Example #1
        public static PagedList <BlackList> GetListByPageForMac(int page, ValueView vv)
            PagerQuery pq = new PagerQuery();

            pq.CurrentPage = page;
            pq.PageSize    = 10;
            // int StartRowNumber = (page - 1) * pq.PageSize;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(vv.Value))
                pq.RecordCount = DAL.PagedListDAL <BlackList> .GetRecordCount(string.Format(@"select count(0) from BG_BanMacList where Mac = '{0}'", vv.Value), sqlconnectionString);

                pq.Sql = string.Format(@"select * from BG_BanMacList where Mac = '{2}'order by CreateTime limit {0}, {1}", pq.StartRowNumber, pq.PageSize, vv.Value);
                pq.RecordCount = DAL.PagedListDAL <BlackList> .GetRecordCount(@"select count(0) from BG_BanMacList", sqlconnectionString);

                pq.Sql = string.Format(@"select * from BG_BanMacList order by CreateTime limit {0}, {1}", pq.StartRowNumber, pq.PageSize);

            PagedList <BlackList> obj = new PagedList <BlackList>(DAL.PagedListDAL <BlackList> .GetListByPage(pq, sqlconnectionString), pq.CurrentPage, pq.PageSize, pq.RecordCount);

Example #2
        private int CreateEmptyProject()
            var projectName
                = new ValueView <string>($"[1/4] {":drum:".Emoji()} Project Name:").WithDefault(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory().Split('/').Last()).Read();
            var version
                = new ValueView <string>($"[2/4] {":boom:".Emoji()} Project Version:").WithDefault("0.0.0").Read();
            var desc
                = new ValueView <string>($"[3/4] {":balloon:".Emoji()} Project Description:").WithDefault("").Read();
            var author
                = new ValueView <string>($"[4/4] {":skull:".Emoji()} Project Author:").WithDefault("").Read();

            var dir = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();

            var proj = new AncientProjectFile
                name    = projectName,
                version = version,
                author  = author

            proj.scripts.Add($"start", "echo 1");

            File.WriteAllText($"{Path.Combine(dir, $"{projectName}.rune.json")}", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(proj, Formatting.Indented));

Example #3
 public static ValueView <T> WithDefault <T>(this ValueView <T> @this, T def)
     @this.AutocompleteDefaultValue = false;
     @this.AcceptDefaultValue       = true;
     @this.DefaultValue             = def;
 public AddPersonView()
     firstNameView         = new StringView("First Name:");
     lastNameView          = new StringView("Last Name:");
     birthdayView          = new ValueView <DateTime>("Birthday:");
     phoneNumberView       = new StringView("Phone Number:");
     heightView            = new FloatView("Height (in meters)");
     preferedBeveragesRead = new StringListView("Prefered Beverages:");
        /// <summary>
        /// The QuickRead static method is used to read values from the console.
        /// </summary>
        private static void RunExample()
            string firstName = ValueView <string> .QuickRead("First Name:");

            string lastName = ValueView <string> .QuickRead("Last Name:");

            // Display th read values.
            CustomConsole.WriteLine("Hi, {0} {1}!", firstName, lastName);
Example #6
        private static void Measure(Action action)
            Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();



            ValueView <string> .QuickWrite("Elapsed Time:", stopwatch.Elapsed.ToString());
Example #7
        public ActionResult MemberManagementListForStopIP(ValueView model, Dictionary <string, string> queryvalues)  //封IMEI
            //    int page = queryvalues.ContainsKey("page") ? Convert.ToInt32(queryvalues["page"]) : 10;
            int _page = queryvalues.ContainsKey("page") ? Convert.ToInt32(queryvalues["page"]) : 1;

            //   string userID = queryvalues.ContainsKey("Value") ? queryvalues["Value"] : "";   //用户ID
            //   string type = queryvalues.ContainsKey("type") ? queryvalues["type"] : "";   //用户ID
            //  ViewData["title"] = "IP";
            //(CurrentPage - 1) * PageSize
            model.DataList = MemberCenterBLL.GetListByPageFor(_page, model);
        public void Execute()
            StringView.QuickWrite("First Name:", "John");
            StringView.QuickWrite("Last Name:", "Doe");
            Int32View.QuickWrite("Age:", 25);

            // or

            ValueView <string> .QuickWrite("First Name:", "John");

            ValueView <string> .QuickWrite("Last Name:", "Doe");

            ValueView <int> .QuickWrite("Age:", 25);
        /// <summary>
        /// This example creates instances for each input value and sets different label colors.
        /// Each instance reads a different type of value (string, int, DateTime, float)
        /// </summary>
        private static void RunExample()
            // Create the input controls
            ValueView <int> ageView = new ValueView <int>("Age:");

            ageView.Label.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkGreen;

            // Read values using the input controls
            int age = ageView.Read();

            // Display th read values.
            CustomConsole.WriteLine("You are {0} years old.", age);
Example #10
        public static PagedList <LoginRepeat> GetRepeatByPage(ValueView vv)
            PagerQuery pq = new PagerQuery();

            pq.CurrentPage = vv.Page;
            pq.PageSize    = 5;

            pq.RecordCount = DAL.PagedListDAL <LoginRepeat> .GetRecordCount(string.Format(@"select count(1) from(select ip from " + database1 + @".V_LoginRecord  where LoginTime >= '{0}' and LoginTime < '{1}' group by ip ,date(LoginTime) having count(distinct userid) > 3 ) t", vv.StartDate, vv.ExpirationDate), sqlconnectionString);

            pq.Sql = string.Format(@"select ip as IP ,count(distinct userid) as Account ,date(LoginTime) as LoginTime ,group_concat(distinct userid separator '_') as UserID from " + database1 + @".V_LoginRecord where LoginTime >= '{3}' and LoginTime < '{4}' group by ip ,date(LoginTime) having count(distinct userid) > 3 order by 3 ,2 desc limit {0}, {1}", pq.StartRowNumber, pq.PageSize, vv.Value, vv.StartDate, vv.ExpirationDate);

            PagedList <LoginRepeat> obj = new PagedList <LoginRepeat>(DAL.PagedListDAL <LoginRepeat> .GetListByPage(pq, sqlconnectionString), pq.CurrentPage, pq.PageSize, pq.RecordCount);

        private static void RunExample()
            ValueView <int> numberView = new ValueView <int>("Number ({0}):");

            numberView.AcceptDefaultValue = true;
            numberView.DefaultValue       = 42;

            CustomConsole.WriteLine("Just hit enter. The default value, 42, is returned by the ValueView control.");

            int number = numberView.Read();

            CustomConsole.WriteLine("You selected {0}.", number);
Example #12
        public ActionResult MemberManagementListForStopIMEI(ValueView model, Dictionary <string, string> queryvalues)  //封IMEI
            //   int page = queryvalues.ContainsKey("page") ? Convert.ToInt32(queryvalues["page"]) : 10;
            int _page = queryvalues.ContainsKey("page") ? Convert.ToInt32(queryvalues["page"]) : 1;

            //     string userID = queryvalues.ContainsKey("Value") ? queryvalues["Value"] : "";   //用户ID
            //      string type = queryvalues.ContainsKey("type") ? queryvalues["type"] : "";   //用户ID
            //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userID))
            //    PagedList<Role> mm = MemberCenterBLL.GetAllListByPage(page, userID);
            //    return PartialView("MemberManagementList", mm);
            //  ViewData["title"] = "黑名单";
            model.DataList = MemberCenterBLL.GetListByPageForMac(_page, model);
Example #13
        /// <summary>
        /// This example creates instances for each input value and sets different label colors.
        /// Each instance reads a different type of value (string, int, DateTime, float)
        /// </summary>
        private static void RunExample()
            // Create the input controls

            ValueView <string> firstNameView = new ValueView <string>("First Name:");

            firstNameView.Label.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Cyan;

            ValueView <string> lastNameView = new ValueView <string>("Last Name:");

            lastNameView.Label.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Cyan;

            // Read values using the input controls
            string firstName = firstNameView.Read();
            string lastName  = lastNameView.Read();

            // Display the read values.
            CustomConsole.WriteLine("Hi, {0} {1}!", firstName, lastName);
Example #14
        public HangManGame(IWordList wordList)
            // DATA
            allTheWords      = wordList;
            currentWord      = new Word(allTheWords.PickRandomWord());
            hangingMan       = new HangingMan();
            incorrectGuesses = new HashSet <string>();

            // CONTROLS
            incorrectGuessesControl = new IncorrectGuessesControl();

            currentWordControl = new CurrentWordControl();

            nextGuessControl = new ValueView <char>("Enter your next guess: ")
                TypeConversionErrorMessage = "Please enter only a single letter."

            hangManControl = new HangManControl(hangingMan);
            gameOverScreen = new GameOverScreen();
Example #15
        public static PagedList <RedisterIP> GetListByPage(int page, ValueView model, string StartDate, string ExpirationDate)
            PagerQuery pq = new PagerQuery();

            pq.CurrentPage = page;
            pq.PageSize    = 10;

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.Value))
                pq.RecordCount = DAL.PagedListDAL <RedisterIP> .GetRecordCount(string.Format(@"select count(0) from BG_RedisterIP"), sqlconnectionString);

                pq.Sql = string.Format(@"select * from BG_RedisterIP order by ModifyTime desc limit {0}, {1}", pq.StartRowNumber, pq.PageSize);
                pq.RecordCount = DAL.PagedListDAL <RedisterIP> .GetRecordCount(string.Format(@"select count(0) from BG_RedisterIP where IP = '{0}'", model.Value), sqlconnectionString);

                pq.Sql = string.Format(@"select * from BG_RedisterIP where IP = '{2}' order by ModifyTime desc limit {0}, {1}", pq.StartRowNumber, pq.PageSize, model.Value);

            PagedList <RedisterIP> obj = new PagedList <RedisterIP>(DAL.PagedListDAL <RedisterIP> .GetListByPage(pq, sqlconnectionString), pq.CurrentPage, pq.PageSize, pq.RecordCount);

        private void ChangePrompter()
            ValueView <string> valueView = new ValueView <string>("New Prompter Text:");

            prompter.Text = valueView.Read();
Example #17
        public static PagedList <LoginRecord> GetListByPage(int page, ValueView vv)
            PagerQuery pq = new PagerQuery();

            pq.CurrentPage = page;
            pq.PageSize    = 10;

            if (vv.Type == seachType.IP登陆玩家)
                pq.RecordCount = DAL.PagedListDAL <LoginRecord> .GetRecordCount(string.Format(@"select count(1) from(select ip from " + database1 + @".V_LoginRecord  where LoginTime >= '{0}' and LoginTime < '{1}' group by ip ,date(LoginTime) having count(distinct userid) > 3 ) t", vv.StartDate, vv.ExpirationDate), sqlconnectionString);

                pq.Sql = string.Format(
                    @"select ip as IP ,count(distinct userid) as Acc ,date(LoginTime) as LoginTime ,group_concat(distinct userid separator '_') as UserIDS ,-1 Flag from " + database1 + @".V_LoginRecord where LoginTime >= '{3}' and LoginTime < '{4}' group by ip ,date(LoginTime) having count(distinct userid) > 3 order by LoginTime ,Acc desc limit {0}, {1}"
                    , pq.StartRowNumber, pq.PageSize, vv.Value, vv.StartDate, vv.ExpirationDate);
            else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(vv.Value))
                switch (vv.Type)
                case seachType.NULL:
                    pq.RecordCount = DAL.PagedListDAL <LoginRecord> .GetRecordCount(string.Format(@"select count(0) from V_LoginRecord where UserID = '{0}' and LoginTime between '{1}' and '{2}'", vv.Value.Trim(), vv.StartDate, vv.ExpirationDate), sqlconnectionString);

                    pq.Sql = string.Format(
                        @"select a.*,b.CreateIP from (select * from V_LoginRecord where UserID = '{2}' and LoginTime between '{3}' and '{4}' order by V_LoginRecord.LoginTime desc limit {0}, {1} ) a join Role b on a.userid = b.id"
                        , pq.StartRowNumber, pq.PageSize, vv.Value.Trim(), vv.StartDate, vv.ExpirationDate);

                case seachType.IP地址:
                    pq.RecordCount = DAL.PagedListDAL <LoginRecord> .GetRecordCount(string.Format(@"select count(0) from V_LoginRecord where IP = '{0}' and LoginTime between '{1}' and '{2}'", vv.Value.Trim(), vv.StartDate, vv.ExpirationDate), sqlconnectionString);

                    pq.Sql = string.Format(
                        @"select a.*,b.CreateIP from (select * from V_LoginRecord where IP = '{2}' and LoginTime between '{3}' and '{4}' order by V_LoginRecord.LoginTime desc limit {0}, {1} ) a join Role b on a.userid = b.id"
                        , pq.StartRowNumber, pq.PageSize, vv.Value.Trim(), vv.StartDate, vv.ExpirationDate);

                case seachType.Mac地址:
                    pq.RecordCount = DAL.PagedListDAL <LoginRecord> .GetRecordCount(string.Format(@"select count(0) from V_LoginRecord where Mac = '{0}' and LoginTime between '{1}' and '{2}'", vv.Value.Trim(), vv.StartDate, vv.ExpirationDate), sqlconnectionString);

                    pq.Sql = string.Format(
                        @"select a.*,b.CreateIP from (select * from V_LoginRecord where Mac = '{2}' and LoginTime between '{3}' and '{4}' order by V_LoginRecord.LoginTime desc limit {0}, {1} ) a join Role b on a.userid = b.id"
                        , pq.StartRowNumber, pq.PageSize, vv.Value.Trim(), vv.StartDate, vv.ExpirationDate);

                case seachType.会员账号:
                    pq.RecordCount = DAL.PagedListDAL <LoginRecord> .GetRecordCount(string.Format(@"select count(0) from V_LoginRecord a join Role b on a.UserID = b.ID and b.Account = '{0}' where LoginTime between '{1}' and '{2}'", vv.Value.Trim(), vv.StartDate, vv.ExpirationDate), sqlconnectionString);

                    pq.Sql = string.Format(
                        @"select a.* ,b.CreateIP from V_LoginRecord a join Role b on a.UserID = b.ID and b.Account = '{2}' where a.LoginTime between '{3}' and '{4}' order by a.LoginTime desc limit {0}, {1}"
                        , pq.StartRowNumber, pq.PageSize, vv.Value.Trim(), vv.StartDate, vv.ExpirationDate);

                case seachType.会员昵称:
                    pq.RecordCount = DAL.PagedListDAL <LoginRecord> .GetRecordCount(string.Format(@"select count(0) from V_LoginRecord where NickName = '{0}' and LoginTime between '{1}' and '{2}'", vv.Value.Trim(), vv.StartDate, vv.ExpirationDate), sqlconnectionString);

                    pq.Sql = string.Format(
                        @"select a.*,b.CreateIP from (select * from V_LoginRecord where NickName = '{2}' and LoginTime between '{3}' and '{4}' order by V_LoginRecord.LoginTime desc limit {0}, {1} ) a join Role b on a.userid = b.id"
                        , pq.StartRowNumber, pq.PageSize, vv.Value.Trim(), vv.StartDate, vv.ExpirationDate);

                pq.RecordCount = DAL.PagedListDAL <LoginRecord> .GetRecordCount(string.Format(@"select count(0) from V_LoginRecord where LoginTime between '{0}' and '{1}'", vv.StartDate, vv.ExpirationDate), sqlconnectionString);

                pq.Sql = string.Format(
                    @"select a.*,b.CreateIP from (select * from V_LoginRecord where LoginTime between '{2}' and '{3}' order by LoginTime desc limit {0}, {1} ) a join Role b on a.userid = b.id"
                    , pq.StartRowNumber, pq.PageSize, vv.StartDate, vv.ExpirationDate);

            //if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(vv.Value))
            //    pq.RecordCount = DAL.PagedListDAL<LoginRecord>.GetRecordCount(string.Format(@"select count(0) from V_LoginRecord where LoginTime between '{1}' and '{2}'", vv.Value, vv.StartDate, vv.ExpirationDate), sqlconnectionString);
            //    pq.Sql = string.Format(@"select b.* from(select IP from V_LoginRecord group by IP having count(IP) > 1)a join V_LoginRecord b on a.IP = b.IP where LoginTime between '{3}' and '{4}' order by a.IP desc,LoginTime desc limit {0}, {1}", pq.StartRowNumber, pq.PageSize, vv.Value, vv.StartDate, vv.ExpirationDate);

            //select b.* from(select ip from V_LoginRecord group by IP having count(ip) > 1)a join V_LoginRecord b on a.ip = b.IP order by a.IP desc;

            //pq.Sql = string.Concat(pq.Sql, " order by IP desc");

            PagedList <LoginRecord> obj = new PagedList <LoginRecord>(DAL.PagedListDAL <LoginRecord> .GetListByPage(pq, sqlconnectionString), pq.CurrentPage, pq.PageSize, pq.RecordCount);

Example #18
 public ConsoleReadPage(string caption)
     input = new ValueView <string>(caption);
     input.CursorPositionChanged = OnCursorPositionChanged;
Example #19
        public object Display()
            List <string> values = new List <string>();

            questions.ForEach(input =>
                Type type = input.ItemType;

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(input.ValidationErrorMessage))
                    input.ValidationErrorMessage = "Input is not in correct format";

                switch (type.Name)
                case "Int32":
                    var valueViewInt = new ValueView <int>(input.Question);
                    valueViewInt.CursorPositionChanged = OnCursorPositionChanged;

                    valueViewInt.Label.ForegroundColor = captionColor;

                    valueViewInt.TypeConversionErrorMessage = input.ValidationErrorMessage;

                    valueViewInt.CustomParser = delegate(string inputValue)
                        if (int.TryParse(inputValue, out int result))
                            if (input.Validator != null)
                                if (!input.Validator(inputValue))
                                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(input.ValidationErrorMessage))
                                        throw new Exception(input.ValidationErrorMessage);
                            throw new Exception(input.ValidationErrorMessage);


                    values.Add(valueViewInt.Read().ToString()); break;

                case "String":
                    var valueViewString = new ValueView <string>(input.Question);
                    valueViewString.CursorPositionChanged = OnCursorPositionChanged;

                    valueViewString.Label.ForegroundColor = captionColor;

                    valueViewString.TypeConversionErrorMessage = input.ValidationErrorMessage;

                    valueViewString.CustomParser = delegate(string inputValue)
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(inputValue))
                            if (input.Validator != null)
                                if (!input.Validator(inputValue))
                                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(input.ValidationErrorMessage))
                                        throw new Exception(input.ValidationErrorMessage);
                            throw new Exception(input.ValidationErrorMessage);


                    values.Add(valueViewString.Read().ToString()); break;

Example #20
 public static PagedList <BlackList> GetListByPageFor(int page, ValueView vv)
     return(DAL.MemberCenterDAL.GetListByPageFor(page, vv));