private async void LaunchUriForResult_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var protocol = "win10demo2://"; var packageFamilyName = "0df93276-6bbb-46fa-96b7-ec223e226505_cb1hhkscw5m06"; var status = await Launcher.QueryUriSupportAsync(new Uri(protocol), LaunchQuerySupportType.UriForResults, packageFamilyName); if (status == LaunchQuerySupportStatus.Available) { var options = new LauncherOptions { TargetApplicationPackageFamilyName = packageFamilyName }; var values = new ValueSet(); values.Add("TwitterId", "danvy"); var result = await Launcher.LaunchUriForResultsAsync(new Uri(protocol), options, values); if (result.Status == LaunchUriStatus.Success) { var authorized = result.Result["Authorized"] as string; if (authorized == true.ToString()) { var dialog = new MessageDialog("You are authorized :)"); await dialog.ShowAsync(); } } } }
private async void CallService_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var connection = new AppServiceConnection(); connection.PackageFamilyName = "0df93276-6bbb-46fa-96b7-ec223e226505_cb1hhkscw5m06"; // Windows.ApplicationModel.Package.Current.Id.FamilyName; connection.AppServiceName = "CalculatorService"; var status = await connection.OpenAsync(); if (status != AppServiceConnectionStatus.Success) { var dialog = new MessageDialog("Sorry, I can't connect to the service right now :S"); await dialog.ShowAsync(); return; } var message = new ValueSet(); message.Add("service", OperatorCombo.Items[OperatorCombo.SelectedIndex]); message.Add("a", Convert.ToInt32(ValueABox.Text)); message.Add("b", Convert.ToInt32(ValueBBox.Text)); AppServiceResponse response = await connection.SendMessageAsync(message); if (response.Status == AppServiceResponseStatus.Success) { if (response.Message.ContainsKey("result")) { ResultBlock.Text = response.Message["result"] as string; } } else { var dialog = new MessageDialog(string.Format("Opps, I just get an error :S ({0})", response.Status)); await dialog.ShowAsync(); } }
private async void CallService_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var connection = new AppServiceConnection(); connection.PackageFamilyName = "041cdcf9-8ef3-40e4-85e2-8f3de5e06155_ncrzdc1cmma1g"; // Windows.ApplicationModel.Package.Current.Id.FamilyName; connection.AppServiceName = "CalculatorService"; var status = await connection.OpenAsync(); if (status != AppServiceConnectionStatus.Success) { var dialog = new MessageDialog("Sorry, I can't connect to the service right now :S"); await dialog.ShowAsync(); return; } var message = new ValueSet(); message.Add("service", (OperatorCombo.SelectedValue as ComboBoxItem).Content); message.Add("a", Convert.ToInt32(ValueABox.Text)); message.Add("b", Convert.ToInt32(ValueBBox.Text)); AppServiceResponse response = await connection.SendMessageAsync(message); if (response.Status == AppServiceResponseStatus.Success) { if (response.Message.ContainsKey("result")) { ResultBlock.Text = response.Message["result"].ToString(); } } else { var dialog = new MessageDialog(string.Format("Opps, I just get an error :S ({0})", response.Status)); await dialog.ShowAsync(); } }
private async void AppServiceConnection_RequestReceived(AppServiceConnection sender, AppServiceRequestReceivedEventArgs args) { var message = args.Request.Message; string command = message["Command"] as string; switch (command) { case "CalcSum": { var messageDeferral = args.GetDeferral(); int value1 = (int)message["Value1"]; int value2 = (int)message["Value2"]; //Set a result to return to the caller int result = value1 + value2; var returnMessage = new ValueSet(); returnMessage.Add("Result", result); var responseStatus = await args.Request.SendResponseAsync(returnMessage); messageDeferral.Complete(); break; } case "Quit": { //Service was asked to quit. Give us service deferral //so platform can terminate the background task _serviceDeferral.Complete(); break; } } }
private async void InitializeAppSvc() { string WebServerStatus = "PoolWebServer failed to start. AppServiceConnectionStatus was not successful."; // Initialize the AppServiceConnection appServiceConnection = new AppServiceConnection(); appServiceConnection.PackageFamilyName = "PoolWebServer_hz258y3tkez3a"; appServiceConnection.AppServiceName = "App2AppComService"; // Send a initialize request var res = await appServiceConnection.OpenAsync(); if (res == AppServiceConnectionStatus.Success) { var message = new ValueSet(); message.Add("Command", "Initialize"); var response = await appServiceConnection.SendMessageAsync(message); if (response.Status != AppServiceResponseStatus.Success) { WebServerStatus = "PoolWebServer failed to start."; throw new Exception("Failed to send message"); } appServiceConnection.RequestReceived += OnMessageReceived; WebServerStatus = "PoolWebServer started."; } await Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, () => { txtWebServerStatus.Text = WebServerStatus; }); }
private async void pickerBtb_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { //Set a result to return to the caller var returnMessage = new ValueSet(); server = new HttpServer(8080); server.StartServer(); returnMessage.Add("Status", "Success"); // var myPictures = await StorageLibrary.GetLibraryAsync(Windows.Storage.KnownLibraryId.Pictures); var picker = new Windows.Storage.Pickers.FileOpenPicker(); picker.ViewMode = Windows.Storage.Pickers.PickerViewMode.Thumbnail; picker.SuggestedStartLocation = Windows.Storage.Pickers.PickerLocationId.PicturesLibrary; picker.FileTypeFilter.Add(".jpg"); picker.FileTypeFilter.Add(".jpeg"); picker.FileTypeFilter.Add(".png"); StorageFile file = await picker.PickSingleFileAsync(); if (file != null) { // Application now has read/write access to the picked file Log("Picked photo: " + file.Path, "Success"); server.FilePath = file.Path; } else { Log("Operation cancelled.", "Error"); } }
private ValueSet AddBook(string book) { BooksRepository.Instance.AddBook(book.ToBook()); var result = new ValueSet(); result.Add("result", "ok"); return result; }
private async Task NotifyClientsOfPerimeterState() { var _sensorCurrentValue = _sensorPin.Read(); var messages = new ValueSet(); //name value pair if (_sensorCurrentValue == GpioPinValue.High) { //send perimeter breached messages.Add("Perimeter Notification", "Breached"); } else { //send perimeter secure messages.Add("Perimeter Notification", "Secure"); } //send message to the client var response = await _connection.SendMessageAsync(messages); if (response.Status == AppServiceResponseStatus.Success) { var result = response.Message["Response"]; //optionally log result from client } }
private async void Connection_RequestReceived(AppServiceConnection sender, AppServiceRequestReceivedEventArgs args) { // if you are doing anything awaitable, you need to get a deferral var requestDeferral = args.GetDeferral(); var returnMessage = new ValueSet(); try { //obtain and react to the command passed in by the client var message = args.Request.Message["Request"] as string; switch (message) { case "Turn LED On": _ledPin.Write(GpioPinValue.High); break; case "Turn LED Off": _ledPin.Write(GpioPinValue.Low); break; } returnMessage.Add("Response", "OK"); } catch (Exception ex) { returnMessage.Add("Response", "Failed: " + ex.Message); } await args.Request.SendResponseAsync(returnMessage); //let the OS know that the action is complete requestDeferral.Complete(); }
protected override async void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e) { Loading.IsActive = true; AppServiceConnection connection = new AppServiceConnection(); connection.PackageFamilyName = Package.Current.Id.FamilyName; connection.AppServiceName = "FeedParser"; var status = await connection.OpenAsync(); if (status == AppServiceConnectionStatus.Success) { ValueSet data = new ValueSet(); data.Add("FeedUrl", ""); var response = await connection.SendMessageAsync(data); if (response.Status == AppServiceResponseStatus.Success) { string items = response.Message["FeedItems"].ToString(); var result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<FeedItem>>(items); News.ItemsSource = result; } } Loading.IsActive = false; }
private async void SendMessageToServer(string message) { var command = new ValueSet(); command.Add("Command", "Bridge"); command.Add("SendToServer", message); var response = await _appServiceConnection.SendMessageAsync(command); }
private async void InitializeService() { _appServiceConnection = new AppServiceConnection { PackageFamilyName = "ConnectionService-uwp_5gyrq6psz227t", AppServiceName = "App2AppComService" }; // Send a initialize request var res = await _appServiceConnection.OpenAsync(); if (res == AppServiceConnectionStatus.Success) { var message = new ValueSet {{"Command", "Connect"}}; var response = await _appServiceConnection.SendMessageAsync(message); if (response.Status == AppServiceResponseStatus.Success) { InitializeSerialBridge(); //InitializeBluetoothBridge(); _appServiceConnection.RequestReceived += _serialBridge.OnCommandRecived; //_appServiceConnection.RequestReceived += _bluetoothBridge.OnCommandRecived; //_appServiceConnection.RequestReceived += _appServiceConnection_RequestReceived; } } }
public static async Task RegisterApplicationTrigger(Type backgroundTaskType) { var backgroundAccessStatus = await BackgroundExecutionManager.RequestAccessAsync(); if (backgroundAccessStatus == BackgroundAccessStatus.AllowedMayUseActiveRealTimeConnectivity || backgroundAccessStatus == BackgroundAccessStatus.AllowedWithAlwaysOnRealTimeConnectivity) { var appTrigger = new ApplicationTrigger(); string taskEntryPoint = backgroundTaskType.ToString(); var backgroundTaskBuilder = new BackgroundTaskBuilder { Name = backgroundTaskType.Name, TaskEntryPoint = taskEntryPoint }; backgroundTaskBuilder.SetTrigger(appTrigger); var task = BackgroundTaskRegistration.AllTasks.Values.FirstOrDefault(i => i.Name.Equals(backgroundTaskType.Name)); task?.Unregister(true); backgroundTaskBuilder.Register(); ValueSet message = new ValueSet { { "Command", "Init" } }; var result = await appTrigger.RequestAsync(message); if (result == ApplicationTriggerResult.Allowed) { Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} called!", backgroundTaskType.Name)); } } }
private void Accept_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { ValueSet result = new ValueSet(); result["Status"] = "Success"; result["ProductName"] = productName; operation.ReportCompleted(result); }
private void Decline_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { ValueSet result = new ValueSet(); result["Status"] = "Cancelled"; result["ProductName"] = productName; operation.ReportCompleted(result); }
/// <summary> /// Hệ thống gọi đến hàm này khi association backgroundtask được bật /// </summary> /// <param name="taskInstance"> hệ thống tự tạo và truyền vào đây</param> public async void Run(IBackgroundTaskInstance taskInstance) { //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("background run"); taskInstance.Canceled += new BackgroundTaskCanceledEventHandler(BackgroundTaskCanceled); taskInstance.Task.Completed += new BackgroundTaskCompletedEventHandler(BackgroundTaskCompleted); _backgroundstarted.Set();// _deferral = taskInstance.GetDeferral(); //Playlist = new BackgroundPlaylist(); _smtc = initSMTC(); this._foregroundState = this.initForegroundState(); BackgroundMediaPlayer.Current.CurrentStateChanged += BackgroundMediaPlayer_CurrentStateChanged; //Playlist = await BackgroundPlaylist.LoadBackgroundPlaylist("playlist.xml"); Playlist = new BackgroundPlaylist(); Playlist.ListPathsource = await BackgroundPlaylist.LoadCurrentPlaylist(Constant.CurrentPlaylist); if (_foregroundState != eForegroundState.Suspended) { ValueSet message = new ValueSet(); message.Add(Constant.BackgroundTaskStarted, ""); BackgroundMediaPlayer.SendMessageToForeground(message); } Playlist.TrackChanged += Playlist_TrackChanged; BackgroundMediaPlayer.MessageReceivedFromForeground += BackgroundMediaPlayer_MessageReceivedFromForeground; BackgroundMediaPlayer.Current.MediaEnded +=Current_MediaEnded; ApplicationSettingHelper.SaveSettingsValue(Constant.BackgroundTaskState, Constant.BackgroundTaskRunning); isbackgroundtaskrunning = true; _loopState = eLoopState.None; }
private async void Connection_RequestReceived(AppServiceConnection sender, AppServiceRequestReceivedEventArgs args) { var lDeferral = args.GetDeferral(); try { var message = args.Request.Message; if(message.ContainsKey("MessageType") && message.ContainsKey("Message")) { var type = message["MessageType"] as String; var mes = message["Message"] as String; if(type != null && mes != null) { using(var lh = new LoggingHelper()) { var result = lh.LogEntry(type, mes); var vs = new ValueSet(); vs["result"] = result; await args.Request.SendResponseAsync(vs); } } } } catch { } lDeferral.Complete(); }
private async void AppServiceConnection_RequestReceived(AppServiceConnection sender, AppServiceRequestReceivedEventArgs args) { var msgDef = args.GetDeferral(); var msg = args.Request.Message; var returnData = new ValueSet(); var command = msg["Command"] as string; switch (command) { case "UI": returnData.Add("sketch-test", "X.Extension.ThirdParty.Backgrounds.UI.Test"); returnData.Add("sketch-home", "X.Extension.ThirdParty.Backgrounds.UI.Home"); break; case "RandomBackground": Random rnd = new Random(); returnData.Add("filename", $"bkg0{rnd.Next(1, 5)}.jpg"); break; case "Spritesheet": returnData.Add("spritesheet-img", "bkg-spritesheet.jpg"); returnData.Add("spritesheet-xml", "bkg-spritesheet.xml"); break; } await args.Request.SendResponseAsync(returnData); msgDef.Complete(); }
private async void OnPlayClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { String url = txtURL.Text; String tag = "ra000001"; Uri hsl = await GetHitChannelHSL(url, tag); if (hsl != null) { // check is phone bool isHardwareButtonsAPIPresent = Windows.Foundation.Metadata.ApiInformation.IsTypePresent("Windows.Phone.UI.Input.HardwareButtons"); if (isHardwareButtonsAPIPresent) { //Windows.Phone.UI.Input.HardwareButtons.CameraPressed += // HardwareButtons_CameraPressed; ValueSet msg = new ValueSet(); msg.Add("Play", hsl.OriginalString); BackgroundMediaPlayer.SendMessageToBackground(msg); } AdaptiveMediaSourceCreationResult result = await AdaptiveMediaSource.CreateFromUriAsync(hsl); if (result.Status == AdaptiveMediaSourceCreationStatus.Success) { _source = result.MediaSource; _source.DownloadRequested += _source_DownloadRequested; _source.DownloadCompleted += _source_DownloadCompleted; _source.DownloadFailed += _source_DownloadFailed; _source.DownloadBitrateChanged += _source_DownloadBitrateChanged; _source.PlaybackBitrateChanged += _source_PlaybackBitrateChanged; mediaPlayer.SetMediaStreamSource(result.MediaSource); } } }
public void Run(IBackgroundTaskInstance taskInstance) { InitializeAndSetMediaTransportControl(); taskInstance.Canceled += new BackgroundTaskCanceledEventHandler(OnCanceled); taskInstance.Task.Completed += Taskcompleted; var value = ApplicationSettingsHelper.ReadResetSettingsValue(ConstantValues.AppState); if (value == null) _foregroundAppState = ForegroundAppStatus.Unknown; else _foregroundAppState = (ForegroundAppStatus)Enum.Parse(typeof(ForegroundAppStatus), value.ToString()); BackgroundMediaPlayer.Current.CurrentStateChanged += Current_CurrentStateChanged; UpdateQueue(); _queue.TrackChanged += playList_TrackChanged; BackgroundMediaPlayer.MessageReceivedFromForeground += BackgroundMediaPlayer_MessageReceivedFromForeground; if (_foregroundAppState != ForegroundAppStatus.Suspended) { ValueSet message = new ValueSet { { ConstantValues.BackgroundTaskStarted, "" } }; BackgroundMediaPlayer.SendMessageToForeground(message); } _backgroundTaskStarted.Set(); _backgroundtaskrunning = true; ApplicationSettingsHelper.SaveSettingsValue(ConstantValues.BackgroundTaskState, ConstantValues.BackgroundTaskRunning); _deferral = taskInstance.GetDeferral(); }
public static async Task<OperationResult> NewIncomingCallAsync(String contactName, String contactNumber) { if (!ApiInformation.IsApiContractPresent("Windows.Phone.PhoneContract", 1)) { return OperationResult.Failed; } AppServiceHelper appServiceHelper = new AppServiceHelper(); ValueSet message = new ValueSet(); message[BackgroundOperation.NewBackgroundRequest] = (int)BackgroundRequest.NewIncomingCall; message[NewCallArguments.ContactImage.ToString()] = ""; message[NewCallArguments.ContactName.ToString()] = contactName; message[NewCallArguments.ContactNumber.ToString()] = contactNumber; message[NewCallArguments.ServiceName.ToString()] = "My First UWP Voip App"; ValueSet response = await appServiceHelper.SendMessageAsync(message); if (response != null) { return ((OperationResult)(response[BackgroundOperation.Result])); } return OperationResult.Failed; }
private async Task<string> SendMessageAsync(ValueSet message) { using (var connection = new AppServiceConnection()) { connection.AppServiceName = BookServiceName; connection.PackageFamilyName = BooksPackageName; AppServiceConnectionStatus status = await connection.OpenAsync(); if (status == AppServiceConnectionStatus.Success) { AppServiceResponse response = await connection.SendMessageAsync(message); if (response.Status == AppServiceResponseStatus.Success && response.Message.ContainsKey("result")) { string result = response.Message["result"].ToString(); return result; } else { await ShowServiceErrorAsync(response.Status); } } else { await ShowConnectionErrorAsync(status); } return string.Empty; } }
private async void OnRequestReceived(AppServiceConnection sender, AppServiceRequestReceivedEventArgs args) { var message = args.Request.Message; string command = message["Command"] as string; switch (command) { case "Initialize": var messageDeferral = args.GetDeferral(); //Set a result to return to the caller var returnMessage = new ValueSet(); HttpServer server = new HttpServer(8000, appServiceConnection); IAsyncAction asyncAction = Windows.System.Threading.ThreadPool.RunAsync( (workItem) => { server.StartServer(); }); returnMessage.Add("Status", "Success"); var responseStatus = await args.Request.SendResponseAsync(returnMessage); messageDeferral.Complete(); break; case "Quit": //Service was asked to quit. Give us service deferral //so platform can terminate the background task serviceDeferral.Complete(); break; } }
private async void Connection_RequestReceived(AppServiceConnection sender, AppServiceRequestReceivedEventArgs args) { var deferral = args.GetDeferral(); var response = new ValueSet(); bool stop = false; try { var request = args.Request; var message = request.Message; if (message.ContainsKey(BackgroundOperation.NewBackgroundRequest)) { switch ((BackgroundRequest)message[BackgroundOperation.NewBackgroundRequest]) { default: stop = true; break; } } } finally { if (stop) { _deferral.Complete(); } } }
public async Task<IEnumerable<Beer>> GetBeersByFilter(string filter) { AppServiceConnection connection = new AppServiceConnection(); connection.AppServiceName = "PlainConcepts-appservicesdemo"; connection.PackageFamilyName = "cff6d46b-5839-4bb7-a1f2-e59246de63b3_cb1hhkscw5m06"; AppServiceConnectionStatus connectionStatus = await connection.OpenAsync(); if (connectionStatus == AppServiceConnectionStatus.Success) { //Send data to the service var message = new ValueSet(); message.Add("Command", "GetBeersByFilter"); message.Add("Filter", filter); //Send message and wait for response AppServiceResponse response = await connection.SendMessageAsync(message); if (response.Status == AppServiceResponseStatus.Success) { var resultJson = (string)response.Message["Result"]; var list = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<IEnumerable<Beer>>(resultJson); return list; } } else { //Drive the user to store to install the app that provides the app service new MessageDialog("Service not installed").ShowAsync(); } return null; }
private async void GetEmployeeById(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { appServiceConnection = new AppServiceConnection { AppServiceName = "EmployeeLookupService", PackageFamilyName = "3598a822-2b34-44cc-9a20-421137c7511f_4frctqp64dy5c" }; var status = await appServiceConnection.OpenAsync(); switch (status) { case AppServiceConnectionStatus.AppNotInstalled: await LogError("The EmployeeLookup application is not installed. Please install it and try again."); return; case AppServiceConnectionStatus.AppServiceUnavailable: await LogError("The EmployeeLookup application does not have the available feature"); return; case AppServiceConnectionStatus.AppUnavailable: await LogError("The package for the app service to which a connection was attempted is unavailable."); return; case AppServiceConnectionStatus.Unknown: await LogError("Unknown Error."); return; } var items = this.EmployeeId.Text.Split(new string[] { Environment.NewLine }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); var message = new ValueSet(); for (int i = 0; i < items.Length; i++) { message.Add(i.ToString(), items[i]); } var response = await appServiceConnection.SendMessageAsync(message); switch (response.Status) { case AppServiceResponseStatus.ResourceLimitsExceeded: await LogError("Insufficient resources. The app service has been shut down."); return; case AppServiceResponseStatus.Failure: await LogError("Failed to receive response."); return; case AppServiceResponseStatus.Unknown: await LogError("Unknown error."); return; } foreach (var item in response.Message) { this.Items.Add(new Employee { Id = item.Key, Name = item.Value.ToString() }); } }
private async void LaunchUriForResult_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var protocol = "win10demo2://"; var packageFamilyName = "041cdcf9-8ef3-40e4-85e2-8f3de5e06155_ncrzdc1cmma1g"; var status = await Launcher.QueryUriSupportAsync(new Uri(protocol), LaunchQuerySupportType.UriForResults, packageFamilyName); if (status == LaunchQuerySupportStatus.Available) { var options = new LauncherOptions { TargetApplicationPackageFamilyName = packageFamilyName }; var values = new ValueSet(); values.Add("TwitterId", "danvy"); var result = await Launcher.LaunchUriForResultsAsync(new Uri(protocol), options, values); if ((result.Status == LaunchUriStatus.Success) && (result.Result != null)) { var authorized = result.Result["Authorized"] as string; if (authorized == true.ToString()) { var dialog = new MessageDialog("You are authorized :)"); await dialog.ShowAsync(); } } } }
private async Task CheckOut() { var checkoutAppUri = new Uri("checkoutdemo:"); // We want a specific app to perform our checkout operation, not just any that implements the protocol we're using for launch var options = new LauncherOptions(); options.TargetApplicationPackageFamilyName = "7d7072f5-7a53-47f6-9932-97647aad9550_z5jhcbv2wstvg"; var transactionId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); var inputData = new ValueSet(); // Our collection is too complicated for ValueSet to understand so we serialize it first var serializedSelectedItems = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(this.AvailableProducts.Where(p => p.IsSelected).Select(p => new { Description = p.Name, UnitPrice = p.Price, Quantity = 1 }).ToList()); inputData["Items"] = serializedSelectedItems; inputData["Transaction"] = transactionId; var response = await Launcher.LaunchUriForResultsAsync(checkoutAppUri, options, inputData); if (response.Status == LaunchUriStatus.Success) { Frame.Navigate(typeof(Receipt), response.Result); } else { // TODO: handle failure to launch... } }
/// <summary> /// Launch the pick'n'crop task /// </summary> /// <returns>In case of success, a cropped image saved in StorageFile</returns> public async Task<StorageFile> LaunchAsync() { if (CropWidthPixels <= 0 || CropHeightPixels <= 0) { throw new ArgumentException("Cannot crop an image with zero or null dimension", CropWidthPixels <= 0 ? "CropWidthPixels" : "CropHeightPixels"); } var storageAssembly = typeof(Windows.ApplicationModel.DataTransfer.DataPackage).GetTypeInfo().Assembly; var storageManagerType = storageAssembly.GetType("Windows.ApplicationModel.DataTransfer.SharedStorageAccessManager"); var token = storageManagerType.GetTypeInfo() .DeclaredMethods.FirstOrDefault(m => m.Name == "AddFile") .Invoke(storageManagerType, new object[] {OutputFile}); var parameters = new ValueSet { {"CropWidthPixels", CropWidthPixels}, {"CropHeightPixels", CropHeightPixels}, {"EllipticalCrop", EllipticalCrop}, {"ShowCamera", ShowCamera}, {"DestinationToken", token} }; var launcherAssembly = typeof(Launcher).GetTypeInfo().Assembly; var optionsType = launcherAssembly.GetType("Windows.System.LauncherOptions"); var options = Activator.CreateInstance(optionsType); var targetProperty = options.GetType().GetRuntimeProperty("TargetApplicationPackageFamilyName"); targetProperty.SetValue(options, "Microsoft.Windows.Photos_8wekyb3d8bbwe"); var launcherType = launcherAssembly.GetType("Windows.System.Launcher"); var launchUriResult = launcherAssembly.GetType("Windows.System.LaunchUriResult"); var asTask = GetAsTask(); var t = asTask.MakeGenericMethod(launchUriResult); var method = launcherType.GetTypeInfo() .DeclaredMethods.FirstOrDefault( m => m.Name == "LaunchUriForResultsAsync" && m.GetParameters().Length == 3); var mt = method.Invoke(launcherType, new[] { new Uri(""), options, parameters }); var task = t.Invoke(launcherType, new [] { mt }); var result = await (dynamic)task; string statusStr = result.Status.ToString(); return statusStr.Contains("Success") ? OutputFile : null; }
private async void OnPCAppServiceRequestReceived(AppServiceConnection sender, AppServiceRequestReceivedEventArgs args) { Debug.WriteLine("OnPCAppServiceRequestReceived"); AppServiceDeferral messageDeferral = args.GetDeferral(); try { if (!args.Request.Message.ContainsKey("Action")) { throw new Exception("Invalid message received."); } string action = args.Request.Message["Action"] as string; Debug.WriteLine($"Action: {action}"); if (action == "Hello") { ValueSet vs = new ValueSet { { "Hey", "Hey" } }; await args.Request.SendResponseAsync(vs); } else if (action == "WhyImHere") { Debug.WriteLine($"Win32 process asked for its purpose, which is {PCExtensionCurrentPurpose}"); if (PCExtensionCurrentPurpose == PCExtensionPurpose.Default) { bool shouldItRun = false; if (ApplicationData.Current.LocalSettings.Values.ContainsKey("SendCloudClipboard")) { bool.TryParse(ApplicationData.Current.LocalSettings.Values["SendCloudClipboard"].ToString(), out shouldItRun); } if (SecureKeyStorage.IsAccountIdStored() == false) { shouldItRun = false; } var status = await args.Request.SendResponseAsync(new ValueSet { { "Answer", shouldItRun ? "Alone" : "Die" }, { "AccountId", SecureKeyStorage.GetAccountId() } }); } else if (PCExtensionCurrentPurpose == PCExtensionPurpose.Genocide) { var status = await args.Request.SendResponseAsync(new ValueSet { { "Answer", "Genocide" }, }); } else if (PCExtensionCurrentPurpose == PCExtensionPurpose.ForgetEverything) { var status = await args.Request.SendResponseAsync(new ValueSet { { "Answer", "ForgetEverything" }, }); } PCExtensionCurrentPurpose = PCExtensionPurpose.Default; } else if (action == "Die") { Application.Current.Exit(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine($"Exception on OnPCAppServiceRequestReceived: {ex.Message}"); } finally { messageDeferral.Complete(); pcAppServiceDeferral?.Complete(); Debug.WriteLine("Request finished."); } }
/// <summary> /// The UWP host has sent a request for something. Responses to the UWP app are /// sent by the respective case handlers, to the UWP Connection_RequestReceived handler /// via the AppServiceConnection. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="args"></param> private async static void Connection_RequestReceived(AppServiceConnection sender, AppServiceRequestReceivedEventArgs args) { var deferral = args.GetDeferral(); ValueSet message = args.Request.Message; ValueSet returnData = new ValueSet(); // get the verb or "command" for this request string verb = message["verb"] as String; switch (verb) { // we received a request to get the Startup program names case "getStartupProgramNames": { try { // we switch on the value of the verb in the UWP app that receives this valueSet returnData.Add("verb", "RegistryReadResult"); // open HKLM with a 64bit view. If you use Registry32, your view will be virtualized to the current user RegistryKey baseKey = RegistryKey.OpenBaseKey(RegistryHive.LocalMachine, RegistryView.Registry64); // Open the key where the Startup programs are listed for read-only access. Cannot write // to the registry from an unelevated Win32 process. RegistryKey key = baseKey.OpenSubKey(@"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run", false); string[] names = key.GetValueNames(); // add the names to our response returnData.Add("StartupProgramNames", names); } catch (Exception ex) { returnData.Add("verb", "RegistryReadError"); returnData.Add("exceptionMessage", ex.Message.ToString()); } break; } // we received a request to write the registry case "elevatedRegistryWrite": { // the exitCode is the only response we receive from LaunchElevatedRegistryWrite int exitCode = LaunchElevatedRegistryWrite(); returnData.Add("exitcode", exitCode); break; } } try { // Return the data to the caller. await args.Request.SendResponseAsync(returnData); } catch (Exception e) { // Your exception handling code here. } finally { // Complete the deferral so that the platform knows that we're done responding to the app service call. // Note for error handling: this must be called even if SendResponseAsync() throws an exception. deferral.Complete(); } }
private async Task Launch(LaunchOption option) { //Check connection to launch agent if (AppServiceManager.appServiceConnection == null) { return; } List <MinecraftAssembly> missingLibs = null; //include missing natives List <MinecraftAsset> missingAssets = new List <MinecraftAsset>(); #region Libraries and natives check ValueSet valueSet = new ValueSet(); valueSet["type"] = "librariesCheck"; valueSet["version"] = option.versionId; AppServiceResponse response = await AppServiceManager.appServiceConnection.SendMessageAsync(valueSet); string responseJson = response.Message["value"].ToString(); try { missingLibs = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <MinecraftAssembly> >(responseJson); } catch (JsonException) { } #endregion #region Assets check valueSet = new ValueSet(); valueSet["type"] = "assetsCheck"; valueSet["version"] = option.versionId; response = await AppServiceManager.appServiceConnection.SendMessageAsync(valueSet); object obj = null; response.Message.TryGetValue("index_path", out obj); // Asset index dose not exist or invalid if (obj != null) { string path = obj.ToString(); string url = response.Message["index_url"].ToString(); try { using (HttpClient client = new HttpClient()) { string json = await client.GetStringAsync(url); StorageFile file = await CoreManager.WorkDir.CreateFileAsync(path, CreationCollisionOption.ReplaceExisting); await FileIO.WriteTextAsync(file, json); } } catch (Exception e) { await _msgDialog.Show( CoreManager.GetStringFromResource("/StartPage/LaunchFailed"), "Cannot fetch asset index \r\n " + e.Message + "\r\n" + e.StackTrace ); return; } //Check again after asset index downloaded response = await AppServiceManager.appServiceConnection.SendMessageAsync(valueSet); obj = null; response.Message.TryGetValue("index_path", out obj); if (obj != null) { await _msgDialog.Show( CoreManager.GetStringFromResource("/StartPage/LaunchFailed"), "Asset index validation failed"); return; } } responseJson = response.Message["missing_assets"].ToString(); try { missingAssets = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <MinecraftAsset> >(responseJson); } catch (JsonException) { } #endregion //Found missing libs, go to download. if ((missingLibs != null && missingLibs.Count > 0) || (missingAssets != null && missingAssets.Count > 0)) { missingLibs.ForEach(lib => { DownloadItem item = new DownloadItem(lib.Name, lib.Path, lib.Url); DownloadManager.DownloadQuene.Add(item); }); missingAssets.ForEach(ass => { DownloadItem item = new DownloadItem( string.Format("{0}: {1}", CoreManager.GetStringFromResource("/Resources/Asset"), ass.Hash), ass.GetPath(), ass.GetDownloadUrl() ); DownloadManager.DownloadQuene.Add(item); }); DownloadManager.StartDownload(); await DownloadDialog.ShowAsync(); return; } DebugWriteLine("Serializing launch message to json"); string messageJson; try { LaunchOptionBase tmp = option as LaunchOptionBase; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(option.javaExt)) { tmp.javaExt = CoreManager.GlobalJVMPath; } messageJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(tmp); } catch (JsonSerializationException exp) { DebugWriteLine("ERROR: " + exp.Message); return; } DebugWriteLine(messageJson); //Check if the launch message was successfully generated if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(messageJson)) { valueSet = new ValueSet(); valueSet.Add("type", "launch"); valueSet.Add("launch_option", messageJson); valueSet.Add("auth_type", CoreManager.AccountTypeTag); valueSet.Add("auth_username", CoreManager.Username); response = await AppServiceManager.appServiceConnection.SendMessageAsync(valueSet); //Display error obj = response.Message["result"]; if (obj is bool && !((bool)obj)) { await _msgDialog.Show( CoreManager.GetStringFromResource("/StartPage/LaunchFailed"), response.Message["errorMessage"].ToString() + "\r\n" + response.Message["errorStack"] ); } } }
private async void GenerateRandomNumber_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { //Parse user input int minValueInput = 0; bool valueParsed = int.TryParse(MinValue.Text, out minValueInput); if (!valueParsed) { NotifyUser("The Minimum Value should be a valid integer", NotifyType.ErrorMessage); return; } int maxValueInput = 0; valueParsed = int.TryParse(MaxValue.Text, out maxValueInput); if (!valueParsed) { NotifyUser("The Maximum Value should be a valid integer", NotifyType.ErrorMessage); return; } if (maxValueInput <= minValueInput) { NotifyUser("Maximum Value must be larger than Minimum Value", NotifyType.ErrorMessage); return; } using (var connection = new AppServiceConnection()) { //Set up a new app service connection connection.AppServiceName = ""; connection.PackageFamilyName = "Microsoft.SDKSamples.AppServicesProvider.CS_876gvmnfevegr"; AppServiceConnectionStatus status = await connection.OpenAsync(); //The new connection opened successfully if (status == AppServiceConnectionStatus.Success) { NotifyUser("Connection established", NotifyType.StatusMessage); } //If something went wrong. Lets figure out what it was and show the //user a meaningful message and walk away switch (status) { case AppServiceConnectionStatus.AppNotInstalled: NotifyUser("The app AppServicesProvider is not installed. Deploy AppServicesProvider to this device and try again.", NotifyType.ErrorMessage); return; case AppServiceConnectionStatus.AppUnavailable: NotifyUser("The app AppServicesProvider is not available. This could be because it is currently being updated or was installed to a removable device that is no longer available.", NotifyType.ErrorMessage); return; case AppServiceConnectionStatus.AppServiceUnavailable: NotifyUser(string.Format("The app AppServicesProvider is installed but it does not provide the app service {0}.", connection.AppServiceName), NotifyType.ErrorMessage); return; case AppServiceConnectionStatus.Unknown: NotifyUser("An unkown error occurred while we were trying to open an AppServiceConnection.", NotifyType.ErrorMessage); return; } //Set up the inputs and send a message to the service var inputs = new ValueSet(); inputs.Add("minvalue", minValueInput); inputs.Add("maxvalue", maxValueInput); AppServiceResponse response = await connection.SendMessageAsync(inputs); //If the service responded with success display the result and walk away if (response.Status == AppServiceResponseStatus.Success && response.Message.ContainsKey("result")) { var resultText = response.Message["result"].ToString(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(resultText)) { Result.Text = resultText; NotifyUser("App service responded with a result", NotifyType.StatusMessage); } else { NotifyUser("App service did not respond with a result", NotifyType.ErrorMessage); } return; } //Something went wrong while sending a message. Let display //a meaningful error message switch (response.Status) { case AppServiceResponseStatus.Failure: NotifyUser("The service failed to acknowledge the message we sent it. It may have been terminated or it's RequestReceived handler might not be handling incoming messages correctly.", NotifyType.ErrorMessage); return; case AppServiceResponseStatus.ResourceLimitsExceeded: NotifyUser("The service exceeded the resources allocated to it and had to be terminated.", NotifyType.ErrorMessage); return; case AppServiceResponseStatus.Unknown: NotifyUser("An unkown error occurred while we were trying to send a message to the service.", NotifyType.ErrorMessage); return; } } }
private void StartBtn_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { source = new CancellationTokenSource(); token = source.Token; StopBtn.IsEnabled = true; StartBtn.IsEnabled = false; Task.Run(async() => { Debug.WriteLine("Start Screen Cast"); while (token.IsCancellationRequested == false) { ValueSet valueSet = new ValueSet { { "screen", isCompressData } }; if (App.Connection != null) { stopwatch.Start(); AppServiceResponse response = await App.Connection.SendMessageAsync(valueSet); var responseTime = stopwatch.Elapsed.Milliseconds; var screenBytes = response.Message["screen"] as byte[]; var width = (int)response.Message["screenWidth"]; var height = (int)response.Message["screenHeight"]; double len = Math.Round((double)screenBytes.Length / 1024, 2); if (swapChain == null) { await InitShapChain(width, height); } stopwatch.Restart(); var decompressTime = 0; if (isCompressData == true) { screenBytes = Decompress(screenBytes); decompressTime = stopwatch.Elapsed.Milliseconds; stopwatch.Restart(); } using (CanvasDrawingSession ds = SwapChainPanel.SwapChain.CreateDrawingSession(Colors.Transparent)) { using (CanvasBitmap screen = CanvasBitmap.CreateFromBytes(device, screenBytes, width, height, Windows.Graphics.DirectX.DirectXPixelFormat.B8G8R8A8UIntNormalized)) { ds.DrawImage(screen, new Windows.Foundation.Rect(0, 0, 800, 600)); } } SwapChainPanel.SwapChain.Present(); var drawTime = stopwatch.Elapsed.Milliseconds; stopwatch.Stop(); Debug.WriteLine($"Response: {responseTime} ms Draw:{drawTime} ms Decompress: {decompressTime} ms Length: {len} Kb"); } await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(25)); } Debug.WriteLine("Stop Screen Cast"); }, token); }
public void CouplingGwRiver() { /// bit 1: Decides whether the timeInterpolator or grid-to-line adaptor comes first /// bit 2: when true, using a 16x16 gw grid (instead of 2x2) /// bit 3: when true, bi-directinal: adds a link from gwModel to river, with the gw-level for (int runNumber = 0; runNumber < 8; runNumber++) { //if (runNumber != 3) // continue; Console.Out.WriteLine("runNumber: " + runNumber); // Create trigger inputs Input queryDischargeItem = CreateDischargeInput(); Input queryVolume = CreateVolumeInput(); // Create models LinkableEngine riverModel = CreateRiverModel(); ITimeSpaceComponent gwModel = CreateGwModel(); // Add arguments and initialize IDictionary <string, IArgument> gwArgs = gwModel.Arguments.Dictionary(); // Increasing model grid size (otherwise GW model runs full too fast) gwArgs.UpdateValue("dx", 400.0); gwArgs.UpdateValue("dy", 400.0); gwArgs.UpdateValue("x0", 200.0); gwArgs.UpdateValue("y0", 200.0); int gwGridSize = 2 * 2; if ((runNumber & 2) == 2) // set 16 x 16 grid { gwArgs.UpdateValue("dx", 50.0); gwArgs.UpdateValue("dy", 50.0); gwArgs.UpdateValue("XCount", 16); gwArgs.UpdateValue("ycount", 16); gwGridSize = 16 * 16; } gwModel.Initialize(); IDictionary <string, IArgument> riverArgs = riverModel.Arguments.Dictionary(); // Increasing model grid size (otherwise GW model runs full too fast) riverArgs.UpdateValue("xyscale", 100.0); riverModel.Initialize(); // Connect triggering inputs ITimeSpaceOutput flowOnBranch = UTHelper.FindOutputItem(riverModel, "Branch:2:Flow"); TimeInterpolator flowOnBranch2 = new TimeInterpolator(flowOnBranch); flowOnBranch.AddAdaptedOutput(flowOnBranch2); flowOnBranch2.AddConsumer(queryDischargeItem); ITimeSpaceOutput storageInGw = UTHelper.FindOutputItem(gwModel, "Grid.Storage"); TimeInterpolator storageInGw2 = new TimeInterpolator(storageInGw); storageInGw.AddAdaptedOutput(storageInGw2); storageInGw2.AddConsumer(queryVolume); //========== Couple leakage items ========== // put leakage from river into ground water model { ITimeSpaceOutput riverLeakageOutput = UTHelper.FindOutputItem(riverModel, "WholeRiver:Leakage"); ITimeSpaceInput gwInflowInput = UTHelper.FindInputItem(gwModel, "Grid.Inflow"); // Two adaptors are added: Time buffer and line-to-grid adaptor // they can be added in any order (though time buffer first will use less memory) if ((runNumber & 1) == 1) { // Time interpolator TimeInterpolator riverLeakageOutput2 = new TimeInterpolator(riverLeakageOutput); riverLeakageOutput.AddAdaptedOutput(riverLeakageOutput2); // Element mapper from polyline to polygon, weighted sum version ElementMapperAdaptedOutput riverLeakageOutputGrid = new ElementMapperAdaptedOutput(new Identifier("ElementMapper501"), riverLeakageOutput2, gwInflowInput.ElementSet()); riverLeakageOutput2.AddAdaptedOutput(riverLeakageOutputGrid); riverLeakageOutputGrid.AddConsumer(gwInflowInput); } else { // Element mapper from polyline to polygon, weighted sum version ElementMapperAdaptedOutput riverLeakageOutputGrid = new ElementMapperAdaptedOutput(new Identifier("ElementMapper501"), riverLeakageOutput, gwInflowInput.ElementSet()); riverLeakageOutput.AddAdaptedOutput(riverLeakageOutputGrid); // Time interpolator TimeInterpolator riverLeakageOutput2 = new TimeInterpolator(riverLeakageOutputGrid); riverLeakageOutputGrid.AddAdaptedOutput(riverLeakageOutput2); riverLeakageOutput2.AddConsumer(gwInflowInput); } } //========== Couple ground water level items ========== if ((runNumber & 4) == 4) { // put ground water level from ground water model into river ITimeSpaceInput riverGwleveInput = UTHelper.FindInputItem(riverModel, "WholeRiver:GroundWaterLevel"); ITimeSpaceOutput gwLevelOutput = UTHelper.FindOutputItem(gwModel, "Grid.gwLevel"); // Two adaptors are added: Time buffer and grid-to-line adaptor // they can be added in any order (though time buffer last will use less memory) if ((runNumber & 1) == 1) { // Time interpolator var gwLevelOutput2 = new TimeExtrapolator(gwLevelOutput); gwLevelOutput.AddAdaptedOutput(gwLevelOutput2); // Element mapper from polyline to polygon, weighted sum version var gwLevelOutputLine = new ElementMapperAdaptedOutput(new Identifier("ElementMapper700"), gwLevelOutput2, riverGwleveInput.ElementSet()); gwLevelOutput2.AddAdaptedOutput(gwLevelOutputLine); gwLevelOutputLine.AddConsumer(riverGwleveInput); } else { // Element mapper from polyline to polygon, weighted sum version var gwLevelOutputLine = new ElementMapperAdaptedOutput(new Identifier("ElementMapper700"), gwLevelOutput, riverGwleveInput.ElementSet()); gwLevelOutput.AddAdaptedOutput(gwLevelOutputLine); // Time interpolator var gwLevelOutput2 = new TimeExtrapolator(gwLevelOutputLine); gwLevelOutputLine.AddAdaptedOutput(gwLevelOutput2); gwLevelOutput2.AddConsumer(riverGwleveInput); } } //========== Run ========== // Validate riverModel.Validate(); Assert.IsTrue(riverModel.Status == LinkableComponentStatus.Valid); gwModel.Validate(); Assert.IsTrue(gwModel.Status == LinkableComponentStatus.Valid); // Prepare riverModel.Prepare(); Assert.IsTrue(riverModel.Status == LinkableComponentStatus.Updated); gwModel.Prepare(); Assert.IsTrue(gwModel.Status == LinkableComponentStatus.Updated); // specify query times double triggerTime0 = riverModel.CurrentTime.StampAsModifiedJulianDay; double triggerTime1 = triggerTime0 + 1; double triggerTime2 = triggerTime0 + 2; double triggerTime3 = triggerTime0 + 12.1; double triggerTime4 = triggerTime0 + 16.7; /// Properties of the river, without gw-level input /// Inflow into each node from rainfall runoff is 10 L/s /// Inflow to node 1: 10 L/s - leaking 5 L/s on branch 1 /// Inflow to node 2: 10 + 5 L/s - leaking 15/2 L/s on branch 2 /// Inflow to node 3: 10 + 15/2 L/s - leaking 35/4 L/s on branch 3 /// Total leakage 5+15/2+35/4 = (20+30+35)/4 = 85/4 L/s /// /// Number of seconds in a day: 60*60*24 = 86400 // check initial values Assert.AreEqual(1, ValueSet.GetElementCount(flowOnBranch.Values), "#values for " + flowOnBranch.Id); Assert.AreEqual(7.0, (double)flowOnBranch.Values.GetValue(0, 0), "Value[0] as property"); Assert.AreEqual(gwGridSize, ValueSet.GetElementCount(storageInGw.Values), "#values for " + storageInGw.Id); Assert.AreEqual(0, SumTimeStep(storageInGw.Values, 0)); // get values for specified query times, 1 days // Totally leaking: 86400 * 85/4 = 1.836e6 // For the bi-directional coupling: // the entire first day the river uses extrapolated values from the // gwModel, which gives a gwLevel of -10, hence same value as for the uni-directional queryDischargeItem.TimeSet.SetSingleTimeStamp(triggerTime1); ITimeSpaceValueSet valuesV = storageInGw2.GetValues(queryDischargeItem); ITimeSpaceValueSet valuesQ = flowOnBranch2.GetValues(queryDischargeItem); Assert.AreEqual(35.0 / 4.0, (double)valuesQ.GetValue(0, 0)); Assert.AreEqual(1.836e6, SumTimeStep(valuesV, 0), 1e-4); // Print out, to load in a plotting program for verification //StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); //foreach (double val in valuesV.GetElementValuesForTime(0)) // b.AppendLine(val.ToString(NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo)); //Console.Out.WriteLine(b.ToString()); // get values for specified query times, 2 days // 2 * 86400 * 85/4 = 3.672e6 queryDischargeItem.TimeSet.SetSingleTimeStamp(triggerTime2); valuesV = storageInGw2.GetValues(queryDischargeItem); valuesQ = flowOnBranch2.GetValues(queryDischargeItem); if ((runNumber & 4) != 4) // unidirectional { Assert.AreEqual(35.0 / 4.0, (double)valuesQ.GetValue(0, 0)); Assert.AreEqual(3.672e6, SumTimeStep(valuesV, 0), 1e-4); } else if ((runNumber & 2) != 2) // bi-directional 2x2 grid { Assert.AreEqual(8.843648, (double)valuesQ.GetValue(0, 0), 1e-4); Assert.AreEqual(3.66390879366e6, SumTimeStep(valuesV, 0), 1e-4); } else // bi-directional 16x16 grid { Assert.AreEqual(9.65307, (double)valuesQ.GetValue(0, 0), 1e-4); Assert.AreEqual(3.59397465219e6, SumTimeStep(valuesV, 0), 1e-4); } // get values for specified query times, 12.1 days // 12.1 * 86400 * 85/4 = 2.22156e7 queryDischargeItem.TimeSet.SetSingleTimeStamp(triggerTime3); valuesV = storageInGw2.GetValues(queryDischargeItem); valuesQ = flowOnBranch2.GetValues(queryDischargeItem); if ((runNumber & 4) != 4) // unidirectional { Assert.AreEqual(35.0 / 4.0, (double)valuesQ.GetValue(0, 0)); Assert.AreEqual(2.22156e7, SumTimeStep(valuesV, 0), 1e-4); } else if ((runNumber & 2) != 2) // bi-directional 2x2 grid { Assert.AreEqual(9.87828, (double)valuesQ.GetValue(0, 0), 1e-4); Assert.AreEqual(2.16704019338e7, SumTimeStep(valuesV, 0), 1e-4); } else // bi-directional 16x16 grid { Assert.AreEqual(18.546999, (double)valuesQ.GetValue(0, 0), 1e-4); Assert.AreEqual(1.722400002557e7, SumTimeStep(valuesV, 0), 1e-4); } // get values for specified query times, 16.7 days // 16.7 * 86400 * 85/4 = 3.06612e7 queryDischargeItem.TimeSet.SetSingleTimeStamp(triggerTime4); valuesV = storageInGw2.GetValues(queryDischargeItem); valuesQ = flowOnBranch2.GetValues(queryDischargeItem); if ((runNumber & 4) != 4) // unidirectional { Assert.AreEqual(35.0 / 4.0, (double)valuesQ.GetValue(0, 0)); Assert.AreEqual(3.06612e7, SumTimeStep(valuesV, 0), 1e-4); } else if ((runNumber & 2) != 2) // bi-directional 2x2 grid { Assert.AreEqual(10.255535, (double)valuesQ.GetValue(0, 0), 1e-4); Assert.AreEqual(2.9595872035072e7, SumTimeStep(valuesV, 0), 1e-4); } else // bi-directional 16x16 grid { Assert.AreEqual(20.98699, (double)valuesQ.GetValue(0, 0), 1e-4); Assert.AreEqual(2.12991179998e7, SumTimeStep(valuesV, 0), 1e-4); } } }
protected string DetermineValueSetStatus(Model.ImportValueSet importValueSet, ValueSet currentValueSet) { if (currentValueSet == null) { return("Add"); } else { bool valueSetIsChanged = importValueSet.Code != currentValueSet.Code || importValueSet.Description != currentValueSet.Description || importValueSet.Name != currentValueSet.Name; if (valueSetIsChanged) { return("Update"); } } return("None"); }
private async Task SendMessage(KeyValuePair <Guid, AppServiceConnection> connection, ValueSet valueSet) { try { var result = await connection.Value.SendMessageAsync(valueSet); if (result.Status == AppServiceResponseStatus.Success) { await Debug("Successfully sent message to " + connection.Key + ". Result = " + result.Message); return; } if (result.Status == AppServiceResponseStatus.Failure) { // When an app with an open connection is terminated and it fails // to dispose of its connection, the connection object remains // in Connections. When someone tries to send to it, it gets // an AppServiceResponseStatus.Failure response await Info("Error sending to " + connection.Key + ". Removing it from the list of active connections."); RemoveConnection(connection.Key); return; } await Error("Error sending to " + connection.Key + " - " + result.Status); } catch (Exception ex) { await Error("Error SendMessage to " + connection.Key + " " + ex.ToString()); } }
public void SetArgsAndGetResults(string args, ValueSet data, ProtocolForResultsOperation op) { _op = op; SetArgs(args, data); }
public static void GetReturnData(ValueSet message, ref ValueSet returnData) { string command = message["Command"] as string; switch (command.ToUpper()) { case "ZIGBEESTATUS": { returnData.Add("Result", IsZigBeeStatus); } break; case "DISCOVER": { StartDeviceDiscovery(); returnData.Add("Status", "OK"); } break; case "GETDISCOVERRUNNING": { bool rst = IsRunningDiscoverDevices(); //loggingServices.Write(Log, rst.ToString(), LogLevel.Debug); returnData.Add("Result", rst); returnData.Add("Status", "OK"); } break; case "GETENDDEVICES": { string result = ""; try { result = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(GetEndDevices()); } catch (Exception e) { loggingServices.Write(Log, e.Message, LogLevel.Error, e); } returnData.Add("Result", result); returnData.Add("Status", "OK"); } break; case "SETENDDEVICES": { List <string> result = null; try { result = SetEndDevices(JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <ValueSet> >(message["Param"].ToString())); } catch (Exception e) { loggingServices.Write(Log, e.Message, LogLevel.Error, e); } returnData.Add("Result", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result)); returnData.Add("Status", "OK"); } break; case "ONOFFTOGGLE": { string result = "OnOffToggle Success"; string status = "OK"; Model.ZigBee.ZigBeeEndPoint endPoint = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Model.ZigBee.ZigBeeEndPoint>(message["endPoint"].ToString()); if (endPoint != null) { if (!OnOffToggle(endPoint, "OnOffToggle")) { result = "Failed to On/Off Toggle"; status = "NG"; } } else { result = "EndPoint is Null"; status = "NG"; } returnData.Add("Result", result); returnData.Add("Status", status); } break; case "PLUGPOWERON": { string result = "Power On Success"; string status = "OK"; Model.ZigBee.ZigBeeEndPoint endPoint = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Model.ZigBee.ZigBeeEndPoint>(message["endPoint"].ToString()); if (endPoint != null) { if (!OnOffToggle(endPoint, "PowerOn")) { result = "Failed to Power On"; status = "NG"; } } else { result = "EndPoint is Null"; status = "NG"; } returnData.Add("Result", result); returnData.Add("Status", status); } break; case "PLUGPOWEROFF": { string result = "Power Off Success"; string status = "OK"; Model.ZigBee.ZigBeeEndPoint endPoint = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Model.ZigBee.ZigBeeEndPoint>(message["endPoint"].ToString()); if (endPoint != null) { if (!OnOffToggle(endPoint, "PowerOff")) { result = "Failed to Power Off"; status = "NG"; } } else { result = "EndPoint is Null"; status = "NG"; } returnData.Add("Result", result); returnData.Add("Status", status); } break; case "MANAGEMENTLEAVE": { string result = "Management Leave Success"; string status = "OK"; Model.ZigBee.ZigBeeEndDevice endDevice = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Model.ZigBee.ZigBeeEndDevice>(message["endDevice"].ToString()); if (endDevice != null) { if (!ManagementLeave(endDevice)) { result = "Failed to Management Leave"; status = "NG"; } } else { result = "EndDevice is Null"; status = "NG"; } returnData.Add("Result", result); returnData.Add("Status", status); } break; default: { returnData.Add("Status", "Fail: unknown command"); break; } } }
private void DecorateAttributeFromConstraint(string aParentContext, DocumentTemplateElementAttribute aAttribute, IConstraint aConstraint, ValueSet aConstraintValueSet) { // Set the attribute's value if the constraint indicates one if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(aConstraint.Value)) { aAttribute.SingleValue = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(aConstraint.Value) ? aConstraint.Value.Trim() : string.Empty; } // Set the data-type for the attribute if one is present in the constraint if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(aConstraint.DataType)) { aAttribute.DataType = aConstraint.DataType; } // Do we have a valueset on this attribute? if (aConstraintValueSet != null) { aAttribute.ValueSet = this.igTypePlugin.ParseIdentifier(this.valueSet.GetIdentifier(this.igTypePlugin)); } if (this.codeSystem != null) { //TODO: CDA specific logic, need to refactor this out to make more dynamic if ((aAttribute.AttributeName == "code" || aAttribute.AttributeName == "value") && (aParentContext.EndsWith(this.prefix + ":code") || aParentContext.EndsWith(this.prefix + ":value"))) { aAttribute.CodeSystemOid = this.igTypePlugin.ParseIdentifier(this.codeSystem.Oid); } } }
/// <summary> /// This is the main public interface for constraint parser. Takes the given constraint and builds an AssertionLineBuilder, applying the values, attributes, context, etc as necessary. /// </summary> /// <returns> /// AssertionLineBuilder representing the values from the constraint given to the parser. /// </returns> public AssertionLineBuilder CreateAssertionLineBuilder() { if (this.valueSet == null && this.constraint.ValueSetId != null) { this.valueSet = this.tdb.ValueSets.Single(y => y.Id == constraint.ValueSetId); } if (this.codeSystem == null && this.constraint.ValueCodeSystemId != null) { this.codeSystem = this.tdb.CodeSystems.Single(y => y.Id == constraint.ValueCodeSystemId); } IConstraint currentConstraint = this.constraint; //set current constraint, setting this as a variable allows us to move the current constraint to the parent when dealing with branches var containedTemplates = currentConstraint.References.Where(y => y.ReferenceType == ConstraintReferenceTypes.Template); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(currentConstraint.Context) && !containedTemplates.Any()) //we can have empty context but a contained template { return(null); } DocumentTemplateElement element = null; DocumentTemplateElementAttribute attribute = null; ConstraintToDocumentElementHelper.ParseContextForElementAndAttribute(currentConstraint, out element, out attribute); DocumentTemplateElement parentElement = ConstraintToDocumentElementHelper.CreateParentElementForAttribute(currentConstraint, attribute); string parentContext = CreateParentContextForElement(parentElement, element, currentConstraint); AssertionLineBuilder asb = null; AssertionLineBuilder branchedRootAsb = null; // Determine if we should create the AssertionLineBuilder starting with an attribute or an element. if (attribute != null) { DecorateAttributeFromConstraint(parentContext, attribute, currentConstraint, this.valueSet); if (currentConstraint.Parent != null && currentConstraint.IsBranch) { branchedRootAsb = CreateBranchedRootAssertionLineBuilderFromConstraint(currentConstraint); } else { asb = CreateAssertionLineBuilderForAttribute(parentElement, attribute, ref parentContext, ref currentConstraint); } } else //this is an element { // Only add the code system constraints if there is no value conformance or the value conformance matches the element/attribute conformance // This is because in the SchematronGenerator class, a duplicate constraint is created when the value conformance is different from // the element/attribute conformance, where the duplicate constraint's conformance matches the value conformance. if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(currentConstraint.ValueConformance) || ConformanceParser.Parse(currentConstraint.Conformance) == ConformanceParser.Parse(currentConstraint.ValueConformance)) { ConstraintToDocumentElementHelper.AddCodeSystemToElement(this.tdb, this.igTypePlugin, element, currentConstraint); } if (currentConstraint.IsBranch) { branchedRootAsb = CreateBranchedRootAssertionLineBuilderFromConstraint(currentConstraint); branchedRootAsb.HasParentContext(parentContext); } else { //if we have a context already then we will append it at end so pass in false, else go ahead and generate (pass in true) asb = CreateAssertionLineBuilderForElement(element, this.constraint, ref parentContext, string.IsNullOrEmpty(parentContext)); } } if (branchedRootAsb == null) //if this is a branched root then a separate builder was constructed { ConstraintToDocumentElementHelper.AddConformance(currentConstraint, asb); ConstraintToDocumentElementHelper.AddCardinality(currentConstraint, asb); // Determine if we have a valueset if (this.valueSet != null && currentConstraint.IsValueSetStatic) { var requireValueset = true; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(currentConstraint.ValueConformance)) { if (ConformanceParser.Parse(currentConstraint.Conformance) != ConformanceParser.Parse(currentConstraint.ValueConformance)) { requireValueset = false; } } if (requireValueset) { //TODO: Move into CDA specific library //are we bound directly to a code or value element? bool includeNullFlavor = false; if (element != null && attribute == null && (element.ElementName == "value" || element.ElementName == "code")) { includeNullFlavor = true; } string valueSetIdentifier = this.igTypePlugin.ParseIdentifier(this.valueSet.GetIdentifier(this.igTypePlugin)); asb.WithinValueSet(valueSetIdentifier, this.valueSetFile, this.vocabularyOutputType, includeNullFlavor); } } //determine if we have a parent context if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(parentContext)) { asb.HasParentContext(parentContext); DecorateParentOptionality(asb, currentConstraint); } } else //branched root, use that one instead { //determine if we have a parent context if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(parentContext)) { branchedRootAsb.HasParentContext(parentContext); DecorateParentOptionality(branchedRootAsb, currentConstraint); } } return((branchedRootAsb == null) ? asb : branchedRootAsb); }
internal static void Set(Collection collection, string key, string value) { if (collection.GetSync(() => { ValueSet vs = Get(collection, key); if (vs == null) { vs = new ValueSet(collection, key); if ((vs._previous = collection._lastSet) == null) { collection._firstSet = vs; } else { vs._previous._next = vs; } collection._lastSet = vs; vs._firstParameter = vs._lastParameter = new UrlQueryParameter(null, value, vs); if ((vs._lastParameter._previousParameter = collection._lastParameter) == null) { collection._firstParameter = vs._lastParameter; } else { collection._lastParameter._nextParameter = vs._lastParameter; } collection._lastParameter = vs._lastParameter; return(true); } return(vs.GetSync(() => { UrlQueryParameter qp = vs._firstParameter._nextValue; if (key == vs._key) { if ((vs._firstParameter._value == null) ? value == null : value != null && value == vs._firstParameter._value) { if (qp == null) { return false; } } } do { if (qp._previousValue != null) { qp._previousValue._nextValue = null; qp._previousValue = null; } if (qp._previousParameter == null) { if ((collection._firstParameter = qp._nextParameter) == null) { collection._lastParameter = null; } else { qp._nextParameter = qp._nextParameter._previousParameter = null; } } else { if ((qp._previousParameter._nextParameter = qp._nextParameter) == null) { collection._lastParameter = qp._previousParameter; } else { qp._nextParameter._previousParameter = qp._previousParameter; qp._nextParameter = null; } qp._previousParameter = null; } } while ((qp = qp._nextValue) != null); vs._firstParameter._key = null; vs._firstParameter._value = value; vs._key = key; return true; })); })) { collection.OnChange(); } }
internal static bool Remove(ValueSet vs) { if (vs == null) { return(false); } Collection changedColl = vs.GetSync(() => { if (vs._collection == null) { return(null); } return(vs._collection.GetSync((Collection c) => { for (UrlQueryParameter qp = vs._firstParameter; qp != null; qp = vs._firstParameter) { qp.InvokeSync(() => { if (qp._previousValue != null || qp._set == null || !ReferenceEquals(qp._set, vs)) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Collection was modified"); } if ((vs._firstParameter = qp._nextValue) != null) { qp._nextValue = qp._nextValue._previousValue = null; } if (qp._key == null) { qp._key = vs._key; } qp._set = null; if (qp._previousParameter == null) { if ((c._firstParameter = qp._nextParameter) == null) { c._lastParameter = null; } else { qp._nextParameter = qp._nextParameter._previousParameter = null; } } else { if ((qp._previousParameter._nextParameter = qp._nextParameter) == null) { c._lastParameter = qp._previousParameter; } else { qp._nextParameter._previousParameter = qp._previousParameter; qp._nextParameter = null; } qp._previousParameter = null; } }); } if (vs._previous == null) { if ((c._firstSet = vs._next) == null) { c._lastSet = null; } else { vs._next = vs._next._previous = null; } } else { if ((vs._previous._next = vs._next) == null) { c._lastSet = vs._previous; } else { vs._next._previous = vs._previous; vs._next = null; } vs._previous = null; } vs._collection = null; return c; }, vs._collection)); }); if (changedColl == null) { return(false); } changedColl.OnChange(); return(true); }
public bool ContainsKey(string key) { return(GetSync(() => ValueSet.Get(this, key) != null)); }
public bool Remove(UrlQueryParameter parameter) { return(parameter != null && ValueSet.Remove(parameter)); }
public void Add(string key, string value) { ValueSet.Add(this, key, value); }
public void Clear() { ValueSet.Clear(this); }
public override ValueSetValidationResult Validate(ValueSet valueSet) { ValueSetValidationResult baseValidate = base.Validate(valueSet); valueSet = baseValidate.ValueSet; if (baseValidate.Status == ValueSetValidationStatus.Failed) { return(new ValueSetValidationResult(ValueSetValidationStatus.Failed, valueSet)); } var isFiltered = baseValidate.Status == ValueSetValidationStatus.Filtered; var filteredValues = valueSet.Values.ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value.ToList()); //check for published content if (valueSet.Category == IndexTypes.Content && PublishedValuesOnly) { if (!valueSet.Values.TryGetValue(UmbracoExamineFieldNames.PublishedFieldName, out IReadOnlyList <object>?published)) { return(new ValueSetValidationResult(ValueSetValidationStatus.Failed, valueSet)); } if (!published[0].Equals("y")) { return(new ValueSetValidationResult(ValueSetValidationStatus.Failed, valueSet)); } //deal with variants, if there are unpublished variants than we need to remove them from the value set if (valueSet.Values.TryGetValue(UmbracoExamineFieldNames.VariesByCultureFieldName, out IReadOnlyList <object>?variesByCulture) && variesByCulture.Count > 0 && variesByCulture[0].Equals("y")) { //so this valueset is for a content that varies by culture, now check for non-published cultures and remove those values foreach (KeyValuePair <string, IReadOnlyList <object> > publishField in valueSet.Values .Where(x => x.Key.StartsWith($"{UmbracoExamineFieldNames.PublishedFieldName}_")).ToList()) { if (publishField.Value.Count <= 0 || !publishField.Value[0].Equals("y")) { //this culture is not published, so remove all of these culture values var cultureSuffix = publishField.Key.Substring(publishField.Key.LastIndexOf('_')); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, IReadOnlyList <object> > cultureField in valueSet.Values .Where(x => x.Key.InvariantEndsWith(cultureSuffix)).ToList()) { filteredValues.Remove(cultureField.Key); isFiltered = true; } } } } } //must have a 'path' if (!valueSet.Values.TryGetValue(PathKey, out IReadOnlyList <object>?pathValues)) { return(new ValueSetValidationResult(ValueSetValidationStatus.Failed, valueSet)); } if (pathValues.Count == 0) { return(new ValueSetValidationResult(ValueSetValidationStatus.Failed, valueSet)); } if (pathValues[0] == null) { return(new ValueSetValidationResult(ValueSetValidationStatus.Failed, valueSet)); } if (pathValues[0].ToString().IsNullOrWhiteSpace()) { return(new ValueSetValidationResult(ValueSetValidationStatus.Failed, valueSet)); } var path = pathValues[0].ToString(); var filteredValueSet = new ValueSet(valueSet.Id, valueSet.Category, valueSet.ItemType, filteredValues.ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => (IEnumerable <object>)x.Value)); // We need to validate the path of the content based on ParentId, protected content and recycle bin rules. // We cannot return FAILED here because we need the value set to get into the indexer and then deal with it from there // because we need to remove anything that doesn't pass by protected content in the cases that umbraco data is moved to an illegal parent. if (!ValidatePath(path !, valueSet.Category) || !ValidateRecycleBin(path !, valueSet.Category) || !ValidateProtectedContent(path !, valueSet.Category)) { return(new ValueSetValidationResult(ValueSetValidationStatus.Filtered, filteredValueSet)); } return(new ValueSetValidationResult( isFiltered ? ValueSetValidationStatus.Filtered : ValueSetValidationStatus.Valid, filteredValueSet)); }
public IEnumerable <ConceptMap> GetConceptMapsForSource(ValueSet source) { return(GetConceptMapsForSource(source.Url)); }
private async Task HandleShellLibraryMessage(Dictionary <string, object> message) { switch ((string)message["action"]) { case "Enumerate": // Read library information and send response to UWP var enumerateResponse = await Win32API.StartSTATask(() => { var response = new ValueSet(); try { var libraryItems = new List <ShellLibraryItem>(); // var libFiles = Directory.EnumerateFiles(ShellLibraryItem.LibrariesPath, "*" + ShellLibraryItem.EXTENSION); foreach (var libFile in libFiles) { using var shellItem = new ShellLibrary2(Shell32.ShellUtil.GetShellItemForPath(libFile), true); if (shellItem is ShellLibrary2 library) { libraryItems.Add(ShellFolderExtensions.GetShellLibraryItem(library, libFile)); } } response.Add("Enumerate", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(libraryItems)); } catch (Exception e) { Program.Logger.Warn(e); } return(response); }); await Win32API.SendMessageAsync(connection, enumerateResponse, message.Get("RequestID", (string)null)); break; case "Create": // Try create new library with the specified name and send response to UWP var createResponse = await Win32API.StartSTATask(() => { var response = new ValueSet(); try { using var library = new ShellLibrary2((string)message["library"], Shell32.KNOWNFOLDERID.FOLDERID_Libraries, false); library.Folders.Add(ShellItem.Open(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments))); // Add default folder so it's not empty library.Commit(); library.Reload(); response.Add("Create", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ShellFolderExtensions.GetShellLibraryItem(library, library.GetDisplayName(ShellItemDisplayString.DesktopAbsoluteParsing)))); } catch (Exception e) { Program.Logger.Warn(e); } return(response); }); await Win32API.SendMessageAsync(connection, createResponse, message.Get("RequestID", (string)null)); break; case "Update": // Update details of the specified library and send response to UWP var updateResponse = await Win32API.StartSTATask(() => { var response = new ValueSet(); try { var folders = message.ContainsKey("folders") ? JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <string[]>((string)message["folders"]) : null; var defaultSaveFolder = message.Get("defaultSaveFolder", (string)null); var isPinned = message.Get("isPinned", (bool?)null); bool updated = false; var libPath = (string)message["library"]; using var library = new ShellLibrary2(Shell32.ShellUtil.GetShellItemForPath(libPath), false); if (folders != null) { if (folders.Length > 0) { var foldersToRemove = library.Folders.Where(f => !folders.Any(folderPath => string.Equals(folderPath, f.FileSystemPath, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))); foreach (var toRemove in foldersToRemove) { library.Folders.Remove(toRemove); updated = true; } var foldersToAdd = folders.Distinct(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase) .Where(folderPath => !library.Folders.Any(f => string.Equals(folderPath, f.FileSystemPath, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))) .Select(ShellItem.Open); foreach (var toAdd in foldersToAdd) { library.Folders.Add(toAdd); updated = true; } foreach (var toAdd in foldersToAdd) { toAdd.Dispose(); } } } if (defaultSaveFolder != null) { library.DefaultSaveFolder = ShellItem.Open(defaultSaveFolder); updated = true; } if (isPinned != null) { library.PinnedToNavigationPane = isPinned == true; updated = true; } if (updated) { library.Commit(); library.Reload(); // Reload folders list response.Add("Update", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ShellFolderExtensions.GetShellLibraryItem(library, libPath))); } } catch (Exception e) { Program.Logger.Warn(e); } return(response); }); await Win32API.SendMessageAsync(connection, updateResponse, message.Get("RequestID", (string)null)); break; } }
public DuplicateFieldException(ValueSet values) { Values = values; }
private static async Task parseArguments(AppServiceRequestReceivedEventArgs args, AppServiceDeferral messageDeferral, string arguments, ApplicationDataContainer localSettings) { switch (arguments) { case "Terminate": // Exit fulltrust process (UWP is closed or suspended) appServiceExit.Set(); messageDeferral.Complete(); break; case "RecycleBin": var binAction = (string)args.Request.Message["action"]; await parseRecycleBinAction(args, binAction); break; case "StartupTasks": // Check QuickLook Availability QuickLook.CheckQuickLookAvailability(localSettings); break; case "ToggleQuickLook": var path = (string)args.Request.Message["path"]; QuickLook.ToggleQuickLook(path); break; case "ShellCommand": // Kill the process. This is a BRUTAL WAY to kill a process. #if DEBUG // In debug mode this kills this process too?? #else var pid = (int)args.Request.Message["pid"]; Process.GetProcessById(pid).Kill(); #endif Process process = new Process(); process.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = true; process.StartInfo.FileName = "explorer.exe"; process.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = false; process.StartInfo.Arguments = (string)args.Request.Message["ShellCommand"]; process.Start(); break; case "LoadMUIVerb": var responseSet = new ValueSet(); responseSet.Add("MUIVerbString", Win32API.ExtractStringFromDLL((string)args.Request.Message["MUIVerbLocation"], (int)args.Request.Message["MUIVerbLine"])); await args.Request.SendResponseAsync(responseSet); break; case "ParseAguments": var responseArray = new ValueSet(); var resultArgument = Win32API.CommandLineToArgs((string)args.Request.Message["Command"]); responseArray.Add("ParsedArguments", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(resultArgument)); await args.Request.SendResponseAsync(responseArray); break; case "Bitlocker": var bitlockerAction = (string)args.Request.Message["action"]; if (bitlockerAction == "Unlock") { var drive = (string)args.Request.Message["drive"]; var password = (string)args.Request.Message["password"]; Win32API.UnlockBitlockerDrive(drive, password); await args.Request.SendResponseAsync(new ValueSet() { { "Bitlocker", "Unlock" } }); } break; default: if (args.Request.Message.ContainsKey("Application")) { var application = (string)args.Request.Message["Application"]; HandleApplicationLaunch(application, args); } else if (args.Request.Message.ContainsKey("ApplicationList")) { var applicationList = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <IEnumerable <string> >((string)args.Request.Message["ApplicationList"]); HandleApplicationsLaunch(applicationList, args); } break; } }
private async void OnRequestReceived(AppServiceConnection sender, AppServiceRequestReceivedEventArgs args) { // Get a deferral because we use an awaitable API below to respond to the message // and we don't want this call to get cancelled while we are waiting. var messageDeferral = args.GetDeferral(); ValueSet message = args.Request.Message; ValueSet returnData = new ValueSet(); string command = message["q"] as string; switch (command) { case "lyric": var title = message["title"] as string; message.TryGetValue("artist", out object art); var artists = art as string; var localLrc = await LyricSearcher.SearchLrcLocalAsync(title, artists); if (!localLrc.IsNullorEmpty()) { returnData.Add("result", localLrc); returnData.Add("status", 1); break; } var substitutes = await LyricSearcher.GetSongLrcListAsync(title, artists); if (!substitutes.IsNullorEmpty()) { var result = await ApiRequestHelper.HttpGet(substitutes.First().Value); if (!result.IsNullorEmpty()) { await LyricSearcher.SaveLrcLocalAsync(title, artists, result); } returnData.Add("result", result); } else { returnData.Add("result", null); } returnData.Add("status", 1); break; case "online_music": var action = message["action"] as string; switch (action) { case "search": message.TryGetValue("page", out object page); message.TryGetValue("count", out object count); var result = await OnlineMusicSearcher.SearchAsync(message["keyword"] as string, page as int?, count as int?); var resultList = new List <PropertySet>(); if (result == null && result.Data != null) { returnData.Add("status", 0); break; } foreach (var item in result.Data.Song.ListItems) { var set = new PropertySet { ["title"] = item.Title, ["description"] = item.SingerItems[0]?.Title, ["addtional"] = item.Album.Title, ["picture_path"] = OnlineMusicSearcher.GeneratePicturePathByID(item.Album.Mid), ["type"] = "song", ["id"] = new string[] { item.Mid }, ["album_id"] = item.Album.Mid }; resultList.Add(set); } if (!resultList.IsNullorEmpty()) { returnData.Add("search_result", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(resultList.ToArray())); returnData.Add("status", 1); } break; case "song": var song = await OnlineMusicSearcher.GetSongAsync(message["id"] as string); if (song != null && !song.DataItems.IsNullorEmpty()) { DateTime.TryParseExact(song.DataItems[0].Album.Time_Public, "yyyy-MM-dd", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, DateTimeStyles.None, out DateTime t); // TODO: property var songRes = new PropertySet { ["title"] = song.DataItems[0].Title, ["id"] = song.DataItems[0].Mid, ["album"] = song.DataItems[0].Album.Name, ["album_id"] = song.DataItems[0].Album.Mid, ["performers"] = song.DataItems[0].SingerItems.Select(x => x.Name).ToArray(), ["year"] = t.Year, ["bit_rate"] = (uint)message["bit_rate"] * 1000, ["track"] = song.DataItems[0].Index_Album, ["track_count"] = 0, ["duration"] = TimeSpan.Zero.ToString() }; songRes["album_artists"] = songRes["performers"]; var picture = OnlineMusicSearcher.GeneratePicturePathByID(song.DataItems[0].Album.Mid); songRes["picture_path"] = picture; songRes["file_url"] = await OnlineMusicSearcher.GenerateFileUriByID(message["id"] as string, (uint)message["bit_rate"]); songRes["file_type"] = OnlineMusicSearcher.GenerateFileTypeByID(message["id"] as string, (uint)message["bit_rate"]); returnData.Add("song_result", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(songRes)); returnData.Add("status", 1); } break; case "album": var album = await OnlineMusicSearcher.GetAlbumAsync(message["id"] as string); if (album != null && album.Data != null) { DateTime.TryParseExact(album.Data.GetAlbumInfo.Fpublic_Time, "yyyy-MM-dd", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, DateTimeStyles.None, out DateTime t); var albumRes = new PropertySet { ["name"] = album.Data.GetAlbumInfo.Falbum_Name, ["desription"] = album.Data.GetAlbumDesc.Falbum_Desc.Replace("\n", "\r\n\r\n"), ["year"] = t.Year, ["track_count"] = album.Data.GetSongInfoItems.Count, ["disc_count"] = album.Data.GetSongInfoItems.Max(x => x.Index_Cd) + 1, ["picture_path"] = OnlineMusicSearcher.GeneratePicturePathByID(message["id"] as string), ["genres"] = new string[] { album.Data.Genre } }; returnData.Add("album_result", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(albumRes)); returnData.Add("songs", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(album.Data.GetSongInfoItems.Select(x => { var p = new PropertySet() { ["id"] = x.Mid, ["title"] = x.Name, ["album"] = x.Album.Name, ["album_id"] = x.Album.Mid, ["performers"] = x.SingerItems.Select(y => y.Name).ToArray(), ["year"] = t.Year, ["bit_rate"] = Settings.Current.GetPreferredBitRate() * 1000, ["picture_path"] = OnlineMusicSearcher.GeneratePicturePathByID(x.Album.Mid), ["track"] = x.Index_Album, ["duration"] = TimeSpan.Zero.ToString(), ["file_url"] = AsyncHelper.RunSync(async() => await OnlineMusicSearcher.GenerateFileUriByID(x.Mid, (uint)message["bit_rate"])), ["file_type"] = OnlineMusicSearcher.GenerateFileTypeByID(x.Mid, (uint)message["bit_rate"]) }; p["album_artists"] = p["performers"]; return(p); }))); returnData.Add("album_artists", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(album.Data.SingerInfoItems.Select(x => { return(new PropertySet() { ["name"] = x.Fsinger_Name, ["id"] = x.Fsinger_Mid, }); }))); returnData.Add("status", 1); } break; case "artist": var artist = await OnlineMusicSearcher.GetArtistAsync(message["id"] as string); break; default: break; } break; case "online_meta": var meta_action = message["action"] as string; switch (meta_action) { case "album": var meta_album = await LastfmSearcher.GetAlbumInfo(message["album"] as string, message["artist"] as string); if (meta_album != null) { returnData.Add("status", 1); returnData.Add("album_result", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new PropertySet() { ["name"] = meta_album.Name, ["artwork"] = meta_album.AltArtwork?.OriginalString, ["desc"] = meta_album.Description, ["artist"] = meta_album.Artist, ["year"] = meta_album.Year })); } break; case "artist": var meta_artist = await LastfmSearcher.GetArtistInfo(message["artist"] as string); if (meta_artist != null) { returnData.Add("status", 1); returnData.Add("artist_result", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new PropertySet() { ["name"] = meta_artist.Name, ["avatar"] = meta_artist.AvatarUri.OriginalString, ["desc"] = meta_artist.Description, })); } break; } break; default: returnData.Add("status", 0); break; } await args.Request.SendResponseAsync(returnData); // Return the data to the caller. // Complete the deferral so that the platform knows that we're done responding to the app service call. // Note for error handling: this must be called even if SendResponseAsync() throws an exception. messageDeferral.Complete(); }
public static ApplicationDataCompositeValue ConvertValueSetToApplicationDataCompositeValue(ValueSet valueSet) { ApplicationDataCompositeValue converted = new ApplicationDataCompositeValue(); foreach (var value in valueSet) { converted[value.Key] = value.Value; } return(converted); }
private static async Task parseRecycleBinAction(AppServiceRequestReceivedEventArgs args, string action) { switch (action) { case "Empty": // Shell function to empty recyclebin SHEmptyRecycleBin(IntPtr.Zero, null, SHERB.SHERB_NOCONFIRMATION | SHERB.SHERB_NOPROGRESSUI); break; case "Query": var responseQuery = new ValueSet(); SHQUERYRBINFO queryBinInfo = new SHQUERYRBINFO(); queryBinInfo.cbSize = (uint)Marshal.SizeOf(queryBinInfo); var res = SHQueryRecycleBin(null, ref queryBinInfo); if (res == Vanara.PInvoke.HRESULT.S_OK) { var numItems = queryBinInfo.i64NumItems; var binSize = queryBinInfo.i64Size; responseQuery.Add("NumItems", numItems); responseQuery.Add("BinSize", binSize); responseQuery.Add("FileOwner", (string)recycler.Properties[Vanara.PInvoke.Ole32.PROPERTYKEY.System.FileOwner]); if (watchers.Any()) { var info = new DirectoryInfo(watchers.First().Path); responseQuery.Add("DateAccessed", info.LastAccessTime.ToBinary()); responseQuery.Add("DateCreated", info.CreationTime.ToBinary()); } await args.Request.SendResponseAsync(responseQuery); } break; case "Enumerate": // Enumerate recyclebin contents and send response to UWP var responseEnum = new ValueSet(); var folderContentsList = new List <ShellFileItem>(); foreach (var folderItem in recycler) { try { string recyclePath = folderItem.FileSystemPath; // True path on disk string fileName = Path.GetFileName(folderItem.Name); // Original file name string filePath = folderItem.Name; // Original file path + name bool isFolder = folderItem.IsFolder && Path.GetExtension(folderItem.Name) != ".zip"; if (folderItem.Properties == null) { folderContentsList.Add(new ShellFileItem(isFolder, recyclePath, fileName, filePath, DateTime.Now, null, 0, null)); continue; } folderItem.Properties.TryGetValue <System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.FILETIME?>( Vanara.PInvoke.Ole32.PROPERTYKEY.System.DateCreated, out var fileTime); var recycleDate = fileTime?.ToDateTime().ToLocalTime() ?? DateTime.Now; // This is LocalTime string fileSize = folderItem.Properties.TryGetValue <ulong?>( Vanara.PInvoke.Ole32.PROPERTYKEY.System.Size, out var fileSizeBytes) ? folderItem.Properties.GetPropertyString(Vanara.PInvoke.Ole32.PROPERTYKEY.System.Size) : null; folderItem.Properties.TryGetValue <string>( Vanara.PInvoke.Ole32.PROPERTYKEY.System.ItemTypeText, out var fileType); folderContentsList.Add(new ShellFileItem(isFolder, recyclePath, fileName, filePath, recycleDate, fileSize, fileSizeBytes ?? 0, fileType)); } catch (FileNotFoundException) { // Happens if files are being deleted } finally { folderItem.Dispose(); } } responseEnum.Add("Enumerate", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(folderContentsList)); await args.Request.SendResponseAsync(responseEnum); break; default: break; } }
void OnMessageReceivedFromBackground(object sender, ValueSet notification) { //Debug.WriteLine("MainPage.OnMessageReceivedFromBackground()"); long? memoryValue = null; ulong? appMemoryValue = null; ulong? appMemoryLimitValue = null; var updateMemory = false; string failMessage = null; string trackName = null; var callShutdown = false; foreach (var kv in notification) { //Debug.WriteLine(" b->f {0}: {1}", kv.Key, kv.Value); try { if (null == kv.Key) { Debug.WriteLine("*** MainPage.OnMessageReceivedFromBackground() null key"); continue; // This does happen. It shouldn't, but it does. } BackgroundNotificationType type; if (!Enum.TryParse(kv.Key, true, out type)) { continue; } switch (type) { case BackgroundNotificationType.Track: trackName = kv.Value as string ?? string.Empty; break; case BackgroundNotificationType.Fail: callShutdown = true; failMessage = kv.Value as string; Debug.WriteLine("MainPage.OnMessageReceivedFromBackground() fail " + failMessage); break; case BackgroundNotificationType.Memory: memoryValue = kv.Value as long?; if (memoryValue.HasValue) { updateMemory = true; } break; case BackgroundNotificationType.AppMemory: appMemoryValue = kv.Value as ulong?; if (appMemoryValue.HasValue) { updateMemory = true; } break; case BackgroundNotificationType.AppMemoryLimit: appMemoryLimitValue = kv.Value as ulong?; if (appMemoryLimitValue.HasValue) { updateMemory = true; } break; } } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine("MainPage.OnMessageReceivedFromBackground() failed: " + ex.Message); } } if (null != failMessage) { _trackName = null; } if (null != trackName) { _trackName = trackName; } if (null != failMessage || null != trackName) { RequestRefresh(); } if (updateMemory) { var memoryString = string.Format("{0:F2}MiB {1:F2}MiB/{2:F2}MiB", memoryValue.BytesToMiB(), appMemoryValue.BytesToMiB(), appMemoryLimitValue.BytesToMiB()); var awaiter = Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Low, () => txtMemory.Text = memoryString); } if (callShutdown) { var awaiter2 = Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Low, CleanupFailedPlayer); } }
public void CouplingGwRiver2() { /// runNumber 0: Using MultiInput /// runNumber 1: Using MultiInputAdaptor /// runNumber 2: Using MultiInputAdaptorFactory for (int runNumber = 0; runNumber < 3; runNumber++) { Console.Out.WriteLine("runNumber: " + runNumber); // Create trigger inputs Input queryDischargeItem = CreateDischargeInput(); Input queryVolume = CreateVolumeInput(); // Create models LinkableEngine riverModel = CreateRiverModel(); LinkableEngine riverModel2 = CreateRiverModel(); ITimeSpaceComponent gwModel = CreateGwModel(); // Add arguments and initialize IDictionary <string, IArgument> gwArgs = gwModel.Arguments.Dictionary(); // Increasing model grid size (otherwise GW model runs full too fast) gwArgs.UpdateValue("dx", 50.0); gwArgs.UpdateValue("dy", 50.0); gwArgs.UpdateValue("x0", 0.0); gwArgs.UpdateValue("y0", 200.0); gwArgs.UpdateValue("XCount", 24); gwArgs.UpdateValue("ycount", 16); if (runNumber == 0) { gwArgs.UpdateValue("UseMultiInput", true); } gwModel.Initialize(); int gwGridSize = 24 * 16; IDictionary <string, IArgument> riverArgs = riverModel.Arguments.Dictionary(); // Increasing model grid size (otherwise GW model runs full too fast) riverArgs.UpdateValue("xyscale", 100.0); riverModel.Initialize(); IDictionary <string, IArgument> river2Args = riverModel2.Arguments.Dictionary(); // Increasing model grid size (otherwise GW model runs full too fast) river2Args.UpdateValue("xyscale", 100.0); // Move river2 sligthly away from river1 river2Args.UpdateValue("xoffset", -220.0); river2Args.UpdateValue("yoffset", 180.0); riverModel2.Initialize(); // Connect triggering inputs ITimeSpaceOutput flowOnBranch = UTHelper.FindOutputItem(riverModel, "Branch:2:Flow"); TimeInterpolator flowOnBranch2 = new TimeInterpolator(flowOnBranch); flowOnBranch.AddAdaptedOutput(flowOnBranch2); flowOnBranch2.AddConsumer(queryDischargeItem); ITimeSpaceOutput storageInGw = UTHelper.FindOutputItem(gwModel, "Grid.Storage"); TimeInterpolator storageInGw2 = new TimeInterpolator(storageInGw); storageInGw.AddAdaptedOutput(storageInGw2); storageInGw2.AddConsumer(queryVolume); //========== Couple leakage items ========== ITimeSpaceInput gwInflowInput = UTHelper.FindInputItem(gwModel, "Grid.Inflow"); //========== IBaseMultiInput linking ========== if (runNumber == 0) { /// Example of adding up two outputs into one input, by the use of /// an IBaseMultiInput implementation Assert.IsTrue(gwInflowInput is IBaseMultiInput); Assert.IsTrue(gwInflowInput is ITimeSpaceMultiInput); // put leakage from river1 into ground water model { ITimeSpaceOutput riverLeakageOutput = UTHelper.FindOutputItem(riverModel, "WholeRiver:Leakage"); // Two adaptors are added: Time buffer and line-to-grid adaptor // they can be added in any order (though time buffer first will use less memory) // Time interpolator TimeInterpolator riverLeakageOutput2 = new TimeInterpolator(riverLeakageOutput); riverLeakageOutput.AddAdaptedOutput(riverLeakageOutput2); // Element mapper from polyline to polygon, weighted sum version ElementMapperAdaptedOutput riverLeakageOutputGrid = new ElementMapperAdaptedOutput(new Identifier("ElementMapper501"), riverLeakageOutput2, gwInflowInput.ElementSet()); riverLeakageOutput2.AddAdaptedOutput(riverLeakageOutputGrid); // Note !!!: No special action riverLeakageOutputGrid.AddConsumer(gwInflowInput); } // put leakage from river2 into ground water model { ITimeSpaceOutput riverLeakageOutput = UTHelper.FindOutputItem(riverModel2, "WholeRiver:Leakage"); // Two adaptors are added: Time buffer and line-to-grid adaptor // they can be added in any order (though time buffer first will use less memory) // Time interpolator TimeInterpolator riverLeakageOutput2 = new TimeInterpolator(riverLeakageOutput); riverLeakageOutput.AddAdaptedOutput(riverLeakageOutput2); // Element mapper from polyline to polygon, weighted sum version ElementMapperAdaptedOutput riverLeakageOutputGrid = new ElementMapperAdaptedOutput(new Identifier("ElementMapper501"), riverLeakageOutput2, gwInflowInput.ElementSet()); riverLeakageOutput2.AddAdaptedOutput(riverLeakageOutputGrid); // Note !!!: No special action riverLeakageOutputGrid.AddConsumer(gwInflowInput); } } //========== MultiInputAdaptor linking ========== if (runNumber == 1) { /// Example of adding up two outputs into one input, by the use of /// a MultiInputAdaptor class // Note !!!: Creating a MultiInputAdaptor MultiInputAdaptor sourceAdder = new MultiInputAdaptor("SomeId") { SpatialDefinition = gwInflowInput.SpatialDefinition }; // put leakage from river1 into ground water model // Two adaptors are added: Time buffer and line-to-grid adaptor { ITimeSpaceOutput riverLeakageOutput = UTHelper.FindOutputItem(riverModel, "WholeRiver:Leakage"); // Time interpolator TimeInterpolator riverLeakageOutput2 = new TimeInterpolator(riverLeakageOutput); riverLeakageOutput.AddAdaptedOutput(riverLeakageOutput2); // Element mapper from polyline to polygon, weighted sum version ElementMapperAdaptedOutput riverLeakageOutputGrid = new ElementMapperAdaptedOutput(new Identifier("ElementMapper501"), riverLeakageOutput2, gwInflowInput.ElementSet()); riverLeakageOutput2.AddAdaptedOutput(riverLeakageOutputGrid); // Note !!!: Adding to the list of adaptees sourceAdder.Adaptees.Add(riverLeakageOutputGrid); riverLeakageOutputGrid.AddAdaptedOutput(sourceAdder); } // put leakage from river2 into ground water model // Two adaptors are added: Time buffer and line-to-grid adaptor { ITimeSpaceOutput riverLeakageOutput = UTHelper.FindOutputItem(riverModel2, "WholeRiver:Leakage"); // Time interpolator TimeInterpolator riverLeakageOutput2 = new TimeInterpolator(riverLeakageOutput); riverLeakageOutput.AddAdaptedOutput(riverLeakageOutput2); // Element mapper from polyline to polygon, weighted sum version ElementMapperAdaptedOutput riverLeakageOutputGrid = new ElementMapperAdaptedOutput(new Identifier("ElementMapper501"), riverLeakageOutput2, gwInflowInput.ElementSet()); riverLeakageOutput2.AddAdaptedOutput(riverLeakageOutputGrid); // Note !!!: Adding to the list of adaptees sourceAdder.Adaptees.Add(riverLeakageOutputGrid); riverLeakageOutputGrid.AddAdaptedOutput(sourceAdder); } // Note !!!: Connect the gwInflowInput and the multiInputAdaptor sourceAdder.AddConsumer(gwInflowInput); } //========== MultiInputAdaptorFactory linking ========== if (runNumber == 2) { /// Example of adding up two outputs into one input, by the use of /// an MultiInputAdaptorFactory implementation var factory = new MultiInputAdaptorFactory(gwModel); // put leakage from river1 into ground water model // Two adaptors are added: Time buffer and line-to-grid adaptor { ITimeSpaceOutput riverLeakageOutput = UTHelper.FindOutputItem(riverModel, "WholeRiver:Leakage"); // Time interpolator TimeInterpolator riverLeakageOutput2 = new TimeInterpolator(riverLeakageOutput); riverLeakageOutput.AddAdaptedOutput(riverLeakageOutput2); // Element mapper from polyline to polygon, weighted sum version ElementMapperAdaptedOutput riverLeakageOutputGrid = new ElementMapperAdaptedOutput(new Identifier("ElementMapper501"), riverLeakageOutput2, gwInflowInput.ElementSet()); riverLeakageOutput2.AddAdaptedOutput(riverLeakageOutputGrid); // Note !!!: Creating a new AdaptedOutput and adding it IIdentifiable[] identifiables = factory.GetAvailableAdaptedOutputIds(riverLeakageOutputGrid, gwInflowInput); IBaseAdaptedOutput myOutput = factory.CreateAdaptedOutput(identifiables[0], riverLeakageOutputGrid, gwInflowInput); myOutput.AddConsumer(gwInflowInput); } // put leakage from river2 into ground water model // Two adaptors are added: Time buffer and line-to-grid adaptor { ITimeSpaceOutput riverLeakageOutput = UTHelper.FindOutputItem(riverModel2, "WholeRiver:Leakage"); // Time interpolator TimeInterpolator riverLeakageOutput2 = new TimeInterpolator(riverLeakageOutput); riverLeakageOutput.AddAdaptedOutput(riverLeakageOutput2); // Element mapper from polyline to polygon, weighted sum version ElementMapperAdaptedOutput riverLeakageOutputGrid = new ElementMapperAdaptedOutput(new Identifier("ElementMapper501"), riverLeakageOutput2, gwInflowInput.ElementSet()); riverLeakageOutput2.AddAdaptedOutput(riverLeakageOutputGrid); // Note !!!: Creating a new AdaptedOutput and adding it IIdentifiable[] identifiables = factory.GetAvailableAdaptedOutputIds(riverLeakageOutputGrid, gwInflowInput); IBaseAdaptedOutput myOutput = factory.CreateAdaptedOutput(identifiables[0], riverLeakageOutputGrid, gwInflowInput); myOutput.AddConsumer(gwInflowInput); } } //========== Run ========== // Validate riverModel.Validate(); Assert.IsTrue(riverModel.Status == LinkableComponentStatus.Valid); riverModel2.Validate(); Assert.IsTrue(riverModel2.Status == LinkableComponentStatus.Valid); gwModel.Validate(); Assert.IsTrue(gwModel.Status == LinkableComponentStatus.Valid); // Prepare riverModel.Prepare(); Assert.IsTrue(riverModel.Status == LinkableComponentStatus.Updated); riverModel2.Prepare(); Assert.IsTrue(riverModel2.Status == LinkableComponentStatus.Updated); gwModel.Prepare(); Assert.IsTrue(gwModel.Status == LinkableComponentStatus.Updated); // specify query times double triggerTime0 = riverModel.CurrentTime.StampAsModifiedJulianDay; double triggerTime1 = triggerTime0 + 1; double triggerTime2 = triggerTime0 + 2; double triggerTime3 = triggerTime0 + 12.1; double triggerTime4 = triggerTime0 + 16.7; /// Properties of the river, without gw-level input /// Inflow into each node from rainfall runoff is 10 L/s /// Inflow to node 1: 10 L/s - leaking 5 L/s on branch 1 /// Inflow to node 2: 10 + 5 L/s - leaking 15/2 L/s on branch 2 /// Inflow to node 3: 10 + 15/2 L/s - leaking 35/4 L/s on branch 3 /// Total leakage 5+15/2+35/4 = (20+30+35)/4 = 85/4 L/s /// /// Number of seconds in a day: 60*60*24 = 86400 // check initial values Assert.AreEqual(1, ValueSet.GetElementCount(flowOnBranch.Values), "#values for " + flowOnBranch.Id); Assert.AreEqual(7.0, (double)flowOnBranch.Values.GetValue(0, 0), "Value[0] as property"); Assert.AreEqual(gwGridSize, ValueSet.GetElementCount(storageInGw.Values), "#values for " + storageInGw.Id); Assert.AreEqual(0, SumTimeStep(storageInGw.Values, 0)); // get values for specified query times, 1 days // Totally leaking: 86400 * 85/4 = 1.836e6 // For the bi-directional coupling: // the entire first day the river uses extrapolated values from the // gwModel, which gives a gwLevel of -10, hence same value as for the uni-directional queryDischargeItem.TimeSet.SetSingleTimeStamp(triggerTime1); ITimeSpaceValueSet valuesV = storageInGw2.GetValues(queryDischargeItem); ITimeSpaceValueSet valuesQ = flowOnBranch2.GetValues(queryDischargeItem); Assert.AreEqual(35.0 / 4.0, (double)valuesQ.GetValue(0, 0)); Assert.AreEqual(2 * 1.836e6, SumTimeStep(valuesV, 0), 1e-4); // Print out, to load in a plotting program for verification StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); IList valV = valuesV.GetElementValuesForTime(0); int ivalvV = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 24; j++) { b.Append(((double)valV[ivalvV++]).ToString(NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo)); b.Append(" "); } b.AppendLine(); } //Console.Out.WriteLine(b.ToString()); // get values for specified query times, 2 days // 2 * 86400 * 85/4 = 3.672e6 queryDischargeItem.TimeSet.SetSingleTimeStamp(triggerTime2); valuesV = storageInGw2.GetValues(queryDischargeItem); valuesQ = flowOnBranch2.GetValues(queryDischargeItem); Assert.AreEqual(35.0 / 4.0, (double)valuesQ.GetValue(0, 0)); Assert.AreEqual(2 * 3.672e6, SumTimeStep(valuesV, 0), 1e-4); // get values for specified query times, 12.1 days // 12.1 * 86400 * 85/4 = 2.22156e7 queryDischargeItem.TimeSet.SetSingleTimeStamp(triggerTime3); valuesV = storageInGw2.GetValues(queryDischargeItem); valuesQ = flowOnBranch2.GetValues(queryDischargeItem); Assert.AreEqual(35.0 / 4.0, (double)valuesQ.GetValue(0, 0)); Assert.AreEqual(2 * 2.22156e7, SumTimeStep(valuesV, 0), 1e-4); // get values for specified query times, 16.7 days // 16.7 * 86400 * 85/4 = 3.06612e7 queryDischargeItem.TimeSet.SetSingleTimeStamp(triggerTime4); valuesV = storageInGw2.GetValues(queryDischargeItem); valuesQ = flowOnBranch2.GetValues(queryDischargeItem); Assert.AreEqual(35.0 / 4.0, (double)valuesQ.GetValue(0, 0)); Assert.AreEqual(2 * 3.06612e7, SumTimeStep(valuesV, 0), 1e-4); } }
private void FillValues(TerminologyOperation termOp, string version, string code, string filter, string vsIdentifier, int offsetNo, int countNo) { this.GetVsProperties(vsIdentifier); this.valueSet = new ValueSet(); this.codeSystem = new CodeSystem(); this.valueSet.Id = this.vsId; this.codeSystem.Id = "NZMT"; this.codeSystem.CaseSensitive = false; this.codeSystem.Content = CodeSystem.CodeSystemContentMode.NotPresent; this.codeSystem.Experimental = false; this.codeSystem.Compositional = false; this.codeSystem.VersionNeeded = false; // Code System properties this.codeSystem.Property.Add(new CodeSystem.PropertyComponent { Code = "substance", Description = "The Generic Substance (Medicinal Product) & ingredient data relating to this Code.", Type = CodeSystem.PropertyType.Code }); // there is no Value Set that contains the whole of NZMT //this.codeSystem.ValueSet = ""; this.valueSet.Url = this.vsURL; this.codeSystem.Url = NzMt.URI; this.valueSet.Title = this.vsTitle; this.codeSystem.Title = NzMt.TITLE; this.valueSet.Name = this.valueSet.Id; this.codeSystem.Name = this.codeSystem.Id; this.valueSet.Description = new Markdown(this.vsDescription); this.codeSystem.Description = new Markdown(NzMt.DESCRIPTION); this.valueSet.Version = NzMt.CURRENT_VERSION; this.codeSystem.Version = NzMt.CURRENT_VERSION; this.valueSet.Experimental = true; this.valueSet.Status = PublicationStatus.Active; this.codeSystem.Status = PublicationStatus.Active; this.valueSet.Date = Hl7.Fhir.Model.Date.Today().Value; this.codeSystem.Date = Hl7.Fhir.Model.Date.Today().Value; this.valueSet.Publisher = "Patients First Ltd"; this.codeSystem.Publisher = ""; this.valueSet.Copyright = new Markdown("© 2010+ New Zealand Crown Copyright"); this.codeSystem.Copyright = new Markdown("© 2010+ New Zealand Crown Copyright"); ContactPoint cp = new ContactPoint { System = ContactPoint.ContactPointSystem.Email, Value = "*****@*****.**" }; ContactDetail cd = new ContactDetail(); cd.Telecom.Add(cp); this.valueSet.Contact.Add(cd); this.codeSystem.Contact.Add(cd); ValueSet.ConceptSetComponent cs = new ValueSet.ConceptSetComponent(); ValueSet.ExpansionComponent es = new ValueSet.ExpansionComponent(); cs.System = this.codeSystem.Url; cs.Version = this.codeSystem.Version; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(vsIdentifier)) { cs.Filter.Add(new ValueSet.FilterComponent { Property = "TermType", Op = FilterOperator.Equal, Value = vsIdentifier }); } string codeCode = string.Empty; string codeDisplay = string.Empty; string codeDefinition = string.Empty; if ((string.IsNullOrEmpty(version) || version == cs.Version) && termOp != TerminologyOperation.define_cs) { if (termOp != TerminologyOperation.define_vs) { List <Coding> codeVals = new List <Coding>(); if (termOp == TerminologyOperation.lookup || termOp == TerminologyOperation.validate_code) { codeVals = NzUlmSearch.GetNzmtCombinedByCode(code); if (codeVals.Count > 0 || termOp == TerminologyOperation.validate_code) { // create filter as need to subsequently check that it belongs in the passed Value Set filter = codeVals[0].Display; } } if (termOp == TerminologyOperation.expand || termOp == TerminologyOperation.validate_code) { if (vsId.StartsWith("NZULM-PT-")) { codeVals = NzUlmSearch.GetNZULMPrescribingTerms(filter, vsId.Replace("NZULM-PT-", "").ToLower()); } else if (vsId == "NZULM-CTPP") { codeVals = NzUlmSearch.GetContaineredTradeProductPackByTerm(filter); } else if (vsId == "NZULM-MP") { codeVals = NzUlmSearch.GetMedicinalProductByTerm(filter); } else if (vsId == "NZULM-MPP") { codeVals = NzUlmSearch.GetMedicinalProductPackByTerm(filter); } else if (vsId == "NZULM-MPUU") { codeVals = NzUlmSearch.GetMedicinalProductUnitOfUseByTerm(filter); } else if (vsId == "NZULM-TP") { codeVals = NzUlmSearch.GetTradeProductByTerm(filter); } else if (vsId == "NZULM-TPP") { codeVals = NzUlmSearch.GetTradeProductPackByTerm(filter); } else if (vsId == "NZULM-TPUU") { codeVals = NzUlmSearch.GetTradeProductUnitOfUseByTerm(filter); } else { throw new Exception(TerminologyValueSet.UNFOUND_VALUESET); } } // filtering performed at DB Layer, so add all returned concepts foreach (Coding codeVal in codeVals) { ValueSet.DesignationComponent desig = new ValueSet.DesignationComponent { ElementId = "NZULM", Value = codeVal.Version }; cs.Concept.Add(new ValueSet.ConceptReferenceComponent { Code = codeVal.Code, Display = codeVal.Display }); es.Contains.Add(new ValueSet.ContainsComponent { Code = codeVal.Code, Display = codeVal.Display, System = cs.System }); this.codeSystem.Concept.Add(new CodeSystem.ConceptDefinitionComponent { Code = codeVal.Code, Display = codeVal.Display, Definition = codeVal.Version, ElementId = codeVal.ElementId }); } if (termOp == TerminologyOperation.expand || termOp == TerminologyOperation.validate_code) { this.valueSet = TerminologyValueSet.AddExpansion(this.valueSet, es, offsetNo, countNo); } else if (termOp == TerminologyOperation.define_vs) { this.valueSet.Compose = new ValueSet.ComposeComponent(); this.valueSet.Compose.Include.Add(cs); } } else { this.valueSet.Compose = new ValueSet.ComposeComponent(); this.valueSet.Compose.Include.Add(cs); } } }
public override async Task <object> ExecuteAsync(ValueSet parameters) { if (_serviceName.IsNullorEmpty()) { throw new InvalidProgramException("Extension is not a service"); } try { // do app service call using (var connection = new AppServiceConnection()) { // service name was in properties connection.AppServiceName = _serviceName; // package Family Name is in the extension connection.PackageFamilyName = this.AppExtension.Package.Id.FamilyName; // open connection AppServiceConnectionStatus status = await connection.OpenAsync(); if (status != AppServiceConnectionStatus.Success) { throw new InvalidOperationException(status.ToString()); } else { // send request to service // get response AppServiceResponse response = await connection.SendMessageAsync(parameters); if (response.Status == AppServiceResponseStatus.Success) { ValueSet message = response.Message as ValueSet; if (message.ContainsKey("status") && (int)message["status"] == 1) { if (message.ContainsKey("search_result") && message["search_result"] is string s) { return(GetGenericMusicItem(s)); } if (message.ContainsKey("song_result") && message["song_result"] is string t) { return(GetOnlineSong(t)); } if (message.ContainsKey("album_result") && message["album_result"] is string r) { return(GetAlbum(r, message["songs"] as string, message["album_artists"] as string)); } if (message.ContainsKey("playlists") && message["playlists"] is string p) { return(GetPlayLists(p)); } if (message.ContainsKey("playlist_result") && message["playlist_result"] is string a) { return(GetAlbum(a, message["songs"] as string, message["album_artists"] as string)); } } } } } return(null); } catch (Exception e) { throw e; } }
private void YesButton_OnClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var result = new ValueSet {{"note", ApplicationData.Current.LocalSettings.Values["note"] as string}}; _args.ProtocolForResultsOperation.ReportCompleted(result); Application.Current.Exit(); }