private void SecondPlayerStep()
            var validatorMinMax = new ValidatorMinMax(Min, Max);

            Console.WriteLine($"Wait {Player2.Name}");

            int player2Number;

                Console.WriteLine($"Try to guess the number. This number located between {Min} and {Max}. It's your {++attemp}/{attempCount} attemp");
                player2Number = ReadInteger.FromConsole(validatorMinMax);
                if (player2Number > player1Number)
                    Console.WriteLine($"{player2Number} is biger than conceived");

                if (player2Number < player1Number)
                    Console.WriteLine($"{player2Number} is less than conceived");

                if (player1Number == player2Number)
                    win = true;
            } while ((player1Number != player2Number) && (attemp < attempCount));
        public void NumberShouldBeBiggerMinAndLessMax_False(int number, int min, int max)
            var validatorMinMax = new ValidatorMinMax(min, max);

            var actualResult = validatorMinMax.Validate(number);

        private void FirstPlayerStep()
            Console.WriteLine($"{Player1.Name} Enter the Min board");
            Min = ReadInteger.FromConsole();

            var validatorMin = new ValidatorMin(Min);

            Console.WriteLine($"{Player1.Name} Enter the Max board");
            Max = ReadInteger.FromConsole(validatorMin);

            var validatorMinMax = new ValidatorMinMax(Min, Max);

            Console.WriteLine($"{Player1.Name} Enter the Number");
            player1Number = ReadInteger.FromConsole(validatorMinMax);

            attempCount = AttempCalculator(Min, Max);