMask ? 0 : 1;
        int minY = localPos.y <= 0 ? 0 : 1;
        int maxY = localPos.y >= Env.ChunkMask ? 0 : 1;
        int minZ = localPos.z <= 0 ? 0 : 1;
        int maxZ = localPos.z >= Env.ChunkMask ? 0 : 1;

        for (int x = -minX; x <= maxX; x++)
            for (int y = -minY; y <= maxY; y++)
                for (int z = -minZ; z <= maxZ; z++)
                    Vector3Int newPos = localPos.Add(x, y, z);
                    if (blocks.Get(newPos).Equals(dirt) &&
                        blocksW.Get(globalPos.Add(x, y + 1, z)).Equals(air))
                        blocks.Modify(newPos, grass, true);
        void CreateFarmHouse()
            Vector3Int houseOrigin = FarmOrigin.Add(-3, 0, -2);

            BlockPlacementHelper.FillPlane(houseOrigin.Add(0, -1, 0), 7, 8, BuiltinBlocks.StoneBricks, Owner);
            BlockPlacementHelper.FillArea(houseOrigin, 1, 1, 8, BuiltinBlocks.StoneBricks, Owner);
            BlockPlacementHelper.FillArea(houseOrigin.Add(6, 0, 0), 1, 1, 8, BuiltinBlocks.StoneBricks, Owner);
            BlockPlacementHelper.FillArea(houseOrigin.Add(1, 0, 7), 5, 1, 1, BuiltinBlocks.StoneBricks, Owner);
            BlockPlacementHelper.FillArea(houseOrigin.Add(1, 0, 0), 2, 1, 1, BuiltinBlocks.StoneBricks, Owner);
            BlockPlacementHelper.FillArea(houseOrigin.Add(4, 0, 0), 2, 1, 1, BuiltinBlocks.StoneBricks, Owner);
            BlockPlacementHelper.PlaceBlock(houseOrigin.Add(0, 1, 0), BuiltinBlocks.StoneBricks, Owner);
            BlockPlacementHelper.PlaceBlock(houseOrigin.Add(6, 1, 0), BuiltinBlocks.StoneBricks, Owner);
            BlockPlacementHelper.PlaceBlock(houseOrigin.Add(0, 1, 7), BuiltinBlocks.StoneBricks, Owner);
            BlockPlacementHelper.PlaceBlock(houseOrigin.Add(6, 1, 7), BuiltinBlocks.StoneBricks, Owner);
            BlockPlacementHelper.PlaceBlock(houseOrigin.Add(0, 1, 1), BuiltinBlocks.Planks, Owner);
            BlockPlacementHelper.FillArea(houseOrigin.Add(0, 1, 3), 1, 1, 2, BuiltinBlocks.Planks, Owner);
            BlockPlacementHelper.PlaceBlock(houseOrigin.Add(0, 1, 6), BuiltinBlocks.Planks, Owner);
            BlockPlacementHelper.PlaceBlock(houseOrigin.Add(6, 1, 1), BuiltinBlocks.Planks, Owner);
            BlockPlacementHelper.FillArea(houseOrigin.Add(6, 1, 3), 1, 1, 2, BuiltinBlocks.Planks, Owner);
            BlockPlacementHelper.PlaceBlock(houseOrigin.Add(6, 1, 6), BuiltinBlocks.Planks, Owner);
            BlockPlacementHelper.PlaceBlock(houseOrigin.Add(1, 1, 7), BuiltinBlocks.Planks, Owner);
            BlockPlacementHelper.PlaceBlock(houseOrigin.Add(3, 1, 7), BuiltinBlocks.Planks, Owner);
            BlockPlacementHelper.PlaceBlock(houseOrigin.Add(5, 1, 7), BuiltinBlocks.Planks, Owner);
            BlockPlacementHelper.FillArea(houseOrigin.Add(1, 1, 0), 2, 1, 1, BuiltinBlocks.Planks, Owner);
            BlockPlacementHelper.PlaceBlock(houseOrigin.Add(1, 1, -1), BuiltinBlocks.TorchZP, Owner);
            BlockPlacementHelper.FillArea(houseOrigin.Add(4, 1, 0), 2, 1, 1, BuiltinBlocks.Planks, Owner);
            BlockPlacementHelper.PlaceBlock(houseOrigin.Add(5, 1, -1), BuiltinBlocks.TorchZP, Owner);
            BlockPlacementHelper.FillArea(houseOrigin.Add(0, 2, 0), 1, 1, 8, BuiltinBlocks.Planks, Owner);
            BlockPlacementHelper.FillArea(houseOrigin.Add(6, 2, 0), 1, 1, 8, BuiltinBlocks.Planks, Owner);
            BlockPlacementHelper.FillArea(houseOrigin.Add(1, 2, 0), 5, 1, 1, BuiltinBlocks.Planks, Owner);
            BlockPlacementHelper.FillArea(houseOrigin.Add(1, 2, 7), 5, 1, 1, BuiltinBlocks.Planks, Owner);
            BlockPlacementHelper.FillArea(houseOrigin.Add(-1, 3, -1), 3, 1, 10, BuiltinBlocks.Straw, Owner);
            BlockPlacementHelper.FillArea(houseOrigin.Add(5, 3, -1), 3, 1, 10, BuiltinBlocks.Straw, Owner);
            BlockPlacementHelper.FillArea(houseOrigin.Add(2, 3, 0), 3, 1, 1, BuiltinBlocks.Planks, Owner);
            BlockPlacementHelper.FillArea(houseOrigin.Add(2, 3, 7), 3, 1, 1, BuiltinBlocks.Planks, Owner);
            BlockPlacementHelper.FillArea(houseOrigin.Add(0, 4, -1), 7, 1, 10, BuiltinBlocks.Straw, Owner);
            List <Vector3Int> possibleBedSpots = new List <Vector3Int> ();

            for (int c = 0; c < 6; c++)
                possibleBedSpots.Add(houseOrigin.Add(1, 0, 1 + c));
                possibleBedSpots.Add(houseOrigin.Add(4, 0, 1 + c));
                LootSpots.Add(houseOrigin.Add(1, 0, 1 + c));
                LootSpots.Add(houseOrigin.Add(5, 0, 1 + c));
Example #18
        public static void OnAdd(Vector3Int position, ushort type, Players.Player player)
            ushort num;

            if (World.TryGetTypeAt(position.Add(0, -1, 0), out num) && ItemTypes.GetType(num).IsFertile)
                BlockTracker.Add(new Herbs(position));
Example #19
        private static void xyPos(PlayerState ps, Vector3Int startingPos, bool offset = false)
            for (var i = Convert.ToInt32(offset); i < WAND_MAX_RANGE; i++)
                if (Layout(startingPos.Add(i, 0, 0), ps, 0, 1, 0))

            for (var i = -1; i > WAND_MAX_RANGE_MIN; i--)
                if (Layout(startingPos.Add(i, 0, 0), ps, 0, 1, 0))
        static Vector3Int GetRandomSpot(int maxRange)
            var spawnLocation = new Vector3Int(TerrainGenerator.UsedGenerator.GetSpawnLocation(null));
            var rx            = -maxRange + 2 * Pipliz.Random.Next(maxRange);
            var rz            = -maxRange + 2 * Pipliz.Random.Next(maxRange);
            var result        = spawnLocation.Add(rx, 0, rz);

            result.y = ((int)TerrainGenerator.UsedGenerator.GetHeight(result.x, result.z)) + 1;
Example #21
        public static void OnTryChangeBlockUser(ModLoader.OnTryChangeBlockData userData)
            if (userData.TypeNew == ItemTypes.IndexLookup.GetIndex("Ulfric.ColonyAddOns.Blocks.AppleBasket") && userData.TypeOld == BuiltinBlocks.Air)
                Logger.Log("Check if area is clear for AppleFarmer");
                Vector3Int position = userData.Position;
                int        xlen     = 7;
                int        zlen     = 7;
                int        radius   = 3;

                //set NW corner
                Vector3Int nwcorner = new Vector3Int(position.x - radius, position.y, position.z - radius);
                Vector3Int secorner = new Vector3Int(position.x + radius, position.y, position.z + radius);

                bool blocked = false;
                for (int x = 0; x <= xlen; x++)
                    for (int z = 0; z <= zlen; z++)
                        if (World.TryGetTypeAt(nwcorner.Add(x, 0, z), out ushort val) && val != BuiltinBlocks.Air)
                            blocked = true;

                if (blocked)
                    Chat.Send(userData.RequestedByPlayer, "Apple Farmer 9 x 9 area is blocked.");
                    AreaJobTracker.CreateNewAreaJob("Ulfric.ColonyAddOns.AreaJobs.AppleFarm", userData.RequestedByPlayer, nwcorner, secorner);

                        ServerManager.TryChangeBlock(position, userData.TypeNew);
                    }, 0.1f);
            if (userData.TypeOld == ItemTypes.IndexLookup.GetIndex("Ulfric.ColonyAddOns.Blocks.AppleBasket") && userData.TypeNew == BuiltinBlocks.Air)
                Logger.Log("Remove job");
                Vector3Int position = userData.Position;
                int        xlen     = 7;
                int        zlen     = 7;
                int        radius   = 3;

                //set NW corner
                Vector3Int nwcorner = new Vector3Int(position.x - radius, position.y, position.z - radius);
                Vector3Int secorner = new Vector3Int(position.x + radius, position.y, position.z + radius);
                AreaJobTracker.RemoveJobAt(nwcorner, secorner);
Example #22
 /// <summary>
 /// Checks the last position in the specify direction.
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>
 /// True if there is a last position and it isnt the.
 /// </returns>
 /// <param name='direction'>
 /// If set to <c>true</c> direction.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='finalPosition'>
 /// If set to <c>true</c> final position.
 /// </param>
 /// <summary>
 /// Checks the last position in the specify direction.
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>
 ///  True if there is a last position and it isnt next to psition.
 /// </returns>
 /// <param name='position'>
 /// position to serch from
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='direction'>
 /// directin to serch
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='finalPosition'>
 /// out the las position. Vector3Int.zero return == false
 /// </param>
 public static bool CheckLastPosition(Vector3Int position ,Vector3Int direction, out Vector3Int finalPosition)
     Vector3Int aux = new Vector3Int(position.ToVector3);
     aux = aux.Add(direction.ToVector3);
     aux = aux.Add(direction.ToVector3);
     Vector3Int c;
     for(int i = 0; i < 11; i++){
             if(i>0 || aux.y==0){
                 finalPosition = aux.Add(new Vector3(direction.x*-1,direction.y*-1,direction.z*-1));
                 return true;
                 finalPosition = new Vector3Int(Vector3.zero);
                 return false;
         aux = aux.Add(direction.ToVector3);
     finalPosition = new Vector3Int(Vector3.zero);
     return false;
Example #23
        public static Vector3Int RelativePos(Vector3Int pos, int h, int v, Direction forwards)
            switch (forwards)
            case Direction.up:
                return(pos.Add(v, 0, h));

            case Direction.down:
                return(pos.Add(v, 0, -h));

            case Direction.north:
                return(pos.Add(h, v, 0));

            case Direction.south:
                return(pos.Add(-h, v, 0));

            case Direction.east:
                return(pos.Add(0, v, -h));

            case Direction.west:
                return(pos.Add(0, v, h));

Example #24
 public ITrackableBlock InitializeOnAdd(Vector3Int position, ushort type, Players.Player player)
     if (World.TryGetTypeAt(position.Add(0, -1, 0), out typeBelow))
         JSONNode customDataNode = ItemTypes.GetType(typeBelow).CustomDataNode;
         if (customDataNode != null)
             MiningCooldown = customDataNode.GetAsOrDefault("minerMiningTime", 8f);
     InitializeJob(player, position, 0);
Example #25
 public static void FillArea(Vector3Int start, int width, int height, int depth, ushort type, Players.Player player)
     for (int z = 0; z < height; z++)
         for (int y = 0; y < depth; y++)
             for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
                 PlaceBlock(start.Add(x, 0, y), type, player);
Example #26
 public override Vector3Int GetPositionNPC(Vector3Int position)
     if (blockType == BuiltinBlocks.OvenXP || blockType == BuiltinBlocks.OvenLitXP)
         return(position.Add(1, 0, 0));
     else if (blockType == BuiltinBlocks.OvenXN || blockType == BuiltinBlocks.OvenLitXN)
         return(position.Add(-1, 0, 0));
     else if (blockType == BuiltinBlocks.OvenZP || blockType == BuiltinBlocks.OvenLitZP)
         return(position.Add(0, 0, 1));
     else if (blockType == BuiltinBlocks.OvenZN || blockType == BuiltinBlocks.OvenLitZN)
         return(position.Add(0, 0, -1));
Example #27
    public override void BuildBlock(Chunk chunk, Vector3Int localPos, Vector3Int globalPos)
        WorldBlocks blocks = chunk.world.blocks;

        for (int d = 0; d < 6; d++)
            Direction dir           = DirectionUtils.Get(d);
            Block     adjacentBlock = blocks.GetBlock(globalPos.Add(dir));
            if (CanBuildFaceWith(adjacentBlock, dir))
                BuildFace(chunk, localPos, globalPos, dir);
        public static Vector3Int GetBlockOffset(this Vector3Int vector, BlockSide blockSide)
            var vectorValues = blockSide.GetAttribute <BlockSideVectorValuesAttribute>();

            if (vectorValues != null)
                return(vector.Add(vectorValues.X, vectorValues.Y, vectorValues.Z));
                PandaLogger.Log(ChatColor.yellow, "Unable to find BlockSideVectorValuesAttribute for {0}", blockSide.ToString());
Example #29
 public override Vector3Int GetPositionNPC(Vector3Int position)
     if (blockType == BuiltinBlocks.FineryForgeLitXP || blockType == BuiltinBlocks.FineryForgeXP)
         return(position.Add(1, 0, 0));
     else if (blockType == BuiltinBlocks.FineryForgeLitXN || blockType == BuiltinBlocks.FineryForgeXN)
         return(position.Add(-1, 0, 0));
     else if (blockType == BuiltinBlocks.FineryForgeLitZP || blockType == BuiltinBlocks.FineryForgeZP)
         return(position.Add(0, 0, 1));
     else if (blockType == BuiltinBlocks.FineryForgeLitZN || blockType == BuiltinBlocks.FineryForgeZN)
         return(position.Add(0, 0, -1));
         Log.Write("Unexpect blocktype {0} for job {1} at {2}", ItemTypes.IndexLookup.GetName(blockType), NPCTypeKey, position);
Example #30
 internal static void RemoveTeleporter(int colonyID, Vector3Int pos)
     if (portals.ContainsKey(colonyID))
         NewColonyAPI.Helpers.Chat.SendToAll("ID: " + colonyID + " exists!");
         if (portals[colonyID].location == pos.Add(-1, 0, 0))
         if (portals[colonyID].location == pos.Add(1, 0, 0))
         if (portals[colonyID].location == pos.Add(0, 0, -1))
         if (portals[colonyID].location == pos.Add(0, 0, 1))
Example #31
 public override Vector3Int GetPositionNPC(Vector3Int position)
     if (blockType == BuiltinBlocks.KilnXP)
         return(position.Add(1, 0, 0));
     else if (blockType == BuiltinBlocks.KilnXN)
         return(position.Add(-1, 0, 0));
     else if (blockType == BuiltinBlocks.KilnZP)
         return(position.Add(0, 0, 1));
     else if (blockType == BuiltinBlocks.KilnZN)
         return(position.Add(0, 0, -1));
         World.TryGetTypeAt(position, out blockType);