Example #1
 private void InitializeVarjo()
     if (!VarjoEyeTracking.IsGazeCalibrated())
         Debug.LogError("Varjo ET is not calibrated; no ET data will be available.");
    private void Start()
        //Hiding the gazetarget if gaze is not available or if the gaze calibration is not done
        if (VarjoEyeTracking.IsGazeAllowed() && VarjoEyeTracking.IsGazeCalibrated())

        if (showFixationPoint)
    void Update()
        //Requesting gaze calibration with default settings
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(calibrationRequestKey))
            VarjoEyeTracking.RequestGazeCalibration(gazeCalibrationMode, gazeFilterMode);

        if (Input.GetKeyDown(checkGazeAllowed))// Check if gaze is allowed
            Debug.Log("Gaze allowed: " + VarjoEyeTracking.IsGazeAllowed());
        else if (Input.GetKeyDown(checkGazeCalibrated))  // Check if gaze calibration is done

            Debug.Log("Gaze calibrated: " + VarjoEyeTracking.IsGazeCalibrated());

        //toggle gaze target visibility
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(toggleGazeTarget))
            gazeTarget.GetComponentInChildren <MeshRenderer>().enabled = !gazeTarget.GetComponentInChildren <MeshRenderer>().enabled;

        // if gaze is allowed and calibrated we can get gaze data
        if (VarjoEyeTracking.IsGazeAllowed() && VarjoEyeTracking.IsGazeCalibrated())
            //Get device if not valid
            if (!device.isValid)

            //show gaze target

            //Get data for eyes position, rotation and fixation point.
            if (device.TryGetFeatureValue(CommonUsages.eyesData, out eyes))
                if (eyes.TryGetLeftEyePosition(out leftEyePosition))
                    leftEyeTransform.localPosition = leftEyePosition;

                if (eyes.TryGetLeftEyeRotation(out leftEyeRotation))
                    leftEyeTransform.localRotation = leftEyeRotation;

                if (eyes.TryGetRightEyePosition(out rightEyePosition))
                    rightEyeTransform.localPosition = rightEyePosition;

                if (eyes.TryGetRightEyeRotation(out rightEyeRotation))
                    rightEyeTransform.localRotation = rightEyeRotation;

                if (eyes.TryGetFixationPoint(out fixationPoint))
                    fixationPointTransform.localPosition = fixationPoint;

        // Set raycast origin point to vr camera position
        rayOrigin = vrCamera.transform.position;

        // Direction from VR camer towards eyes fixation point;
        direction = (fixationPointTransform.position - vrCamera.transform.position).normalized;

        //RayCast to world from VR Camera position towards Eyes fixation point
        if (Physics.SphereCast(rayOrigin, gazeRadius, direction, out hit))
            //put target on gaze raycast position with offset towards user
            gazeTarget.transform.position = hit.point - direction * targetOffset;

            //make gaze target to point towards user
            gazeTarget.transform.LookAt(vrCamera.transform.position, Vector3.up);

            // Scale gazetarget with distance so it apperas to be always same size
            distance = hit.distance;
            gazeTarget.transform.localScale = Vector3.one * distance;

            // Use layers or tags preferably to identify looked objects in your application.
            // This is done here via GetComponent for clarity's sake as example.
            RotateWithGaze rotateWithGaze = hit.collider.gameObject.GetComponent <RotateWithGaze>();
            if (rotateWithGaze != null)

            // alternative way to check if you hit object with tag
            if (hit.transform.CompareTag("FreeRotating"))
            //If not hit anything, the gaze target is shown at fixed distance
            gazeTarget.transform.position = vrCamera.transform.position + direction * floatingGazeTargetDistance;
            gazeTarget.transform.LookAt(vrCamera.transform.position, Vector3.up);
            gazeTarget.transform.localScale = Vector3.one * floatingGazeTargetDistance;
    void Update()
        // Request gaze calibration
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(calibrationRequestKey))

        // Set output filter type
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(setOutputFilterTypeKey))
            Debug.Log("Gaze output filter type is now: " + VarjoEyeTracking.GetGazeOutputFilterType());

        // Check if gaze is allowed
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(checkGazeAllowed))
            Debug.Log("Gaze allowed: " + VarjoEyeTracking.IsGazeAllowed());

        // Check if gaze is calibrated
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(checkGazeCalibrated))
            Debug.Log("Gaze calibrated: " + VarjoEyeTracking.IsGazeCalibrated());

        // Toggle gaze target visibility
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(toggleGazeTarget))
            gazeTarget.GetComponentInChildren <MeshRenderer>().enabled = !gazeTarget.GetComponentInChildren <MeshRenderer>().enabled;

        // Get gaze data if gaze is allowed and calibrated
        if (VarjoEyeTracking.IsGazeAllowed() && VarjoEyeTracking.IsGazeCalibrated())
            //Get device if not valid
            if (!device.isValid)

            // Show gaze target

            if (gazeDataSource == GazeDataSource.InputSubsystem)
                // Get data for eye positions, rotations and the fixation point
                if (device.TryGetFeatureValue(CommonUsages.eyesData, out eyes))
                    if (eyes.TryGetLeftEyePosition(out leftEyePosition))
                        leftEyeTransform.localPosition = leftEyePosition;

                    if (eyes.TryGetLeftEyeRotation(out leftEyeRotation))
                        leftEyeTransform.localRotation = leftEyeRotation;

                    if (eyes.TryGetRightEyePosition(out rightEyePosition))
                        rightEyeTransform.localPosition = rightEyePosition;

                    if (eyes.TryGetRightEyeRotation(out rightEyeRotation))
                        rightEyeTransform.localRotation = rightEyeRotation;

                    if (eyes.TryGetFixationPoint(out fixationPoint))
                        fixationPointTransform.localPosition = fixationPoint;

                // Set raycast origin point to VR camera position
                rayOrigin = xrCamera.transform.position;

                // Direction from VR camera towards fixation point
                direction = (fixationPointTransform.position - xrCamera.transform.position).normalized;
                gazeData = VarjoEyeTracking.GetGaze();

                if (gazeData.status != VarjoEyeTracking.GazeStatus.Invalid)
                    // GazeRay vectors are relative to the HMD pose so they need to be transformed to world space
                    if (gazeData.leftStatus != VarjoEyeTracking.GazeEyeStatus.Invalid)
                        leftEyeTransform.position = xrCamera.transform.TransformPoint(gazeData.left.origin);
                        leftEyeTransform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(xrCamera.transform.TransformDirection(gazeData.left.forward));

                    if (gazeData.rightStatus != VarjoEyeTracking.GazeEyeStatus.Invalid)
                        rightEyeTransform.position = xrCamera.transform.TransformPoint(gazeData.right.origin);
                        rightEyeTransform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(xrCamera.transform.TransformDirection(gazeData.right.forward));

                    // Set gaze origin as raycast origin
                    rayOrigin = xrCamera.transform.TransformPoint(gazeData.gaze.origin);

                    // Set gaze direction as raycast direction
                    direction = xrCamera.transform.TransformDirection(gazeData.gaze.forward);

                    // Fixation point can be calculated using ray origin, direction and focus distance
                    fixationPointTransform.position = rayOrigin + direction * gazeData.focusDistance;

        // Raycast to world from VR Camera position towards fixation point
        if (Physics.SphereCast(rayOrigin, gazeRadius, direction, out hit))
            // Put target on gaze raycast position with offset towards user
            gazeTarget.transform.position = hit.point - direction * targetOffset;

            // Make gaze target point towards user
            gazeTarget.transform.LookAt(rayOrigin, Vector3.up);

            // Scale gazetarget with distance so it apperas to be always same size
            distance = hit.distance;
            gazeTarget.transform.localScale = Vector3.one * distance;

            // Prefer layers or tags to identify looked objects in your application
            // This is done here using GetComponent for the sake of clarity as an example
            RotateWithGaze rotateWithGaze = hit.collider.gameObject.GetComponent <RotateWithGaze>();
            if (rotateWithGaze != null)

            // Alternative way to check if you hit object with tag
            if (hit.transform.CompareTag("FreeRotating"))
            // If gaze ray didn't hit anything, the gaze target is shown at fixed distance
            gazeTarget.transform.position = rayOrigin + direction * floatingGazeTargetDistance;
            gazeTarget.transform.LookAt(rayOrigin, Vector3.up);
            gazeTarget.transform.localScale = Vector3.one * floatingGazeTargetDistance;

        if (Input.GetKeyDown(loggingToggleKey))
            if (!logging)

        if (logging)
            int dataCount = VarjoEyeTracking.GetGazeList(out dataSinceLastUpdate);
            foreach (var data in dataSinceLastUpdate)