Example #1
        //A staff member can book a maximum of 4 slots per day. - DONE
        //The slots must be booked between the school working hours of 9am to 2pm and will always be booked at the start of the hour. - DONE
        //Each room can be booked for a maximum of 2 slots per day. - DONE

        //Create a new slot
        private static void CreateSlot()
            Slot newSlot;

            Console.WriteLine("---Create Slot---");

            Console.Write("Enter room name: ");
            string inputRoom = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper();

            Console.Write("Enter date for slot(dd-MM-yyyy): ");
            string inputDate = Console.ReadLine();

            Console.Write("Enter time for slot (HH:mm): ");
            string inputTime = Console.ReadLine();

            Console.Write("Enter staff ID: ");
            string inputStaffID = Console.ReadLine();

            newSlot = ValidateEngine.ValidateCreateSlot(inputRoom, inputDate, inputTime, inputStaffID);

            if (newSlot == null)
                var SlotList = new SlotManager();
                Console.WriteLine("Slot created successfully.");;
Example #2
        //A student can only make 1 booking per day. - DONE
        //A slot can have a maximum of 1 student booked into it. - DONE

        //Create a booking (assign the studentID to a slots booking field) for a specified slot
        static void MakeBooking()
            Slot newSlot;

            Console.WriteLine("---Make booking---");

            Console.Write("Enter room name: ");
            string inputRoom = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper();

            Console.Write("Enter date for slot(dd-MM-yyyy): ");
            string inputDate = Console.ReadLine();

            Console.Write("Enter time for slot (HH:mm): ");
            string inputTime = Console.ReadLine();

            Console.Write("Enter student ID: ");
            string inputStudentID = Console.ReadLine();

            newSlot = ValidateEngine.ValidateBookSlot(inputRoom, inputDate, inputTime, inputStudentID);

            if (newSlot == null)
                var SlotList = new SlotManager();
                Console.WriteLine("Booking created successfully.");;
Example #3
        //A staff member cannot delete a slot once it has been booked by a student. - DONE

        //Remove a slot
        private static void RemoveSlot()
            Slot slotResult;

            Console.WriteLine("---Remove Slot---");

            Console.Write("Enter room name: ");
            string inputRoom = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper();

            Console.Write("Enter date for slot(dd-MM-yyyy): ");
            string inputDate = Console.ReadLine();

            Console.Write("Enter time for slot (HH:mm): ");
            string inputTime = Console.ReadLine();

            slotResult = ValidateEngine.ValidateRemoveSlot(inputRoom, inputDate, inputTime);
            if (slotResult == null)
                Console.WriteLine("Slot removed successfully.");
Example #4

        //Delete/Cancel a booking (assign the slot booking field to null) for a specified slot
        private static void CancelBooking()
            Slot newSlot;

            Console.WriteLine("---Cancel booking---");

            Console.Write("Enter room name: ");
            string inputRoom = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper();

            Console.Write("Enter date for slot(dd-MM-yyyy): ");
            string inputDate = Console.ReadLine();

            Console.Write("Enter time for slot (HH:mm): ");
            string inputTime = Console.ReadLine();

            newSlot = ValidateEngine.ValidateCancelBookSlot(inputRoom, inputDate, inputTime);

            if (newSlot == null)
                var SlotList = new SlotManager();
                Console.WriteLine("Slot cancelled successfully.");;