Example #1
        private static void BuildVariables(DataTable variables, PxMainTable table)
            var vari = from c in variables.AsEnumerable()
                       where c.Field <string>("Name") != null
                       new PxVariable {
                Variable        = c.Field <string>("Name"),
                PresText        = c.Field <string>("PressText"),
                PresTextEnglish = c.Field <string>("EnglishName"),
                Footnote        = "N",
                VariableType    = GetVariableType(c.Field <string>("Name"))

            foreach (var item in vari)
                var variable = VariableFacade.GetVarible(item.Variable);
                if (variable != null)
                    if (String.Compare(variable.Variable, item.Variable, true) == 0)
                        if (String.Compare(variable.PresText, item.PresText, true) == 0)
                            item.IsNew = false;
                            item.Variable = item.Variable + Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
Example #2
        public override bool Validate(ref string message)
            // Check mandantory fields
            if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Valueset) ||
                String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(PresText) ||
                String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Elimination) ||
                String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ValuePool) ||
                message = "Please enter a valid option for all input fields";

            //Check for duplicate values
            Dictionary <string, string> codes = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            List <Model.PxValue> poolValues = VariableFacade.GetValuesByValuePool(ValuePool);

            PxValue existingValue;

            foreach (var v in _values)
                string code = v.ValueCode.ToUpper();
                if (codes.ContainsKey(code))
                    message = "Duplicate code: " + v.ValueCode;
                codes.Add(code, v.ValueCode);
                if (!v.Validate(ref message))

                existingValue = GetValue(poolValues, v.ValueCode);

                if (existingValue == null)
                    v.IsNew = true;
                    if (String.Compare(existingValue.ValueText, v.ValueText, true) == 0 &&
                        String.Compare(existingValue.ValueTextEnglish, v.ValueTextEnglish, true) == 0)
                        v.IsNew = false;
                        message = String.Format("The value you are adding {0}, {1} is already in the valuepool {2}, \n Either remove your value and add it from valuepool or define a new valuepool or a new code in this valuepool"
                                                , v.ValueCode, v.ValueText, ValuePool);

 /// <summary> Resolve the object into a variable by various means and 
 /// using the current context.
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns> variable, or <code>null</code>
 /// </returns>
 internal virtual Variable resolveToVariable(Object o)
     Variable v = null;
     // if o is a variable already, then we're done!
     if (o is Variable) return (Variable) o;
     // Resolve the name to something
         // not an id so try as name
         String name = o.ToString();
         long id = nameAsId(name);
         * if #N was used just pick up the variable, otherwise
         * we need to use the current context to resolve
         * the name to a member
         if (id != Value.UNKNOWN_ID)
             // TODO what here?
             // try to resolve as a member of current context (will set context if null)
             id = determineContext(name);
             v = locateForNamed((int) id, name, true);
             if (v != null) v = new VariableFacade(v, id);
             else if (v == null && m_createIfMissing && name[0] != '$')
                 v = new VariableFacade(id, name);
     return v;