private void Add_Setting_UI(string key, int fixed_input_size, string[] options, string help_message, bool is_florida_sus_setting, string default_value)
            // Create the settings option struct
            Variable_Setting_Info newSettingInfo = new Variable_Setting_Info(key, fixed_input_size, options, help_message, is_florida_sus_setting, default_value);

            // First, save this in the setting dictionary
            idToSetting[settingCounter] = newSettingInfo;

            // Increment in preparation for any next setting
        private void Add_Setting_UI(string Key, string Category, int FixedInputSize, string[] Options, string HelpMessage, bool IsFloridaSusSetting, string DefaultValue)
            // Create the settings option struct
            Variable_Setting_Info newSettingInfo = new Variable_Setting_Info(Key, FixedInputSize, Options, HelpMessage, IsFloridaSusSetting, DefaultValue );

            // First, save this in the setting dictionary
            idToSetting[settingCounter] = newSettingInfo;
            settingToId[newSettingInfo] = settingCounter;

            // Does this category already exist?
            if (!categorizedSettings.ContainsKey(Category))
                List<Setting_Info> settingsList = new List<Setting_Info>();
                categorizedSettings[Category] = settingsList;

            // Add this to the categorized settings

            // Increment in preparation for any next setting

            // Add this key as a standard key, so they are left out of the custom settings portion
        private void Add_Setting_UI(string key, int fixed_input_size, string[] options, string help_message, bool is_florida_sus_setting, string default_value)
            // Create the settings option struct
            Variable_Setting_Info newSettingInfo = new Variable_Setting_Info(key, fixed_input_size, options, help_message, is_florida_sus_setting, default_value );

            // First, save this in the setting dictionary
            idToSetting[settingCounter] = newSettingInfo;

            // Increment in preparation for any next setting
        /// <summary> This is an opportunity to write HTML directly into the main form, without
        /// using the pop-up html form architecture </summary>
        /// <param name="Output"> Textwriter to write the pop-up form HTML for this viewer </param>
        /// <param name="Tracer"> Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering</param>
        /// <remarks> This text will appear within the ItemNavForm form tags </remarks>
        public override void Add_HTML_In_Main_Form(TextWriter Output, Custom_Tracer Tracer)
            Tracer.Add_Trace("Settings_AdminViewer.Add_HTML_In_Main_Form", "Write the rest of the form ");

            // Add the hidden field
            Output.WriteLine("<!-- Hidden field is used for postbacks to indicate what to save and reset -->");
            Output.WriteLine("<input type=\"hidden\" id=\"admin_settings_action\" name=\"admin_settings_action\" value=\"\" />");

            Output.WriteLine("<!-- Settings_AdminViewer.Add_HTML_In_Main_Form -->");
            Output.WriteLine("<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"" + currentMode.Base_URL + "default/scripts/sobekcm_form.js\" ></script>");
            Output.WriteLine("<script src=\"" + currentMode.Base_URL + "default/scripts/sobekcm_admin.js\" type=\"text/javascript\"></script>");
            Output.WriteLine("<div class=\"SobekHomeText\">");

            if (actionMessage.Length > 0)
                Output.WriteLine("  <br />");
                Output.WriteLine("  <center><b>" + actionMessage + "</b></center>");

            // Determine if the Florida SUS settings should be displayed
            bool show_florida_sus = false;

            if ((settings.ContainsKey("Show Florida SUS Settings")) && (String.Compare(settings["Show Florida SUS Settings"], "true", true) == 0))
                show_florida_sus = true;

            Output.WriteLine("  <blockquote>");
            Output.WriteLine("    This form allows a user to view and edit all the main system-wide settings which allow the SobekCM web application and assorted related applications to function correctly within each custom architecture and each institution.<br /><br />");
            Output.WriteLine("    For more information about these settings, <a href=\"" + SobekCM_Library_Settings.Help_URL(currentMode.Base_URL) + "admin/settings\" target=\"ADMIN_USER_HELP\" >click here to view the help page</a>.");
            Output.WriteLine("  </blockquote>");
            Output.WriteLine("  <table width=\"100%\">");
            Output.WriteLine("    <tr>");
            Output.WriteLine("      <td width=\"300px\" align=\"left\">");
            Output.WriteLine("        <span class=\"SobekAdminTitle\">Current System-Wide Settings</span>");
            Output.WriteLine("      </td>");
            Output.WriteLine("      <td align=\"right\">");
            Output.WriteLine("        <a onmousedown=\"window.location.href='" + currentMode.Base_URL + "my/admin'; return false;\"><img style=\"cursor: pointer;\" border=\"0px\" src=\"" + currentMode.Base_URL + "design/skins/" + currentMode.Base_Skin + "/buttons/cancel_button_g.gif\" alt=\"CANCEL\" /></a> &nbsp; &nbsp; ");
            Output.WriteLine("        <a onmousedown=\"admin_settings_save(); return false;\"><img style=\"cursor: pointer;\" border=\"0px\" src=\"" + currentMode.Base_URL + "design/skins/" + currentMode.Base_Skin + "/buttons/save_button_g.gif\" alt=\"SAVE\" /></a>");
            Output.WriteLine("      </td>");
            Output.WriteLine("      <td width=\"20px\">&nbsp;</td>");
            Output.WriteLine("    </tr>");
            Output.WriteLine("  </table>");
            Output.WriteLine("  <blockquote>");
            Output.WriteLine("  <table border=\"0px\" cellspacing=\"0px\" class=\"statsTable\" width=\"100%\">");
            Output.WriteLine("    <tr align=\"left\" bgcolor=\"#0022a7\" height=\"30px\" >");
            Output.WriteLine("      <th width=\"230px\" align=\"left\"><span style=\"color: White\"> &nbsp; SETTING KEY</span></th>");
            Output.WriteLine("      <th width=\"420px\" align=\"center\"><span style=\"color: White\">SETTING VALUE</span></th>");
            Output.WriteLine("     </tr>");
            Output.WriteLine("    <tr><td bgcolor=\"#e7e7e7\" colspan=\"2\"></td></tr>");

            // Write the data for each interface
            bool odd_row = true;

            foreach (int setting_counter in idToSetting.Keys)
                // Get the current setting information
                Setting_Info settingInfo = idToSetting[setting_counter];

                // If no Florida SUS-specific settings should be displayed, check to see
                // if this setting should be skipped
                if ((show_florida_sus) || (!settingInfo.Is_Florida_SUS_Setting))
                    // Also, look for this value in the current settings
                    string setting_value = String.Empty;
                    if (settingInfo.isVariable)
                        if (settings.ContainsKey(settingInfo.Key))
                            setting_value = settings[settingInfo.Key];
                        if ((setting_value.Length == 0) && (((Variable_Setting_Info)settingInfo).Default_Value.Length > 0))
                            setting_value = ((Variable_Setting_Info)settingInfo).Default_Value;
                        setting_value = ((Constant_Setting_Info)settingInfo).Value;

                    // Build the action links
                                         ? "    <tr align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" height=\"30px\" >"
                                         : "    <tr align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" height=\"30px\" bgcolor=\"#eeeeee\" >");
                    Output.WriteLine("      <td><strong>" + settingInfo.Key + ":</strong></td>");
                    Output.WriteLine("      <td>");
                    Output.WriteLine("        <table>");
                    Output.WriteLine("          <tr valign=\"middle\">");
                    Output.WriteLine("            <td>");

                    // Is this a variable setting, which the user can change?
                    if (settingInfo.isVariable)
                        Variable_Setting_Info varSettingInfo = (Variable_Setting_Info)settingInfo;
                        if (varSettingInfo.Options.Length > 0)
                            Output.WriteLine("              <select id=\"setting" + setting_counter + "\" name=\"setting" + setting_counter + "\" class=\"admin_settings_select\" >");

                            bool option_found = false;
                            foreach (string thisValue in varSettingInfo.Options)
                                if (String.Compare(thisValue, setting_value, true) == 0)
                                    option_found = true;
                                    Output.WriteLine("                <option selected=\"selected\">" + setting_value + "</option>");
                                    Output.WriteLine("                <option>" + thisValue + "</option>");

                            if (!option_found)
                                Output.WriteLine("                <option selected=\"selected\">" + setting_value + "</option>");
                            Output.WriteLine("              </select>");
                            if ((varSettingInfo.Fixed_Input_Size > 0) && (varSettingInfo.Fixed_Input_Size < 360))
                                Output.WriteLine("              <input id=\"setting" + setting_counter + "\" name=\"setting" + setting_counter + "\" class=\"admin_settings_input\" type=\"text\"  style=\"width: " + varSettingInfo.Fixed_Input_Size + "px;\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(setting_value) + "\" onfocus=\"javascript:textbox_enter('setting" + setting_counter + "', 'admin_settings_input_focused')\" onblur=\"javascript:textbox_leave('setting" + setting_counter + "', 'admin_settings_input')\" />");
                                Output.WriteLine("              <input id=\"setting" + setting_counter + "\" name=\"setting" + setting_counter + "\" class=\"admin_settings_input\" type=\"text\" style=\"width: 360px;\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(setting_value) + "\" onfocus=\"javascript:textbox_enter('setting" + setting_counter + "', 'admin_settings_input_focused')\" onblur=\"javascript:textbox_leave('setting" + setting_counter + "', 'admin_settings_input')\" />");
                        if (setting_value.Trim().Length == 0)
                            Output.WriteLine("              <em>( no value )</em>");
                            Output.WriteLine("              " + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(setting_value));

                    Output.WriteLine("            </td>");
                    Output.WriteLine("            <td>");
                    Output.WriteLine("              <img border=\"0px\" style=\"padding-left:5px; margin-top:3px; cursor:pointer; cursor:hand;\" src=\"" + currentMode.Base_URL + "default/images/help_button.jpg\" onclick=\"alert('" + settingInfo.Help_Message.Replace("'", "").Replace("\\", "\\\\").Replace("\n", "\\n") + "');\" />");
                    Output.WriteLine("            </td>");
                    Output.WriteLine("          </tr valign=\"middle\">");
                    Output.WriteLine("        </table>");
                    Output.WriteLine("      </td>");
                    Output.WriteLine("    </tr>");
                    Output.WriteLine("    <tr><td bgcolor=\"#e7e7e7\" colspan=\"2\"></td></tr>");

                    odd_row = !odd_row;

            Output.WriteLine("  </table>");
            Output.WriteLine("  </blockquote>");

            Output.WriteLine("  <table width=\"100%\">");
            Output.WriteLine("    <tr>");
            Output.WriteLine("      <td width=\"300px\" align=\"left\">&nbsp;</td>");
            Output.WriteLine("      <td align=\"right\">");
            Output.WriteLine("        <a onmousedown=\"window.location.href='" + currentMode.Base_URL + "my/admin'; return false;\"><img style=\"cursor: pointer;\" border=\"0px\" src=\"" + currentMode.Base_URL + "design/skins/" + currentMode.Base_Skin + "/buttons/cancel_button_g.gif\" alt=\"CANCEL\" /></a> &nbsp; &nbsp; ");
            Output.WriteLine("        <a onmousedown=\"admin_settings_save(); return false;\"><img style=\"cursor: pointer;\" border=\"0px\" src=\"" + currentMode.Base_URL + "design/skins/" + currentMode.Base_Skin + "/buttons/save_button_g.gif\" alt=\"SAVE\" /></a>");
            Output.WriteLine("      </td>");
            Output.WriteLine("      <td width=\"20px\">&nbsp;</td>");
            Output.WriteLine("    </tr>");
            Output.WriteLine("  </table>");

            Output.WriteLine("  <br />");