protected void AddColorPoint(double pos)
            //Logging.Debug("Enter Add Color Point");
            List <ColorPoint> newColorPoints;

            if (IsDiscrete)
                newColorPoints = new List <ColorPoint>();

                if (ValidColors.Any())
                    newColorPoints.Add(new ColorPoint(ValidColors.FirstOrDefault(), pos));
                newColorPoints = new List <ColorPoint> {
                    new ColorPoint(GetColorGradientValue().GetColorAt((float)pos), pos)

            var holdValue = new ColorGradient(GetColorGradientValue());

            foreach (ColorPoint newColorPoint in newColorPoints)

            //Logging.Debug("Exit Add Color Point");
Example #2
        public static bool IsNamedColor(this string text)
            string adjustedText = text.ToLowerInvariant().Replace("grey", "gray");

Example #3
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("\n 1.1. Comparing fractions: \n\n");

            Console.WriteLine($"Epsilon value: {double.Epsilon}");

            double enumerator  = 1;
            double denominator = 126;
            double dbValue     = 0.007936507;
            double epsilon     = 0.0001;

            Console.WriteLine($"Is equal to : " +
                              $"{IsApproximatelyEqualTo(enumerator, denominator, dbValue, epsilon)}");

            Console.WriteLine("\n\n 1.2. 1.3 Degree to rad and inverse conversion:\n");

            double degree  = 120;
            double radians = 2;

            Console.WriteLine($"Deg: {degree} - Rad: {DegreeToRadConversion(degree)}");
            Console.WriteLine($"Deg: {radians} - Rad: {RadToDegreeConversion(radians)}");

            Console.WriteLine("\n\n 1.4. Bit negation:\n");

            byte byteNumber = 0;

            Console.WriteLine($"number: {byteNumber} - negation: {NegateNumber(byteNumber)}");

            Console.WriteLine("\n\n 1.5. Even/Odd numbers check \n");

            int numberEven = 2;
            int numberOdd  = 3;

            Console.WriteLine($"Number: {numberEven} is even: {IsEven(numberEven)}");
            Console.WriteLine($"Number: {numberOdd} is even: {IsOdd(numberOdd)}");

            Console.WriteLine("\n\n 1.6. Obtaining LSW, MSW from 32 bit number \n");

            int numberToGetMswAndLsw = (int)Math.Pow(2, 17) + (int)Math.Pow(2, 16) + 3;

            Console.WriteLine($"Number: {numberToGetMswAndLsw} - MSW: {GetMFW(numberToGetMswAndLsw)}," +
                              $" LSW: {GetLSW(numberToGetMswAndLsw)}");

            Console.WriteLine("\n\n 1.7. Conversion from numbers of different systems \n");

            int    hexB    = 0xFA;
            string hexBase = "FA";
            string octBase = "27";
            string binBase = "11111111";

            Console.WriteLine($"Num {hexBase} - Dec: {Convert.ToInt32(hexBase, 16)}");
            Console.WriteLine($"Num {hexBase} - Dec: {Convert.ToInt32(octBase, 8)}");
            Console.WriteLine($"Num {hexBase} - Dec: {Convert.ToInt32(binBase, 2)}");
            Console.WriteLine($"No conversion required: {hexB}");

            Console.WriteLine("\n\n 1.8. Checking reprosentation of a string \n");

            string strToCheck = "12,5";
            double numberToWrite;

            TryToParseStringToDouble(strToCheck, out numberToWrite);

            Console.WriteLine("\n\n 1.9. - 1.10 Round a number \n");

            Console.WriteLine($" Round a number: " +
                              $"\n\tRound of 2.9 equals {Math.Round(2.9)}" +
                              $"\n\tCeiling of 2.3 equals {Math.Ceiling(2.3)}" +
                              $"\n\tFloor of 2.8 equals {Math.Floor(2.8)}");

            Console.WriteLine("\n\n 1.11. - 1.12 Changing Celcius to Fahrenheit and reversely - skipped \n");

            Console.WriteLine("\n\n 1.13. - Safe conversion \n");

            int   sourceValue = 3400;
            short destinationValue;

            // ref nie wymaga zainicjalizowania w ciele metody ale wymaga zainicjalizowania przed wywołaniem

            ConvertFromIntToShort(sourceValue, out destinationValue);

            // unchecked powoduje zawiniecie do liczby ujemnej, checked powoduje wyjątek na etapie wykonania
            // niezapakowanie w checked lub unchecked powoduje błąd kompilacji

                Console.WriteLine($"{ int.MaxValue + 1}");

            int    a = int.MaxValue;
            double b = int.MaxValue + 0.2;

            // utrata informacji, wartość -1

            Console.WriteLine($"{(short)a}, {(short)b}");

            Console.WriteLine("\n\n 1.14. - 1.15 Triangle calculations - skipped \n");

            Console.WriteLine("\n\n1.16 - enums\n");

            ValidShapes shape = ValidShapes.Circle;

            Console.WriteLine($"shape decimal equivalent: {shape.ToString("D")}");
            Console.WriteLine($"shape general representation: {ValidShapes.Cylinder.ToString("G")}");
            Console.WriteLine($"shape flag representation: {ValidShapes.Cylinder.ToString("F")}");
            Console.WriteLine($"shape hex representation: {shape.ToString("X")}");
            Console.WriteLine($"Def shape: {shape}");

            ValidColors validColor = ValidColors.Blue | ValidColors.Green;

            Console.WriteLine($"\nColors flags attributes usage Blue OR Green: {validColor.ToString("G")}");
            Console.WriteLine($"Colors flags attribute usage Blue OR Green: {validColor.ToString("D")}");

            Console.WriteLine("\n\n1.17 - enums conversion\n");

                //Language lang1 = (Language)Enum.Parse(typeof(Language), "Undefined");
                Language lang2 = (Language)Enum.Parse(typeof(Language), "VBNET, CSharp");
            catch (ArgumentException e)
                Console.WriteLine($"Conversion Failed {e.ToString()}");

            Console.WriteLine("\n\n1.18 - enums check if type is correct\n");


            Console.WriteLine("\n\n1.19 - enums check if type is correct using flags attribute\n");

            // we chceck that not only a single value is corret, but also combinantions which is sum of flags


            Console.WriteLine("\n\n1.20 - enums check if flag i set\n");

            Language lang        = Language.CSharp | Language.VB6;
            Language flagToCheck = Language.VBNET;

            Console.WriteLine(IsEnumFlagSet(lang, flagToCheck));

            Console.WriteLine("\n\n1.21 - enums check if multiple flags were enabled\n");

            // sprawdzamy czy zawiera się w zbiorze wartości dozwolonych
            // we can also use OR | operator instead of & to check in lang has only one particular flag

            if ((lang & (Language.CSharp | Language.VB6)) == (Language.CSharp | Language.VB6))
                Console.WriteLine("True - Flags enabled");
                Console.WriteLine("False - Flags disabled");

            Console.WriteLine("\n\n1.22 - enums check if one particular flag is enabled\n");

            // sprawdzamy czy zawiera wyłącznie konkretną wartość dozwoloną (inne flagi muszą być wyłączone żeby dało true)

            Console.WriteLine(IsEnumParticulatFlagSet(lang, Language.CSharp));

            Console.WriteLine("\n\n1.23 - czesc calkowita liczby\n");


