protected void btnPSEXEC_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Variables oVariable = new Variables(999); string strAdminUser = oVariable.Domain() + "\\" + oVariable.ADUser(); string strAdminPass = oVariable.ADPassword(); PowerShell(Request.PhysicalApplicationPath + "scripts\\", "test.ps1", "-path C:", 1); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Variables oVariable = new Variables(999); Functions oFunction = new Functions(0, dsn, intEnvironment); string strServer = "WDCLV101W"; string _location_of_psexec = @"C:\Temp\"; int intTimeoutDefault = (1 * 20 * 1000); // 20 seconds string strAdminUser = oVariable.Domain() + "\\" + oVariable.ADUser();; string strAdminPass = oVariable.ADPassword(); ProcessStartInfo infoAudit = new ProcessStartInfo(_location_of_psexec + "psexec"); infoAudit.WorkingDirectory = _location_of_psexec; // Windows 2008: Have to remove the "-i" parameter or else the script won't run (will come up with "the following helper dll cannot be loaded...XXXX.DLL" error) string strAuditArguments = "\\\\" + strServer + " -u " + strAdminUser + " -p " + strAdminPass + " -h cmd.exe /c hostname.exe"; infoAudit.Arguments = strAuditArguments; infoAudit.UseShellExecute = false; infoAudit.RedirectStandardOutput = true; infoAudit.RedirectStandardError = true; Process procAudit = Process.Start(infoAudit); procAudit.WaitForExit(intTimeoutDefault); if (procAudit.HasExited == false) { procAudit.Kill(); } Response.Write("PSEXEC Exited (" + procAudit.ExitCode.ToString() + ")" + "<br/>"); string output = procAudit.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd(); Response.Write("Result (" + output.Replace(Environment.NewLine, "") + ")"); string error = procAudit.StandardError.ReadToEnd(); procAudit.Close(); }
protected void CheckResults(SearchResultCollection oResults) { if (oResults.Count == 0) { panNone.Visible = true; panSearch.Visible = true; } else if (oResults.Count == 1) { if (oResults[0].Properties.Contains("extensionattribute10") == true) { txtID.Text = oResults[0].GetDirectoryEntry().Properties["extensionattribute10"].Value.ToString(); } if (oResults[0].GetDirectoryEntry().Properties.Contains("businesscategory") == true) { txtXID.Text = oResults[0].GetDirectoryEntry().Properties["businesscategory"].Value.ToString(); } else if (oResults[0].Properties.Contains("sAMAccountName") == true) { txtXID.Text = oResults[0].GetDirectoryEntry().Properties["sAMAccountName"].Value.ToString(); } else if (oResults[0].Properties.Contains("mailnickname") == true) { txtXID.Text = oResults[0].GetDirectoryEntry().Properties["mailnickname"].Value.ToString(); } if (txtID.Text == "" && txtXID.Text != "" && Request.QueryString["xid"] != null) { // National City lookup...Try looking up using eDirectory SearchResultCollection oCollection = oFunction.eDirectory("cn", Request.QueryString["xid"]); if (oCollection.Count == 0) { oCollection = oFunction.eDirectory("businesscategory", Request.QueryString["xid"]); } if (oCollection.Count == 1) { if (oCollection[0].GetDirectoryEntry().Properties.Contains("businesscategory") == true) { txtXID.Text = oCollection[0].GetDirectoryEntry().Properties["businesscategory"].Value.ToString(); } if (oCollection[0].GetDirectoryEntry().Properties.Contains("cn") == true) { txtID.Text = oCollection[0].GetDirectoryEntry().Properties["cn"].Value.ToString(); } } } //if (txtID.Text == "") // txtID.Text = txtXID.Text; //if (txtXID.Text == "") // txtXID.Text = txtID.Text; if (txtID.Text != "" && oUser.GetId(txtID.Text) > 0) { panRegistered.Visible = true; lblUser.Text = txtID.Text; } else if (txtXID.Text != "" && oUser.GetId(txtXID.Text) > 0) { panRegistered.Visible = true; lblUser.Text = txtXID.Text; } else { panRegister.Visible = true; txtFirst.Text = oResults[0].GetDirectoryEntry().Properties["givenname"].Value.ToString(); txtLast.Text = oResults[0].GetDirectoryEntry().Properties["sn"].Value.ToString(); if (oResults[0].Properties.Contains("manager") == true) { string strManager = oResults[0].GetDirectoryEntry().Properties["manager"].Value.ToString(); DirectoryEntry oManager = new DirectoryEntry("LDAP://" + oVariable.primaryDCName(dsn) + "/" + strManager, oVariable.Domain() + "\\" + oVariable.ADUser(), oVariable.ADPassword()); txtManager.Text = oManager.Properties["sAMAccountName"].Value.ToString(); int intManager = oUser.GetId(txtManager.Text); if (intManager > 0) { hdnManager.Value = intManager.ToString(); txtManager.Text = oUser.GetFullName(intManager) + " (" + oUser.GetName(intManager) + ")"; } else { txtManager.Text = ""; hdnManager.Value = "0"; } } if (oResults[0].Properties.Contains("telephonenumber") == true) { txtPhone.Text = oResults[0].GetDirectoryEntry().Properties["telephonenumber"].Value.ToString(); } } } else { panMultiple.Visible = true; foreach (SearchResult oResult in oResults) { if (oResult.Properties.Contains("extensionattribute10") == true) { strMultiple += "<tr onmouseover=\"CellRowOver(this);\" onmouseout=\"CellRowOut(this);\" onclick=\"window.navigate('" + oPage.GetFullLink(intPage) + "?pid=" + oResult.GetDirectoryEntry().Properties["extensionattribute10"].Value.ToString() + "');\">"; strMultiple += "<td>" + oResult.GetDirectoryEntry().Properties["extensionattribute10"].Value.ToString() + "</td>"; } else if (oResult.Properties.Contains("sAMAccountName") == true) { strMultiple += "<tr onmouseover=\"CellRowOver(this);\" onmouseout=\"CellRowOut(this);\" onclick=\"window.navigate('" + oPage.GetFullLink(intPage) + "?xid=" + oResult.GetDirectoryEntry().Properties["sAMAccountName"].Value.ToString() + "');\">"; strMultiple += "<td>" + oResult.GetDirectoryEntry().Properties["sAMAccountName"].Value.ToString() + "</td>"; } else if (oResult.Properties.Contains("mail") == true) { strMultiple += "<tr onmouseover=\"CellRowOver(this);\" onmouseout=\"CellRowOut(this);\" onclick=\"window.navigate('" + oPage.GetFullLink(intPage) + "?mail=" + oResult.GetDirectoryEntry().Properties["mail"].Value.ToString() + "');\">"; strMultiple += "<td>" + oResult.GetDirectoryEntry().Properties["mailnickname"].Value.ToString() + "</td>"; } else { strMultiple += "<td></td>"; } if (oResult.Properties.Contains("givenname") == true) { strMultiple += "<td>" + oResult.GetDirectoryEntry().Properties["givenname"].Value.ToString() + "</td>"; } else { strMultiple += "<td></td>"; } if (oResult.Properties.Contains("sn") == true) { strMultiple += "<td>" + oResult.GetDirectoryEntry().Properties["sn"].Value.ToString() + "</td>"; } else { strMultiple += "<td></td>"; } strMultiple += "</tr>"; } } }
protected void btnGo_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string strConn = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\\temp\\destroys.xls;Extended Properties=Excel 8.0;"; System.Net.NetworkCredential oCredentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(oVariable.ADUser(), oVariable.ADPassword(), oVariable.Domain()); ClearViewWebServices oServiceNow = new ClearViewWebServices(); oServiceNow.Timeout = Timeout.Infinite; oServiceNow.Credentials = oCredentials; oServiceNow.Url = oVariable.WebServiceURL(); System.Net.NetworkCredential oCredentialsSN = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(oVariable.ServiceNowUsername(), oVariable.ServiceNowPassword()); string url = oVariable.ServiceNowHost(); string user = oVariable.ServiceNowUsername(); string pass = oVariable.ServiceNowPassword(); OleDbDataAdapter myCommand1 = new OleDbDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$]", strConn); DataSet ds1 = new DataSet(); myCommand1.Fill(ds1, "ExcelInfo"); foreach (DataRow dr in ds1.Tables[0].Rows) { if (dr[0].ToString().Trim() == "") { break; } string name = dr[0].ToString().Trim(); Response.Write(name + "..."); if (name.Contains("-DR") == false) { // Ping server name Ping ping = new Ping(); string response = ""; try { PingReply reply = ping.Send(name); response = reply.Status.ToString().ToUpper(); } catch { } Response.Write((response == "SUCCESS" ? "** ONLINE **" : "offline") + "..."); // Check Service Now string result = oServiceNow.GetServiceNowServer(url, user, pass, name); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(result) == false) { int _state = result.IndexOf("<u_desired_operational_state"); if (_state > -1) { string state = result.Substring(_state); state = state.Substring(state.IndexOf(">") + 1); state = state.Substring(0, state.IndexOf("<")); if (state == "-2") { Response.Write("decommissioned" + "..."); } else { Response.Write("** " + state + " **..."); } } else { Response.Write("** missing desired operational state **..."); } int _status = result.IndexOf("<install_status"); if (_status > -1) { string status = result.Substring(_status); status = status.Substring(status.IndexOf(">") + 1); status = status.Substring(0, status.IndexOf("<")); if (status == "7") { Response.Write("retired" + "..."); } else { Response.Write("** " + status + " **..."); } } else { Response.Write("** missing install status **..."); } } else { Response.Write("** NOT THERE **" + "..."); } } else { Response.Write("dr"); } Response.Write("<br/>"); } }
private DateTime CheckDomain(int _domain, int _search_domain, string _xid, int _days) { DateTime _return = DateTime.Today; Variables oVariable = new Variables(_search_domain); DirectoryEntry oEntry = new DirectoryEntry(); if (_domain == 1) { oEntry = new DirectoryEntry(oVariable.primaryDC(dsn), oVariable.ADUser(), oVariable.ADPassword()); } if (_domain == 2) { oEntry = new DirectoryEntry(oVariable.secondaryDC(), oVariable.ADUser(), oVariable.ADPassword()); } DirectorySearcher oSearcher = new DirectorySearcher(oEntry); oSearcher.Filter = "(&(objectCategory=user)(sAMAccountName=" + _xid + "))"; SearchResult oResult = oSearcher.FindOne(); if (oResult != null) { if (oResult.Properties.Contains("sAMAccountName") == true) { ActiveDs.LargeInteger oLarge; if (oResult.GetDirectoryEntry().Properties.Contains("lastlogon") == true) { oLarge = (ActiveDs.LargeInteger)oResult.GetDirectoryEntry().Properties["lastlogon"].Value; long _date = (long)oLarge.HighPart << 32 | (uint)oLarge.LowPart; DateTime _logon = DateTime.FromFileTime(_date); TimeSpan oSpan = DateTime.Today.Subtract(_logon); if (_date > 0.00 && oSpan.Days > _days) { _return = _logon; } } } } return(_return); }
private double CompareDomainAccounts(int _search_domain, int _searched_domain, string _account_preface, int _accounts, int _requestid) { double dblHours = 0.00; double dblTime = 5.00 / 60.00; Variables vDev = new Variables(_search_domain); Variables vProd = new Variables(_searched_domain); ADObject oADObject = new ADObject(0, dsn); DirectoryEntry oDev = new DirectoryEntry(vDev.primaryDC(dsn), vDev.ADUser(), vDev.ADPassword()); DirectoryEntry oProd = new DirectoryEntry(vProd.primaryDC(dsn), vProd.ADUser(), vProd.ADPassword()); DirectorySearcher sDev = new DirectorySearcher(oDev); sDev.Filter = "(&(objectCategory=user)(|(sAMAccountName=t*)(|(sAMAccountName=e*)(sAMAccountName=x*))))"; SearchResultCollection resDevs = sDev.FindAll(); foreach (SearchResult resDev in resDevs) { if (_accounts > 0 && intCounter > _accounts) { break; } if (resDev.Properties.Contains("sAMAccountName") == true) { string strXid = resDev.Properties["sAMAccountName"][0].ToString(); string strNewXid = _account_preface + strXid.Substring(1); DirectorySearcher sProd = new DirectorySearcher(oProd); sProd.Filter = "(&(objectCategory=user)(sAMAccountName=" + strNewXid + "))"; SearchResult resProd = sProd.FindOne(); if (resProd == null) { string strFName = ""; if (resDev.Properties.Contains("givenname") == true) { strFName = resDev.Properties["givenname"][0].ToString(); } string strLName = ""; if (resDev.Properties.Contains("sn") == true) { strLName = resDev.Properties["sn"][0].ToString(); } string strName = ""; if (strFName != "" || strLName != "") { strName = "(" + strFName + " " + strLName + ")"; } string strPath = ""; if (resDev.Properties.Contains("adspath") == true) { strPath = resDev.Properties["adspath"][0].ToString(); } string strDate = ""; if (resDev.Properties.Contains("whencreated") == true) { strDate = resDev.Properties["whencreated"][0].ToString(); } oADObject.AddDomainAccount(_requestid, _search_domain, strNewXid.ToUpper() + strName, strPath, vDev.Name() + " account not found in " + vProd.Name() + "(" + strNewXid + ")", strDate); intCounter++; dblHours += dblTime; } } } return(dblHours); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Request.Cookies["adminid"] != null && Request.Cookies["adminid"].Value != "") { intProfile = Int32.Parse(Request.Cookies["adminid"].Value); } else { Reload(); } Variables oVariable = new Variables(intEnvironment); Functions oFunction = new Functions(0, dsn, intEnvironment); string strURL = ""; DataSet dsKey = oFunction.GetSetupValuesByKey(Environment.MachineName + "_REPORTING"); if (dsKey.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { strURL = dsKey.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Value"].ToString(); } if (strURL != "") { System.Net.NetworkCredential oNetwork = new NetworkCredential(oVariable.ADUser(), oVariable.ADPassword(), oVariable.Domain()); rs2005 = new NCC.ClearView.Application.Core.RSDev.ReportingService2005(); rs2005.Credentials = oNetwork; rs2005.Url = strURL + oVariable.ReportServiceASMX(); //NCC.ClearView.Application.Core.RSDev.CatalogItem[] oCatalog = rs2005.ListChildren("/", false); LoadReports("/", oTreeview, null); oTreeview.ExpandDepth = 0; oTreeview.Attributes.Add("oncontextmenu", "return false;"); btnClose.Attributes.Add("onclick", "return;"); string strControl = ""; if (Request.QueryString["control"] != null) { strControl = Request.QueryString["control"]; } btnSave.Attributes.Add("onclick", "return Update('" + hdnId.ClientID + "','" + strControl + "');"); } else { Response.Write("Invalid Reporting URL ~ " + Environment.MachineName + "_REPORTING"); btnSave.Enabled = false; } }
public void Process(int _requestid, int _itemid, int _number, int _id, string _server, string _password, int _environment) { Requests oRequest = new Requests(user, dsn); Variables oVariable = new Variables(_environment); Users oUser = new Users(user, dsn); DataSet ds = Get(_id); if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { DateTime _now = DateTime.Now; string strUnique = _now.Day.ToString() + _now.Month.ToString() + _now.Year.ToString() + _now.Hour.ToString() + _now.Minute.ToString() + _now.Second.ToString() + _now.Millisecond.ToString(); string strXID = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["xid"].ToString().ToUpper(); int intUser = oUser.GetId(strXID); int intDomain = Int32.Parse(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["domain"].ToString()); Domains oDomain = new Domains(user, dsn); if (oDomain.Get(intDomain, "account_setup") == "1" || oDomain.Get(intDomain, "account_maintenance") == "1") { intDomain = Int32.Parse(oDomain.Get(intDomain, "environment")); Variables oVar = new Variables(intDomain); AD oAD = new AD(user, dsn, intDomain); string strFName = oUser.Get(intUser, "fname"); string strLName = oUser.Get(intUser, "lname"); string strResult = ""; string strID = strXID; string strAction = ""; //string strNotify = "<p><a href=\"javascript:void(0);\" class=\"bold\" onclick=\"ShowAccountDetail('divAccount_" + strUnique + "');\">Account " + strXID.ToUpper() + " in " + oVar.Name() + "</a><br/>"; //strNotify += "<div id=\"divAccount_" + strUnique + "\" style=\"display:none\"><table cellpadding=\"2\" cellspacing=\"2\" border=\"0\" style=\"" + oVariable.DefaultFontStyle() + "\">"; string strNotify = "<p><table cellpadding=\"2\" cellspacing=\"2\" border=\"0\" style=\"" + oVariable.DefaultFontStyle() + "\">"; strNotify += "<tr><td><b><u>Account "" + strXID.ToUpper() + "" in " + oVar.Name() + "</u></b></td></tr>"; // Add User if (intDomain != (int)CurrentEnvironment.CORPDMN && intDomain != (int)CurrentEnvironment.PNCNT_PROD) { strID = "E" + strID.Substring(1); if (oAD.Search(strID, false) != null) { strAction = " already existed"; } else { strID = "T" + strID.Substring(1); if (oAD.Search(strID, false) != null) { strAction = " already existed"; } else if (oDomain.Get(intDomain, "account_maintenance") == "1") { strResult = oAD.CreateUser(strID, strFName, strLName, _password, "", "Created by ClearView - " + DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(), ""); strAction = " was created"; } else { strResult = "Cannot create accounts in this domain"; } } } else { if (oAD.Search(strID, false) != null) { strAction = " already existed"; } else if (oDomain.Get(intDomain, "account_maintenance") == "1") { strResult = oAD.CreateUser(strID, strFName, strLName, _password, "", "Created by ClearView - " + DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(), ""); strAction = " was created"; } else { strResult = "Cannot create accounts in this domain"; } } if (strResult == "") { strNotify += "<tr><td>The account " + strID + strAction + " for " + strFName + " " + strLName + " in " + oVar.Name() + "</td></tr>"; // Local Groups string strLocal = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["localgroups"].ToString(); if (strLocal != "") { string[] strGroups; char[] strSplit = { ';' }; strGroups = strLocal.Split(strSplit); DirectoryEntry oAccount = new DirectoryEntry("WinNT://" + oVar.Domain() + "/" + strID + ",user", oVar.Domain() + "\\" + oVar.ADUser(), oVar.ADPassword()); DirectoryEntry oServer = new DirectoryEntry("WinNT://" + oVar.Domain() + "/" + _server + ",computer", oVar.Domain() + "\\" + oVar.ADUser(), oVar.ADPassword()); for (int ii = 0; ii < strGroups.Length; ii++) { if (strGroups[ii].Trim() != "") { try { DirectoryEntry oGroup = oServer.Children.Find(strGroups[ii]); oGroup.Invoke("Add", new object[] { oAccount.Path }); strNotify += "<tr><td>The account " + strID + " was successfully added to the local group " + strGroups[ii] + "</td></tr>"; } catch { strNotify += "<tr><td>There was a problem adding the account " + strID + " to the local group " + strGroups[ii] + "</td></tr>"; } } } } // Global Groups string strGlobal = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["adgroups"].ToString(); if (strGlobal != "") { string[] strGroups; char[] strSplit = { ';' }; strGroups = strGlobal.Split(strSplit); for (int ii = 0; ii < strGroups.Length; ii++) { if (strGroups[ii].Trim() != "") { if (oAD.Search(strGroups[ii], false) == null) { strResult = oAD.CreateGroup(strGroups[ii], "", "Created by ClearView - " + DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(), "", "GG", "S"); if (strResult == "") { strNotify += "<tr><td>The group " + strGroups[ii] + " was successfully created in " + oVar.Name() + "</td></tr>"; } else { strNotify += "<tr><td>There was a problem creating the group " + strGroups[ii] + " in " + oVar.Name() + "</td></tr>"; } } else { strResult = ""; strNotify += "<tr><td>The group " + strGroups[ii] + " already exists in " + oVar.Name() + "</td></tr>"; } if (strResult == "") { strResult = oAD.JoinGroup(strID, strGroups[ii], 0); if (strResult == "") { strNotify += "<tr><td>The account " + strID + " was successfully added to the domain group " + strGroups[ii] + "</td></tr>"; } else { strNotify += "<tr><td>There was a problem adding the account " + strID + " to the domain group " + strGroups[ii] + "</td></tr>"; } } } } } } else { strNotify += "<tr><td>There was a problem creating an account for " + strFName + " " + strLName + " in " + oVar.Name() + " - ERROR: " + strResult + "</td></tr>"; } strNotify += "</table></p>"; //strNotify += "</table></div></p>"; Complete(_id); oRequest.AddResult(_requestid, _itemid, _number, strNotify); } } }
protected void btnGo_Click(Object Sender, EventArgs e) { boolVMFound = false; Response.Write(DateTime.Now.ToString() + "<br/>"); Variables oVariable = new Variables(999); System.Net.NetworkCredential oCredentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(oVariable.ADUser(), oVariable.ADPassword(), oVariable.Domain()); ClearViewWebServices oWS = new ClearViewWebServices(); oWS.Timeout = Int32.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["WS_TIMEOUT"]); oWS.Credentials = oCredentials; //oWS.Url = oVariable.WebServiceURL(); oWS.Url = "http://localhost:55030/ClearViewWebServices.asmx"; string path = oWS.GetVMwarePath(txtVM.Text, "http://localhost:53744/", "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"); while (path.Contains("\"")) { path = path.Replace("\"", ""); } string[] paths = path.Split(new string[] { "|" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (paths.Length >= 3) { string strConnect = oVMware.ConnectDEBUG("https://" + paths[0] + "", 999, ""); if (strConnect == "") { _service = oVMware.GetService(); _sic = oVMware.GetSic(); //ManagedObjectReference datacenterRef = oVMWare.GetDataCenter(); //ManagedObjectReference vmFolderRef = oVMWare.GetVMFolder(datacenterRef); //ManagedObjectReference clusterRef = oVMWare.GetCluster(strCluster); //ManagedObjectReference resourcePoolRootRef = (ManagedObjectReference)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(clusterRef, "resourcePool"); ManagedObjectReference oComputer = GetVM(txtVM.Text, paths); if (oComputer != null) { VirtualMachineConfigInfo oInfo = (VirtualMachineConfigInfo)oVMware.getObjectProperty(oComputer, "config"); Response.Write(oInfo.uuid + "<br/>"); } if (_service != null) { //ServiceContent _sic = oVMware.GetSic(); _service.Abort(); if (_service.Container != null) { _service.Container.Dispose(); } try { _service.Logout(_sic.sessionManager); } catch { } _service.Dispose(); _service = null; _sic = null; //oLog.AddEvent(intAnswer, strName, strSerial, "Logged out of VMware", LoggingType.Information); } } } Response.Write(DateTime.Now.ToString() + "<br/>"); }
private void Script() { try { Variables oVariable = new Variables(environment); Functions oFunction = new Functions(0, dsn, environment); oScheduler = new NCC.ClearView.Application.Core.Scheduler(0, dsn); oScheduler.Status(id, SchedulerStatus.Running, DateTime.Now.ToString(), -1); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(server) == false) { server = "\\\\" + server; } Variables oCredentials = new Variables(credentials); string user = oCredentials.Domain() + "\\" + oCredentials.ADUser(); string pass = oCredentials.ADPassword(); int intTimeout = (timeout * 60 * 1000); // convert to milliseconds //int intReturn = 0; if (interactive) { parameters = "-i " + parameters; } if (privledges) { parameters = "-h " + parameters; } bool boolTimeout = false; ProcessStartInfo infoPsExec = new ProcessStartInfo(location + "psexec"); infoPsExec.WorkingDirectory = location; string command = server + " -u " + user + " -p {0} " + parameters; infoPsExec.Arguments = string.Format(command, pass); LogIt("Job \"" + name + "\" Starting PSEXEC: " + location + "psexec " + string.Format(command, "***"), false); Process procPsExec = Process.Start(infoPsExec); procPsExec.WaitForExit(intTimeout); if (procPsExec.HasExited == false) { LogIt("Job \"" + name + "\" Timed Out after " + timeout.ToString() + " minute(s)...", true); oScheduler.Status(id, SchedulerStatus.Waiting, DateTime.Now.ToString(), 1); procPsExec.Kill(); boolTimeout = true; } else { if (procPsExec.ExitCode == 0) // 0 = Success { LogIt("Job \"" + name + "\" Exited (" + procPsExec.ExitCode.ToString() + ")", false); oScheduler.Status(id, SchedulerStatus.Waiting, DateTime.Now.ToString(), 0); } else { LogIt("Job \"" + name + "\" Exited (" + procPsExec.ExitCode.ToString() + ")", true); oScheduler.Status(id, SchedulerStatus.Waiting, DateTime.Now.ToString(), 1); } } if (boolTimeout) { string strEMails = oFunction.GetGetEmailAlertsEmailIds("EMAILGRP_DEVELOPER_ERROR"); oFunction.SendEmail("Timeout", strEMails, "", "", "SSIS Job \"" + name + "\" Timeout", "This message is to inform you that job \"" + name + "\" timed out after " + intTimeout.ToString() + "minute(s)", false, true); } //if (boolTimeout == false) // intReturn = procPsExec.ExitCode; procPsExec.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { try { string strError = "Scheduler Service (" + name + "): " + "(Error Message: " + ex.Message + ") ~ (Source: " + ex.Source + ") (Stack Trace: " + ex.StackTrace + ") [" + System.Environment.UserName + "]"; LogIt(strError, true); } catch { } } }
private bool CheckIP(int _answerid, int _ip1, int _ip2, int _ip3, int _ip4) { if (_ip1 > 0 && _ip1 < 256 && _ip2 > 0 && _ip2 < 256 && _ip3 > 0 && _ip3 < 256 && _ip4 > 0 && _ip4 < 256) { string strIP = _ip1.ToString() + "." + _ip2.ToString() + "." + _ip3.ToString() + "." + _ip4.ToString(); // Make sure PING times out (that it is not in use) Ping oPing = new Ping(); string strStatus = ""; try { PingReply oReply = oPing.Send(strIP); strStatus = oReply.Status.ToString().ToUpper(); } catch { } if (strStatus == "SUCCESS") { boolValidatePing = true; return(false); } // Make sure that this IP address does not exist in DNS (only if PNC) Classes oClass = new Classes(intProfile, dsn); int intClass = Int32.Parse(oForecast.GetAnswer(_answerid, "classid")); if (oClass.Get(intClass, "pnc") == "1") { Variables oVariableWS = new Variables(intEnvironment); System.Net.NetworkCredential oCredentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(oVariableWS.ADUser(), oVariableWS.ADPassword(), oVariableWS.Domain()); ClearViewWebServices oWS = new ClearViewWebServices(); oWS.Timeout = Int32.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["WS_TIMEOUT"]); oWS.Credentials = oCredentials; oWS.Url = oVariableWS.WebServiceURL(); Settings oSetting = new Settings(0, dsn); bool boolDNS_QIP = oSetting.IsDNS_QIP(); bool boolDNS_Bluecat = oSetting.IsDNS_Bluecat(); if (boolDNS_QIP == true) { string strSearchName = oWS.SearchDNSforPNC(strIP, "", false, true); if (strSearchName.Trim().ToUpper() != "***NOTFOUND") { boolValidateDNS = true; return(false); } } if (boolDNS_Bluecat == true) { string strSearchName = oWS.SearchBluecatDNS(strIP, ""); if (strSearchName.Trim().ToUpper() != "***NOTFOUND") { boolValidateDNS = true; return(false); } } } // Make sure it is not already assigned in database IPAddresses oIPAddresses = new IPAddresses(intProfile, dsnIP, dsn); DataSet dsIP = oIPAddresses.Get(_ip1, _ip2, _ip3, _ip4); foreach (DataRow drIP in dsIP.Tables[0].Rows) { if (drIP["available"].ToString() == "0") { boolValidateDB = true; return(false); break; } } return(true); } else { boolValidateFormat = true; return(false); } }
public void Activations(int EnvironmentID) { // Setup Classes Servers oServer = new Servers(0, dsn); AvamarRegistration oAvamarRegistration = new AvamarRegistration(0, dsn); Log oLog = new Log(0, dsn); Variables oVariable = new Variables(EnvironmentID); // Setup Webservice for querying via SSH System.Net.NetworkCredential oCredentialsDNS = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(oVariable.ADUser(), oVariable.ADPassword(), oVariable.Domain()); ClearViewWebServices oWebService = new ClearViewWebServices(); oWebService.Url = oVariable.WebServiceURL(); DataSet dsActivations = oServer.GetAvamarActivations(); if (dsActivations.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { oLog.AddEvent("", "", "Get avamar activations (" + dsActivations.Tables[0].Rows.Count.ToString() + ")", LoggingType.Debug); foreach (DataRow drActivation in dsActivations.Tables[0].Rows) { ClearResults(); int intServer = Int32.Parse(drActivation["id"].ToString()); oServer.UpdateAvamarActivationStarted(intServer, DateTime.Now.ToString()); int intAnswer = Int32.Parse(drActivation["answerid"].ToString()); string strName = drActivation["servername"].ToString(); string strGrid = drActivation["grid"].ToString(); string strDomain = drActivation["domain"].ToString(); string strGroup1 = drActivation["group1"].ToString(); string strGroup2 = drActivation["group2"].ToString(); string strGroup3 = drActivation["group3"].ToString(); oLog.AddEvent(intAnswer, strName, "", "Starting automated Avamar activation", LoggingType.Information); string strError = ""; string strSuccess = ""; try { // Activate client AvamarReturnType activate = oAvamarRegistration.API(oWebService.ActivateAvamarClient(strGrid, strDomain, strName)); if (activate.Error == false) { strSuccess = activate.Message; // Wait 1/2 minute for synchronization oLog.AddEvent(intAnswer, strName, "", "Activation script complete = " + activate.Message + ".", LoggingType.Information); bool HasActivated = false; for (int ii = 0; ii < 10 && HasActivated == false; ii++) { int activateCount = ii + 1; oLog.AddEvent(intAnswer, strName, "", "Checking activation status (" + activateCount.ToString() + " of 10)...", LoggingType.Debug); AvamarReturnType activated = oAvamarRegistration.API(oWebService.GetAvamarClient(strGrid, strDomain, strName)); if (activated.Error == false) { foreach (XmlNode node in activated.Nodes) { if (node["Attribute"].InnerText == "Activated") { if (node["Value"].InnerText.Trim().ToUpper() == "YES") { HasActivated = true; oLog.AddEvent(intAnswer, strName, "", "Client has activated!", LoggingType.Information); } else { oLog.AddEvent(intAnswer, strName, "", "Client is not active. Waiting 30 seconds before retrying...", LoggingType.Debug); Thread.Sleep(30000); } break; } } } else { strError = "Error while activating - " + activated.Message; break; } } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(strError)) { if (HasActivated) { // Initiate backup oLog.AddEvent(intAnswer, strName, "", "Initiating backup...", LoggingType.Information); AvamarReturnType start = oAvamarRegistration.API(oWebService.StartAvamarBackup(strGrid, strDomain, strGroup1, strName)); if (start.Error) { strError = start.Message + " (" + start.Code + ")"; } else if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(strGroup2) == false) { oLog.AddEvent(intAnswer, strName, "", "Backup for " + strGroup1 + " started = " + start.Message, LoggingType.Information); AvamarReturnType start2 = oAvamarRegistration.API(oWebService.StartAvamarBackup(strGrid, strDomain, strGroup2, strName)); if (start2.Error) { strError = start2.Message + " (" + start2.Code + ")"; } else if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(strGroup3) == false) { oLog.AddEvent(intAnswer, strName, "", "Backup for " + strGroup2 + " started = " + start2.Message, LoggingType.Information); AvamarReturnType start3 = oAvamarRegistration.API(oWebService.StartAvamarBackup(strGrid, strDomain, strGroup3, strName)); if (start3.Error) { strError = start3.Message + " (" + start3.Code + ")"; } else { oLog.AddEvent(intAnswer, strName, "", "Backup for " + strGroup3 + " started = " + start3.Message, LoggingType.Information); } } } } else { strError = "Client has not activated after 5 minutes"; } } } else { strError = activate.Message + " (" + activate.Code + ")"; } } catch (Exception exError) { strError = exError.Message; if (exError.InnerException != null) { strError += " ~ " + exError.InnerException.Message; } } if (strError != "") { oLog.AddEvent(intAnswer, strName, "", strError, LoggingType.Error); oServer.UpdateAvamarActivationCompleted(intServer, "", strError, DateTime.Now.ToString(), 1); oServer.AddError(0, 0, 0, intServer, 906, strError); } else { oLog.AddEvent(intAnswer, strName, "", "Activation completed and backup initiated", LoggingType.Information); oServer.UpdateAvamarActivationCompleted(intServer, "", strSuccess, DateTime.Now.ToString(), 0); oServer.AddAvamarBackup(intServer, strName, strGrid, strDomain, strGroup1); } } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string strResult = ""; string strError = ""; Servers oServer = new Servers(0, dsn); OnDemand oOnDemand = new OnDemand(0, dsn); IPAddresses oIPAddresses = new IPAddresses(0, dsnIP, dsn); oVMWare = new VMWare(0, dsn); Variables oVariable = new Variables(999); string strName = "healyTest"; string strCluster = "CLESVTLAB01"; double dblDriveC = 60.00; string strDatastore = "CTVXN00007"; double dblDrive2 = 10.00; double dblDrive3 = 10.00; string strPortGroupName = "dvPortGroup5"; // DHCP enabled string strMDTos = "WABEx64"; string strMDTtask = "W2K8R2_STD"; string strMDTbuildDB = "ServerShare"; string strVMguestOS = "windows7Server64Guest"; string strMACAddress = ""; string strResourcePool = ""; string strConnect = oVMWare.ConnectDEBUG("https://vwsvt102/sdk", 999, "PNC-TestLab"); if (strConnect == "") { VimService _service = oVMWare.GetService(); ServiceContent _sic = oVMWare.GetSic(); ManagedObjectReference datacenterRef = oVMWare.GetDataCenter(); ManagedObjectReference vmFolderRef = oVMWare.GetVMFolder(datacenterRef); ManagedObjectReference clusterRef = oVMWare.GetCluster(strCluster); ManagedObjectReference resourcePoolRootRef = (ManagedObjectReference)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(clusterRef, "resourcePool"); if (strResourcePool != "") { resourcePoolRootRef = oVMWare.GetResourcePool(clusterRef, strResourcePool); } VirtualMachineConfigSpec oConfig = new VirtualMachineConfigSpec(); // Create computer ManagedObjectReference oComputer = null; oConfig.annotation = "Blah, Blah, Blah" + Environment.NewLine + "Next Line"; oConfig.guestId = strVMguestOS; string strRamConfig = "2048"; oConfig.memoryMB = long.Parse(strRamConfig); oConfig.memoryMBSpecified = true; int intCpuConfig = 1; oConfig.numCPUs = intCpuConfig; oConfig.numCPUsSpecified = true; = strName.ToLower(); oConfig.files = new VirtualMachineFileInfo(); oConfig.files.vmPathName = "[" + strDatastore + "] " + strName.ToLower() + "/" + strName.ToLower() + ".vmx"; ManagedObjectReference _task = _service.CreateVM_Task(vmFolderRef, oConfig, resourcePoolRootRef, null); TaskInfo oInfo = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task, "info"); while (oInfo.state == TaskInfoState.running) { oInfo = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task, "info"); } if (oInfo.state == TaskInfoState.success) { oComputer = (ManagedObjectReference)oInfo.result; VirtualMachineConfigInfo _temp = (VirtualMachineConfigInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(oComputer, "config"); strResult += "Virtual Machine " + strName.ToUpper() + " Created (" + _temp.uuid + ")<br/>"; } else { strError = "Virtual Machine was not created"; } if (strError == "") { // 2) SCSI Controller 1 VirtualMachineConfigSpec _cs_scsi = new VirtualMachineConfigSpec(); VirtualDeviceConfigSpec controlVMSpec = Controller(0, 2, 1000); _cs_scsi.deviceChange = new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec[] { controlVMSpec }; ManagedObjectReference _task_scsi = _service.ReconfigVM_Task(oComputer, _cs_scsi); TaskInfo _inf_scsi = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_scsi, "info"); while (_inf_scsi.state == TaskInfoState.running) { _inf_scsi = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_scsi, "info"); } if (_inf_scsi.state == TaskInfoState.success) { strResult += "SCSI Controller # 1 Created<br/>"; } else { strError = "SCSI Controller # 1 Was Not Created"; } } if (strError == "") { // 3) Create Hard Disk 1 VirtualMachineConfigSpec _cs_hdd1 = new VirtualMachineConfigSpec(); dblDriveC = dblDriveC * 1024.00 * 1024.00; VirtualDeviceConfigSpec diskVMSpec1 = Disk(oVMWare, strName, strDatastore, dblDriveC.ToString(), 0, 1000, ""); _cs_hdd1.deviceChange = new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec[] { diskVMSpec1 }; ManagedObjectReference _task_hdd1 = _service.ReconfigVM_Task(oComputer, _cs_hdd1); TaskInfo _info_hdd1 = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_hdd1, "info"); while (_info_hdd1.state == TaskInfoState.running) { _info_hdd1 = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_hdd1, "info"); } if (_info_hdd1.state == TaskInfoState.success) { strResult += "Hard Drive # 1 Created (" + dblDriveC.ToString() + ")<br/>"; } else { strError = "Hard Drive # 1 Was Not Created"; } } if (strError == "") { // 4) Create Hard Disk 2 VirtualMachineConfigSpec _cs_hdd1 = new VirtualMachineConfigSpec(); dblDrive2 = dblDrive2 * 1024.00 * 1024.00; VirtualDeviceConfigSpec diskVMSpec1 = Disk(oVMWare, strName, strDatastore, dblDrive2.ToString(), 1, 1000, "_2"); _cs_hdd1.deviceChange = new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec[] { diskVMSpec1 }; ManagedObjectReference _task_hdd1 = _service.ReconfigVM_Task(oComputer, _cs_hdd1); TaskInfo _info_hdd1 = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_hdd1, "info"); while (_info_hdd1.state == TaskInfoState.running) { _info_hdd1 = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_hdd1, "info"); } if (_info_hdd1.state == TaskInfoState.success) { strResult += "Hard Drive # 2 Created (" + dblDriveC.ToString() + ")<br/>"; } else { strError = "Hard Drive # 2 Was Not Created"; } } if (strError == "") { // 5) SCSI Controller 2 VirtualMachineConfigSpec _cs_scsi = new VirtualMachineConfigSpec(); VirtualDeviceConfigSpec controlVMSpec = Controller(1, 3, 1001); _cs_scsi.deviceChange = new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec[] { controlVMSpec }; ManagedObjectReference _task_scsi = _service.ReconfigVM_Task(oComputer, _cs_scsi); TaskInfo _inf_scsi = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_scsi, "info"); while (_inf_scsi.state == TaskInfoState.running) { _inf_scsi = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_scsi, "info"); } if (_inf_scsi.state == TaskInfoState.success) { strResult += "SCSI Controller # 1 Created<br/>"; } else { strError = "SCSI Controller # 1 Was Not Created"; } } if (strError == "") { // 6) Create Hard Disk 3 VirtualMachineConfigSpec _cs_hdd1 = new VirtualMachineConfigSpec(); dblDrive3 = dblDrive3 * 1024.00 * 1024.00; VirtualDeviceConfigSpec diskVMSpec1 = Disk(oVMWare, strName, strDatastore, dblDrive3.ToString(), 0, 1001, "_3"); _cs_hdd1.deviceChange = new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec[] { diskVMSpec1 }; ManagedObjectReference _task_hdd1 = _service.ReconfigVM_Task(oComputer, _cs_hdd1); TaskInfo _info_hdd1 = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_hdd1, "info"); while (_info_hdd1.state == TaskInfoState.running) { _info_hdd1 = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_hdd1, "info"); } if (_info_hdd1.state == TaskInfoState.success) { strResult += "Hard Drive # 3 Created (" + dblDriveC.ToString() + ")<br/>"; } else { strError = "Hard Drive # 3 Was Not Created"; } } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["build"]) == false) { if (strError == "") { bool boolCompleted = false; string strPortGroupKey = ""; ManagedObjectReference[] oNetworks = (ManagedObjectReference[])oVMWare.getObjectProperty(datacenterRef, "network"); foreach (ManagedObjectReference oNetwork in oNetworks) { if (boolCompleted == true) { break; } try { if (strPortGroupName == "" || strPortGroupName == oVMWare.getObjectProperty(oNetwork, "name").ToString()) { object oPortConfig = oVMWare.getObjectProperty(oNetwork, "config"); if (oPortConfig != null) { DVPortgroupConfigInfo oPort = (DVPortgroupConfigInfo)oPortConfig; if (oPort.key != strPortGroupKey) { strPortGroupKey = oPort.key; ManagedObjectReference oSwitch = oPort.distributedVirtualSwitch; string strSwitchUUID = (string)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(oSwitch, "uuid"); Response.Write("Trying..." + strPortGroupKey + "(" + strSwitchUUID + ")" + "<br/>"); VirtualDeviceConfigSpec[] configspecarr = configspecarr = new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec[1]; VirtualEthernetCardDistributedVirtualPortBackingInfo vecdvpbi = new VirtualEthernetCardDistributedVirtualPortBackingInfo(); DistributedVirtualSwitchPortConnection connection = new DistributedVirtualSwitchPortConnection(); connection.portgroupKey = strPortGroupKey; connection.switchUuid = strSwitchUUID; vecdvpbi.port = connection; //VirtualEthernetCard newethdev = new VirtualE1000(); VirtualEthernetCard newethdev = new VirtualVmxnet3(); // ******** OTHER WAY = newethdev = new VirtualPCNet32(); newethdev.backing = vecdvpbi; newethdev.key = 5000; VirtualDeviceConfigSpec newethdevicespec = new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec(); newethdevicespec.device = newethdev; newethdevicespec.operation = VirtualDeviceConfigSpecOperation.add; newethdevicespec.operationSpecified = true; configspecarr[0] = newethdevicespec; VirtualMachineConfigSpec vmconfigspec = new VirtualMachineConfigSpec(); vmconfigspec.deviceChange = configspecarr; ManagedObjectReference _task_net = _service.ReconfigVM_Task(oComputer, vmconfigspec); TaskInfo _info_net = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_net, "info"); while (_info_net.state == TaskInfoState.running) { _info_net = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_net, "info"); } if (_info_net.state == TaskInfoState.success) { strResult += "Network Adapter Created<br/>"; boolCompleted = true; } //break; } } } } catch (Exception ex) { // Only hits here if it is not a "DistributedVirtualPortgroup" (meaning it is a standard NETWORK object) } } if (boolCompleted == false) { strError = "Network Adapter Was Not Created ~ Could not find a port group"; } } if (strError == "") { // 7) Boot Delay VirtualMachineBootOptions oBootOptions = new VirtualMachineBootOptions(); oBootOptions.bootDelay = 10000; oBootOptions.bootDelaySpecified = true; VirtualMachineConfigSpec _cs_boot_options = new VirtualMachineConfigSpec(); _cs_boot_options.bootOptions = oBootOptions; ManagedObjectReference _task_boot_options = _service.ReconfigVM_Task(oComputer, _cs_boot_options); TaskInfo _info_boot_options = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_boot_options, "info"); while (_info_boot_options.state == TaskInfoState.running) { _info_boot_options = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_boot_options, "info"); } if (_info_boot_options.state == TaskInfoState.success) { strResult += "Boot delay changed to 10 seconds<br/>"; } else { strError = "Boot delay NOT changed"; } } if (strError == "") { // 8) Get MAC Address VirtualMachineConfigInfo _vminfo = (VirtualMachineConfigInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(oComputer, "config"); VirtualDevice[] _device = _vminfo.hardware.device; for (int ii = 0; ii < _device.Length; ii++) { // 4/29/2009: Change to only one NIC for PNC if (_device[ii].deviceInfo.label.ToUpper() == "NETWORK ADAPTER 1") { VirtualEthernetCard nic = (VirtualEthernetCard)_device[ii]; strMACAddress = nic.macAddress; break; } } if (strMACAddress != "") { strResult += "MAC Address = " + strMACAddress + "<br/>"; } else { strError = "No MAC Address"; } } if (strError == "") { // 9) Configure WebService System.Net.NetworkCredential oCredentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(oVariable.ADUser(), oVariable.ADPassword(), oVariable.Domain()); BuildSubmit oMDT = new BuildSubmit(); oMDT.Credentials = oCredentials; oMDT.Url = "http://wcrdp100a.pnceng.pvt/wabebuild/BuildSubmit.asmx"; string[] strExtendedMDT = new string[] { "PNCBACKUPSOFTWARE:NONE", "IISInstall:NO", "HWConfig:DEFAULT", "ESMInstall:NO", "ClearViewInstall:YES", "Teamed2:DEFAULT", "HIDSInstall:NO" }; string strExtendedMDTs = ""; foreach (string extendedMDT in strExtendedMDT) { if (strExtendedMDTs != "") { strExtendedMDTs += ", "; } strExtendedMDTs += extendedMDT; } string strOutput = oMDT.automatedBuild2(strName.ToUpper(), strMACAddress, strMDTos, "provision", "PNCNT", strMDTtask, strMDTbuildDB, strExtendedMDT); strResult += "WebService Configured " + strOutput + "<br/>"; } if (strError == "") { // 10) Power On GuestInfo ginfo_power = (GuestInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(oComputer, "guest"); if (ginfo_power.guestState.ToUpper() == "NOTRUNNING" || ginfo_power.guestState.ToUpper() == "UNKNOWN") { ManagedObjectReference _task_power = _service.PowerOnVM_Task(oComputer, null); TaskInfo _info_power = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_power, "info"); while (_info_power.state == TaskInfoState.running) { _info_power = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_power, "info"); } if (_info_power.state == TaskInfoState.success) { strResult += "Virtual Machine Powered On"; } else { strError = "Virtual Machine Was Not Powered On"; } } else { strResult += "Virtual Machine Was Already Powered On (" + ginfo_power.guestState + ")"; } } } // Logout if (_service != null) { _service.Abort(); if (_service.Container != null) { _service.Container.Dispose(); } try { _service.Logout(_sic.sessionManager); } catch { } _service.Dispose(); _service = null; _sic = null; } Response.Write("RESULT(s): " + strResult); Response.Write("ERROR: " + strError); } else { Response.Write("LOGIN error"); } }
protected void btnSync_Click(Object Sender, EventArgs e) { intMode = radResults.SelectedIndex; DateTime datStart = DateTime.Now; SearchResultCollection oResults; Variables oVariable = new Variables(intEnvironment); DirectoryEntry oEntry = new DirectoryEntry(oVariable.primaryDC(dsn), oVariable.ADUser(), oVariable.ADPassword()); DirectorySearcher oSearcher = new DirectorySearcher(oEntry); oSearcher.PageSize = 100000; oSearcher.SizeLimit = 100000; if (intMode > -1) { int intCounter = 0; string[] letterArray = new string[] { "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z" }; string[] letterArray2 = new string[] { "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z" }; lblResults.Text = ""; for (int ii = 0; ii < letterArray.Length; ii++) { for (int jj = 0; jj < letterArray2.Length; jj++) { string strFilter = "(&(objectCategory=user)(sAMAccountName=" + txtSync.Text + letterArray[ii] + letterArray[jj] + "*))"; oSearcher.Filter = strFilter; oResults = oSearcher.FindAll(); if (intMode == 1 || intMode == 3 || intMode == 5) { try { foreach (SearchResult oResult in oResults) { if (oResult.Properties.Contains("extensionattribute10") == true || oResult.Properties.Contains("sAMAccountName") == true) { string strXid = ""; if (oResult.Properties.Contains("extensionattribute10") == true) { strXid = oResult.GetDirectoryEntry().Properties["extensionattribute10"].Value.ToString(); } else { strXid = oResult.GetDirectoryEntry().Properties["sAMAccountName"].Value.ToString(); } if (intMode < 4) { intCounter++; lblResults.Text += intCounter.ToString() + ") ...Trying..." + strXid; } string strFName = ""; if (oResult.Properties.Contains("givenname") == true) { strFName = oResult.GetDirectoryEntry().Properties["givenname"].Value.ToString(); } string strLName = ""; if (oResult.Properties.Contains("sn") == true) { strLName = oResult.GetDirectoryEntry().Properties["sn"].Value.ToString(); } AddUser(strXid, strFName, strLName); } } } catch { } } else { foreach (SearchResult oResult in oResults) { if (oResult.Properties.Contains("sAMAccountName") == true) { string strXid = oResult.GetDirectoryEntry().Properties["sAMAccountName"].Value.ToString(); if (intMode < 4) { intCounter++; lblResults.Text += intCounter.ToString() + ") ...Trying..." + strXid; } string strFName = ""; if (oResult.Properties.Contains("givenname") == true) { strFName = oResult.GetDirectoryEntry().Properties["givenname"].Value.ToString(); } string strLName = ""; if (oResult.Properties.Contains("sn") == true) { strLName = oResult.GetDirectoryEntry().Properties["sn"].Value.ToString(); } AddUser(strXid, strFName, strLName); } } } } } lblResults.Text += "<br/><br/><img src=\"" + oVariable.ImageURL() + "/images/check.gif\" border=\"0\" align=\"absmiddle\"/> <b>Done!</b>" + "<br/>"; DateTime datEnd = DateTime.Now; TimeSpan oSpan = datEnd.Subtract(datStart); lblResults.Text += "<br/><br/><b>Total Time:</b> " + oSpan.Minutes.ToString() + "mins, " + oSpan.Seconds.ToString() + "." + oSpan.Milliseconds.ToString() + " secs"; lblResults.Text += "<br/><br/><b>New Users:</b> " + intUserAdd.ToString(); lblResults.Text = "<p><img src=\"" + oVariable.ImageURL() + "/images/bigCheck.gif\" border=\"0\" align=\"absmiddle\"/> <b>ClearView sync has finished!</b></p><br/>" + lblResults.Text; Functions oFunction = new Functions(0, dsn, intEnvironment); string strEMailIdsBCC = oFunction.GetGetEmailAlertsEmailIds("EMAILGRP_DEVELOPER_ALERT"); if (intMode > 1) { oFunction.SendEmail("ClearView Active Directory Sync", strEMailIdsBCC, "", "", "ClearView Active Directory Sync", "<p>" + lblResults.Text + "</p>", true, false); } else { oFunction.SendEmail("ClearView Active Directory Sync", strEMailIdsBCC, "", "", "ClearView Active Directory Sync", "<p>" + lblResults.Text + "</p>", false, false); } } else { string strFilter = "(&(objectCategory=user)(sAMAccountName=" + txtSync.Text + "*))"; oSearcher.Filter = strFilter; oResults = oSearcher.FindAll(); lblResults.Text = "<p><font color=\"#990000\"><b>*** Please select a sync mode ***</b></font></p><p># of Results: " + oResults.Count + "</p>"; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string strResult = ""; string strError = ""; Servers oServer = new Servers(0, dsn); OnDemand oOnDemand = new OnDemand(0, dsn); IPAddresses oIPAddresses = new IPAddresses(0, dsnIP, dsn); oVMWare = new VMWare(0, dsn); string strName = "healytest2"; string strCluster = "CDALVMTEST01"; string strDatastore1 = "dt01-ibm-lun1"; string strDatastore2 = ""; string strVLAN = "VLAN52"; string strPortGroupName = "dvPortGroup255"; string strMACAddress = ""; string strResourcePool = ""; string strMDTos = "WABEx64"; string strMDTtask = "W2K8R2_ENT"; string strMDTbuildDB = "ServerShare"; double dblDriveC = 27.5; double dblDrive2 = 2.5; string strVMguestOS = "winNetEnterprise64Guest"; intEnvironment = 999; string strConnect = oVMWare.ConnectDEBUG("https://wdsvt100a/sdk", intEnvironment, "PNC"); if (Request.QueryString["old"] != null) { strName = "healytest"; strCluster = "ohcinxcv4003"; strDatastore1 = "CINDSSVCN40063"; strVLAN = "vlan250net"; intEnvironment = 3; strConnect = oVMWare.ConnectDEBUG("https://ohcinutl4003/sdk", intEnvironment, "Dalton"); } if (Request.QueryString["w"] != null) { strName = "healytest2"; strCluster = "CLEVDTLAB01"; strDatastore1 = "VDItest"; strDatastore2 = "pagefile01"; strPortGroupName = "dvPortGroup"; strResourcePool = "VDI"; strMDTos = "DesktopWABEx86"; strMDTtask = "VDIXP"; strMDTbuildDB = "DesktopDeploymentShare"; strVMguestOS = "windows7_64Guest"; strConnect = oVMWare.ConnectDEBUG("https://vwsvt102/sdk", intEnvironment, "PNC-TestLab"); } if (Request.QueryString["t"] != null) { strName = "healyTest2012"; strCluster = "CLESVTLAB01"; dblDriveC = 45.00; strDatastore1 = "CTVXN00008"; strDatastore2 = "CTVXN00008"; dblDrive2 = 10.00; strPortGroupName = "dvPortGroup5"; // DHCP enabled strMDTos = "WABEx64"; strMDTtask = "W2K8R2_STD"; strMDTbuildDB = "ServerShare"; strVMguestOS = "windows8Server64Guest"; strConnect = oVMWare.ConnectDEBUG("https://wcsvt013a.pnceng.pvt/sdk", (int)CurrentEnvironment.PNCENG, "PNC"); } Variables oVariable = new Variables(intEnvironment); if (strConnect == "") { VimService _service = oVMWare.GetService(); ServiceContent _sic = oVMWare.GetSic(); ManagedObjectReference datacenterRef = oVMWare.GetDataCenter(); ManagedObjectReference vmFolderRef = oVMWare.GetVMFolder(datacenterRef); ManagedObjectReference clusterRef = oVMWare.GetCluster(strCluster); ManagedObjectReference resourcePoolRootRef = (ManagedObjectReference)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(clusterRef, "resourcePool"); if (strResourcePool != "") { resourcePoolRootRef = oVMWare.GetResourcePool(clusterRef, strResourcePool); } VirtualMachineConfigSpec oConfig = new VirtualMachineConfigSpec(); int intStep = 0; Int32.TryParse(Request.QueryString["s"], out intStep); string strUUID = ""; ManagedObjectReference oComputer = null; if (intStep == 100 || intStep == 1) { if (oComputer != null && oComputer.Value != "") { // Destroy computer ManagedObjectReference _task_power = _service.Destroy_Task(oComputer); TaskInfo _info_power = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_power, "info"); while (_info_power.state == TaskInfoState.running) { _info_power = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_power, "info"); } if (_info_power.state == TaskInfoState.success) { strResult += "Virtual Machine " + strName.ToUpper() + " Destroyed<br/>"; } else { strError = "Virtual Machine was not destroyed"; } } if (strError == "") { // Create computer oConfig.annotation = "Blah, Blah, Blah" + Environment.NewLine + "Next Line"; oConfig.guestId = strVMguestOS; oConfig.firmware = "efi"; string strRamConfig = "2048"; oConfig.memoryMB = long.Parse(strRamConfig); oConfig.memoryMBSpecified = true; int intCpuConfig = 1; oConfig.numCPUs = intCpuConfig; oConfig.numCPUsSpecified = true; = strName.ToLower(); oConfig.files = new VirtualMachineFileInfo(); oConfig.files.vmPathName = "[" + strDatastore1 + "] " + strName.ToLower() + "/" + strName.ToLower() + ".vmx"; ManagedObjectReference _task = _service.CreateVM_Task(vmFolderRef, oConfig, resourcePoolRootRef, null); TaskInfo oInfo = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task, "info"); while (oInfo.state == TaskInfoState.running) { oInfo = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task, "info"); } if (oInfo.state == TaskInfoState.success) { oComputer = (ManagedObjectReference)oInfo.result; VirtualMachineConfigInfo _temp = (VirtualMachineConfigInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(oComputer, "config"); strResult += "Virtual Machine " + strName.ToUpper() + " Created (" + _temp.uuid + ")<br/>"; } else { strError = "Virtual Machine was not created"; } } } if (intStep > 1) { oComputer = oVMWare.GetVM(strName); } if ((intStep == 100 || intStep == 2) && strError == "") { // 2) SCSI Controller VirtualMachineConfigSpec _cs_scsi = new VirtualMachineConfigSpec(); VirtualDeviceConfigSpec controlVMSpec = Controller(true); _cs_scsi.deviceChange = new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec[] { controlVMSpec }; ManagedObjectReference _task_scsi = _service.ReconfigVM_Task(oComputer, _cs_scsi); TaskInfo _inf_scsi = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_scsi, "info"); while (_inf_scsi.state == TaskInfoState.running) { _inf_scsi = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_scsi, "info"); } if (_inf_scsi.state == TaskInfoState.success) { strResult += "SCSI Controller Created<br/>"; } else { strError = "SCSI Controller Was Not Created"; } } if ((intStep == 100 || intStep == 3) && strError == "") { // 3) Create Hard Disk 1 VirtualMachineConfigSpec _cs_hdd1 = new VirtualMachineConfigSpec(); dblDriveC = dblDriveC * 1024.00 * 1024.00; VirtualDeviceConfigSpec diskVMSpec1 = Disk(oVMWare, strName, strDatastore1, dblDriveC.ToString(), 0, ""); // 10485760 KB = 10 GB = 10 x 1024 x 1024 _cs_hdd1.deviceChange = new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec[] { diskVMSpec1 }; ManagedObjectReference _task_hdd1 = _service.ReconfigVM_Task(oComputer, _cs_hdd1); TaskInfo _info_hdd1 = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_hdd1, "info"); while (_info_hdd1.state == TaskInfoState.running) { _info_hdd1 = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_hdd1, "info"); } if (_info_hdd1.state == TaskInfoState.success) { strResult += "Hard Drive Created (" + dblDriveC.ToString() + ")<br/>"; } else { strError = "Hard Drive Was Not Created"; } } if ((intStep == 100 || intStep == 33) && strError == "") { if (strDatastore2 != "") { // 33) Create Hard Disk 2 VirtualMachineConfigSpec _cs_hdd1 = new VirtualMachineConfigSpec(); dblDrive2 = dblDrive2 * 1024.00 * 1024.00; VirtualDeviceConfigSpec diskVMSpec1 = Disk(oVMWare, strName, strDatastore2, dblDrive2.ToString(), 1, (strDatastore1 == strDatastore2 ? "_1" : "")); // 10485760 KB = 10 GB = 10 x 1024 x 1024 _cs_hdd1.deviceChange = new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec[] { diskVMSpec1 }; ManagedObjectReference _task_hdd1 = _service.ReconfigVM_Task(oComputer, _cs_hdd1); TaskInfo _info_hdd1 = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_hdd1, "info"); while (_info_hdd1.state == TaskInfoState.running) { _info_hdd1 = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_hdd1, "info"); } if (_info_hdd1.state == TaskInfoState.success) { strResult += "Hard Drive # 2 Created (" + dblDrive2.ToString() + ")<br/>"; } else { strError = "Hard Drive # 2 Was Not Created"; } } } if ((intStep == 100 || intStep == 4) && strError == "") { // 4) Create Network Adapter bool boolISVmware4 = true; if (boolISVmware4 == false) { VirtualDeviceConfigSpec[] configspecarr = configspecarr = new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec[1]; VirtualEthernetCardNetworkBackingInfo vecnbi = new VirtualEthernetCardNetworkBackingInfo(); vecnbi.deviceName = strVLAN; VirtualEthernetCard newethdev; //newethdev = new VirtualE1000(); newethdev = new VirtualVmxnet3(); // ******** OTHER WAY = newethdev = new VirtualPCNet32(); newethdev.backing = vecnbi; newethdev.key = 5000; VirtualDeviceConfigSpec newethdevicespec = new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec(); newethdevicespec.device = newethdev; newethdevicespec.operation = VirtualDeviceConfigSpecOperation.add; newethdevicespec.operationSpecified = true; configspecarr[0] = newethdevicespec; VirtualMachineConfigSpec vmconfigspec = new VirtualMachineConfigSpec(); vmconfigspec.deviceChange = configspecarr; ManagedObjectReference _task_net = _service.ReconfigVM_Task(oComputer, vmconfigspec); TaskInfo _info_net = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_net, "info"); while (_info_net.state == TaskInfoState.running) { _info_net = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_net, "info"); } if (_info_net.state == TaskInfoState.success) { strResult += "Network Adapter Created<br/>"; } else { strError = "Network Adapter Was Not Created"; } } else { bool boolCompleted = false; string strPortGroupKey = ""; ManagedObjectReference[] oNetworks = (ManagedObjectReference[])oVMWare.getObjectProperty(datacenterRef, "network"); foreach (ManagedObjectReference oNetwork in oNetworks) { if (boolCompleted == true) { break; } try { if (strPortGroupName == "" || strPortGroupName == oVMWare.getObjectProperty(oNetwork, "name").ToString()) { object oPortConfig = oVMWare.getObjectProperty(oNetwork, "config"); if (oPortConfig != null) { DVPortgroupConfigInfo oPort = (DVPortgroupConfigInfo)oPortConfig; if (oPort.key != strPortGroupKey) { strPortGroupKey = oPort.key; ManagedObjectReference oSwitch = oPort.distributedVirtualSwitch; string strSwitchUUID = (string)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(oSwitch, "uuid"); Response.Write("Trying..." + strPortGroupKey + "(" + strSwitchUUID + ")" + "<br/>"); VirtualDeviceConfigSpec[] configspecarr = configspecarr = new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec[1]; VirtualEthernetCardDistributedVirtualPortBackingInfo vecdvpbi = new VirtualEthernetCardDistributedVirtualPortBackingInfo(); DistributedVirtualSwitchPortConnection connection = new DistributedVirtualSwitchPortConnection(); connection.portgroupKey = strPortGroupKey; connection.switchUuid = strSwitchUUID; vecdvpbi.port = connection; //VirtualEthernetCard newethdev = new VirtualE1000(); VirtualEthernetCard newethdev = new VirtualVmxnet3(); // ******** OTHER WAY = newethdev = new VirtualPCNet32(); newethdev.backing = vecdvpbi; newethdev.key = 5000; VirtualDeviceConfigSpec newethdevicespec = new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec(); newethdevicespec.device = newethdev; newethdevicespec.operation = VirtualDeviceConfigSpecOperation.add; newethdevicespec.operationSpecified = true; configspecarr[0] = newethdevicespec; VirtualMachineConfigSpec vmconfigspec = new VirtualMachineConfigSpec(); vmconfigspec.deviceChange = configspecarr; ManagedObjectReference _task_net = _service.ReconfigVM_Task(oComputer, vmconfigspec); TaskInfo _info_net = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_net, "info"); while (_info_net.state == TaskInfoState.running) { _info_net = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_net, "info"); } if (_info_net.state == TaskInfoState.success) { strResult += "Network Adapter Created<br/>"; boolCompleted = true; } //break; } } } } catch (Exception ex) { // Only hits here if it is not a "DistributedVirtualPortgroup" (meaning it is a standard NETWORK object) } } if (boolCompleted == false) { strError = "Network Adapter Was Not Created ~ Could not find a port group"; } } } if ((intStep == 100 || intStep == 5) && strError == "") { VirtualMachineConfigSpec _cs_swap = new VirtualMachineConfigSpec(); _cs_swap.swapPlacement = "hostLocal"; ManagedObjectReference _task_swap = _service.ReconfigVM_Task(oComputer, _cs_swap); TaskInfo _info_swap = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_swap, "info"); while (_info_swap.state == TaskInfoState.running) { _info_swap = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_swap, "info"); } if (_info_swap.state == TaskInfoState.success) { strResult += "Swap File Configured<br/>"; } else { strError = "Swap File Was Not Configured"; } /* * // 5) Attach Floppy Drive * VirtualMachineConfigSpec _cs_floppy = new VirtualMachineConfigSpec(); * VirtualDeviceConfigSpec _dcs_floppy = new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec(); * _dcs_floppy.operation = VirtualDeviceConfigSpecOperation.add; * _dcs_floppy.operationSpecified = true; * VirtualDeviceConnectInfo _ci_floppy = new VirtualDeviceConnectInfo(); * _ci_floppy.startConnected = false; * VirtualFloppy floppy = new VirtualFloppy(); * VirtualFloppyRemoteDeviceBackingInfo floppyBack = new VirtualFloppyRemoteDeviceBackingInfo(); * floppyBack.deviceName = ""; * floppy.backing = floppyBack; * floppy.key = 8000; * floppy.controllerKey = 400; * floppy.controllerKeySpecified = true; * floppy.connectable = _ci_floppy; * _dcs_floppy.device = floppy; * _cs_floppy.deviceChange = new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec[] { _dcs_floppy }; * ManagedObjectReference _task_floppy = _service.ReconfigVM_Task(oComputer, _cs_floppy); * TaskInfo _info_floppy = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_floppy, "info"); * while (_info_floppy.state == TaskInfoState.running) * _info_floppy = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_floppy, "info"); * if (_info_floppy.state == TaskInfoState.success) * strResult += "Floppy Drive Created<br/>"; * else * strError = "Floppy Drive Was Not Created"; */ } if ((intStep == 100 || intStep == 6) && strError == "") { // 6) Attach CD-ROM Drive VirtualMachineConfigSpec _cs_cd = new VirtualMachineConfigSpec(); VirtualDeviceConfigSpec _dcs_cd = new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec(); _dcs_cd.operation = VirtualDeviceConfigSpecOperation.add; _dcs_cd.operationSpecified = true; VirtualDeviceConnectInfo _ci_cd = new VirtualDeviceConnectInfo(); _ci_cd.startConnected = false; VirtualCdrom cd = new VirtualCdrom(); VirtualCdromRemotePassthroughBackingInfo cdBack = new VirtualCdromRemotePassthroughBackingInfo(); cdBack.exclusive = false; cdBack.deviceName = ""; cd.backing = cdBack; cd.key = 3000; cd.controllerKey = 200; cd.controllerKeySpecified = true; cd.connectable = _ci_cd; _dcs_cd.device = cd; _cs_cd.deviceChange = new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec[] { _dcs_cd }; ManagedObjectReference _task_cd = _service.ReconfigVM_Task(oComputer, _cs_cd); TaskInfo _info_cd = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_cd, "info"); while (_info_cd.state == TaskInfoState.running) { _info_cd = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_cd, "info"); } if (_info_cd.state == TaskInfoState.success) { strResult += "CD-ROM Was Created<br/>"; } else { strError = "CD-ROM Was Not Created"; } } if ((intStep == 100 || intStep == 7) && strError == "") { // 7) Boot Delay VirtualMachineBootOptions oBootOptions = new VirtualMachineBootOptions(); oBootOptions.bootDelay = 10000; oBootOptions.bootDelaySpecified = true; VirtualMachineConfigSpec _cs_boot_options = new VirtualMachineConfigSpec(); _cs_boot_options.bootOptions = oBootOptions; ManagedObjectReference _task_boot_options = _service.ReconfigVM_Task(oComputer, _cs_boot_options); TaskInfo _info_boot_options = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_boot_options, "info"); while (_info_boot_options.state == TaskInfoState.running) { _info_boot_options = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_boot_options, "info"); } if (_info_boot_options.state == TaskInfoState.success) { strResult += "Boot delay changed to 10 seconds<br/>"; } else { strError = "Boot delay NOT changed"; } } if ((intStep == 100 || intStep == 8) && strError == "") { // 8) Get MAC Address VirtualMachineConfigInfo _vminfo = (VirtualMachineConfigInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(oComputer, "config"); VirtualDevice[] _device = _vminfo.hardware.device; for (int ii = 0; ii < _device.Length; ii++) { // 4/29/2009: Change to only one NIC for PNC if (_device[ii].deviceInfo.label.ToUpper() == "NETWORK ADAPTER 1") { VirtualEthernetCard nic = (VirtualEthernetCard)_device[ii]; strMACAddress = nic.macAddress; break; } } if (strMACAddress != "") { strResult += "MAC Address = " + strMACAddress + "<br/>"; } else { strError = "No MAC Address"; } } if ((intStep == 100 || intStep == 9) && strError == "") { // 9) Configure WebService System.Net.NetworkCredential oCredentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(oVariable.ADUser(), oVariable.ADPassword(), oVariable.Domain()); BuildSubmit oMDT = new BuildSubmit(); oMDT.Credentials = oCredentials; oMDT.Url = "http://wcrdp100a.pnceng.pvt/wabebuild/BuildSubmit.asmx"; string[] strExtendedMDT = new string[] { "PNCBACKUPSOFTWARE:NONE", "IISInstall:NO", "HWConfig:DEFAULT", "ESMInstall:NO", "ClearViewInstall:YES", "Teamed2:DEFAULT", "HIDSInstall:NO" }; string strExtendedMDTs = ""; foreach (string extendedMDT in strExtendedMDT) { if (strExtendedMDTs != "") { strExtendedMDTs += ", "; } strExtendedMDTs += extendedMDT; } string strOutput = oMDT.automatedBuild2(strName.ToUpper(), strMACAddress, strMDTos, "provision", "PNCNT", strMDTtask, strMDTbuildDB, strExtendedMDT); strResult += "WebService Configured " + strOutput + "<br/>"; } if ((intStep == 100 || intStep == 10) && strError == "") { // 10) Power On GuestInfo ginfo_power = (GuestInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(oComputer, "guest"); if (ginfo_power.guestState.ToUpper() == "NOTRUNNING" || ginfo_power.guestState.ToUpper() == "UNKNOWN") { ManagedObjectReference _task_power = _service.PowerOnVM_Task(oComputer, null); TaskInfo _info_power = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_power, "info"); while (_info_power.state == TaskInfoState.running) { _info_power = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_power, "info"); } if (_info_power.state == TaskInfoState.success) { strResult += "Virtual Machine Powered On"; } else { strError = "Virtual Machine Was Not Powered On"; } } else { strResult += "Virtual Machine Was Already Powered On (" + ginfo_power.guestState + ")"; } } // Logout if (_service != null) { _service.Abort(); if (_service.Container != null) { _service.Container.Dispose(); } try { _service.Logout(_sic.sessionManager); } catch { } _service.Dispose(); _service = null; _sic = null; } Response.Write("RESULT(s): " + strResult); Response.Write("ERROR: " + strError); } else { Response.Write("LOGIN error"); } }
private void PopulateTree2(int _domain, string _parent, TreeNode oParent) { Variables oVariable = new Variables(_domain); DirectoryEntry oEntry = new DirectoryEntry("LDAP://" + oVariable.primaryDCName(dsn) + "/" + _parent + oVariable.LDAP(), oVariable.Domain() + "\\" + oVariable.ADUser(), oVariable.ADPassword()); DirectorySearcher oSearcher = new DirectorySearcher(oEntry); oSearcher.Filter = "(objectClass=organizationalUnit)"; oSearcher.SearchScope = SearchScope.OneLevel; SearchResultCollection oCollection = oSearcher.FindAll(); foreach (SearchResult oResult in oCollection) { TreeNode oNode = new TreeNode(); string strName = oResult.GetDirectoryEntry().Properties["name"].Value.ToString(); string strDistinquished = oResult.GetDirectoryEntry().Properties["distinguishedname"].Value.ToString(); oNode.Text = strName; oNode.ToolTip = strName; oNode.SelectAction = TreeNodeSelectAction.Expand; if (strDistinquished == lblOld.Text) { oSelected = oNode; oNode.ImageUrl = "/images/green_arrow.gif"; lblOld.Text = strDistinquished; } else { oNode.NavigateUrl = "javascript:SelectNode('" + strDistinquished + "','" + hdnParent.ClientID + "','" + lblNew.ClientID + "');"; } oParent.ChildNodes.Add(oNode); PopulateTree2(_domain, "OU=" + strName + "," + _parent, oNode); } }
private void LoadObjects() { string strUser = oFunction.decryptQueryString(Request.QueryString["u"]); txtFrom.Text = strUser; int intDomain = Int32.Parse(oFunction.decryptQueryString(Request.QueryString["d"])); ddlDomain.SelectedValue = intDomain.ToString(); intDomain = Int32.Parse(oDomain.Get(intDomain, "environment")); AD oAD = new AD(intProfile, dsn, intDomain); lblUser.Text = oAD.GetUserFullName(strUser); DirectoryEntry oEntry = oAD.UserSearch(strUser); Variables oVariable = new Variables(intDomain); if (oEntry != null) { if (oEntry.Properties.Contains("memberof") == true) { foreach (string strGroup in oEntry.Properties["memberof"]) { DirectoryEntry oEntry2 = new DirectoryEntry("LDAP://" + oVariable.primaryDCName(dsn) + "/" + strGroup, oVariable.Domain() + "\\" + oVariable.ADUser(), oVariable.ADPassword()); ListItem oList = new ListItem(oEntry2.Properties["name"].Value.ToString()); chkGroups.Items.Add(oList); oList.Selected = true; } } panContinue.Visible = true; } else { Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(typeof(Page), "saved", "<script type=\"text/javascript\">alert('The user account could not be found.\\n\\nPlease enter a valid account to continue.');<" + "/" + "script>"); btnNext.Enabled = false; } }
private void AddGroups(int _domain, string _name, string _ou, bool _disect) { Variables oVariable = new Variables(_domain); string strPath = "LDAP://" + oVariable.primaryDCName(dsn) + "/ou=" + _ou + oVariable.LDAP(); DirectoryEntry oParent = new DirectoryEntry(strPath, oVariable.Domain() + "\\" + oVariable.ADUser(), oVariable.ADPassword()); if (_disect == false) { foreach (DirectoryEntry oChild in oParent.Children) { if (boolFound == true) { break; } string strName = oChild.Name.Substring(3); if (oAccountRequest.GetExceptions(_domain, strName) == false) { if (CheckName(_name, strName) == true) { strResponse += "<value><![CDATA[" + Add(strName) + "]]></value><text><![CDATA[" + Add(strName) + "]]></text>"; intCount++; } } } } else { oTable = new DataTable(); DataColumn oColumn = new DataColumn(); oColumn.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.String"); oColumn.ColumnName = "name"; oTable.Columns.Add(oColumn); Populate(oParent, _domain); DataView dv = oTable.DefaultView; dv.Sort = "name"; foreach (DataRowView dr in dv) { if (boolFound == true) { break; } if (CheckName(_name, dr["name"].ToString()) == true) { strResponse += "<value><![CDATA[" + Add(dr["name"].ToString()) + "]]></value><text><![CDATA[" + Add(dr["name"].ToString()) + "]]></text>"; intCount++; } } } }
protected void btnSubmit_Click(Object Sender, EventArgs e) { int intUser = 0; string strAssets = ""; if (Int32.TryParse(Request.Form["hdnAJAXValue"], out intUser) == true && intUser > 0) { foreach (RepeaterItem ri in rptDevices.Items) { CheckBox chkDevice = (CheckBox)ri.FindControl("chkDevice"); Label lblName = (Label)ri.FindControl("lblName"); Label lblSerial = (Label)ri.FindControl("lblSerial"); Label lblStatus = (Label)ri.FindControl("lblStatus"); bool boolComplete = lblStatus.Text.ToUpper().Contains("COMPLETED"); oLog.AddEvent(lblName.Text, lblSerial.Text, "RECOMMISSION: Started by " + oUser.GetFullNameWithLanID(intProfile), LoggingType.Information); if (chkDevice.Checked == true) { if (chkDevice.ToolTip[0].ToString() == "S") { int intServer = Int32.Parse(chkDevice.ToolTip.Substring(1)); DataSet dsServers = oServer.GetAssetsServer(intServer); foreach (DataRow drServer in dsServers.Tables[0].Rows) { int intAsset = Int32.Parse(drServer["assetid"].ToString()); string strName = lblName.Text; if (drServer["dr"].ToString() == "1") { strName += "-DR"; } // Update Recommission Reason oAsset.UpdateDecommissionRecommission(intAsset, intUser, txtReason.Text); // Set status to InUse oAsset.AddStatus(intAsset, strName, (int)AssetStatus.InUse, intUser, DateTime.Now); // Clear cv_servers_assets DECOM field oServer.UpdateAssetDecom(intServer, intAsset, ""); if (boolComplete == true) { DataSet dsOrders = oAssetOrder.GetByAsset(intAsset, false); foreach (DataRow drOrders in dsOrders.Tables[0].Rows) { int intOrder = Int32.Parse(drOrders["orderid"].ToString()); // Cancel Resource Requests int intResource = 0; if (Int32.TryParse(drOrders["resourceid"].ToString(), out intResource) == true) { oResourceRequest.UpdateStatusOverallWorkflow(intResource, (int)ResourceRequestStatus.Cancelled); } // Delete Order oAssetOrder.DeleteOrder(intOrder); // Delete Asset Order Asset Selection oAssetOrder.DeleteAssetOrderAssetSelection(intOrder, intAsset); } // Set NewOrderID = 0 oAsset.updateNewOrderId(0, intAsset); } // Set strAssets to assets recommissioned (for status message on postback) if (strAssets != "") { strAssets += strSplit[0].ToString(); } strAssets += intAsset.ToString(); } // Remove previous decom records if (boolComplete == true) { bool boolPNC = (oServer.Get(intServer, "pnc") == "1"); // Update Server Name Record int intName = Int32.Parse(oServer.Get(intServer, "nameid")); if (boolPNC) { oServerName.UpdateFactory(intName, 0); } else { oServerName.Update(intName, 0); } } // Clear cv_servers DECOM field oServer.UpdateDecommissioned(intServer, ""); // Update IP Address(es) availability DataSet dsIP = oServer.GetIP(intServer, 0, 0, 0, 0); foreach (DataRow drIP in dsIP.Tables[0].Rows) { int intIP = Int32.Parse(drIP["ipaddressid"].ToString()); oIPAddresses.UpdateAvailable(intIP, 0); } // Restore Avamar Group(s) if (chkAvamar.Checked) { Avamar oAvamar = new Avamar(0, dsn); AvamarRegistration oAvamarRegistration = new AvamarRegistration(0, dsn); ClearViewWebServices oWebService = new ClearViewWebServices(); System.Net.NetworkCredential oCredentialsDNS = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(oVariable.ADUser(), oVariable.ADPassword(), oVariable.Domain()); oWebService.Credentials = oCredentialsDNS; oWebService.Url = oVariable.WebServiceURL(); string strError = ""; // First, query for groups. DataSet dsGroups = oAvamar.GetDecoms(lblName.Text); if (dsGroups.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { string client = dsGroups.Tables[0].Rows[0]["client"].ToString(); string grid = dsGroups.Tables[0].Rows[0]["grid"].ToString(); string domain = dsGroups.Tables[0].Rows[0]["domain"].ToString(); // Second, add the groups. foreach (DataRow drGroup in dsGroups.Tables[0].Rows) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(strError) == false) { break; } AvamarReturnType restore = oAvamarRegistration.API(oWebService.AddAvamarGroup(grid, domain, client, drGroup["group"].ToString())); if (restore.Error == true) { strError = restore.Message; } } // Third, remove the /Decom group AvamarReturnType decom = oAvamarRegistration.API(oWebService.DeleteAvamarGroup(grid, domain, client, oAvamar.DecomGroup)); if (decom.Error == false) { // Fourth, recommission the saved decom groups. oAvamar.UpdateDecom(client); } else { strError = decom.Message; } } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(strError)) { oLog.AddEvent(lblName.Text, lblSerial.Text, "RECOMMISSION: Avamar completed.", LoggingType.Information); } else { oLog.AddEvent(lblName.Text, lblSerial.Text, "RECOMMISSION: Avamar encountered an error = " + strError, LoggingType.Error); } } // Add log entry oLog.AddEvent(lblName.Text, lblSerial.Text, "Asset Recommissioned (Client = " + oUser.GetFullName(intUser) + ")", LoggingType.Information); } else { // Manual recommission - just delete the resource request to get out of the person's queue int intResource = Int32.Parse(chkDevice.ToolTip.Substring(1)); oResourceRequest.UpdateStatusOverall(intResource, -2); } } } } Response.Redirect(Request.Path + "?assets=" + strAssets); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { intProfile = Int32.Parse(Request.Cookies["profileid"].Value); oPage = new Pages(intProfile, dsn); oFunction = new Functions(intProfile, dsn, intEnvironment); oVariable = new Variables(intEnvironment); oWorkstation = new Workstations(intProfile, dsn); oUser = new Users(intProfile, dsn); oRequest = new Requests(intProfile, dsn); oServiceRequest = new ServiceRequests(intProfile, dsn); oLocation = new Locations(intProfile, dsn); oForecast = new Forecast(intProfile, dsn); oType = new Types(intProfile, dsn); oModel = new Models(intProfile, dsn); oModelsProperties = new ModelsProperties(intProfile, dsn); oOperatingSystems = new OperatingSystems(intProfile, dsn); oVirtualHDD = new VirtualHDD(intProfile, dsn); oVirtualRam = new VirtualRam(intProfile, dsn); oVirtualCPU = new VirtualCPU(intProfile, dsn); oClass = new Classes(intProfile, dsn); oAD = new AD(intProfile, dsn, intEnvironment); //Menus int intMenuTab = 0; if (Request.QueryString["menu_tab"] != null && Request.QueryString["menu_tab"] != "") { intMenuTab = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["menu_tab"]); } Tab oTab = new Tab("", intMenuTab, "divMenu1", true, false); oTab.AddTab("Pool Configurtion", ""); oTab.AddTab("Workstation History", ""); oTab.AddTab("Workstations Currently Available", ""); oTab.AddTab("Subscribed Users", ""); strMenuTab1 = oTab.GetTabs(); //End Menus if (Request.QueryString["applicationid"] != null && Request.QueryString["applicationid"] != "") { intApplication = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["applicationid"]); } if (Request.QueryString["pageid"] != null && Request.QueryString["pageid"] != "") { intPage = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["pageid"]); } if (Request.Cookies["application"] != null && Request.Cookies["application"].Value != "") { intApplication = Int32.Parse(Request.Cookies["application"].Value); } lblTitle.Text = oPage.Get(intPage, "title"); if (Request.QueryString["id"] != null && Request.QueryString["id"] != "") { panPool.Visible = true; int intID = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["id"]); if (Request.QueryString["save"] != null) { panSave.Visible = true; } DataSet ds = oWorkstation.GetPool(intID); if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { string strName = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["name"].ToString(); txtName.Text = strName; rptHistory.DataSource = oWorkstation.GetPoolWorkstationsStatus(strName); rptHistory.DataBind(); lblHistory.Visible = (rptHistory.Items.Count == 0); rptAvailable.DataSource = oWorkstation.GetPoolWorkstations(strName); rptAvailable.DataBind(); lblAvailable.Visible = (rptAvailable.Items.Count == 0); DirectoryEntry oEntry = oAD.GroupSearch("GSGwra_" + strName); if (oEntry != null) { if (oEntry.Properties.Contains("member") == true) { foreach (string strUser in oEntry.Properties["member"]) { DirectoryEntry oEntry2 = new DirectoryEntry("LDAP://" + oVariable.primaryDCName(dsn) + "/" + strUser, oVariable.Domain() + "\\" + oVariable.ADUser(), oVariable.ADPassword()); strSubscribers += "<tr><td>" + oEntry2.Properties["displayname"].Value.ToString() + " (" + oEntry2.Properties["name"].Value.ToString() + ")</td></tr>"; } } else { strSubscribers += "<tr><td><img src=\"/images/bigAlert.gif\" border=\"0\" align=\"absmiddle\"/> There are no subscribers</td></tr>"; } } else { strSubscribers += "<tr><td><img src=\"/images/bigError.gif\" border=\"0\" align=\"absmiddle\"/> Could not find Active Directory Group <b>" + "GSGwra_" + strName + "</b></td></tr>"; } txtDescription.Text = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["description"].ToString(); int intContact1 = 0; int intContact2 = 0; if (ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["contact1"].ToString() != "") { intContact1 = Int32.Parse(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["contact1"].ToString()); } if (ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["contact2"].ToString() != "") { intContact2 = Int32.Parse(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["contact2"].ToString()); } if (intContact1 > 0) { txtContact1.Text = oUser.GetFullName(intContact1) + " (" + oUser.GetName(intContact1) + ")"; hdnContact1.Value = intContact1.ToString(); } if (intContact2 > 0) { txtContact2.Text = oUser.GetFullName(intContact2) + " (" + oUser.GetName(intContact2) + ")"; hdnContact2.Value = intContact2.ToString(); } chkEnabled.Checked = (ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["enabled"].ToString() == "1"); lstCurrent.DataValueField = "id"; lstCurrent.DataTextField = "name"; lstCurrent.DataSource = oWorkstation.GetPoolWorkstations(intID); lstCurrent.DataBind(); lstAvailable.DataValueField = "id"; lstAvailable.DataTextField = "name"; lstAvailable.DataSource = oWorkstation.GetPoolWorkstations(intProfile, intID); lstAvailable.DataBind(); string strWorkstations = ""; int intCount = 0; foreach (ListItem oItem in lstCurrent.Items) { strWorkstations = strWorkstations + oItem.Value + "_" + intCount.ToString() + "&"; intCount++; } hdnWorkstations.Value = strWorkstations; txtContact1.Attributes.Add("onkeyup", "return AJAXTextBoxGet(this,'250','195','" + divContact1.ClientID + "','" + lstContact1.ClientID + "','" + hdnContact1.ClientID + "','" + oVariable.URL() + "/frame/users.aspx',2);"); lstContact1.Attributes.Add("ondblclick", "AJAXClickRow();"); txtContact2.Attributes.Add("onkeyup", "return AJAXTextBoxGet(this,'250','195','" + divContact2.ClientID + "','" + lstContact2.ClientID + "','" + hdnContact2.ClientID + "','" + oVariable.URL() + "/frame/users.aspx',2);"); lstContact2.Attributes.Add("ondblclick", "AJAXClickRow();"); btnAdd.Attributes.Add("onclick", "return MoveList('" + lstAvailable.ClientID + "','" + lstCurrent.ClientID + "','" + hdnWorkstations.ClientID + "','" + lstCurrent.ClientID + "');"); lstAvailable.Attributes.Add("ondblclick", "return MoveList('" + lstAvailable.ClientID + "','" + lstCurrent.ClientID + "','" + hdnWorkstations.ClientID + "','" + lstCurrent.ClientID + "');"); btnRemove.Attributes.Add("onclick", "return MoveList('" + lstCurrent.ClientID + "','" + lstAvailable.ClientID + "','" + hdnWorkstations.ClientID + "','" + lstCurrent.ClientID + "');"); lstCurrent.Attributes.Add("ondblclick", "return MoveList('" + lstCurrent.ClientID + "','" + lstAvailable.ClientID + "','" + hdnWorkstations.ClientID + "','" + lstCurrent.ClientID + "');"); btnUpdate.Attributes.Add("onclick", "return ValidateText('" + txtName.ClientID + "','Please enter a name')" + " && ValidateText('" + txtDescription.ClientID + "','Please enter a description')" + " && ValidateHidden0('" + hdnContact1.ClientID + "','" + txtContact1.ClientID + "','Please enter a primary contact')" + " && ValidateHidden0('" + hdnContact2.ClientID + "','" + txtContact2.ClientID + "','Please enter a secondary contact')" + ";"); } } else if (Request.QueryString["create"] != null) { panCreate.Visible = true; LoadLists(); if (Request.QueryString["qty"] != null && Request.QueryString["qty"] != "") { if (Request.QueryString["qty"] == intMaxWorkstationsPerDay.ToString()) { Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(typeof(Page), "qty", "<script type=\"text/javascript\">alert('NOTE: You can request up to " + intMaxWorkstationsPerDay.ToString() + " virtual workstations per day.\\n\\nCurrently, you have requested " + Request.QueryString["qty"] + " virtual workstations and cannot be allocated additional hardware until tomorrow.\\n\\nIf your initiative requires more than " + intMaxWorkstationsPerDay.ToString() + " virtual workstations per day, you must use design builder.\\nPlease contact your technical lead or ClearView administrator for additional information.');<" + "/" + "script>"); } else if (Request.QueryString["qty"] == "0") { int intDiff = intMaxWorkstationsPerDay - Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["qty"]); Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(typeof(Page), "qty", "<script type=\"text/javascript\">alert('NOTE: You can request up to " + intMaxWorkstationsPerDay.ToString() + " virtual workstations per day.\\n\\nCurrently, you have requested " + Request.QueryString["qty"] + " virtual workstations. Please enter a quantity of " + intDiff.ToString() + " or less to continue.\\n\\nIf your initiative requires more than " + intMaxWorkstationsPerDay.ToString() + " virtual workstations per day, you must use design builder.\\nPlease contact your technical lead or ClearView administrator for additional information.');<" + "/" + "script>"); } else { Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(typeof(Page), "qty", "<script type=\"text/javascript\">alert('NOTE: You can request up to " + intMaxWorkstationsPerDay.ToString() + " virtual workstations per day.\\n\\nPlease enter a quantity of " + intMaxWorkstationsPerDay.ToString() + " or less to continue.\\n\\nIf your initiative requires more than " + intMaxWorkstationsPerDay.ToString() + " virtual workstations per day, you must use design builder.\\nPlease contact your technical lead or ClearView administrator for additional information.');<" + "/" + "script>"); } } int intAddress = intLocation; if (intAddress > 0) { txtParent.Text = oLocation.GetFull(intAddress); } hdnParent.Value = intAddress.ToString(); btnContinue.Attributes.Add("onclick", "return ValidateNumber0('" + txtQuantity.ClientID + "','Please enter a valid quantity')" + " && ValidateDropDown('" + ddlRam.ClientID + "','Please select a RAM')" + " && ValidateDropDown('" + ddlOS.ClientID + "','Please select an operating system')" + " && ValidateDropDown('" + ddlCPU.ClientID + "','Please select a CPU')" + " && ValidateDropDown('" + ddlHardDrive.ClientID + "','Please select a hard drive')" + ";"); } else if (Request.QueryString["rid"] != null) { int intRequest = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["rid"]); panExecute.Visible = true; DataSet dsService = oForecast.GetAnswerService(intRequest); if (dsService.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { int intAnswer = Int32.Parse(dsService.Tables[0].Rows[0]["id"].ToString()); int intType = oModelsProperties.GetType(intModelVirtual); string strExecute = oType.Get(intType, "forecast_execution_path"); if (strExecute != "") { btnExecute.Attributes.Add("onclick", "return OpenWindow('FORECAST_EXECUTE','" + strExecute + "?id=" + intAnswer.ToString() + "');"); } else { btnExecute.Attributes.Add("onclick", "alert('Execution has not been configured for asset type " + oType.Get(intType, "name") + "');return false;"); } } else { btnExecute.Attributes.Add("onclick", "alert('There was a problem executing this request...please contact your ClearView administrator');return false;"); } } else { DataSet ds = oWorkstation.GetPools(0); panPools.Visible = true; rptPools.DataSource = ds; rptPools.DataBind(); foreach (RepeaterItem ri in rptPools.Items) { Label lblWorkstations = (Label)ri.FindControl("lblWorkstations"); lblWorkstations.Text = oWorkstation.GetPoolWorkstations(Int32.Parse(lblWorkstations.Text)).Tables[0].Rows.Count.ToString(); } lblPools.Visible = (rptPools.Items.Count == 0); } }
public void Backups(int EnvironmentID) { // Setup Classes Servers oServer = new Servers(0, dsn); AvamarRegistration oAvamarRegistration = new AvamarRegistration(0, dsn); Log oLog = new Log(0, dsn); Variables oVariable = new Variables(EnvironmentID); // Setup Webservice for querying via SSH System.Net.NetworkCredential oCredentialsDNS = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(oVariable.ADUser(), oVariable.ADPassword(), oVariable.Domain()); ClearViewWebServices oWebService = new ClearViewWebServices(); oWebService.Url = oVariable.WebServiceURL(); DataSet dsBackups = oServer.GetAvamarBackups(); if (dsBackups.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { oLog.AddEvent("", "", "Get avamar backups (" + dsBackups.Tables[0].Rows.Count.ToString() + ")", LoggingType.Debug); foreach (DataRow drBackup in dsBackups.Tables[0].Rows) { ClearResults(); int intServer = Int32.Parse(drBackup["id"].ToString()); DateTime datCreated = DateTime.Parse(drBackup["created"].ToString()); int intAnswer = Int32.Parse(drBackup["answerid"].ToString()); string strName = drBackup["servername"].ToString(); string strGrid = drBackup["grid"].ToString(); string strDomain = drBackup["domain"].ToString(); string strGroup = drBackup["group"].ToString(); oLog.AddEvent(intAnswer, strName, "", "Starting automated Avamar backup validation", LoggingType.Debug); string strError = ""; // Initiate backup for client AvamarReturnType backup = oAvamarRegistration.API(oWebService.GetAvamarBackup(strGrid, strDomain, strName)); if (backup.Error == false) { oLog.AddEvent(intAnswer, strName, "", "There are " + backup.Nodes.Count.ToString() + " backup(s).", LoggingType.Information); if (backup.Nodes.Count > 0) { oLog.AddEvent(intAnswer, strName, "", "Backup has been validated", LoggingType.Information); oServer.UpdateAvamarBackupCompleted(intServer, backup.Nodes[0].InnerXml, DateTime.Now.ToString(), 0); } else { // Check to see if a certain amount of time has passed and if so, throw error. TimeSpan span = DateTime.Now.Subtract(datCreated); if (span.TotalMinutes > 90) { // It's been an hour and a half. Throw error. strError = "The backup has still not completed after 90 minutes on grid " + strGrid; } } } else { strError = backup.Message + " (" + backup.Code + ")"; } if (strError != "") { oLog.AddEvent(intAnswer, strName, "", strError, LoggingType.Error); oServer.UpdateAvamarBackupCompleted(intServer, strError, DateTime.Now.ToString(), 1); oServer.AddError(0, 0, 0, intServer, 906, strError); } } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { RequestItems oRequestItem = new RequestItems(intProfile, dsn); RequestFields oRequestField = new RequestFields(intProfile, dsn); ServiceRequests oServiceRequest = new ServiceRequests(intProfile, dsn); Services oService = new Services(intProfile, dsn); int intRequest = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["rid"]); string strStatus = oServiceRequest.Get(intRequest, "checkout"); DataSet dsItems = oRequestItem.GetForms(intRequest); int intItem = 0; int intService = 0; int intNumber = 0; if (dsItems.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { bool boolBreak = false; foreach (DataRow drItem in dsItems.Tables[0].Rows) { if (boolBreak == true) { break; } if (drItem["done"].ToString() == "0") { intItem = Int32.Parse(drItem["itemid"].ToString()); intService = Int32.Parse(drItem["serviceid"].ToString()); intNumber = Int32.Parse(drItem["number"].ToString()); boolBreak = true; } if (intItem > 0 && (strStatus == "1" || strStatus == "2")) { bool boolSuccess = true; string strResult = oService.GetName(intService) + " Completed"; string strError = oService.GetName(intService) + " Error"; // ********* BEGIN PROCESSING ************** DNS oDNS = new DNS(intProfile, dsn); strResult = ""; strError = ""; if (intEnvironment < 3) { intEnvironment = 3; } Variables oVariable = new Variables(intEnvironment); Requests oRequest = new Requests(intProfile, dsn); Users oUser = new Users(intProfile, dsn); DataSet ds = oDNS.GetDNS(intRequest, intItem, intNumber); Domains oDomain = new Domains(intProfile, dsn); if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { string strAction = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["action"].ToString(); string strNameCurrent = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["name_current"].ToString(); string strIPCurrent = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["ip_current"].ToString(); string strAliasCurrent = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["alias_current"].ToString(); string strNameNew = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["name_new"].ToString(); string strIPNew = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["ip_new"].ToString(); string strAliasNew = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["alias_new"].ToString(); string strDomain = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["domain"].ToString(); string strObject = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["value"].ToString(); int intUser = oRequest.GetUser(intRequest); // Connect to DNS to process the request System.Net.NetworkCredential oCredentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(oVariable.ADUser(), oVariable.ADPassword(), oVariable.Domain()); ClearViewWebServices oWebService = new ClearViewWebServices(); oWebService.Timeout = Int32.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["WS_TIMEOUT"]); oWebService.Credentials = oCredentials; oWebService.Url = oVariable.WebServiceURL(); Settings oSetting = new Settings(0, dsn); bool boolDNS_QIP = oSetting.IsDNS_QIP(); bool boolDNS_Bluecat = oSetting.IsDNS_Bluecat(); string strWebServiceResult = ""; switch (strAction) { case "CREATE": if (strIPNew != "" && strNameNew != "") { if (boolDNS_QIP == true) { strWebServiceResult = oWebService.CreateDNSforPNC(strIPNew, strNameNew, strObject, strAliasNew, oVariable.DNS_Domain(), oVariable.DNS_NameService(), oVariable.DNS_DynamicDNSUpdate(), intProfile, 0, true); if (strWebServiceResult == "SUCCESS") { strResult += "<p>The following record was successfully created in QIP DNS...</p><p>" + oDNS.GetDNSBody(intRequest, intItem, intNumber, true, intEnvironment) + "</p>"; } else if (strWebServiceResult.StartsWith("***DUPLICATE") == true) { strResult += "<p>The following record was already created in QIP DNS...</p><p>" + oDNS.GetDNSBody(intRequest, intItem, intNumber, true, intEnvironment) + "</p>"; } else if (strWebServiceResult.StartsWith("***CONFLICT") == true) { strError += "<p>A CONFLICT occurred when attempting to create the following record in QIP DNS...</p><p>" + oDNS.GetDNSBody(intRequest, intItem, intNumber, true, intEnvironment) + "</p><p>Conflict Message:</p><p>" + strWebServiceResult + "</p>"; } else { strError += "<p>An ERROR occurred when attempting to create the following record in QIP DNS...</p><p>" + oDNS.GetDNSBody(intRequest, intItem, intNumber, true, intEnvironment) + "</p><p>Error Message:</p><p>" + strWebServiceResult + "</p>"; } } if (boolDNS_Bluecat == true) { strWebServiceResult = oWebService.CreateBluecatDNS(strIPNew, strNameNew, strNameNew, ""); if (strWebServiceResult == "SUCCESS") { strResult += "<p>The following record was successfully created in BlueCat DNS...</p><p>" + oDNS.GetDNSBody(intRequest, intItem, intNumber, true, intEnvironment) + "</p>"; } else if (strWebServiceResult.StartsWith("***DUPLICATE") == true) { strResult += "<p>The following record was already created in BlueCat DNS...</p><p>" + oDNS.GetDNSBody(intRequest, intItem, intNumber, true, intEnvironment) + "</p>"; } else if (strWebServiceResult.StartsWith("***CONFLICT") == true) { strError += "<p>A CONFLICT occurred when attempting to create the following record in BlueCat DNS...</p><p>" + oDNS.GetDNSBody(intRequest, intItem, intNumber, true, intEnvironment) + "</p><p>Conflict Message:</p><p>" + strWebServiceResult + "</p>"; } else { strError += "<p>An ERROR occurred when attempting to create the following record in BlueCat DNS...</p><p>" + oDNS.GetDNSBody(intRequest, intItem, intNumber, true, intEnvironment) + "</p><p>Error Message:</p><p>" + strWebServiceResult + "</p>"; } } } else { strError = "<p>Invalid Parameters...</p>"; } break; case "UPDATE": string strIP = (strIPNew != "" ? strIPNew : strIPCurrent); string strName = (strNameNew != "" ? strNameNew : strNameCurrent); string strAlias = (((strAliasCurrent != "" && strAliasNew == "") || strAliasNew != "") ? strAliasNew : strAliasCurrent); if (strObject == "") { strObject = "Server"; } if (boolDNS_QIP == true) { strWebServiceResult = oWebService.UpdateDNSforPNC(strIP, strName, strObject, strAlias, oVariable.DNS_Domain(), oVariable.DNS_NameService(), oVariable.DNS_DynamicDNSUpdate(), intProfile, 0, true); if (strWebServiceResult == "SUCCESS") { strResult += "<p>The following record was successfully updated in QIP DNS...</p><p>" + oDNS.GetDNSBody(intRequest, intItem, intNumber, true, intEnvironment) + "</p>"; } else if (strWebServiceResult.StartsWith("***DUPLICATE") == true) { strResult += "<p>The following record was already updated in QIP DNS...</p><p>" + oDNS.GetDNSBody(intRequest, intItem, intNumber, true, intEnvironment) + "</p>"; } else if (strWebServiceResult.StartsWith("***CONFLICT") == true) { strError += "<p>A CONFLICT occurred when attempting to update the following record in QIP DNS...</p><p>" + oDNS.GetDNSBody(intRequest, intItem, intNumber, true, intEnvironment) + "</p><p>Conflict Message:</p><p>" + strWebServiceResult + "</p>"; } else { strError += "<p>An ERROR occurred when attempting to update the following record in QIP DNS...</p><p>" + oDNS.GetDNSBody(intRequest, intItem, intNumber, true, intEnvironment) + "</p><p>Error Message:</p><p>" + strWebServiceResult + "</p>"; } } if (boolDNS_Bluecat == true) { strWebServiceResult = oWebService.UpdateBluecatDNS(strIP, strName, strNameNew, ""); if (strWebServiceResult == "SUCCESS") { strResult += "<p>The following record was successfully updated in BlueCat DNS...</p><p>" + oDNS.GetDNSBody(intRequest, intItem, intNumber, true, intEnvironment) + "</p>"; } else if (strWebServiceResult.StartsWith("***DUPLICATE") == true) { strResult += "<p>The following record was already updated in BlueCat DNS...</p><p>" + oDNS.GetDNSBody(intRequest, intItem, intNumber, true, intEnvironment) + "</p>"; } else if (strWebServiceResult.StartsWith("***CONFLICT") == true) { strError += "<p>A CONFLICT occurred when attempting to update the following record in BlueCat DNS...</p><p>" + oDNS.GetDNSBody(intRequest, intItem, intNumber, true, intEnvironment) + "</p><p>Conflict Message:</p><p>" + strWebServiceResult + "</p>"; } else { strError += "<p>An ERROR occurred when attempting to update the following record in BlueCat DNS...</p><p>" + oDNS.GetDNSBody(intRequest, intItem, intNumber, true, intEnvironment) + "</p><p>Error Message:</p><p>" + strWebServiceResult + "</p>"; } } break; case "DELETE": if (boolDNS_QIP == true) { if (strIPCurrent != "") { strWebServiceResult = oWebService.DeleteDNSforPNC(strIPCurrent, "", intProfile, true); } else if (strNameCurrent != "") { strWebServiceResult = oWebService.DeleteDNSforPNC("", strNameCurrent, intProfile, true); } if (strWebServiceResult == "SUCCESS") { strResult += "<p>The following record was successfully deleted in QIP DNS...</p><p>" + oDNS.GetDNSBody(intRequest, intItem, intNumber, true, intEnvironment) + "</p>"; } else { strError += "<p>An ERROR occurred when attempting to delete the following record in QIP DNS...</p><p>" + oDNS.GetDNSBody(intRequest, intItem, intNumber, true, intEnvironment) + "</p><p>Error Message:</p><p>" + strWebServiceResult + "</p>"; } } if (boolDNS_Bluecat == true) { if (strIPCurrent != "") { strWebServiceResult = oWebService.DeleteBluecatDNS(strIPCurrent, "", false, false); } else if (strNameCurrent != "") { strWebServiceResult = oWebService.DeleteBluecatDNS("", strNameCurrent, false, false); } if (strWebServiceResult == "SUCCESS") { strResult += "<p>The following record was successfully deleted in BlueCat DNS...</p><p>" + oDNS.GetDNSBody(intRequest, intItem, intNumber, true, intEnvironment) + "</p>"; } else { strError += "<p>An ERROR occurred when attempting to delete the following record in BlueCat DNS...</p><p>" + oDNS.GetDNSBody(intRequest, intItem, intNumber, true, intEnvironment) + "</p><p>Error Message:</p><p>" + strWebServiceResult + "</p>"; } } break; } if (strResult != "") { oRequest.AddResult(intRequest, intItem, intNumber, oService.GetName(intService), "", strResult, intEnvironment, (oService.Get(intService, "notify_client") == "1"), oUser.GetName(intUser)); } else if (strError != "") { oRequest.AddResult(intRequest, intItem, intNumber, oService.GetName(intService), strError, "", intEnvironment, (oService.Get(intService, "notify_client") == "1"), oUser.GetName(intUser)); } oDNS.UpdateDNSCompleted(intRequest, intItem, intNumber); } if (strResult == "") { boolSuccess = false; } // ******** END PROCESSING ************** if (oService.Get(intService, "automate") == "1" && boolSuccess == true) { strDone += "<table border=\"0\"><tr><td><img src=\"/images/bigCheck.gif\" border=\"0\" align=\"absmiddle\"/></td><td class=\"biggerbold\">" + strResult + "</td></tr></table>"; } else { if (boolSuccess == false) { strDone += "<table border=\"0\"><tr><td><img src=\"/images/bigError.gif\" border=\"0\" align=\"absmiddle\"/></td><td class=\"biggerbold\">" + strError + "</td></tr></table>"; } else { strDone += "<table border=\"0\"><tr><td><img src=\"/images/bigCheck.gif\" border=\"0\" align=\"absmiddle\"/></td><td class=\"biggerbold\">" + oService.GetName(intService) + " Submitted</td></tr></table>"; } } oRequestItem.UpdateFormDone(intRequest, intItem, intNumber, 1); } } } }
private double CompareDomainComputers(int _search_domain, int _searched_domain, int _computers, int _requestid) { double dblHours = 0.00; double dblTime = 5.00 / 60.00; try { ADObject oADObject = new ADObject(0, dsn); DataPoint oDataPoint = new DataPoint(0, dsn); Variables oDevV = new Variables(_search_domain); DirectoryEntry oDevE = new DirectoryEntry(oDevV.primaryDC(dsn), oDevV.Domain() + "\\" + oDevV.ADUser(), oDevV.ADPassword()); DirectorySearcher oDevS = new DirectorySearcher(oDevE); oDevS.Filter = "(objectCategory=computer)"; SearchResultCollection oDevs = oDevS.FindAll(); string[] a1 = new string[10000]; int intCount = 0; foreach (SearchResult oDev in oDevs) { if (oDev.Properties.Contains("sAMAccountName") == true) { a1[intCount] = oDev.Properties["sAMAccountName"][0].ToString(); intCount++; } } Variables oTestV = new Variables(_searched_domain); DirectoryEntry oTestE = new DirectoryEntry(oTestV.primaryDC(dsn), oTestV.Domain() + "\\" + oTestV.ADUser(), oTestV.ADPassword()); DirectorySearcher oTestS = new DirectorySearcher(oTestE); oTestS.Filter = "(objectCategory=computer)"; SearchResultCollection oTests = oTestS.FindAll(); string[] a2 = new string[10000]; intCount = 0; foreach (SearchResult oTest in oTests) { if (oTest.Properties.Contains("sAMAccountName") == true) { a2[intCount] = oTest.Properties["sAMAccountName"][0].ToString(); intCount++; } } string[] a3 = new string[10000]; intCount = 0; for (int ii = 0; ii < 10000 && a1[ii] != null; ii++) { for (int jj = 0; jj < 10000 && a2[jj] != null; jj++) { if (a1[ii] == a2[jj]) { a3[intCount] = a2[jj]; intCount++; break; } } } Ping oPing = new Ping(); for (int kk = 0; kk < 10000 && a3[kk] != null; kk++) { if (_computers > 0 && intCounter > _computers) { break; } string strServer = a3[kk].Replace("$", ""); string strStatus = ""; PingReply oReply; try { string strDevSuffix = oDevV.FullyQualified(); oReply = oPing.Send(strServer + "." + strDevSuffix); strStatus = oReply.Status.ToString(); } catch {} if (strStatus == "Success") { AddDomainComputer(_requestid, strServer, _searched_domain); } else { try { string strTestSuffix = oTestV.FullyQualified(); oReply = oPing.Send(strServer + "." + strTestSuffix); strStatus = oReply.Status.ToString(); } catch {} if (strStatus == "Success") { AddDomainComputer(_requestid, strServer, _search_domain); } else { try { oReply = oPing.Send(strServer); strStatus = oReply.Status.ToString(); } catch { } if (strStatus == "Success") { int intDomain = oDevV.DomainID(oDataPoint.GetDomainNameFix(strServer, intEnvironment)); if (intDomain > 0) { if (intDomain == _search_domain) { intDomain = _searched_domain; } else { intDomain = _search_domain; } AddDomainComputer(_requestid, strServer, intDomain); } else { AddDomainComputer(_requestid, strServer, _search_domain); AddDomainComputer(_requestid, strServer, _searched_domain); dblHours += dblTime; } } else { AddDomainComputer(_requestid, strServer, _search_domain); AddDomainComputer(_requestid, strServer, _searched_domain); dblHours += dblTime; } } } dblHours += dblTime; intCounter++; } } catch (Exception er2) { oLog.WriteEntry(String.Format("ERROR: " + er2.Message), EventLogEntryType.Error); } return(dblHours); }
public void RunExample(params string[] arg) { if (arg.Length < 3) { Response.Write( "usage: java KeyGen rsa output_keyfile comment\n" + " java KeyGen dsa output_keyfile comment"); return; } try { //Get sig type ('rsa' or 'dsa') String _type = arg[0]; int type = 0; if (_type.Equals("rsa")) { type = KeyPair.RSA; } else if (_type.Equals("dsa")) { type = KeyPair.DSA; } else { Response.Write( "usage: java KeyGen rsa output_keyfile comment\n" + " java KeyGen dsa output_keyfile comment"); return; } //Output file name String filename = arg[1]; //Signature comment String comment = arg[2]; //Create a new JSch instance JSch jsch = new JSch(); //Prompt the user for a passphrase for the private key file Variables oVar = new Variables((int)CurrentEnvironment.PNCNT_PROD); String passphrase = oVar.ADPassword(); //Generate the new key pair KeyPair kpair = KeyPair.genKeyPair(jsch, type); //Set a passphrase kpair.setPassphrase(passphrase); //Write the private key to "filename" using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(Server.MapPath("~/DEV/" + filename), FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write)) kpair.writePrivateKey(fs); //Write the public key to "" using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(Server.MapPath("~/DEV/" + filename + ".pub"), FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write)) kpair.writePublicKey(fs, comment); //Print the key fingerprint Response.Write("Finger print: " + kpair.getFingerPrint()); //Free resources kpair.dispose(); } catch (Exception e) { Response.Write(e); } return; }
private double LastLogin(int _search_domain, int _days, int _accounts, int _requestid) { double dblHours = 0.00; double dblTime = 5.00 / 60.00; ADObject oADObject = new ADObject(0, dsn); Variables oVariable = new Variables(_search_domain); DirectoryEntry oEntry = new DirectoryEntry(oVariable.primaryDC(dsn), oVariable.ADUser(), oVariable.ADPassword()); DirectorySearcher oSearcher = new DirectorySearcher(oEntry); oSearcher.Filter = "(&(objectCategory=user)(|(sAMAccountName=t*)(|(sAMAccountName=e*)(sAMAccountName=x*))))"; SearchResultCollection oResults = oSearcher.FindAll(); foreach (SearchResult oResult in oResults) { if (_accounts > 0 && intCounter > _accounts) { break; } if (oResult.Properties.Contains("sAMAccountName") == true) { string strXid = oResult.Properties["sAMAccountName"][0].ToString(); string strFName = ""; if (oResult.Properties.Contains("givenname") == true) { strFName = oResult.Properties["givenname"][0].ToString(); } string strLName = ""; if (oResult.Properties.Contains("sn") == true) { strLName = oResult.Properties["sn"][0].ToString(); } string strName = ""; if (strFName != "" || strLName != "") { strName = "(" + strFName + " " + strLName + ")"; } string strPath = ""; if (oResult.Properties.Contains("adspath") == true) { strPath = oResult.Properties["adspath"][0].ToString(); } DateTime dc1 = CheckDomain(1, _search_domain, strXid, _days); DateTime dc2 = CheckDomain(2, _search_domain, strXid, _days); DateTime dcGreater = new DateTime(); DateTime dcLess = new DateTime(); if (dc1 > dc2) { dcGreater = dc1; dcLess = dc2; } else { dcGreater = dc2; dcLess = dc1; } TimeSpan oSpan = DateTime.Today.Subtract(dcGreater); TimeSpan oSpanLess = DateTime.Today.Subtract(dcLess); if (oSpan.Days > _days) { string strDate = dcGreater.ToString(); oADObject.AddDomainAccount(_requestid, _search_domain, strXid.ToUpper() + strName, strPath, "Account has not logged in for " + oSpan.Days.ToString() + " days in " + oVariable.Name() + " (" + oSpanLess.Days.ToString() + " in other DC)", strDate); intCounter++; dblHours += dblTime; } } } return(dblHours); }
protected void btnServiceNowIncidentGet_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (false) { // QA Service Now string URL = ""; WebServiceAPI.ClearViewWebServices ws = new WebServiceAPI.ClearViewWebServices(); ws.Url = "http://localhost:64919/ClearViewWebServices.asmx"; int ErrorID = 178255; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["id"]) == false) { Int32.TryParse(Request.QueryString["id"], out ErrorID); } string result = ws.GetServiceNowIncident(URL, "_clearview_user", "_clearview_userQA", ErrorID, "WORKSTATION"); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(result) == false) { Response.Write(result); } else { Response.Write("Success"); } } else { // Production Service Now oVariable = new Variables(999); WebServiceAPI.ClearViewWebServices oServiceNow = new WebServiceAPI.ClearViewWebServices(); if (true) { // Production Web Service System.Net.NetworkCredential oCredentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(oVariable.ADUser(), oVariable.ADPassword(), oVariable.Domain()); oServiceNow.Timeout = Timeout.Infinite; oServiceNow.Credentials = oCredentials; oServiceNow.Url = oVariable.WebServiceURL(); } else // Local Web Service { oServiceNow.Url = "http://localhost:55030/ClearViewWebServices.asmx"; } string url = ""; bool workstation = false; int errorid = 29002; //string data = oServiceNow.GetServiceNowIncident(url, oVariable.ServiceNowUsername(), oVariable.ServiceNowPassword(), errorid, (workstation ? "WORKSTATION" : "SERVER")); string data = oServiceNow.GetServiceNowIncidentNumber(url, oVariable.ServiceNowUsername(), oVariable.ServiceNowPassword(), "INC2381530"); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(data) == false) { Response.Write(data); } else { Response.Write("Success"); } } }
private void LoadObjects() { string strGroup = oFunction.decryptQueryString(Request.QueryString["g"]); txtFrom.Text = strGroup; int intDomain = Int32.Parse(oFunction.decryptQueryString(Request.QueryString["d"])); ddlDomain.SelectedValue = intDomain.ToString(); intDomain = Int32.Parse(oDomain.Get(intDomain, "environment")); AD oAD = new AD(intProfile, dsn, intDomain); lblGroup.Text = oAD.GetGroupName(strGroup); DirectoryEntry oEntry = oAD.GroupSearch(strGroup); Variables oVariable = new Variables(intDomain); if (oEntry != null) { if (oEntry.Properties.Contains("member") == true) { foreach (string strUser in oEntry.Properties["member"]) { DirectoryEntry oEntry2 = new DirectoryEntry("LDAP://" + oVariable.primaryDCName(dsn) + "/" + strUser, oVariable.Domain() + "\\" + oVariable.ADUser(), oVariable.ADPassword()); ListItem oList = new ListItem(oEntry2.Properties["displayName"].Value.ToString() + " (" + oEntry2.Properties["name"].Value.ToString() + ")", oEntry2.Properties["name"].Value.ToString()); chkUsers.Items.Add(oList); oList.Selected = true; } } lblNone.Visible = (chkUsers.Items.Count == 0); // Get Group Type if (oEntry.Properties.Contains("groupType") == true) { switch (oEntry.Properties["groupType"].Value.ToString()) { case "-2147483646": radS.Checked = true; radGG.Checked = true; break; case "-2147483644": radS.Checked = true; radDLG.Checked = true; break; case "-2147483640": radS.Checked = true; radUG.Checked = true; break; case "2": radD.Checked = true; radGG.Checked = true; break; case "4": radD.Checked = true; radDLG.Checked = true; break; case "8": radD.Checked = true; radUG.Checked = true; break; } } panContinue.Visible = true; } else { Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(typeof(Page), "saved", "<script type=\"text/javascript\">alert('The group could not be found.\\n\\nPlease enter a group name to continue.');<" + "/" + "script>"); btnNext.Enabled = false; } }
private void PopulateTree(int _domain) { Variables oVariable = new Variables(_domain); DirectoryEntry oEntry = new DirectoryEntry("LDAP://" + oVariable.primaryDCName(dsn) + "/" + oVariable.LDAP(), oVariable.Domain() + "\\" + oVariable.ADUser(), oVariable.ADPassword()); DirectorySearcher oSearcher = new DirectorySearcher(oEntry); oSearcher.Filter = "(objectClass=organizationalUnit)"; oSearcher.SearchScope = SearchScope.OneLevel; SearchResultCollection oCollection = oSearcher.FindAll(); foreach (SearchResult oResult in oCollection) { TreeNode oNode = new TreeNode(); oNode.Text = oResult.GetDirectoryEntry().Properties["name"].Value.ToString(); if (oResult.GetDirectoryEntry().Properties["name"].Value.ToString() == "OUc_Orgs" || oResult.GetDirectoryEntry().Properties["name"].Value.ToString() == "OUg_Resources") { oNode.Text = oResult.GetDirectoryEntry().Properties["name"].Value.ToString(); oNode.ToolTip = oNode.Text; oNode.SelectAction = TreeNodeSelectAction.Expand; PopulateTree2(_domain, "OU=" + oResult.GetDirectoryEntry().Properties["name"].Value.ToString() + ",", oNode); oTreeview.Nodes.Add(oNode); } } oTreeview.ExpandDepth = 1; oTreeview.Attributes.Add("oncontextmenu", "return false;"); }
private void LoadServer(DataRow dr) { int intRequest = Int32.Parse(dr["requestid"].ToString()); int intItem = Int32.Parse(dr["itemid"].ToString()); int intNumber = Int32.Parse(dr["number"].ToString()); string strNameCurrent = dr["name_current"].ToString(); string strIPCurrent = dr["ip_current"].ToString(); string strAliasCurrent = dr["alias_current"].ToString(); string strNameNew = dr["name_new"].ToString(); string strIPNew = dr["ip_new"].ToString(); string strAliasNew = dr["alias_new"].ToString(); string strReason = dr["reason"].ToString(); txtSearchName.Text = strNameCurrent; txtSearchIP.Text = strIPCurrent; txtSearchAlias.Text = strAliasCurrent; if (strReason != "") { // Show Confirmation Page lblName.Text = strNameCurrent; lblIP.Text = strIPCurrent; lblAlias.Text = strAliasCurrent; panConfirm.Visible = true; strConfirm = oDNS.GetDNSBody(intRequest, intItem, intNumber, true, intEnvironment); btnNext.Attributes.Add("onclick", "return ValidateCheck('" + chkAgree.ClientID + "','Please check the box stating that you agree to the disclaimer notice')" + " && ProcessButton(this)" + ";"); btnDiscard.Attributes.Add("onclick", "return confirm('WARNING: Starting over will discard all the changes you have made.\\n\\nAre you sure you want to continue?') && ProcessButton(this);"); btnContinue.Visible = false; btnConfirm.Visible = false; } else { panSearch.Visible = true; btnNext.Visible = false; // Get Record from DNS System.Net.NetworkCredential oCredentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(oVariable.ADUser(), oVariable.ADPassword(), oVariable.Domain()); ClearViewWebServices oWebService = new ClearViewWebServices(); oWebService.Timeout = Int32.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["WS_TIMEOUT"]); oWebService.Credentials = oCredentials; oWebService.Url = oVariable.WebServiceURL(); Settings oSetting = new Settings(0, dsn); bool boolDNS_QIP = oSetting.IsDNS_QIP(); bool boolDNS_Bluecat = oSetting.IsDNS_Bluecat(); // Get Values if (strNameCurrent != "") { if (boolDNS_QIP == true) { strIPCurrent = oWebService.SearchDNSforPNC("", strNameCurrent, false, true); if (strIPCurrent.StartsWith("***") == false) { strNameCurrent = oWebService.SearchDNSforPNC(strIPCurrent, "", false, true); strAliasCurrent = oWebService.SearchDNSforPNC(strIPCurrent, "", true, true); if (strAliasCurrent.StartsWith("***") == true) { strAliasCurrent = ""; } } else { strNameCurrent = ""; strIPCurrent = ""; } } if (boolDNS_Bluecat == true) { strIPCurrent = oWebService.SearchBluecatDNS("", strNameCurrent); if (strIPCurrent.StartsWith("***") == false) { strNameCurrent = oWebService.SearchBluecatDNS(strIPCurrent, ""); strAliasCurrent = ""; } else { strNameCurrent = ""; strIPCurrent = ""; } } } else if (strIPCurrent != "") { if (boolDNS_QIP == true) { strNameCurrent = oWebService.SearchDNSforPNC(strIPCurrent, "", false, true); if (strNameCurrent.StartsWith("***") == false) { strAliasCurrent = oWebService.SearchDNSforPNC(strIPCurrent, "", true, true); if (strAliasCurrent.StartsWith("***") == true) { strAliasCurrent = ""; } } else { strNameCurrent = ""; strIPCurrent = ""; } } if (boolDNS_Bluecat == true) { strNameCurrent = oWebService.SearchBluecatDNS(strIPCurrent, ""); if (strNameCurrent.StartsWith("***") == false) { strAliasCurrent = ""; } else { strNameCurrent = ""; strIPCurrent = ""; } } } else if (strAliasCurrent != "") { if (boolDNS_QIP == true) { strIPCurrent = oWebService.SearchDNSforPNC("", strAliasCurrent, true, true); if (strIPCurrent.StartsWith("***") == false) { strNameCurrent = oWebService.SearchDNSforPNC(strIPCurrent, "", false, true); strAliasCurrent = oWebService.SearchDNSforPNC(strIPCurrent, "", true, true); if (strAliasCurrent.StartsWith("***") == true) { strAliasCurrent = ""; } } else { strAliasCurrent = ""; strIPCurrent = ""; } } if (boolDNS_Bluecat == true) { strAliasCurrent = ""; strIPCurrent = ""; } } if (strNameCurrent.Contains(".") == true) { strDomain = strNameCurrent.Substring(strNameCurrent.IndexOf(".")); strNameCurrent = strNameCurrent.Substring(0, strNameCurrent.IndexOf(".")); } if (strNameCurrent != "" && strIPCurrent != "") { DataSet ds = oServer.GetDNS(strNameCurrent); if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 1) { bool boolPermit = false; int intServer = Int32.Parse(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["id"].ToString()); int intUser = (ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["userid"].ToString() == "" ? 0 : Int32.Parse(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["userid"].ToString())); int intOwner = (ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["appcontact"].ToString() == "" ? 0 : Int32.Parse(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["appcontact"].ToString())); int intPrimary = (ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["admin1"].ToString() == "" ? 0 : Int32.Parse(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["admin1"].ToString())); int intSecondary = (ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["admin2"].ToString() == "" ? 0 : Int32.Parse(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["admin2"].ToString())); int intRequestor = (ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["requestor"].ToString() == "" ? 0 : Int32.Parse(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["requestor"].ToString())); int intClass = (ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["classid"].ToString() == "" ? 0 : Int32.Parse(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["classid"].ToString())); int intProd = (intClass > 0 ? (oClass.IsProd(intClass) ? 1 : 0) : -1); panShow.Visible = true; panAlias.Visible = boolDNS_QIP; lblName.Text = strNameCurrent; lblIP.Text = strIPCurrent; lblAlias.Text = strAliasCurrent; lblDomain.Text = strDomain; // Load Values txtName.Text = strNameCurrent; char[] strIPSplit = { '.' }; string[] strIP = strIPCurrent.Split(strIPSplit); txtIP1.Text = strIP[0]; txtIP2.Text = strIP[1]; txtIP3.Text = strIP[2]; txtIP4.Text = strIP[3]; char[] strAliasSplit = { ';' }; string[] strAlias = strAliasCurrent.Split(strAliasSplit); for (int ii = 0; ii < strAlias.Length; ii++) { if (strAlias[ii].Trim() != "") { string strAliasName = strAlias[ii].Trim(); while (strAliasName.Contains(strDomain) == true) { strAliasName = strAliasName.Replace(strDomain, ""); } lstAlias.Items.Add(new ListItem(strAliasName, strAliasName)); } } // Check Permission and either show read only, or permit edit if (intProfile == intOwner || intProfile == intPrimary || intProfile == intSecondary || intProfile == intRequestor) { boolPermit = true; } if (oApplication.Get(intApplication, "dns") == "1" || oUser.IsAdmin(intProfile) || intProfile == intUser) { boolPermit = true; } if (boolPermit == true) { btnContinue.Visible = false; txtSearchName.Enabled = false; txtSearchIP.Enabled = false; txtSearchAlias.Enabled = false; chkName.Attributes.Add("onclick", "CheckChange3('" + chkName.ClientID + "','" + chkIP.ClientID + "','" + chkAlias.ClientID + "','" + txtName.ClientID + "');"); chkIP.Attributes.Add("onclick", "CheckChange3('" + chkIP.ClientID + "','" + chkName.ClientID + "','" + chkAlias.ClientID + "','" + txtIP1.ClientID + "','" + txtIP2.ClientID + "','" + txtIP3.ClientID + "','" + txtIP4.ClientID + "');"); chkAlias.Attributes.Add("onclick", "CheckChange3('" + chkAlias.ClientID + "','" + chkName.ClientID + "','" + chkIP.ClientID + "','" + lstAlias.ClientID + "','" + btnAdd.ClientID + "','" + btnEdit.ClientID + "','" + btnRemove.ClientID + "','" + txtAlias.ClientID + "');"); btnAdd.Attributes.Add("onclick", "return AddDNS('" + lstAlias.ClientID + "','" + txtAlias.ClientID + "','" + hdnAlias.ClientID + "');"); btnEdit.Attributes.Add("onclick", "return EditDNS('" + lstAlias.ClientID + "','" + txtAlias.ClientID + "','" + hdnAlias.ClientID + "');"); btnRemove.Attributes.Add("onclick", "return RemoveDNS('" + lstAlias.ClientID + "','" + hdnAlias.ClientID + "');"); string strChange = ""; if (intProd != 0 || oServer.Get(intServer, "infrastructure") == "1") { panChange.Visible = true; strChange = " && ValidateTextLength('" + txtChange.ClientID + "', 'Please enter a valid change control number\\n\\n - Must start with either \"CHG\" or \"PTM\"\\n - Must be exactly 10 characters in length', 10, ['CHG','PTM'], ['CHG0000000','PTM0000000','CHG1111111','PTM1111111','CHG9999999','PTM9999999','CHGXXXXXXX','PTMXXXXXXX'])"; } btnConfirm.Attributes.Add("onclick", "return EnsureDNSCheck('" + chkName.ClientID + "','" + chkIP.ClientID + "','" + chkAlias.ClientID + "')" + " && (document.getElementById('" + chkName.ClientID + "').checked == false || (document.getElementById('" + chkName.ClientID + "').checked == true" + " && ValidateText('" + txtName.ClientID + "','Please enter a valid name')" + "))" + " && (document.getElementById('" + chkIP.ClientID + "').checked == false || (document.getElementById('" + chkIP.ClientID + "').checked == true" + " && ValidateNumberBetween('" + txtIP1.ClientID + "',1,255,'Please enter a valid IP Address')" + " && ValidateNumberBetween('" + txtIP2.ClientID + "',1,255,'Please enter a valid IP Address')" + " && ValidateNumberBetween('" + txtIP3.ClientID + "',1,255,'Please enter a valid IP Address')" + " && ValidateNumberBetween('" + txtIP4.ClientID + "',1,255,'Please enter a valid IP Address')" + "))" + strChange + " && ValidateText('" + txtReason.ClientID + "','Please enter a reason')" + " && ProcessButton(this)" + ";"); } else { btnConfirm.Visible = false; panAccess.Visible = true; chkName.Enabled = false; chkIP.Enabled = false; chkAlias.Enabled = false; btnAdd.Enabled = false; btnEdit.Enabled = false; btnRemove.Enabled = false; if (intUser > 0) { strContacts += "<tr><td>Device Owner:</td><td>" + oUser.GetFullName(intUser) + " (" + oUser.GetName(intUser) + ")" + "</td></tr>"; } if (intOwner > 0) { strContacts += "<tr><td>Departmental Manager:</td><td>" + oUser.GetFullName(intOwner) + " (" + oUser.GetName(intOwner) + ")" + "</td></tr>"; } if (intPrimary > 0) { strContacts += "<tr><td>Application Technical Lead:</td><td>" + oUser.GetFullName(intPrimary) + " (" + oUser.GetName(intPrimary) + ")" + "</td></tr>"; } if (intSecondary > 0) { strContacts += "<tr><td>Administrative Contact:</td><td>" + oUser.GetFullName(intSecondary) + " (" + oUser.GetName(intSecondary) + ")" + "</td></tr>"; } if (intRequestor > 0) { strContacts += "<tr><td>Design Initiated By:</td><td>" + oUser.GetFullName(intRequestor) + " (" + oUser.GetName(intRequestor) + ")" + "</td></tr>"; } DataSet dsDecoms = oApplication.GetDecoms(); if (dsDecoms.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { strContacts += "<tr><td colspan=\"2\">Alternatively, you can contact a resource from one of the following departments:</td></tr>"; foreach (DataRow drDecom in dsDecoms.Tables[0].Rows) { strContacts += "<tr><td></td><td>" + drDecom["name"].ToString() + "</td></tr>"; } } } } else { btnReset.Enabled = false; btnConfirm.Visible = false; panExist.Visible = true; lblExist.Text = "This device does not exist in the database. Please try again..."; } } else { btnReset.Enabled = false; btnConfirm.Visible = false; panExist.Visible = true; lblExist.Text = "This device does not exist in DNS. Please try again..."; } } }
protected void btnSave_Click(Object Sender, EventArgs e) { int intResourceWorkflow = Int32.Parse(lblResourceWorkflow.Text); int intResourceParent = oResourceRequest.GetWorkflowParent(intResourceWorkflow); oResourceRequest.UpdateWorkflowName(intResourceWorkflow, txtCustom.Text, intProfile); ds = oResourceRequest.Get(intResourceParent); int intRequest = Int32.Parse(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["requestid"].ToString()); int intItem = Int32.Parse(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["itemid"].ToString()); int intStatus = Int32.Parse(oResourceRequest.GetWorkflow(intResourceWorkflow, "status")); double dblHours = double.Parse(lblUsed.Text); double dblTime = 5.00 / 60.00; foreach (RepeaterItem ri in rptView.Items) { CheckBox chkDelete = (CheckBox)ri.FindControl("chkDelete"); if (chkDelete.Checked == true) { Label lblId = (Label)ri.FindControl("lblId"); Label lblPath = (Label)ri.FindControl("lblPath"); Label lblEnvironment = (Label)ri.FindControl("lblEnvironment"); Variables oVariable = new Variables(Int32.Parse(lblEnvironment.Text)); DirectoryEntry oEntry = new DirectoryEntry(lblPath.Text, oVariable.Domain() + "\\" + oVariable.ADUser(), oVariable.ADPassword()); AD oAD = new AD(intProfile, dsn, Int32.Parse(lblEnvironment.Text)); if (oAD.Exists(oEntry)) { oAD.Enable(oEntry, false); } dblHours += dblTime; oADObject.UpdateDomainAccount(Int32.Parse(lblId.Text), intProfile); } } // Delete objects over a month old ds = oADObject.GetDomainAccountsDisabled(DateTime.Today.AddMonths(-1)); foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows) { int _environment = Int32.Parse(dr["environment"].ToString()); Variables oVariable = new Variables(_environment); DirectoryEntry oEntry = new DirectoryEntry(dr["path"].ToString(), oVariable.Domain() + "\\" + oVariable.ADUser(), oVariable.ADPassword()); AD oAD = new AD(intProfile, dsn, _environment); if (oAD.Exists(oEntry) && oAD.IsDisabled(oEntry) == true) { oAD.Delete(oEntry); oADObject.UpdateDomainAccountDisabled(Int32.Parse(dr["adid"].ToString()), -1); } else { oADObject.UpdateDomainAccountDisabled(Int32.Parse(dr["adid"].ToString()), -10); } } double dblTotal = double.Parse(oResourceRequest.GetWorkflow(intResourceWorkflow, "allocated")); double dblUsed = oResourceRequest.GetWorkflowUsed(intResourceWorkflow); dblHours = (dblHours - dblUsed); if (dblHours > 0.00) { oResourceRequest.UpdateWorkflowHours(intResourceWorkflow, dblHours); } Response.Redirect(Request.Path + "?rrid=" + intResourceWorkflow.ToString() + "&save=true"); }