     * Generate the actual pair of the high score and the player identity.
     * The new pair is only saved, if a new high score is achieved.
     * This function is called by 'HighScoreNameLinkerGroup' by the method 'generateLinks()' to
     * generate all at once.
    public void generateHighScoreNameLink()
        int  score        = 0;
        bool newHighScore = false;


        if (highScoreSource == hsnSelection.valueScriptActual)
            score = Mathf.RoundToInt(vs.레이어프랩스데이터);
        else if (highScoreSource == hsnSelection.valueScriptMaximal)
            score = Mathf.RoundToInt(vs.최대값얻기());
        else if (highScoreSource == hsnSelection.valueScriptMinimal)
            score = Mathf.RoundToInt(vs.최소값얻기());
        else if (highScoreSource == hsnSelection.scoreCounter)
            score = sc.getScore();

        //two cases: save the highest or the lowest value;
        if (highScoreSource == hsnSelection.valueScriptMinimal)
            //getting new lowest value
            if (score < hsnPair.highScore)
                newHighScore = true;
            //getting new highest value
            if (score > hsnPair.highScore)
                newHighScore = true;

        if (newHighScore == true)
            hsnPair.highScore   = score;
            hsnPair.countryName = CountryNameGenerator.instance.getCountryNameText();
            hsnPair.valid       = true;
            //Debug.Log ("new " + key);
            //Debug.Log ("no " + key);
    public void showMinMaxValue()
        vs = ValueManager.나자신.첫번째피팅값가져오기(valueTyp);

        if (vs != null)
            if (maxValueText != null)
                maxValueText.text = (vs.최대값얻기() * displayMultiplier).ToString(formatter);
            if (minValueText != null)
                minValueText.text = (vs.최소값얻기() * displayMultiplier).ToString(formatter);
            if (currentValueText != null)
                currentValueText.text = (vs.레이어프랩스데이터 * displayMultiplier).ToString(formatter);