//Constructor called when a cell is created in the begining of the program
 public ForwardInternals(float x, float z, float v, float dT, float angle, ICellRegulation regulator, int iterations) :
     this(v, dT, angle, regulator, iterations)
     //add the initial values to the arrays
     positions[0] = new Vector3Adapter(x, z);
     birthDate = 0;
    //Simulates a single step of movement public since this might be usefull to call from the outside for the dynmaic environment
    public void SimulateMovementStep(int step)
        if (step < 1 || step > iterations)
            throw new IncorrectSimulationStepException(step);

        if (deathDate <= step || positions[step] != null) //check if cell is dead or already handled in a previous timestep

        float c = model.environment.GetConcentration(positions[step - 1].GetX(), positions[step - 1].GetZ(), step - 1);

        if (lifeRegulator.Die(c)) //check if the cell should die and kill it if that is the case
            deathDate = step;
            model.KillCell(step, parentObject);
            State deathState = new State();
            for (int i = step; i <= iterations; i++) //set the remaining positions and states to the current one
                positions[i]    = positions[step - 1];
                states[i]       = deathState;
                states[i].death = 1;

        else if (lifeRegulator.Split(c)) //check if the cell should split and split the cell if that is the case

        positions[step] = new Vector3Adapter(positions[step - 1].GetX(), positions[step - 1].GetZ());
        if (!regulator.DecideState(c)) //tumble
            angle = CalculateTumbleAngle();
            if (step == positions.Length)
            positions[step] = positions[step - 1].Copy();
