Example #1
 public FileVaultAsset(string path, string name, VaultAssetType type, bool isSensitive)
     Path        = path;
     Name        = name;
     Type        = type;
     IsSensitive = isSensitive;
Example #2
 public VaultAsset CreateAsset(VaultAssetType type, string name,
                               bool isSensitive    = false,
                               bool forceCreate    = false,
                               bool forceOverwrite = false)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
        public VaultAsset CreateAsset(VaultAssetType type, string name, bool isSensitive = false,
                                      bool getOrCreate = false)
            if (!TYPE_PATHS.ContainsKey(type))
                throw new NotSupportedException("unknown or unsupported asset type")
                      .With(nameof(VaultAssetType), type);

            var path = Path.Combine(RootPath, TYPE_PATHS[type], name);

            if (!File.Exists(path))
                // Make sure the asset root dir is there

                // Create a placeholder file to reserve and represent the created file
                using (var fs = File.Create(path, 100,
                                            isSensitive ? FileOptions.Encrypted : FileOptions.None))
                { }
            else if (!getOrCreate)
                throw new IOException("asset file already exists");

            return(new FileVaultAsset(path, name, type, isSensitive));
Example #4
 public static void CopyTo(IVaultProvider vp, VaultAssetType vat, string van, string target, FileMode mode)
     var asset = vp.GetAsset(vat, van);
     using (Stream s = vp.LoadAsset(asset),
             fs = new FileStream(target, mode))
Example #5
        public static void CopyTo(IVault vlt, VaultAssetType vat, string van, string target, FileMode mode)
            var asset = vlt.GetAsset(vat, van);

            using (Stream s = vlt.LoadAsset(asset),
                   fs = new FileStream(target, mode))
        public VaultAsset GetAsset(VaultAssetType type, string name)
            var path = Path.Combine(RootPath, TYPE_PATHS[type], name);

            if (!File.Exists(path))
                throw new FileNotFoundException("asset file does not exist");

            return(new FileVaultAsset(path, name, type,